Israeli jets turn tail on Russian fighter jets

Retreat too....... I've been doing it the whole time, well at least since i gave up trying to reason with hate filled, low life zealots like yourself. :thup:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

hey that's great!..more namecalling further exposes you. Do continue....:dig: :popcorn:
Appropriate labeling is not name calling. :thup:

heh heh...oh you're just SO clever...LMAO...

see ya.
Obviously...... clever that is, something you lack entirely Heinrich.

who is heinrich and what is the significance?
You're supposedly the Google expert...... :lmao:
it is kinda ironic....the jews in 1917 were behind the murder of the czar and the subsequent revolution...communism is a jewish invention...and then there's the holodomor where the russian jews murdered/starved upwards of 20 million "lev bronstein" for a start...

so now the russians have a chance to strike back at the jews if they push too far..history is a funny thing...
Oh yeah, that's right, I almost forgot, you're an idiot.

relating historically accurate facts only makes one an "idiot" to someone who doesn't know history.

If they're incorrect, debunk them..calling me names only exposes YOU...

It's not a facts, it's just a pool of mixed cranberry sorts :)

Russia, instead of BBC movies, don't have any problems with jews :) At least, since the Israel started to exist.

denying them doesn't refute them...deny away...completely meaningless...
Everything I said are "lev bronstein" bolshevik revolution...

Btw, lev bronstein - is pseudonim of Trotsky. Remember, how he ended his way :)

You know this facts by google. I know about "holodomor" and many other facts from history of people around me. It wasn't "holodomor on ukraine", it was serious crop failure for all south Russia. But It wasn't anything comparable with Leningrad's blockade...

no..I know these facts from other books...but these are facts that even the revisionist wiki can't cover up...and they would if they could. wiki is easily accessible so I referred to it.

the bolshevik revolution was led by jews and the holodomor was a method of jewish ethnic cleansing...and yes...trotsky was a jew...lenin was part jewish...his great grandfather Moshko Blank was jewish...

Bronstein (Trotsky)
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Lourie (Larine) Jew
Ouritski Jew
Volodarski Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian

"The Council of the People's Commissars comprises the following:

President Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) Jew
Food Schlichter Jew
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
State Control Lander Jew
State Lands Kauffman Jew
Works V. Schmidt Jew
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) Jewess
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Religions Spitzberg Jew
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Hygiene Anvelt Jew
Finance Isidore Goukovski Jew
Press Volodarski Jew
Elections Ouritski Jew
Justice I. Steinberg Jew
Refugees Fenigstein Jew
Refugees (assist.) Savitch Jew
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Central Executive Committee:

(president) Jew
Avanessof (sec.) Armenian
Bruno Lett
Babtchinski Jew
Bukharin Russian
Weinberg Jew
Gailiss Jew
Ganzburg Jew
Danichevski Jew
Starck German
Sachs Jew
Scheinmann Jew
Erdling Jew
Landauer Jew
Linder Jew
Wolach Czech
Dimanstein Jew
Encukidze Georgian
Ermann Jew
Joffe Jew
Karkline Jew
Knigissen Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamenef) Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Krylenko Russian
KrassikofSachs Jew
Kaprik Jew
Kaoul Lett
Ulyanov (lenin) Russian
Latsis Jew
Lander Jew
Lounatcharski Russian
Peterson Lett
Peters Lett
Roudzoutas Jew
Rosine Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Stoutchka Lett
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Sosnovski Jew
Skrytnik Jew
Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
Teodorovitch Jew
Terian Armenian
Ouritski Jew
Telechkine Russian
Feldmann Jew
Froumkine Jew
Souriupa Ukranian
Tchavtchevadze Georgian
Scheikmann Jew
Rosental Jew
Achkinazi Imeretian
Karakhane Karaim (Jew)
Rose Jew
Sobelson (Radek) Jew
Sclichter Jew
Schikolini Jew
Chklianski Jew
Levine (Pravdine) Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow:

Dzerjinski (president) Pole
Peters (vice-president) Lett
Chklovski Jew
Kheifiss Jew
Zeistine Jew
Razmirovitch Jew
Kronberg Jew
Khaikina Jewess
Karlson Lett
Schaumann Jew
Leontovitch Jew
Jacob Goldine Jew
Glaperstein Jew
Kniggisen Jew
Latzis Lett
Schillenkuss Jew
Janson Lett
Rivkine Jew
Antonof Russian
Delafabre Jew
Tsitkine Jew
Roskirovitch Jew
G. Sverdlof Jew
Biesenski Jew
Blioumkine Jew
Alexandrevitch Russian
I. Model Jew
Routenberg Jew
Pines Jew
Sachs Jew
Daybol Lett
Saissoune Armenian
Deylkenen Lett
Liebert Jew
Vogel German
Zakiss Lett
hey that's great!..more namecalling further exposes you. Do continue....:dig: :popcorn:
Appropriate labeling is not name calling. :thup:

heh heh...oh you're just SO clever...LMAO...

see ya.
Obviously...... clever that is, something you lack entirely Heinrich.

who is heinrich and what is the significance?
You're supposedly the Google expert...... :lmao:

as usual, you make a statement and then run away from supporting it when challenged.. :whip:

I think I've embarrassed you enough for now...enjoyed it, shooting fish in a barrel.
..back on ignore for you...
Appropriate labeling is not name calling. :thup:

heh heh...oh you're just SO clever...LMAO...

see ya.
Obviously...... clever that is, something you lack entirely Heinrich.

who is heinrich and what is the significance?
You're supposedly the Google expert...... :lmao:

as usual, you make a statement and then run away from supporting it when challenged.. :whip:

I think I've embarrassed you enough for now...enjoyed it, shooting fish in a barrel.
..back on ignore for you...
You're gonna pussy out and put me on ignore..... :lmao:
Oh and you think waaaayyyyyyyyy too highly of yourself there Sparkette. :lmao:
Oh yeah, that's right, I almost forgot, you're an idiot.

relating historically accurate facts only makes one an "idiot" to someone who doesn't know history.

If they're incorrect, debunk them..calling me names only exposes YOU...

It's not a facts, it's just a pool of mixed cranberry sorts :)

Russia, instead of BBC movies, don't have any problems with jews :) At least, since the Israel started to exist.

denying them doesn't refute them...deny away...completely meaningless...
Everything I said are "lev bronstein" bolshevik revolution...

Btw, lev bronstein - is pseudonim of Trotsky. Remember, how he ended his way :)

You know this facts by google. I know about "holodomor" and many other facts from history of people around me. It wasn't "holodomor on ukraine", it was serious crop failure for all south Russia. But It wasn't anything comparable with Leningrad's blockade...

no..I know these facts from other books...but these are facts that even the revisionist wiki can't cover up...and they would if they could. wiki is easily accessible so I referred to it.

the bolshevik revolution was led by jews and the holodomor was a method of jewish ethnic cleansing...and yes...trotsky was a jew...lenin was part jewish...his great grandfather Moshko Blank was jewish...

Bronstein (Trotsky)
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Lourie (Larine) Jew
Ouritski Jew
Volodarski Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian

"The Council of the People's Commissars comprises the following:

President Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) Jew
Food Schlichter Jew
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
State Control Lander Jew
State Lands Kauffman Jew
Works V. Schmidt Jew
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) Jewess
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Religions Spitzberg Jew
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Hygiene Anvelt Jew
Finance Isidore Goukovski Jew
Press Volodarski Jew
Elections Ouritski Jew
Justice I. Steinberg Jew
Refugees Fenigstein Jew
Refugees (assist.) Savitch Jew
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Central Executive Committee:

(president) Jew
Avanessof (sec.) Armenian
Bruno Lett
Babtchinski Jew
Bukharin Russian
Weinberg Jew
Gailiss Jew
Ganzburg Jew
Danichevski Jew
Starck German
Sachs Jew
Scheinmann Jew
Erdling Jew
Landauer Jew
Linder Jew
Wolach Czech
Dimanstein Jew
Encukidze Georgian
Ermann Jew
Joffe Jew
Karkline Jew
Knigissen Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamenef) Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Krylenko Russian
KrassikofSachs Jew
Kaprik Jew
Kaoul Lett
Ulyanov (lenin) Russian
Latsis Jew
Lander Jew
Lounatcharski Russian
Peterson Lett
Peters Lett
Roudzoutas Jew
Rosine Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Stoutchka Lett
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Sosnovski Jew
Skrytnik Jew
Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
Teodorovitch Jew
Terian Armenian
Ouritski Jew
Telechkine Russian
Feldmann Jew
Froumkine Jew
Souriupa Ukranian
Tchavtchevadze Georgian
Scheikmann Jew
Rosental Jew
Achkinazi Imeretian
Karakhane Karaim (Jew)
Rose Jew
Sobelson (Radek) Jew
Sclichter Jew
Schikolini Jew
Chklianski Jew
Levine (Pravdine) Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow:

Dzerjinski (president) Pole
Peters (vice-president) Lett
Chklovski Jew
Kheifiss Jew
Zeistine Jew
Razmirovitch Jew
Kronberg Jew
Khaikina Jewess
Karlson Lett
Schaumann Jew
Leontovitch Jew
Jacob Goldine Jew
Glaperstein Jew
Kniggisen Jew
Latzis Lett
Schillenkuss Jew
Janson Lett
Rivkine Jew
Antonof Russian
Delafabre Jew
Tsitkine Jew
Roskirovitch Jew
G. Sverdlof Jew
Biesenski Jew
Blioumkine Jew
Alexandrevitch Russian
I. Model Jew
Routenberg Jew
Pines Jew
Sachs Jew
Daybol Lett
Saissoune Armenian
Deylkenen Lett
Liebert Jew
Vogel German
Zakiss Lett
Ahhhh, the big bad boogyman Jew has you cowering under your bed at night........ :lmao:
Oh yeah, that's right, I almost forgot, you're an idiot.

relating historically accurate facts only makes one an "idiot" to someone who doesn't know history.

If they're incorrect, debunk them..calling me names only exposes YOU...

It's not a facts, it's just a pool of mixed cranberry sorts :)

Russia, instead of BBC movies, don't have any problems with jews :) At least, since the Israel started to exist.

denying them doesn't refute them...deny away...completely meaningless...
Everything I said are "lev bronstein" bolshevik revolution...

Btw, lev bronstein - is pseudonim of Trotsky. Remember, how he ended his way :)

You know this facts by google. I know about "holodomor" and many other facts from history of people around me. It wasn't "holodomor on ukraine", it was serious crop failure for all south Russia. But It wasn't anything comparable with Leningrad's blockade...

no..I know these facts from other books...but these are facts that even the revisionist wiki can't cover up...and they would if they could. wiki is easily accessible so I referred to it.

the bolshevik revolution was led by jews and the holodomor was a method of jewish ethnic cleansing...and yes...trotsky was a jew...lenin was part jewish...his great grandfather Moshko Blank was jewish...

Bronstein (Trotsky)
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Lourie (Larine) Jew
Ouritski Jew
Volodarski Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian

"The Council of the People's Commissars comprises the following:

President Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) Jew
Food Schlichter Jew
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
State Control Lander Jew
State Lands Kauffman Jew
Works V. Schmidt Jew
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) Jewess
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Religions Spitzberg Jew
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Hygiene Anvelt Jew
Finance Isidore Goukovski Jew
Press Volodarski Jew
Elections Ouritski Jew
Justice I. Steinberg Jew
Refugees Fenigstein Jew
Refugees (assist.) Savitch Jew
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Central Executive Committee:

(president) Jew
Avanessof (sec.) Armenian
Bruno Lett
Babtchinski Jew
Bukharin Russian
Weinberg Jew
Gailiss Jew
Ganzburg Jew
Danichevski Jew
Starck German
Sachs Jew
Scheinmann Jew
Erdling Jew
Landauer Jew
Linder Jew
Wolach Czech
Dimanstein Jew
Encukidze Georgian
Ermann Jew
Joffe Jew
Karkline Jew
Knigissen Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamenef) Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Krylenko Russian
KrassikofSachs Jew
Kaprik Jew
Kaoul Lett
Ulyanov (lenin) Russian
Latsis Jew
Lander Jew
Lounatcharski Russian
Peterson Lett
Peters Lett
Roudzoutas Jew
Rosine Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Stoutchka Lett
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Sosnovski Jew
Skrytnik Jew
Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
Teodorovitch Jew
Terian Armenian
Ouritski Jew
Telechkine Russian
Feldmann Jew
Froumkine Jew
Souriupa Ukranian
Tchavtchevadze Georgian
Scheikmann Jew
Rosental Jew
Achkinazi Imeretian
Karakhane Karaim (Jew)
Rose Jew
Sobelson (Radek) Jew
Sclichter Jew
Schikolini Jew
Chklianski Jew
Levine (Pravdine) Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow:

Dzerjinski (president) Pole
Peters (vice-president) Lett
Chklovski Jew
Kheifiss Jew
Zeistine Jew
Razmirovitch Jew
Kronberg Jew
Khaikina Jewess
Karlson Lett
Schaumann Jew
Leontovitch Jew
Jacob Goldine Jew
Glaperstein Jew
Kniggisen Jew
Latzis Lett
Schillenkuss Jew
Janson Lett
Rivkine Jew
Antonof Russian
Delafabre Jew
Tsitkine Jew
Roskirovitch Jew
G. Sverdlof Jew
Biesenski Jew
Blioumkine Jew
Alexandrevitch Russian
I. Model Jew
Routenberg Jew
Pines Jew
Sachs Jew
Daybol Lett
Saissoune Armenian
Deylkenen Lett
Liebert Jew
Vogel German
Zakiss Lett

It's not surprising - in the czar's Russia Jews were discriminated class - so, many revolution activists are really from them. But who continued his way and rule the Russia? Stalin? Molotov? Malenkov? Chrushev? Beria? Voroshilov? Maybe Kalinin?
relating historically accurate facts only makes one an "idiot" to someone who doesn't know history.

If they're incorrect, debunk them..calling me names only exposes YOU...

It's not a facts, it's just a pool of mixed cranberry sorts :)

Russia, instead of BBC movies, don't have any problems with jews :) At least, since the Israel started to exist.

denying them doesn't refute them...deny away...completely meaningless...
Everything I said are "lev bronstein" bolshevik revolution...

Btw, lev bronstein - is pseudonim of Trotsky. Remember, how he ended his way :)

You know this facts by google. I know about "holodomor" and many other facts from history of people around me. It wasn't "holodomor on ukraine", it was serious crop failure for all south Russia. But It wasn't anything comparable with Leningrad's blockade...

no..I know these facts from other books...but these are facts that even the revisionist wiki can't cover up...and they would if they could. wiki is easily accessible so I referred to it.

the bolshevik revolution was led by jews and the holodomor was a method of jewish ethnic cleansing...and yes...trotsky was a jew...lenin was part jewish...his great grandfather Moshko Blank was jewish...

Bronstein (Trotsky)
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Lourie (Larine) Jew
Ouritski Jew
Volodarski Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian

"The Council of the People's Commissars comprises the following:

President Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) Jew
Food Schlichter Jew
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
State Control Lander Jew
State Lands Kauffman Jew
Works V. Schmidt Jew
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) Jewess
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Religions Spitzberg Jew
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Hygiene Anvelt Jew
Finance Isidore Goukovski Jew
Press Volodarski Jew
Elections Ouritski Jew
Justice I. Steinberg Jew
Refugees Fenigstein Jew
Refugees (assist.) Savitch Jew
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Central Executive Committee:

(president) Jew
Avanessof (sec.) Armenian
Bruno Lett
Babtchinski Jew
Bukharin Russian
Weinberg Jew
Gailiss Jew
Ganzburg Jew
Danichevski Jew
Starck German
Sachs Jew
Scheinmann Jew
Erdling Jew
Landauer Jew
Linder Jew
Wolach Czech
Dimanstein Jew
Encukidze Georgian
Ermann Jew
Joffe Jew
Karkline Jew
Knigissen Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamenef) Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Krylenko Russian
KrassikofSachs Jew
Kaprik Jew
Kaoul Lett
Ulyanov (lenin) Russian
Latsis Jew
Lander Jew
Lounatcharski Russian
Peterson Lett
Peters Lett
Roudzoutas Jew
Rosine Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Stoutchka Lett
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Sosnovski Jew
Skrytnik Jew
Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
Teodorovitch Jew
Terian Armenian
Ouritski Jew
Telechkine Russian
Feldmann Jew
Froumkine Jew
Souriupa Ukranian
Tchavtchevadze Georgian
Scheikmann Jew
Rosental Jew
Achkinazi Imeretian
Karakhane Karaim (Jew)
Rose Jew
Sobelson (Radek) Jew
Sclichter Jew
Schikolini Jew
Chklianski Jew
Levine (Pravdine) Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow:

Dzerjinski (president) Pole
Peters (vice-president) Lett
Chklovski Jew
Kheifiss Jew
Zeistine Jew
Razmirovitch Jew
Kronberg Jew
Khaikina Jewess
Karlson Lett
Schaumann Jew
Leontovitch Jew
Jacob Goldine Jew
Glaperstein Jew
Kniggisen Jew
Latzis Lett
Schillenkuss Jew
Janson Lett
Rivkine Jew
Antonof Russian
Delafabre Jew
Tsitkine Jew
Roskirovitch Jew
G. Sverdlof Jew
Biesenski Jew
Blioumkine Jew
Alexandrevitch Russian
I. Model Jew
Routenberg Jew
Pines Jew
Sachs Jew
Daybol Lett
Saissoune Armenian
Deylkenen Lett
Liebert Jew
Vogel German
Zakiss Lett

It's not surprising - in the czar's Russia Jews were discriminated class - so, many revolution activists are really from them. But who continued his way and rule the Russia? Stalin? Molotov? Malenkov? Chrushev? Beria? Voroshilov? Maybe Kalinin? denied it all when presented with the proof, you're changing direction and making excuses for them...

20 million (at least) white, christians slaughtered, starved and sent to the gulags....but you're ok with them doing that because you claim the jews were "discriminated" against?

See..THAT'S why ukrainians hate russia...and the jewish invention "communism"
It's not a facts, it's just a pool of mixed cranberry sorts :)

Russia, instead of BBC movies, don't have any problems with jews :) At least, since the Israel started to exist.

denying them doesn't refute them...deny away...completely meaningless...
Everything I said are "lev bronstein" bolshevik revolution...

Btw, lev bronstein - is pseudonim of Trotsky. Remember, how he ended his way :)

You know this facts by google. I know about "holodomor" and many other facts from history of people around me. It wasn't "holodomor on ukraine", it was serious crop failure for all south Russia. But It wasn't anything comparable with Leningrad's blockade...

no..I know these facts from other books...but these are facts that even the revisionist wiki can't cover up...and they would if they could. wiki is easily accessible so I referred to it.

the bolshevik revolution was led by jews and the holodomor was a method of jewish ethnic cleansing...and yes...trotsky was a jew...lenin was part jewish...his great grandfather Moshko Blank was jewish...

Bronstein (Trotsky)
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Lourie (Larine) Jew
Ouritski Jew
Volodarski Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian

"The Council of the People's Commissars comprises the following:

President Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) Jew
Food Schlichter Jew
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
State Control Lander Jew
State Lands Kauffman Jew
Works V. Schmidt Jew
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) Jewess
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Religions Spitzberg Jew
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Hygiene Anvelt Jew
Finance Isidore Goukovski Jew
Press Volodarski Jew
Elections Ouritski Jew
Justice I. Steinberg Jew
Refugees Fenigstein Jew
Refugees (assist.) Savitch Jew
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Central Executive Committee:

(president) Jew
Avanessof (sec.) Armenian
Bruno Lett
Babtchinski Jew
Bukharin Russian
Weinberg Jew
Gailiss Jew
Ganzburg Jew
Danichevski Jew
Starck German
Sachs Jew
Scheinmann Jew
Erdling Jew
Landauer Jew
Linder Jew
Wolach Czech
Dimanstein Jew
Encukidze Georgian
Ermann Jew
Joffe Jew
Karkline Jew
Knigissen Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamenef) Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Krylenko Russian
KrassikofSachs Jew
Kaprik Jew
Kaoul Lett
Ulyanov (lenin) Russian
Latsis Jew
Lander Jew
Lounatcharski Russian
Peterson Lett
Peters Lett
Roudzoutas Jew
Rosine Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Stoutchka Lett
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Sosnovski Jew
Skrytnik Jew
Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
Teodorovitch Jew
Terian Armenian
Ouritski Jew
Telechkine Russian
Feldmann Jew
Froumkine Jew
Souriupa Ukranian
Tchavtchevadze Georgian
Scheikmann Jew
Rosental Jew
Achkinazi Imeretian
Karakhane Karaim (Jew)
Rose Jew
Sobelson (Radek) Jew
Sclichter Jew
Schikolini Jew
Chklianski Jew
Levine (Pravdine) Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow:

Dzerjinski (president) Pole
Peters (vice-president) Lett
Chklovski Jew
Kheifiss Jew
Zeistine Jew
Razmirovitch Jew
Kronberg Jew
Khaikina Jewess
Karlson Lett
Schaumann Jew
Leontovitch Jew
Jacob Goldine Jew
Glaperstein Jew
Kniggisen Jew
Latzis Lett
Schillenkuss Jew
Janson Lett
Rivkine Jew
Antonof Russian
Delafabre Jew
Tsitkine Jew
Roskirovitch Jew
G. Sverdlof Jew
Biesenski Jew
Blioumkine Jew
Alexandrevitch Russian
I. Model Jew
Routenberg Jew
Pines Jew
Sachs Jew
Daybol Lett
Saissoune Armenian
Deylkenen Lett
Liebert Jew
Vogel German
Zakiss Lett

It's not surprising - in the czar's Russia Jews were discriminated class - so, many revolution activists are really from them. But who continued his way and rule the Russia? Stalin? Molotov? Malenkov? Chrushev? Beria? Voroshilov? Maybe Kalinin? denied it all when presented with the proof, you're changing direction and making excuses for them...

20 million (at least) white, christians slaughtered, starved and sent to the gulags....but you're ok with them doing that because you claim the jews were "discriminated" against?

See..THAT'S why ukrainians hate russia...and the jewish invention "communism"
Daymn do you love to spin history!!!!
It's not a facts, it's just a pool of mixed cranberry sorts :)

Russia, instead of BBC movies, don't have any problems with jews :) At least, since the Israel started to exist.

denying them doesn't refute them...deny away...completely meaningless...
Everything I said are "lev bronstein" bolshevik revolution...

Btw, lev bronstein - is pseudonim of Trotsky. Remember, how he ended his way :)

You know this facts by google. I know about "holodomor" and many other facts from history of people around me. It wasn't "holodomor on ukraine", it was serious crop failure for all south Russia. But It wasn't anything comparable with Leningrad's blockade...

no..I know these facts from other books...but these are facts that even the revisionist wiki can't cover up...and they would if they could. wiki is easily accessible so I referred to it.

the bolshevik revolution was led by jews and the holodomor was a method of jewish ethnic cleansing...and yes...trotsky was a jew...lenin was part jewish...his great grandfather Moshko Blank was jewish...

Bronstein (Trotsky)
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Lourie (Larine) Jew
Ouritski Jew
Volodarski Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian

"The Council of the People's Commissars comprises the following:

President Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) Jew
Food Schlichter Jew
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
State Control Lander Jew
State Lands Kauffman Jew
Works V. Schmidt Jew
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) Jewess
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Religions Spitzberg Jew
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Hygiene Anvelt Jew
Finance Isidore Goukovski Jew
Press Volodarski Jew
Elections Ouritski Jew
Justice I. Steinberg Jew
Refugees Fenigstein Jew
Refugees (assist.) Savitch Jew
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Central Executive Committee:

(president) Jew
Avanessof (sec.) Armenian
Bruno Lett
Babtchinski Jew
Bukharin Russian
Weinberg Jew
Gailiss Jew
Ganzburg Jew
Danichevski Jew
Starck German
Sachs Jew
Scheinmann Jew
Erdling Jew
Landauer Jew
Linder Jew
Wolach Czech
Dimanstein Jew
Encukidze Georgian
Ermann Jew
Joffe Jew
Karkline Jew
Knigissen Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamenef) Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Krylenko Russian
KrassikofSachs Jew
Kaprik Jew
Kaoul Lett
Ulyanov (lenin) Russian
Latsis Jew
Lander Jew
Lounatcharski Russian
Peterson Lett
Peters Lett
Roudzoutas Jew
Rosine Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Stoutchka Lett
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Sosnovski Jew
Skrytnik Jew
Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
Teodorovitch Jew
Terian Armenian
Ouritski Jew
Telechkine Russian
Feldmann Jew
Froumkine Jew
Souriupa Ukranian
Tchavtchevadze Georgian
Scheikmann Jew
Rosental Jew
Achkinazi Imeretian
Karakhane Karaim (Jew)
Rose Jew
Sobelson (Radek) Jew
Sclichter Jew
Schikolini Jew
Chklianski Jew
Levine (Pravdine) Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow:

Dzerjinski (president) Pole
Peters (vice-president) Lett
Chklovski Jew
Kheifiss Jew
Zeistine Jew
Razmirovitch Jew
Kronberg Jew
Khaikina Jewess
Karlson Lett
Schaumann Jew
Leontovitch Jew
Jacob Goldine Jew
Glaperstein Jew
Kniggisen Jew
Latzis Lett
Schillenkuss Jew
Janson Lett
Rivkine Jew
Antonof Russian
Delafabre Jew
Tsitkine Jew
Roskirovitch Jew
G. Sverdlof Jew
Biesenski Jew
Blioumkine Jew
Alexandrevitch Russian
I. Model Jew
Routenberg Jew
Pines Jew
Sachs Jew
Daybol Lett
Saissoune Armenian
Deylkenen Lett
Liebert Jew
Vogel German
Zakiss Lett

It's not surprising - in the czar's Russia Jews were discriminated class - so, many revolution activists are really from them. But who continued his way and rule the Russia? Stalin? Molotov? Malenkov? Chrushev? Beria? Voroshilov? Maybe Kalinin? denied it all when presented with the proof, you're changing direction and making excuses for them...

20 million (at least) white, christians slaughtered, starved and sent to the gulags....but you're ok with them doing that because you claim the jews were "discriminated" against?

See..THAT'S why ukrainians hate russia...and the jewish invention "communism"

I'm not changing direction, it seems to you, because you've mixed a grand cocktail from truth and lies.

Jews were active during revolution, but not only... Czech legion, by example - they killed many Russians along Trans-Siberian railroad and took the Golden Reserve of czar Russia - we have to hate them too? :)

> 20 million (at least) white, christians slaughtered

By white christians from Germany... By Hitler's order. Was he Jew?

> sent to the gulags

Lies from Solzhenitzin. Just think. Stalin's USSR was really totalitarian. It had TOTAL system of counting. Now you can read a lot of documents about every repressed people. 0.6 million were shooted (from 1921 to 1953) and 2.4 were prisoned (by Khrushev's docs revealing). Most of them not by politic, but by crimes. Don't forget about dizorganisation of life after revolution and after WW2. Jews included...

> jewish invention "communism"

Christianity, by the way, the jewish invention too... Tell me, who was Jesus by nationality?
denying them doesn't refute them...deny away...completely meaningless...
Everything I said are "lev bronstein" bolshevik revolution...

Btw, lev bronstein - is pseudonim of Trotsky. Remember, how he ended his way :)

You know this facts by google. I know about "holodomor" and many other facts from history of people around me. It wasn't "holodomor on ukraine", it was serious crop failure for all south Russia. But It wasn't anything comparable with Leningrad's blockade...

no..I know these facts from other books...but these are facts that even the revisionist wiki can't cover up...and they would if they could. wiki is easily accessible so I referred to it.

the bolshevik revolution was led by jews and the holodomor was a method of jewish ethnic cleansing...and yes...trotsky was a jew...lenin was part jewish...his great grandfather Moshko Blank was jewish...

Bronstein (Trotsky)
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Lourie (Larine) Jew
Ouritski Jew
Volodarski Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian

"The Council of the People's Commissars comprises the following:

President Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) Jew
Food Schlichter Jew
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
State Control Lander Jew
State Lands Kauffman Jew
Works V. Schmidt Jew
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) Jewess
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Religions Spitzberg Jew
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Hygiene Anvelt Jew
Finance Isidore Goukovski Jew
Press Volodarski Jew
Elections Ouritski Jew
Justice I. Steinberg Jew
Refugees Fenigstein Jew
Refugees (assist.) Savitch Jew
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Central Executive Committee:

(president) Jew
Avanessof (sec.) Armenian
Bruno Lett
Babtchinski Jew
Bukharin Russian
Weinberg Jew
Gailiss Jew
Ganzburg Jew
Danichevski Jew
Starck German
Sachs Jew
Scheinmann Jew
Erdling Jew
Landauer Jew
Linder Jew
Wolach Czech
Dimanstein Jew
Encukidze Georgian
Ermann Jew
Joffe Jew
Karkline Jew
Knigissen Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamenef) Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Krylenko Russian
KrassikofSachs Jew
Kaprik Jew
Kaoul Lett
Ulyanov (lenin) Russian
Latsis Jew
Lander Jew
Lounatcharski Russian
Peterson Lett
Peters Lett
Roudzoutas Jew
Rosine Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Stoutchka Lett
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Sosnovski Jew
Skrytnik Jew
Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
Teodorovitch Jew
Terian Armenian
Ouritski Jew
Telechkine Russian
Feldmann Jew
Froumkine Jew
Souriupa Ukranian
Tchavtchevadze Georgian
Scheikmann Jew
Rosental Jew
Achkinazi Imeretian
Karakhane Karaim (Jew)
Rose Jew
Sobelson (Radek) Jew
Sclichter Jew
Schikolini Jew
Chklianski Jew
Levine (Pravdine) Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow:

Dzerjinski (president) Pole
Peters (vice-president) Lett
Chklovski Jew
Kheifiss Jew
Zeistine Jew
Razmirovitch Jew
Kronberg Jew
Khaikina Jewess
Karlson Lett
Schaumann Jew
Leontovitch Jew
Jacob Goldine Jew
Glaperstein Jew
Kniggisen Jew
Latzis Lett
Schillenkuss Jew
Janson Lett
Rivkine Jew
Antonof Russian
Delafabre Jew
Tsitkine Jew
Roskirovitch Jew
G. Sverdlof Jew
Biesenski Jew
Blioumkine Jew
Alexandrevitch Russian
I. Model Jew
Routenberg Jew
Pines Jew
Sachs Jew
Daybol Lett
Saissoune Armenian
Deylkenen Lett
Liebert Jew
Vogel German
Zakiss Lett

It's not surprising - in the czar's Russia Jews were discriminated class - so, many revolution activists are really from them. But who continued his way and rule the Russia? Stalin? Molotov? Malenkov? Chrushev? Beria? Voroshilov? Maybe Kalinin? denied it all when presented with the proof, you're changing direction and making excuses for them...

20 million (at least) white, christians slaughtered, starved and sent to the gulags....but you're ok with them doing that because you claim the jews were "discriminated" against?

See..THAT'S why ukrainians hate russia...and the jewish invention "communism"
Daymn do you love to spin history!!!!

Without spinning of history and discussions you can believe in a lot of "strange" things...
excuses, equivocations and evasions...

The russian revolution happened....the holodomor happened...communism exists....bolshevik jews were behind least 20 million white/christians were murdered, starved or sent to gulags.
these are facts...why do you want to bring up hitler? He had nothing to do with any of it...
this is a bit of bullshit

4 fighter-bombers vs 6 fighters

leaving isn't turning tail, it's not being stewpud

not a fan of israel, but this is just ignorant
Even if it was 4 on 4, the Israeli's would've still turned and ran.
just how ignorant are you?

The size of the 2 countries is vast and Israel could not win a conflict with russia.

you're just being an ignorant asshole
excuses, equivocations and evasions...

The russian revolution happened....the holodomor happened...communism exists....bolshevik jews were behind least 20 million white/christians were murdered, starved or sent to gulags.
these are facts...why do you want to bring up hitler? He had nothing to do with any of it...

Holodomor - lies and propaganda
20 millions in GULag - lies and propaganda

Russian revolution started from renunciation of Nikolay II. Who was Jew in committee of generals, receiving renunciation? Ruzsky? Brusilov? Evert? Kolchack? Saharov? Nepenin?

And then... Denikin? Kornilov? Petlura? Machno?

And then. Kirov? Molotov? Stalin?
Btw, lev bronstein - is pseudonim of Trotsky. Remember, how he ended his way :)

You know this facts by google. I know about "holodomor" and many other facts from history of people around me. It wasn't "holodomor on ukraine", it was serious crop failure for all south Russia. But It wasn't anything comparable with Leningrad's blockade...

no..I know these facts from other books...but these are facts that even the revisionist wiki can't cover up...and they would if they could. wiki is easily accessible so I referred to it.

the bolshevik revolution was led by jews and the holodomor was a method of jewish ethnic cleansing...and yes...trotsky was a jew...lenin was part jewish...his great grandfather Moshko Blank was jewish...

Bronstein (Trotsky)
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Lourie (Larine) Jew
Ouritski Jew
Volodarski Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian

"The Council of the People's Commissars comprises the following:

President Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) Jew
Food Schlichter Jew
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
State Control Lander Jew
State Lands Kauffman Jew
Works V. Schmidt Jew
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) Jewess
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Religions Spitzberg Jew
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Hygiene Anvelt Jew
Finance Isidore Goukovski Jew
Press Volodarski Jew
Elections Ouritski Jew
Justice I. Steinberg Jew
Refugees Fenigstein Jew
Refugees (assist.) Savitch Jew
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Central Executive Committee:

(president) Jew
Avanessof (sec.) Armenian
Bruno Lett
Babtchinski Jew
Bukharin Russian
Weinberg Jew
Gailiss Jew
Ganzburg Jew
Danichevski Jew
Starck German
Sachs Jew
Scheinmann Jew
Erdling Jew
Landauer Jew
Linder Jew
Wolach Czech
Dimanstein Jew
Encukidze Georgian
Ermann Jew
Joffe Jew
Karkline Jew
Knigissen Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamenef) Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Krylenko Russian
KrassikofSachs Jew
Kaprik Jew
Kaoul Lett
Ulyanov (lenin) Russian
Latsis Jew
Lander Jew
Lounatcharski Russian
Peterson Lett
Peters Lett
Roudzoutas Jew
Rosine Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Stoutchka Lett
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Sosnovski Jew
Skrytnik Jew
Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
Teodorovitch Jew
Terian Armenian
Ouritski Jew
Telechkine Russian
Feldmann Jew
Froumkine Jew
Souriupa Ukranian
Tchavtchevadze Georgian
Scheikmann Jew
Rosental Jew
Achkinazi Imeretian
Karakhane Karaim (Jew)
Rose Jew
Sobelson (Radek) Jew
Sclichter Jew
Schikolini Jew
Chklianski Jew
Levine (Pravdine) Jew

"The following is the list of members of the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow:

Dzerjinski (president) Pole
Peters (vice-president) Lett
Chklovski Jew
Kheifiss Jew
Zeistine Jew
Razmirovitch Jew
Kronberg Jew
Khaikina Jewess
Karlson Lett
Schaumann Jew
Leontovitch Jew
Jacob Goldine Jew
Glaperstein Jew
Kniggisen Jew
Latzis Lett
Schillenkuss Jew
Janson Lett
Rivkine Jew
Antonof Russian
Delafabre Jew
Tsitkine Jew
Roskirovitch Jew
G. Sverdlof Jew
Biesenski Jew
Blioumkine Jew
Alexandrevitch Russian
I. Model Jew
Routenberg Jew
Pines Jew
Sachs Jew
Daybol Lett
Saissoune Armenian
Deylkenen Lett
Liebert Jew
Vogel German
Zakiss Lett

It's not surprising - in the czar's Russia Jews were discriminated class - so, many revolution activists are really from them. But who continued his way and rule the Russia? Stalin? Molotov? Malenkov? Chrushev? Beria? Voroshilov? Maybe Kalinin? denied it all when presented with the proof, you're changing direction and making excuses for them...

20 million (at least) white, christians slaughtered, starved and sent to the gulags....but you're ok with them doing that because you claim the jews were "discriminated" against?

See..THAT'S why ukrainians hate russia...and the jewish invention "communism"
Daymn do you love to spin history!!!!

Without spinning of history and discussions you can believe in a lot of "strange" things...
Yup. I wonder how many of his "listed Jews" were practicing Jews? Kinda like how many born Christians are still Christian. :dunno:
excuses, equivocations and evasions...

The russian revolution happened....the holodomor happened...communism exists....bolshevik jews were behind least 20 million white/christians were murdered, starved or sent to gulags.
these are facts...why do you want to bring up hitler? He had nothing to do with any of it...

Holodomor - lies and propaganda
20 millions in GULag - lies and propaganda

Russian revolution started from renunciation of Nikolay II. Who was Jew in committee of generals, receiving renunciation? Ruzsky? Brusilov? Evert? Kolchack? Saharov? Nepenin?

And then... Denikin? Kornilov? Petlura? Machno?

And then. Kirov? Molotov? Stalin?


You deny the holodomor occurred?

You deny that 20 million or more were murdered/starved/imprisoned by the bolshevik jews?

You deny that marx was jewish and the father of communism?

Wait..I get it....You're jewish, right?
Appropriate labeling is not name calling. :thup:

heh heh...oh you're just SO clever...LMAO...

see ya.
Obviously...... clever that is, something you lack entirely Heinrich.

who is heinrich and what is the significance?
You're supposedly the Google expert...... :lmao:

as usual, you make a statement and then run away from supporting it when challenged.. :whip:

I think I've embarrassed you enough for now...enjoyed it, shooting fish in a barrel.
..back on ignore for you...

You'll have to excuse Ringel. You see, a while ago he got caught with photos uploaded on his profile page of him and his friends playing fancy dress in the woods and a lot of them were dressed as Nazi and Axis soldiers, with quite a lot of money invested in their costumes and equipment, which suggested that they took a lot of 'pride' in their appearance. One can only wonder how far that pride stretched elsewhere, and speculation was put forth, but needless to say our friend Ringel's been compensating for that rather embarrassing exposure ever since by leaping to the defence of Jews and Israel at any given opportunity. I actually feel sorry for the poor fellow. The photos have since been removed.
You got this from the conspiracy site "truth seeker" ha ha ha.

Take a hike douchebag. Israel and Russia now have a military cooperation agreement over Syria.
Yep the Agreement given to Nutty yahoo was "don't fly over Syria and we wont shoot your planes down, such a deal eh?
Israel, Russia to coordinate military action on Syria: Netanyahu

Did the douchebag try to lie again? How cute! Nothing of that sort at all. Your OP is bullshit, or should I said BullIslam, plain and simple:

"Our policy is to do everything to stop weapons from being sent to Hezbollah," Netanyahu told Putin at their photo-op. He also set out Israel's policy of striking at guerrillas suspected of preparing to attack it from the Syrian Golan, on the northern frontier - an apparent signal to Russia to steer clear there.

The former Netanyahu adviser, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity given the sensitivity of the issue, said any understandings reached with Putin "could come down to Israel and Russia agreeing to limit themselves to defined areas of operation in Syria, or even that they fly at daytime and we fly at night".
Did the douchebag try to lie again? How cute! Nothing of that sort at all. Your OP is bullshit, or should I said BullIslam, plain and simple:

"Our policy is to do everything to stop weapons from being sent to Hezbollah," Netanyahu told Putin at their photo-op. He also set out Israel's policy of striking at guerrillas suspected of preparing to attack it from the Syrian Golan, on the northern frontier - an apparent signal to Russia to steer clear there.

The former Netanyahu adviser, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity given the sensitivity of the issue, said any understandings reached with Putin "could come down to Israel and Russia agreeing to limit themselves to defined areas of operation in Syria, or even that they fly at daytime and we fly at night".
Russia kicked your ass.................bee-otch!

So shut the fuck up!
heh heh...oh you're just SO clever...LMAO...

see ya.
Obviously...... clever that is, something you lack entirely Heinrich.

who is heinrich and what is the significance?
You're supposedly the Google expert...... :lmao:

as usual, you make a statement and then run away from supporting it when challenged.. :whip:

I think I've embarrassed you enough for now...enjoyed it, shooting fish in a barrel.
..back on ignore for you...

You'll have to excuse Ringel. You see, a while ago he got caught with photos uploaded on his profile page of him and his friends playing fancy dress in the woods and a lot of them were dressed as Nazi and Axis soldiers, with quite a lot of money invested in their costumes and equipment, which suggested that they took a lot of 'pride' in their appearance. One can only wonder how far that pride stretched elsewhere, and speculation was put forth, but needless to say our friend Ringel's been compensating for that rather embarrassing exposure ever since by leaping to the defence of Jews and Israel at any given opportunity. I actually feel sorry for the poor fellow. The photos have since been removed.
Haven't had your ass kicked enough on this board? Obviously a glutton for punishment Magda, you keep asking for more....... You got one thing right, I do pity you but not enough to hope you don't one day give yourself an enema, I have the baby shoe box I'll donate to bury your remains in. :thup:

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