Israeli soldiers and rabbis tell supporters to kill Palestinian children

My issue is with the Israeli right. Zionists in particular. This has nothing to do with Judaism. Zionism and Judaism are two completely separate things. One is a religion, the other is a political movement.
Hey, man, rationalize it all you want, but leave me out of your head. You have spouted nothing but vitriolic hate toward Israel ever since the terror attack 2 weeks ago. Maybe you should qualify some of the things you say if you want your position to be clear.
You are rationalizing hate.
It's a twoway situation in which hating is shared by both sides. One side has to be the side of right and the other side is down to their only remaining justification for apartheid and evil.

That justification has become nothing more than superstitious beliefs that they are the 'chosen' that makes them better than the innocents they slaughter.

China is showing a better way and the rest of the world is paying attention!
It's a twoway situation in which hating is shared by both sides. One side has to be the side of right and the other side is down to their only remaining justification for apartheid and evil.

That justification has become nothing more than superstitious beliefs that they are the 'chosen' that makes them better than the innocents they slaughter.

China is showing a better way and the rest of the world is paying attention!
A total lie. Israelis are afraid of Palestinian terrorists. They have been attacked by them routinely for decades. Israeli action is taken after they are attacked. Righteousness is very clearly on the side of Israeli, the only civilized and democratic country in the Middle East.
Hey, man, rationalize it all you want, but leave me out of your head. You have spouted nothing but vitriolic hate toward Israel ever since the terror attack 2 weeks ago. Maybe you should qualify some of the things you say if you want your position to be clear.
nope ----IT'S NUTHIN' NEW
It's a twoway situation in which hating is shared by both sides. One side has to be the side of right and the other side is down to their only remaining justification for apartheid and evil.

That justification has become nothing more than superstitious beliefs that they are the 'chosen' that makes them better than the innocents they slaughter.

China is showing a better way and the rest of the world is paying attention!

"China is showing a better way" so true----they put their muslim population in concentration camps for "MIND CORRECTION"
Many churches in America are praying for peace in Israel and Palestine and providing prayers for victims on both sides of the conflict and that’s exactly what I’m doing…. We want to see Israelis and Palestinians come together.

It’s a good thing to pray for a Palestinian child and mom who has to confront a Jewish soldier like we saw in the video above, who says he will plan on killing Palestinian children.

There are roaches on both sides that much is undeniable. They create difficulties for the situation. We can all admit that. We’ve all seen the proof from both sides.

Some people will support one side and criticize the other. As Americans, we should be working for peace like a one state solution. And we must call out any Rabbi or Imam who calls for attacks on women and children. Sixties Fan
No, the old worn out claim that there is good on both sides isn't working anymore.

Unless we accept the claim that the Zionists are better than all others because they are the 'chosen' few. They have noting else left as their claim to good.

43 min mark …. One Palestinian is told by an Israeli soldier that he wants to “kill Palestinian children” and sexually assault his mom

Do you have any 'good' to offer on behalf of the evil apartheid regime? Or are you all in on the 'chosen' few schtick?
Many churches in America are praying for peace in Israel and Palestine and providing prayers for victims on both sides of the conflict and that’s exactly what I’m doing…. We want to see Israelis and Palestinians come together.

It’s a good thing to pray for a Palestinian child and mom who has to confront a Jewish soldier like we saw in the video above, who says he will plan on killing Palestinian children.

There are roaches on both sides that much is undeniable. They create difficulties for the situation. We can all admit that. We’ve all seen the proof from both sides.

Some people will support one side and criticize the other. As Americans, we should be working for peace like a one state solution. And we must call out any Rabbi or Imam who calls for attacks on women and children. Sixties Fan

And we must call out any Rabbi or Imam who calls for attacks on women and children.
^^^^ GREAT IDEA ---I support the clandestine recording of
all "sermons" delivered in synagogues and mosques in the USA
and the ability for citizens to access them via FOIL
You are rationalizing hate.

"...rationalizing hate" ?????

Have you read the countless hate filled Hasbara trolls and psycho-Settler type comments demanding the murder of every Palestinian man woman and child and complete destruction of all of Gaza.

Almost half of Israel's Jews support ethnic cleansing (1) and those are just the ones who admit their hatred.

I spent 10 - 11 months walking and hitch hiking throughout the Islamic Middle East.
I slept in city parks, outside mosques and sometimes in the huts, homes and tents of the people who gave me rides.
In spite of the fact that I looked Western with a red beard and blue eyes, I never experienced hatred.
One time in Damascus a Syrian Army officer refused to share a room with me but that was the only snub I remember.
Many times someone who had given me a ride would insist on treating me to a meal with his friends and everybody was curious about life in America.
The two questions I was asked most frequently were:
1. "Why do Americans suddenly hate us?"
2. "Why does America help Israel kill the Palestinians and steal their land?"

I tried to explain the overwhelming influence of Israeli lobbies on Middle East policy making and the pro Israel bias in American MSM but they still couldn't understand why people as advanced as Americans could be so easily manipulated and gullible nor can I.

At the moment, Netanyahu and his genocidal right wing extremists are busily trying to kill as many Palestinians as they can and still trot out the Holocaust without laughing at what suckers his supporters are.

“Stupid pro-Israel Americans - have you heard these quotes from your hero Netanyahu? See below?”

“It is very good! It will be good for Israel!” Benjamin Nutandyahoo on the 9/11 attacks

“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002

“My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.”— Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu

“America is something that you can easily maneuver and move in the right direction. And even if they say something, so then they say something – so what? Look, I wasn’t afraid to maneuver the Americans, I wasn’t afraid to go against the UN.” Benjamin Netanyahu


(1). “Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds”

EXCERPT “Almost half of Jewish Israelis believe Arabs should be "expelled or transferred" from Israel, a survey has found.

A study carried out by the Pew Research Centre found that around one in five adults questioned “strongly agreed” with the controversial statement, which amounts to ethnic cleansing under some definitions.
43 min mark …. One Palestinian is told by an Israeli soldier that he wants to “kill Palestinian children” and sexually assault his mom

But we have been told by the propagandists that Israel doesn’t do this stuff. Most Palestinians and Israelis don’t do this kind of evil. But there are those who do. And the evidence is literally in the video above. These Israeli soldiers and rabbis are literally the same thing as Hamas militants who think it’s permissible in Islam to kill kids. It’s not ….here is the absolute undeniable proof. It’s in the very video they quoted the Quran and the hadith’s proving that it is not allowed in Islam to do that.

Also Most Jews say that Judaism does not allow attacking women and children.

And so this is what we have this pro Israel propaganda from the devil himself right here in America. From some bad people in the media saying that’s a Palestinian side is evil. When there is clearly and undeniably evil on both sides of Israel and Palestine. And there is also love and glory and in the end the love will prevail and we will have unity between Israel and Palestine.

For those supporters of the second amendment in America. Recall how we can arm ourselves here in America. But these Palestinian men who are peaceful, and who love Jews are not allowed to arm themselves. This is disgraceful. America needs to change his policy toward Israel and Palestine. If we give weapons to anybody, It should only be to honorable Palestinian Muslims and Israeli Jews.

It is sickening that there are elements of the Israeli army that are monstrous beasts. They are like the devil himself. You can simply look at the 43 minute mark of the video above to see the undeniable proof or not. The choice is yours, my friends.

Jesus, our Lord and Savior shine your light upon these beautiful Palestinian people who have to face off against the satanic soldiers in Israel, who think it’s OK to kill Palestinian children.

View attachment 843935

Imagine for a moment, that evil Israeli soldier, chasing down women and children in Palestine. And the Palestinian men don’t have the guns to defend themselves with. That’s not right that’s not right at all. And so American policy should keep this in mind.

may our Lord bring together the peaceful, loving people of Israel and Palestine against the bad people on both sides

If you kill them now, they won't grow up to be Hamas later.
^^^^ GREAT IDEA ---I support the clandestine recording of
all "sermons" delivered in synagogues and mosques in the USA
and the ability for citizens to access them via FOIL
and Christofascist evangelical churches as well, right?
"...rationalizing hate" ?????

Have you read the countless hate filled Hasbara trolls and psycho-Settler type comments demanding the murder of every Palestinian man woman and child and complete destruction of all of Gaza.

Almost half of Israel's Jews support ethnic cleansing (1) and those are just the ones who admit their hatred.

I spent 10 - 11 months walking and hitch hiking throughout the Islamic Middle East.
I slept in city parks, outside mosques and sometimes in the huts, homes and tents of the people who gave me rides.
In spite of the fact that I looked Western with a red beard and blue eyes, I never experienced hatred.
One time in Damascus a Syrian Army officer refused to share a room with me but that was the only snub I remember.
Many times someone who had given me a ride would insist on treating me to a meal with his friends and everybody was curious about life in America.
The two questions I was asked most frequently were:
1. "Why do Americans suddenly hate us?"
2. "Why does America help Israel kill the Palestinians and steal their land?"

I tried to explain the overwhelming influence of Israeli lobbies on Middle East policy making and the pro Israel bias in American MSM but they still couldn't understand why people as advanced as Americans could be so easily manipulated and gullible nor can I.

At the moment, Netanyahu and his genocidal right wing extremists are busily trying to kill as many Palestinians as they can and still trot out the Holocaust without laughing at what suckers his supporters are.

“Stupid pro-Israel Americans - have you heard these quotes from your hero Netanyahu? See below?”

“It is very good! It will be good for Israel!” Benjamin Nutandyahoo on the 9/11 attacks

“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002

“My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.”— Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu

“America is something that you can easily maneuver and move in the right direction. And even if they say something, so then they say something – so what? Look, I wasn’t afraid to maneuver the Americans, I wasn’t afraid to go against the UN.” Benjamin Netanyahu


(1). “Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds”

EXCERPT “Almost half of Jewish Israelis believe Arabs should be "expelled or transferred" from Israel, a survey has found.

A study carried out by the Pew Research Centre found that around one in five adults questioned “strongly agreed” with the controversial statement, which amounts to ethnic clean

and Christofascist evangelical churches as well, right?
all of them
all of them
I am not religious, because God is not religious.... religion is just man's attempt to be God....

but I believe we should have religious freedom, so I am against government wiretapping churches...

Why are you so willing to give up your freedom to big government?
I'm still waiting for the video of Israeli soldier who wants to
kill all "palestinians" and rape mothers. PS the film is really
silly muzzie propaganda
I am not religious, because God is not religious.... religion is just man's attempt to be God....

but I believe we should have religious freedom, so I am against government wiretapping churches...

Why are you so willing to give up your freedom to big government?
It's a matter of CHILDREN ---It is in the uhm "houses of worship" that kids learn whom to HATE. I have been in a sampling of
lots of different "houses of worship" A few times I had to restrain myself from vomiting
In spite of the fact that I looked Western with a red beard and blue eyes

A lot of Arabs do too. I saw them in Nazareth farmers‘ market. Red haired with freckles. Some blonde blue eyed ones too.

Descendants of white slaves, and the Crusaders.
"...rationalizing hate" ?????

Have you read the countless hate filled Hasbara trolls and psycho-Settler type comments demanding the murder of every Palestinian man woman and child and complete destruction of all of Gaza.

Almost half of Israel's Jews support ethnic cleansing (1) and those are just the ones who admit their hatred.

I spent 10 - 11 months walking and hitch hiking throughout the Islamic Middle East.
I slept in city parks, outside mosques and sometimes in the huts, homes and tents of the people who gave me rides.
In spite of the fact that I looked Western with a red beard and blue eyes, I never experienced hatred.
One time in Damascus a Syrian Army officer refused to share a room with me but that was the only snub I remember.
Many times someone who had given me a ride would insist on treating me to a meal with his friends and everybody was curious about life in America.
The two questions I was asked most frequently were:
1. "Why do Americans suddenly hate us?"
2. "Why does America help Israel kill the Palestinians and steal their land?"

I tried to explain the overwhelming influence of Israeli lobbies on Middle East policy making and the pro Israel bias in American MSM but they still couldn't understand why people as advanced as Americans could be so easily manipulated and gullible nor can I.

At the moment, Netanyahu and his genocidal right wing extremists are busily trying to kill as many Palestinians as they can and still trot out the Holocaust without laughing at what suckers his supporters are.

“Stupid pro-Israel Americans - have you heard these quotes from your hero Netanyahu? See below?”

“It is very good! It will be good for Israel!” Benjamin Nutandyahoo on the 9/11 attacks

“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002

“My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.”— Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu

“America is something that you can easily maneuver and move in the right direction. And even if they say something, so then they say something – so what? Look, I wasn’t afraid to maneuver the Americans, I wasn’t afraid to go against the UN.” Benjamin Netanyahu


(1). “Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds”

EXCERPT “Almost half of Jewish Israelis believe Arabs should be "expelled or transferred" from Israel, a survey has found.

A study carried out by the Pew Research Centre found that around one in five adults questioned “strongly agreed” with the controversial statement, which amounts to ethnic cleansing under some definitions.
GOOD!! These Israeli soldiers need to understand they’re not fighting a regular war. There is no uniformed entity to combat. Every individual not in an IDF uniform MUST be assumed to be an enemy militant, and should be treated as such.
A lot of Arabs do too. I saw them in Nazareth farmers‘ market. Red haired with freckles. Some blonde blue eyed ones too.

Descendants of white slaves, and the Crusaders.

Thanks for reminding me.
I saw more Arabs that looked like you described in Lebanon and Western Syria.

Enjoy your weekend,

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