Israeli jets turn tail on Russian fighter jets

Did the douchebag try to lie again? How cute! Nothing of that sort at all. Your OP is bullshit, or should I said BullIslam, plain and simple:

"Our policy is to do everything to stop weapons from being sent to Hezbollah," Netanyahu told Putin at their photo-op. He also set out Israel's policy of striking at guerrillas suspected of preparing to attack it from the Syrian Golan, on the northern frontier - an apparent signal to Russia to steer clear there.

The former Netanyahu adviser, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity given the sensitivity of the issue, said any understandings reached with Putin "could come down to Israel and Russia agreeing to limit themselves to defined areas of operation in Syria, or even that they fly at daytime and we fly at night".
Russia kicked your ass.................bee-otch!

So shut the fuck up!
When is that....DOOOSH?
just how ignorant are you?

The size of the 2 countries is vast and Israel could not win a conflict with russia.
You're agreeing with me Russia could kick Israel's ass, but I'm the one who's ignorant?

Care to explain that in a little more detail?

you're just being an ignorant asshole
Well, I am an asshole.
no where did you say, in our chain, that russia would kick israels ass.

claiming you did just proves your ignorant
Billy Boy, I think you are describing yourself. Can you tell us which branch of the service you were in and how many medals you were awarded A big talker like you should have the Silver Star at least.

As for the Israeli pilots, they came with a captured MIG to Miramar Air Station near Sam Diegp to give our Top Guns some practice against MIGs. No doubt your mouth would have dropped open to see how great these very young Israeli pilots are.
Those weren't MIG's that showed the IDF to be a bunch of cowards.

Can't you figure out, Billy Boy, why the young Israeli pilots were flying in the Russian MIG which Israel captured against our Top Guns in their plane down at Miramar? After you figure that out, give us a list of all the combat medals you have been awarded as a brave man in the U.S. military,
just how ignorant are you?

The size of the 2 countries is vast and Israel could not win a conflict with russia.
You're agreeing with me Russia could kick Israel's ass, but I'm the one who's ignorant?

Care to explain that in a little more detail?

you're just being an ignorant asshole
Well, I am an asshole.
no where did you say, in our chain, that russia would kick israels ass.

claiming you did just proves your ignorant

Oh didn't you know? Dildo's been jerking himself off to a fight between Israel and Russia for months now. He's very disappointed that Israel and Russia have a working relationship in Syria now. Looks like we have a case of premature detonation.

Obviously...... clever that is, something you lack entirely Heinrich.

who is heinrich and what is the significance?
You're supposedly the Google expert...... :lmao:

as usual, you make a statement and then run away from supporting it when challenged.. :whip:

I think I've embarrassed you enough for now...enjoyed it, shooting fish in a barrel.
..back on ignore for you...

You'll have to excuse Ringel. You see, a while ago he got caught with photos uploaded on his profile page of him and his friends playing fancy dress in the woods and a lot of them were dressed as Nazi and Axis soldiers, with quite a lot of money invested in their costumes and equipment, which suggested that they took a lot of 'pride' in their appearance. One can only wonder how far that pride stretched elsewhere, and speculation was put forth, but needless to say our friend Ringel's been compensating for that rather embarrassing exposure ever since by leaping to the defence of Jews and Israel at any given opportunity. I actually feel sorry for the poor fellow. The photos have since been removed.
Haven't had your ass kicked enough on this board? Obviously a glutton for punishment Magda, you keep asking for more....... You got one thing right, I do pity you but not enough to hope you don't one day give yourself an enema, I have the baby shoe box I'll donate to bury your remains in. :thup:

As you can see, Ringel's clearly still bitter over having to bend over backwards apologising so publically for what he thought was his little secret. I'd pity him, but someone with as little backbone as him really doesn't deserve it.

You deny the holodomor occurred?
You deny that 20 million or more were murdered/starved/imprisoned by the bolshevik jews?

Yes. Because you believe in lies from JEWISH writer Solzhenitzin. You just fight against good jews on the side of evil jews, like Solzhenitsin, Kolomoysky and so on...

Wait..I get it....You're jewish, right

Too thick :)) But I'm Soviet - are you surprized? :))))
Can't you figure out, Billy Boy, why the young Israeli pilots were flying in the Russian MIG which Israel captured against our Top Guns in their plane down at Miramar? After you figure that out, give us a list of all the combat medals you have been awarded as a brave man in the U.S. military,
Off topic, whore.

You deny the holodomor occurred?
You deny that 20 million or more were murdered/starved/imprisoned by the bolshevik jews?

Yes. Because you believe in lies from JEWISH writer Solzhenitzin. You just fight against good jews on the side of evil jews, like Solzhenitsin, Kolomoysky and so on...

Wait..I get it....You're jewish, right

Too thick :)) But I'm Soviet - are you surprized? :))))

Son....solzhenitsin or what he said or did has nothing to do with the historical facts that the holodomor DID occur...upwards of 20 million white christians were murdered/starved by the jewish leaders of the bolshevik revolution...millions of them were ukrainians...and that's why ukrainians hate russia.
These are historical facts...
Anyone here can find out the truth...just google holodomor...

Tell the truth ARE jewish, aren't you?..That would explain why you try to deny these proven, historical facts, isn't it?
If after googling holodomor you find yourself at a site that defines the holodomor as defined the way the above post #113 you should quickly move on to a different site. One that is similar to the one above can be judged as disinformation and sponsored as a hate site.
Son....solzhenitsin or what he said or did has nothing to do with the historical facts that the holodomor DID occur...

WHERE? I'm living here, in the territory of "holodomor". I'm in quarter ukrainian. Just show me, where's graves of millions, dead by hunger.

Tell the truth ARE jewish, aren't you?

I'm Russian. I don't like lies about history, especially about russian history. If you want to hate jews - hate them for their real deals, not for the fantasy, where Russia is figured :))

Btw, I can show you another fact like 'holodomor' and so on. Here:

Stalin and Beria choosing place for the tree planting near the Smolensk Airport, 10 of April, 1940 :)
who is heinrich and what is the significance?
You're supposedly the Google expert...... :lmao:

as usual, you make a statement and then run away from supporting it when challenged.. :whip:

I think I've embarrassed you enough for now...enjoyed it, shooting fish in a barrel.
..back on ignore for you...

You'll have to excuse Ringel. You see, a while ago he got caught with photos uploaded on his profile page of him and his friends playing fancy dress in the woods and a lot of them were dressed as Nazi and Axis soldiers, with quite a lot of money invested in their costumes and equipment, which suggested that they took a lot of 'pride' in their appearance. One can only wonder how far that pride stretched elsewhere, and speculation was put forth, but needless to say our friend Ringel's been compensating for that rather embarrassing exposure ever since by leaping to the defence of Jews and Israel at any given opportunity. I actually feel sorry for the poor fellow. The photos have since been removed.
Haven't had your ass kicked enough on this board? Obviously a glutton for punishment Magda, you keep asking for more....... You got one thing right, I do pity you but not enough to hope you don't one day give yourself an enema, I have the baby shoe box I'll donate to bury your remains in. :thup:

As you can see, Ringel's clearly still bitter over having to bend over backwards apologising so publically for what he thought was his little secret. I'd pity him, but someone with as little backbone as him really doesn't deserve it.
Well I can see you're consistent, not only do you distort the truth with your "message" you apply that tactic in all aspects of your life. I know I've asked this before but don't you have a torchlight parade to get ready for? And once again I'll remind you to be sure to wear polyester....... :thup:
If after googling holodomor you find yourself at a site that defines the holodomor as defined the way the above post #113 you should quickly move on to a different site. One that is similar to the one above can be judged as disinformation and sponsored as a hate site.

Going by your logic, I guess that the Hollywood film Child 44, starring leading racists Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman and Noomi Rapace, which openly mentions and documents the Holodomor, is disinformation and hateful.
Son....solzhenitsin or what he said or did has nothing to do with the historical facts that the holodomor DID occur...

WHERE? I'm living here, in the territory of "holodomor". I'm in quarter ukrainian. Just show me, where's graves of millions, dead by hunger.

Tell the truth ARE jewish, aren't you?

I'm Russian. I don't like lies about history, especially about russian history. If you want to hate jews - hate them for their real deals, not for the fantasy, where Russia is figured :))

Btw, I can show you another fact like 'holodomor' and so on. Here:

Stalin and Beria choosing place for the tree planting near the Smolensk Airport, 10 of April, 1940 :)

so every source in the entire world is wrong and it's all a lie and a conspiracy?..LMAO...

anyone can google holodomor..anyone can google bolshevik revolution..There's no question it happened..deny it all you want...

and your picture?..what's that have to do with anything?..are you saying that because stalin planted a tree one time, the bolshevik revolution and the holodomor didn't occur?

You're going to have a real hard time trying to make that connection.

I think you ARE jewish and trying to defend and cover up things you KNOW are true...only the most desperate jew would try to deny the holodomor and the bolshevik revolution.
If after googling holodomor you find yourself at a site that defines the holodomor as defined the way the above post #113 you should quickly move on to a different site. One that is similar to the one above can be judged as disinformation and sponsored as a hate site.

christ on a crutch..even revisionist wikipedia can't cover it up..Is wikipedia a "hate site", too?'re funny!

Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомо́р, "Extermination by hunger" or "Hunger-extermination";[2] derived from морити голодом, "to kill by starvation")[3][4][5] was a man-made famine in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1932 and 1933 that killed an estimated 2.5–7.5 million Ukrainians, with millions more counted in demographic estimates. It was part of the wider disaster, the Soviet famine of 1932–33, which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country.

During the Holodomor, which is also known as the "Terror-Famine in Ukraine" and "Famine-Genocide in Ukraine",[6][7][8] millions of citizens of the Ukrainian SSR, the majority of whom were ethnic Ukrainians, died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine.[9] Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by the independent Ukraine and many other countries as a genocide of the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet Union.[10]
Son....solzhenitsin or what he said or did has nothing to do with the historical facts that the holodomor DID occur...

WHERE? I'm living here, in the territory of "holodomor". I'm in quarter ukrainian. Just show me, where's graves of millions, dead by hunger.

Tell the truth ARE jewish, aren't you?

I'm Russian. I don't like lies about history, especially about russian history. If you want to hate jews - hate them for their real deals, not for the fantasy, where Russia is figured :))

Btw, I can show you another fact like 'holodomor' and so on. Here:

Stalin and Beria choosing place for the tree planting near the Smolensk Airport, 10 of April, 1940 :)

so every source in the entire world is wrong and it's all a lie and a conspiracy?..LMAO...

anyone can google holodomor..anyone can google bolshevik revolution..There's no question it happened..deny it all you want...

and your picture?..what's that have to do with anything?..are you saying that because stalin planted a tree one time, the bolshevik revolution and the holodomor didn't occur?

You're going to have a real hard time trying to make that connection.

I think you ARE jewish and trying to defend and cover up things you KNOW are true...only the most desperate jew would try to deny the holodomor and the bolshevik revolution.

Mate, I, among others, have been dealing with these hasbarat dweebs on here for ages, and pretty much all of the regulars are aware of it, but choose to ignore it. This is what happens. Someone posts a thread that puts Israel or their policies in a bad light, then numerous Jews and their Ziobot Christian lackeys - living in multiple time zones - then descend on the thread and run interference on the message put forth in the OP. They all keep one another informed on any anti-Zionist message posted on this board.
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