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Israeli Settlers Teach Their Children To Kill Early


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
Israeli settlers teach their children to kill early.

Israelis settlers teach their children to kill early | Flickr - Photo Sharing!



The Day the Zionist Settlers Paid Us a Visit

"It was an ordinary day, or maybe it wasn’t. I don’t remember any particular events that’s day, maybe because it was just another summer day or maybe because the events that followed erased any memory I had of everything else that happened that day. That evening my sister and I had a fight over something, most probably trivial as usual, and me being stubborn as usual, declared I won’t talk to my sister anymore, refused to have any dinner and went to bed too early even for chicken despite all the pleading and all efforts from my grandmother, uncles and aunts to resolve the conflict peacefully. After sometime of fuming and secretly cursing, I eventually fell asleep. I was awakened sometime later by loud sounds of banging. I jumped off the mattress (we all slept on the floor, there were no beds) and ran to the sitting room. There I saw everyone awake and wearing their day attire. I looked at the window and to my astonishment saw that it was still dark outside. “What is wrong? Where are you all going?” I asked as I moved from one person to the other and very much aware of the continuous sounds of gunshots, hand grenades and screams outside. “The settlers have attacked!” someone answered me.

And it wasn’t any kind of settlers, but the fanatic terrorists of Kiryat Arba’. “Where are you all going?” I asked. “To defend the refugee camp, to defend our homes” they were saying. They were all ready to leave and were distributing themselves as to which street or to which neighborhood everyone was to go. It was obvious this wasn’t the first time they had to go through this and it wasn’t the first settler attack nor was it to be last, and most probably what happened in my grandparents house happened in every other house in the refugee camp. They were so used to such attacks that all the “organization” was done in a few minutes. And to any Zionist reading this, I will have to disappoint you and say that they strictly refused to let any of us children out of the house, despite begging and pleading to go out with everyone else and participate in defending the refugee camp. We were told to stay in the house, to hide and be careful as to who we allow inside the house. So, next time you Zionists go cry: Palestinian send their children to get killed, keep reading and you’ll see how much Zionist colonists love their children.

So, with the exception of us children, everyone else went out to the streets and alleys to defend our homes, even my elderly grandmother, who without a word snatched a tree stem hidden behind the couch and declared: I am going to the west entrance to defend my daughter’s house. My aunt lived there with her little children and the idea that her house was located exactly at the west entrance of the refugee camp, exposed to the attackers and one of the first houses they would encounter when attempting to storm the refugee camp, brought fear to everyone who had witnessed settler violence, especially that of the Kiryat Arba’ terrorists. We sat in the empty house with the lights off so the settlers don’t shoot in our direction. We could hear the loud shouting and singing of the settlers accompanied by shooting and loud banging. It was as if everything around us was shaking; the walls, the windows, the chairs, the whole house and the neighbouring ones. We could also hear the sound of people running along the small alley behind our house. They were all heading towards the main Jerusalem-Hebron road that passes in front of the refugee camp. At some point, we sneaked to the windows and keeping our heads low we watched as the settles went on with their macabre celebration: There were settlers, many of them, armed, laughing, shouting and shooting at the houses, vandalizing and destroying the cars parked in front of the refugee camp. There were women and children present. They had brought their families with them to joint in the attack on sleeping Palestinian families. There were also Israeli occupation soldiers present who instead of stopping the settlers from shooting were actually assisting them and directing their gun towards the refugee camp. Instead of stopping the Zionist who had come at midnight to attack sleeping Palestinian families, the IOF were shooting at the Palestinians who started throwing stones at the fully-armed settlers."

And so it was: stones against a rain of bullets and tear gas canisters. And while they were shooting, the Zionist settlers were singing and chanting. If this isn’t lust for blood, if this isn’t celebrating murder, I don’t know what it. And the Zionists who keep claiming Palestinians send their children to be killed in demos, had brought their children with them to join in the attack, they had brought them with them to teach them “how to love thy neighbour” and “how to make peace with thy neighbor”. They wanted to show their children what being a Zionist is all about and how to deal with Palestinian civilians ‘a la Zionist way. I remember asking some friends from Dheisheh about this years later and being told that often when the settlers of Kiryat Arba’ attack the refugee camp they bring their wives and children with them. When I asked about their thoughts as to why the settlers did such a thing, they answered: so when Palestinians go out to defend their homes and throw stones at the armed attackers, the settlers would use their wives and children as human shields and so that the Palestinians would stop throwing stones considering there were children. I was told that they saw more than once how the children were standing in the first row in front of the adult settlers. So, the settlers would use their children to stop Palestinians from throwing stones at them, but these same settlers wouldn’t hesitate a minute to shoot a Palestinian child. Judging from the sound of bullets and tear gas canisters flying all around us and the banging and the rejoicing and judging from the holes in the houses and cars and the shattered windows we found everywhere the next day, it was obvious that the settlers didn’t give a damn how many they kill or who they kill, i.e. whether a child, woman or adult. They were just aiming to kill. Fortunately, and maybe should I say miraculously, no one was killed, but not because the settlers didn’t “mean any real harm”. It was because the Palestinians had been used to such terror attacks and knew how best to keep themselves and their children safe: upon an attack all house lights immediately go off, movement inside houses is only when there is a necessity and while bowing down so one doesn’t get hit by a bullet flying through the windows, and those who leave to fend off the settlers know the streets and the alleys as the back of their hands and thus have the upper hand. Every time the Israeli occupation army commits a massacre in the middle of the night, or raids a Palestinian village or town in the middle of the night, or bombards Gaza in the middle of the night, I remember the midnight settler attacks on Dheisheh. These cowards chose the time when Palestinians are asleep in their homes, the time they believe when most Palestinians are not in a state to defend themselves and their homes. But they are mistaken; a Palestinian is always ready to defend his/her family, his home and his land."


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Awwwwwwwwwww, isn't that special - Sherri located another hate speech blog to stoke her own murderous hatred.
Awwwwwwwwwww, isn't that special - Sherri located another hate speech blog to stoke her own murderous hatred.

What would the world be without people like you defending today's Jewish Nazis in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories?

I can only dream of such a world!

Awwwwwwwwwww, isn't that special - Sherri located another hate speech blog to stoke her own murderous hatred.
Of course, never will Sherri talk about those terrible Muslim cartoons which are shown regularly on T.V. to Palestinian children and teaches them to hate the Jews. I imagine that is because Muslims are not allowed to say anything bad against other Muslims. I wonder if Sherri can tell us if those who are female and kill a Jew expect to be also rewarded in that Big Cathouse in the Sky?
http://www.palwatch.org/STORAGE/special reports/Kill_A_Jew.pdf
Awwwwwwwwwww, isn't that special - Sherri located another hate speech blog to stoke her own murderous hatred.

What would the world be without people like you defending today's Jewish Nazis in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories?

I can only dream of such a world!


Aren't you ever the charitable humanitarian pacifist: slander me with horriffic lying labels, and wish I'd disappear. LOL!

I thought you said on here that you HATE people slapping labels on others, that it's just an excuse to justify hating on 'em.

And guess what you just did in that post I've quoted???

Awwwwwwwwwww, isn't that special - Sherri located another hate speech blog to stoke her own murderous hatred.

What would the world be without people like you defending today's Jewish Nazis in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories?

I can only dream of such a world!

Why, Sherri, we all dream of a world without the Muslim Nazis who think nothing of murdering non Muslims as well as Muslims of different sects. Meanwhile, Sherri, why not hop over to Egypt and help your people out. They are hankering to kill a load of Christian Copts. Imagine threatening to kill ten million Copts over a film!!!
Islamists Threaten To Exterminate Egypt’s 10 Million Coptic Christians Over Film
I didn't even mention Israel or 'territories': I simply pointed out that you gravitate to biased blogs for your "sources", and that you harbor a virulent hatred.

That's simply stating my opinions, which in this case are factual.

It'd be nice if you quit lying about what I've said in my posts. It'd also be intelligent, since my words are right there to prove you lied.
This article collects multiple incidents of settler violence, which has a long history in Palestine, excerpts of article are included below:

1983: On 26.07.1983 a group of Zionist colonists protected by Israeli soldiers raided the Hebron University campus and the lecture rooms, shooting and throwing hand grenades randomly. 3 Palestinians were killed and 22 injured. The 3 martyrs are: Said Iddin Hasan Dabri (39 yrs), Jamal As’ad Nazzal (29 yrs) and Samih Ammour (26 yrs).

1988: Beita: An example of Zionist terrorism and Israeli response to it
On 8:30 of the morning of 06.04.1988 a group of Zionist colonists from Elon Moreh stopped outside the Palestinian village of Beita. The group consisted of children and their armed guards. One Palestinian resident, Tayseer, tried dissuading the settlers from entering the village and offered to show them an alternative road around the village. The Zionists refused and by that time, some villagers who were working in the fields had gathered to see what the colonists wanted. One armed Zionist guard, Rumain Aldubi who was a known fanatic and violent colonist, ordered the residents of Beita to leave. As Tayseer turned to leave, the guard shot him in the stomach and the leg. He then continued shooting around him and killed Mousa daoud Bani Shamsi (20 yrs). The colonists then went down to the village and were met by the rest of Beita villagers who had heard the shooting and come to investigate. Some residents wanted to keep the colonists till the Israeli occupation forces came and hand over the murderers of Mousa to the IOF. Others were in favour of letting them go. The guard Aldubi began shooting again and killed Hatem Fayez Ahmad Jaber (22 yrs). According to the residents, one of the settler children, Tirza Porat, tried stopping Aldubi from shooting saying that what he was terrible. She tried grabbing his gun from him and he shot her. Bani Shamsi’s mother who was present hit Aldubi on the head. When he fell unconscious to the ground, the resident took his gun and that of the other guard and laid them on the ground until the IOF came. In the meantime the residents took care of the children and protected them. When the Israeli occupation army finally arrived, it was 10:30.

Beita was declared a closed military area. Then the IOF turned the village school into a detention centre and detained hundreds of residents. Isam Abdel Halim Mohammad (15 yrs), was shot dead by the IOF as he fled the village during the arrest campaign. On the same day tens of olive trees were uprooted and 5 Palestinian homes were blown up. The IOF told reporters at the time that they couldn’t establish a direct link between the “killing of the settler girl” and the demolished houses, i.e. the houses were chosen randomly to be demolished as a collective punishment for the village for a murder the villagers didn’t commit. Another 8 Palestinian houses were blown up the next day even after an Israeli military report found that it was in fact Aldubi’s gun that killed the girl. The Israeli army report confirmed that the bullet in the girl’s head was from Aldubi’s gun, the same gun that killed the two other Palestinians as well. The report noted that when the guns were grabbed by the Palestinians their magazines were empty. It also confirmed that the Palestinians had in fact protected the settler children. Israel also deported 6 Palestinians from the village as a further collective punishment for a murder committed by a settler. Even after the release of the Israeli military report, the Zionists continued accusing the Palestinians of killing the girl and stealing the guns from the guards. Israeli politicians, settler leaders and others called for revenge and for a brutal action against the Palestinians of Beita. Israeli minister of religious affairs at the time said that Beita doesn’t exist on the map anymore and that a settlement called Tirza Porat should be built in its place.

No Zionist colonist was ever punished for the murder of the 3 Palestinian residents of Beita.

1990: On 08.10.1990, some 200,000 Zionist colonists marched to Al-Aqsa mosuque. Assisted by Israeli occupation soldiers, the fanatic settlers starting shooting randomly at the unarmed Palestinians and using machine guns and gas bombs. Israeli helicopters participated in the massacre from the air. The massacre lasted 35 minutes during which at least 17 Palestinians were killed and some 900 injured, most of the wounds being in the head and in the heart.

1994: On 25.02.1994, Zionist colonist Baruch Goldstein, a leader of the fanatic terror organization Kach, entered the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron and killed 29 Palestinian worshippers during dawn prayer. The shooting lasted 10 minutes during which the IOF soldiers stationed outside the mosque did not intervene to stop the massacre, instead they closed the doors of the mosque and prevented worshippers from escaping. After the massacre was over, the IOF soldiers, together with more Zionist colonists, entered the mosques and started shooting at those still alive inside. Another 30 Palestinian were killed by the IOF and Zionist colonists either while trying to provide medical help to those in the mosque, during the funerals of the massacre martyrs, or during protests against the massacre.

On 17.07.1994, Zionist colonists and Israeli occupation soldiers opened fire at Palestinians waiting at the Erez checkpoint. 11 Palestinians were killed and over 200 injured.

1996: On 15.10.1996 Zayid Fathi, 13 yrs, from Yabad, Jenine, was kidnapped by zionist settlers as he was walking home from school and brutally beaten. On the same day, another group of settlers in the Nablus area attacked 4 palestinian children and brutally beat them. One of the children, Mahmoud Bajawi, was beaten unconscious. On 24.10.1996 settlers set dogs at a group of Palestinian children on their way to school. On 27.10.1996 settlers beat Sahar Abdel Raouf Al-Muhtasib, 12 yrs, while Israeli soldiers watched......

Zionist Settlers: A Long History of Terrorism | My Palestine

Sherri, that's not an 'article' - it's an entry in a blog. No more 'authoritative' or 'reliable' than any post by a poster on a chat board.

Are you so stupid you don't know the difference? Or so single-minded in your drive to demonize Israelis that you simply do not care?
Awwwwwwwwwww, isn't that special - Sherri located another hate speech blog to stoke her own murderous hatred.

What would the world be without people like you defending today's Jewish Nazis in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories?

I can only dream of such a world!


Aren't you ever the charitable humanitarian pacifist: slander me with horriffic lying labels, and wish I'd disappear. LOL!

I thought you said on here that you HATE people slapping labels on others, that it's just an excuse to justify hating on 'em.

And guess what you just did in that post I've quoted???


Sherri claims her Christian beliefs do not allow her to condemn others ... unless, of course, the others happen to be Joooos in which case any camel crap from any website will do.
I didn't even mention Israel or 'territories': I simply pointed out that you gravitate to biased blogs for your "sources", and that you harbor a virulent hatred.

That's simply stating my opinions, which in this case are factual.

It'd be nice if you quit lying about what I've said in my posts. It'd also be intelligent, since my words are right there to prove you lied.

Sherri clearly doesn't care. She is here to express her hate and is more than willing to lie for her "cause" because the truth just doesn't get the job done.
Sherri, that's not an 'article' - it's an entry in a blog. No more 'authoritative' or 'reliable' than any post by a poster on a chat board.

Are you so stupid you don't know the difference? Or so single-minded in your drive to demonize Israelis that you simply do not care?

Answer: all of the above.
I didn't even mention Israel or 'territories': I simply pointed out that you gravitate to biased blogs for your "sources", and that you harbor a virulent hatred.

That's simply stating my opinions, which in this case are factual.

It'd be nice if you quit lying about what I've said in my posts. It'd also be intelligent, since my words are right there to prove you lied.

EDIT: Publishing your own name in a post is your business but, do NOT use the real names of members you are replying to! ,

All of these incidences of settler attacks I am addressing have been extensively documented by human rights groups in reports and many appear in documents on the UNISPAL website.

The article I discussed in my last post and the settler attacks addressed there are documented in records of the human rights group I provide a link to below.

Palestinian Center for Human Rights

The hatefulness of the illegal settlers is FACT, and the Jewish settler children are taught to hate and kill Palestinians from their childhoods.

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I didn't even mention Israel or 'territories': I simply pointed out that you gravitate to biased blogs for your "sources", and that you harbor a virulent hatred.

That's simply stating my opinions, which in this case are factual.

It'd be nice if you quit lying about what I've said in my posts. It'd also be intelligent, since my words are right there to prove you lied.


All of these incidences of settler attacks I am addressing have been extensively documented by human rights groups in reports and many appear in documents on the UNISPAL website.

The article I discussed in my last post and the settler attacks addressed there are documented in records of the human rights group I provide a link to below.

Palestinian Center for Human Rights

The hatefulness of the illegal settlers is FACT, and the Jewish settler children are taught to hate and kill Palestinians from their childhoods.


Camel crap.
They are taught, however, to be prepared at all times lest a few of your "peaceful" Arab buddies sneak into their community intending to slit a few throats.
Who really cares? When the rapture comes Jews will just be fodder for the souls of good Christians.
Sherri, that's not an 'article' - it's an entry in a blog. No more 'authoritative' or 'reliable' than any post by a poster on a chat board.

Are you so stupid you don't know the difference? Or so single-minded in your drive to demonize Israelis that you simply do not care?

Answer: all of the above.


The OP is an eyewitness writing what was personally observed by this individual in a settler attack on Palestinians. There is no better evidence of what happened at any given time or place then a person observing it, reporting on the incident.

The second link I referenced, the settler attacks were documented by human rights groups and the link to their website is provided in the article.

Palestinian Center for Human Rights

What would the world be without people like you defending today's Jewish Nazis in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories?

I can only dream of such a world!


Aren't you ever the charitable humanitarian pacifist: slander me with horriffic lying labels, and wish I'd disappear. LOL!

I thought you said on here that you HATE people slapping labels on others, that it's just an excuse to justify hating on 'em.

And guess what you just did in that post I've quoted???


Sherri claims her Christian beliefs do not allow her to condemn others ... unless, of course, the others happen to be Joooos in which case any camel crap from any website will do.


Settler attacks on Palestinians have been documented and I am simply addressing some of these incidents. This has nothing to do with "condemnation."


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