Israeli children sing in praise of genocide in chilling video: “We will annihilate everyone” in Gaza

1200 died. Many others injured. No Palestinians have EVER been murdered by Israeli missiles.
WTF! You really are uninformed just like these dumb MFers... Toddsterpatriot westwall gtopa1

Are all of you Zionists?

Here is your hero…
WTF! You really are uninformed just like these dumb MFers... Toddsterpatriot westwall gtopa1

Are all of you Zionists?

Here is your hero…
View attachment 871523
Stop gaslighting and lying you embicile.

Oh I know, the above is causing your Russian buddies some serious problems in Ukraine, so you are here to cause confusion and problems for him in every way you can. No fan of mine this Biden is, but American blood runs strong in contrast to any Russian propaganda artist coming in here trying to stir up shite.
Always find your posts interesting and informative .

But are you aware of the evidence that many of the top German Nazis were Jewish by blood ( Hitler , Rommel , Goebbels , Hess , Goering , Eichmann etc ) and that the movement was gushing with Jews at all levels ?
Quite flabbergasting when you first discover this, as I did a few years back .
The inferences that you can then draw are huge and in my case they led me to see post war developments in the US and Israel in particular , in a new light --- Fourth Reich etc. And as per others drawing the same type of conclusions
I believe Bryan Riggs first found out this information and wrote " Hitler's Jewish Soldiers " .
Since then other investigators have found that even more such evidence exists and is easily checked .
Of course it not a subject for easy public discussion as it immediately points fingers at the CIA for example, and suggests the likely make up of Deep State in terms of stategy and objectives .
imho .
I am aware that you "love" to indulge yourself in what is usually referred to as conspiracy theories - I don't mind that at all - I even find it interesting and sometimes it is necessary in order to see behind the curtain. However as you know, without "solid" evidence - a conspiracy theory, simply remains a theory.

As such Evidence? I don't really see any - neither in regards to Hitler (leave aside this Schickelgruber story) nor e.g. Rommel.
Neither on Rommel's fathers part - Erwin Johannes Rommel, nor on his mothers part Helene von Luz - is there any indication towards a Jewish ancestry. Many Ashkenazim Jews converted to Christianity - partially true, partially in order to evade persecution or disadvantages.
As such someone being baptized e.g. Rommel, wouldn't be a 'solid" proof - however thanks to church records - a conversion is/was noted.

And in regards to e.g. Rommel, such a conversion notice isn't known to me. Especially not in view of the Nazi Ahnenpass - documenting ancestry down to 8 generations. That some people - did find ways to falsify this document - certainly can't be out-ruled.
Milch's Jewish part is known - he also never made a secret out of it.

That German/European Jews (Ashkenazim) - living (and mixing) in e.g. Germany for more then a thousand years, also held high positions, therefore is not surprising.
That Hitlers doctrine and ideology was foremost inspired by the self-termed Anti-Semites is known. The latter intensively studied Jewish history and it's religion. The study of the ideology of Zion is basically IMO, as to what inspired European ultra-nationalists. Hitler was very well aware about Zion, it's intention and religious/political dogma.

Hitlers Nazism in regards to "chosen people" due to being "superior" and in turn due to "ethnic purity" is clearly deriving from Zion. Neither Hitler nor those Anti-Semites invented this "philosophy" - since it existed already for 2000 years+, but took it as "inspiration" to form their own racial (Germanic) ideology. As such I wouldn't be surprised at all, that a mentally depraved person such as Hitler was constantly torn between admiring and hating Zionist Jews. - thus resulting in his various "dubious" decisions towards Jews as such.

As for Dr. Bryan Rigg:

He writes books to make money (just as any author) - as such picking a topic that certainly promises an audience and therefore $$ is understood. He took core facts such as Milch and German Mischlinge - (known to have served in e.g. the Wehrmacht) and simply "indicates" via wordings, that there "must" be more to this topic.

My Grandfathers childhood friend was a Jew (Mr. X) - (at times even more German nationalistic then my Grandfather) both even served in the same cavalry squadron before and during WW1. After the war they both opened up and ran a well going production company. BTW this cavalry unit had the highest % of all former Reichswehr units, in regards to those involved in the July 20th plot. Whilst my Grandfather was a fervent Nazi opponent (he simply couldn't stand that yelling and nonsense propagating Austrian proletarian), Mr. X however was convinced that Hitler was just the right man for Germany and that his antisemitic stance was purely directed at Jewish Socialist Bolsheviks.

Mr. X also forwarded at many times to my Grandfather, that "ethnic purity" was essential for a strong nation to persevere towards other inferior ethnicity, since it guarantees a superior culture and intellect, and that despite being a practicing Jew - he and other Jews shared Hitlers views. (According to my grandfather Mr. X never mentioned Zion or Zionist). Mr. X however had mentioned several times, that a Jewish homeland amongst Muslims would be the joke of the century, upon my grandfather trying to persuade him from 1933 onward to leave Germany and indicating e.g. Palestine and South Africa to him.

Instead he was fully convinced that either Germany with Nazism would offer the best future for a Jew, or the USA. The latter is where he immigrated to, with his family in 1938.

IMO, this Palestine was a dead brainchild from day one - which more or less no educated or well off European Jew took serious. The initial Jewish settlements in Palestine followed and attracted foremost only the Jewish-Socialist inspired ideologists aka Kibitzer. Simply due to the Holocaust survivors and the unwillingness of other countries to take them in - Palestine became the "only" alternative, and for others already residing there, the huge influx of additional migrants became the ultimate chance to fulfill their Zionist dream.
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Israel’s national broadcaster Kan uploaded this song to X (formerly Twitter) in which Israeli children sing in celebration and support for the Israeli army’s mass extermination campaign of Palestinians in Gaza.
I find it disgusting that pro-Zionist Nazi toe rags on this forum support this crap by claiming the song & and lyrics in the OP video are not saying what it is clearly saying. Theirs is the same mentality as bible thumpers who falsely interpret its messages with, "What he actually means is ....." :eusa_boohoo:
When Palastinian's begin to respect themselves, and stand up against terrorist representing them, then you will see a positive change between Israel and the Palastinian's.
When Jews begin to respect humanity, and stand up against racial injustice, then you will see Palestinians less than eager to employ force against their oppressors and a positive change between Israel and Palestine will be the natural consequence.
It's not about DNA, but rather it's about the club's that one joins, the positions taken up, the indoctrination, the power and the lust there of for it, the greed, the security although false in a sense, and on and on excetra excetra.

Many start out in life as aspiring to one thing, but can find themselves as aspiring to another all depending on the environment, surroundings, grooming, indoctrination in which one might receive in life.

One's blood type means nothing in the grand scheme of things, but one's character means everything.

Your extremely narrow perspective contains some logic .
But Logic is not the substance of the matter .
It is the implications that come from seeing that a huge number of SS Nazis were Jewish despite the obvious nature of Nazi philosophy and practises .

The last people on the planet who could have possibly " worn both uniforms" were surely the Jews . The fact that the Nazis tolerated and welcomed them is almost unbelievable initially .
Then you move on to the , Why, questions .
It is the implications that come from seeing that a huge number of SS Nazis were Jewish despite the obvious nature of Nazi philosophy and practises .

The last people on the planet who could have possibly " worn both uniforms" were surely the Jews . The fact that the Nazis tolerated and welcomed them is almost unbelievable initially .
Then you move on to the , Why, questions .
A VERY interesting observation. :th_thgoodpost:
Astonishing and sickening, but real:

Israel’s national broadcaster Kan uploaded this song to X (formerly Twitter) in which Israeli children sing in celebration and support for the Israeli army’s mass extermination campaign of Palestinians in Gaza.

The sweet faces of children make an incongruous accompaniment to the genocidal lyrics of the so-called Friendship Song 2023.

“Autumn night falls over the beach of Gaza, planes are bombing, destruction, destruction,” the children sing in angelic voices.

“Within a year we will annihilate everyone, and then we will return to plow our fields.”

The individual who first posted the video has now removed it, allegedly in fear of the war crime of incitement to commit genocide.

Is there a way forward amidst such barbaric thinking?

Was forcing these children to sing a song in praise of the murder of children a form of profound child abuse?
the muslims have been educating kids to kill all non muslims for centuries, time for payback.
I find it disgusting that pro-Zionist Nazi toe rags on this forum support this crap by claiming the song & and lyrics in the OP video are not saying what it is clearly saying. Theirs is the same mentality as bible thumpers who falsely interpret its messages with, "What he actually means is ....." :eusa_boohoo:

Who's claiming that?

I support it because that's the language Islamists understand.
What is disgusting is the fake outrage by "Free Palestine"
shills about 1 video which mirrors their entire industry
of brainwashing children into suicide bombers.

More interesting, no one in "Free Palestine"
even tried to refute, or slightly outraged
about the song's reference to the
Swastika on the Pal-Arab flag.

I find it disgusting that pro-Zionist Nazi toe rags on this forum support this crap by claiming the song & and lyrics in the OP video are not saying what it is clearly saying. Theirs is the same mentality as bible thumpers who falsely interpret its messages with, "What he actually means is ....." :eusa_boohoo:
Are you asking me to name names?
I don't no what you mean by that? I do completely support the Israeli left.
Then you support the Nakba.


Smart boy.
What a childish reply. I believe that Democracy is the most important thing humanity has ever devised. Does that mean I support Creepy Joe and his Democratic party? Tell your grandmother to send you to the 7/11 on the corner and maybe you'll meet real people along the way.
What a childish reply. I believe that Democracy is the most important thing humanity has ever devised. Does that mean I support Creepy Joe and his Democratic party? Tell your grandmother to send you to the 7/11 on the corner and maybe you'll meet real people along the way.

What makes you think Democracy is humanity's most important achievement?

Apparently your purpose here is the populist sabotage of the very concept.

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