Israeli Espionage in US


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"Over 125 investigations into Israeli Espionage in America… stopped due to political pressure.”…FBI Counter Intel Officer John Cole

"Phil Giraldi stepped out today to do his country a great service and save some honor for the American counter intelligence community.

"He put the spotlight on America’s greatest national security scandal, the decades old investment that Israeli Intelligence has made in attacking its so called America ally by stealing everything it can get it’s hands on."

Phil Giraldi Spills Beans on Israeli Espionage in America | Veterans Today

"America's greatest national security scandal stems from "the only democracy in the Middle East?"

Say it ain't so Jonathon Pollard.
Yup Israel is fully aware of the fact that the US government includes lots of enemies of Israel----lots of nazis and jihadists like you Spying is a very commonly done thing----Republicans spy on Democrats, Macy's spies on Gimbels and Kentucky fried chicken spies on MacDonald's
Yup Israel is fully aware of the fact that the US government includes lots of enemies of Israel----lots of nazis and jihadists like you Spying is a very commonly done thing----Republicans spy on Democrats, Macy's spies on Gimbels and Kentucky fried chicken spies on MacDonald's
How many US tax dollars does Macys take from Gimbels everyday?

The Jewish state would've vanished from the page of time decades ago without the support of US taxpayers, and you apparently think Jews are so special they're entitled to betray their benefactors.

"That’s right folks, foreign terrorists don’t have the juice to block their prosecutions but an enemy force right here called Israel that we financially subsidize does. And still they demand that our own people on the public payroll assist them. I think the word the use for it is ‘hutzpah’!"

Phil Giraldi Spills Beans on Israeli Espionage in America | Veterans Today
From Your Link.

Our sources tell us that FBI counter Intel agents are ordered not to open espionage investigation cases on high government officials because they simply will not prosecute them.

The Israelis are ahead of the curve. They were smart enough to know that there would be loyal American government security people would attempt from time to time to break up some of the top penetration networks. They made sure that these investigations would go nowhere.

Phil Giraldi Spills Beans on Israeli Espionage in America | Veterans Today

I'm sure the same holds for China and the UN. :D
Nothing new here.......
This is how Israel got their plans for their first nuclear device.
How many Israelis were arrested right after 9/11?
The list continues to grow.
I see that what is old is new again.

Fucking link is from last year, June. I'm pretty sure I remember we covered it then...
From Your Link.

Our sources tell us that FBI counter Intel agents are ordered not to open espionage investigation cases on high government officials because they simply will not prosecute them.

The Israelis are ahead of the curve. They were smart enough to know that there would be loyal American government security people would attempt from time to time to break up some of the top penetration networks. They made sure that these investigations would go nowhere.

Phil Giraldi Spills Beans on Israeli Espionage in America | Veterans Today

I'm sure the same holds for China and the UN. :D
No doubt Mitt's next two stops will be in Beijing and New York?

"He (Phil Giraldi) put the spotlight on America’s greatest national security scandal, the decades old investment that Israeli Intelligence has made in attacking its so called America ally by stealing everything it can get it’s hands on.

"But there is a second darker side to this first betrayal, and that is their corruption of our own political, Justice and State Department organs to literally act as protectors for them.

As a group they have betrayed the American people, and all those involved should receive long prison sentences for high treason.

Do you agree with the "treason" part?

Phil Giraldi Spills Beans on Israeli Espionage in America | Veterans Today
Nothing new here.......
This is how Israel got their plans for their first nuclear device.
How many Israelis were arrested right after 9/11?
The list continues to grow.
"'The Israeli government is actively engaged in military and industrial espionage in the United States.' That was the conclusion of a Pentagon administrative judge in 2006. One very good reason why Israel should not receive billions of dollars in military assistance annually is its espionage against the United States."

That list will grow even faster if (when) Money Mitt moves into the White House, imho.

Phil Giraldi Spills Beans on Israeli Espionage in America | Veterans Today
I see that what is old is new again.

Fucking link is from last year, June. I'm pretty sure I remember we covered it then...
I think the point of Giraldi's article is that this is an ongoing problem badly in need of a solution.

"They sold your country out from under you folks. And to get it back, they will need to be hunted down and removed…all of them who have worked with the Israelis. The numbers are huge and the names involved are big.

"So its not going to be pretty. And if you haven’t figured it out already, they have tons of money, their own private intelligence resources, and they are not going out quietly. They have bet you will be the losers…and to date they have been correct."

Phil Giraldi Spills Beans on Israeli Espionage in America | Veterans Today
...and there is a simple solution to all of this. Send the murdering scum that go by the made up name "Palestinians" back to Egypt and Jordan.
Yup Israel is fully aware of the fact that the US government includes lots of enemies of Israel----lots of nazis and jihadists like you Spying is a very commonly done thing----Republicans spy on Democrats, Macy's spies on Gimbels and Kentucky fried chicken spies on MacDonald's

So you support espionage of foreign nations in and on the US ?
...and there is a simple solution to all of this. Send the murdering scum that go by the made up name "Palestinians" back to Egypt and Jordan.

or you could send those Europeans calling themselves the Isrealies back to Europe

Heh, the last time I checked my history books there was an Israel that was inhabited by Jews. I see no good reason whatsoever people such as yourself would support Palestinian terrorism. But then again you believe 9/11 was an inside job so I guess it's pretty much self-explanatory. Nuts.
...and there is a simple solution to all of this. Send the murdering scum that go by the made up name "Palestinians" back to Egypt and Jordan.
Are you referring to the 700,000 citizens of Mandate Palestine and their descendants who were transferred in 1948 by a minority of their gun-toting fellow Palestinians?
...and there is a simple solution to all of this. Send the murdering scum that go by the made up name "Palestinians" back to Egypt and Jordan.

or you could send those Europeans calling themselves the Isrealies back to Europe

Heh, the last time I checked my history books there was an Israel that was inhabited by Jews. I see no good reason whatsoever people such as yourself would support Palestinian terrorism. But then again you believe 9/11 was an inside job so I guess it's pretty much self-explanatory. Nuts.

[ame=]European Jews Are Not Semite = Proof - YouTube[/ame]
I am a firm supporter of Israel, but I will admit it has long had an extensive espionage system operating in widely ranging fields in this country. What to do about it, or should we, I do not know. I am conflicted on this issue.
I am a firm supporter of Israel, but I will admit it has long had an extensive espionage system operating in widely ranging fields in this country. What to do about it, or should we, I do not know. I am conflicted on this issue.
I think what Giraldi and many others in the Intel community are calling for is an end to the double standard imposed at the behest of campaign bribes that fund the elections of Republicans and Democrats alike:

"Our sources tell us that FBI counter Intel agents are ordered not to open espionage investigation cases on high government officials because they simply will not prosecute them.

"The Israelis are ahead of the curve. They were smart enough to know that there would be loyal American government security people would attempt from time to time to break up some of the top penetration networks.

"They made sure that these investigations would go nowhere.

"That’s right folks, foreign terrorists don’t have the juice to block their prosecutions but an enemy force right here called Israel that we financially subsidize does. And still they demand that our own people on the public payroll assist them. I think the word the use for it is ‘hutzpah’"!

Phil Giraldi Spills Beans on Israeli Espionage in America | Veterans Today

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