Israeli source blames Obama for UN settlement vote, says he 'abandoned Israel'

Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind the US, cease being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.

Lifted word for word from a hate site, you can tell by the childish context and LIES. I wonder what you will say when the Jews leave America and take all their wealth with them, leaving the US fighting for survival all because of some jumped up 4th class muslim they elected as president
Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind the US, cease being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.

Lifted word for word from a hate site, you can tell by the childish context and LIES. I wonder what you will say when the Jews leave America and take all their wealth with them, leaving the US fighting for survival all because of some jumped up 4th class muslim they elected as president

Yeah, show us all the site and quote hon. The Jews have all your money? Sounds like a hateful stereotype thing to me pard.
"US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry pushed a "shameful" draft anti-settlement resolution at the UN Security Council, a senior Israeli official said on Friday.

"The US administration secretly cooked up with the Palestinians an extreme anti-Israeli resolution behind Israel's back which would be a tailwind for terror and boycotts," the official said.

The official added that "President Obama could declare his willingness to veto this resolution in an instant but instead is pushing it. This is an abandonment of Israel which breaks decades of US policy of protecting Israel at the UN and undermines the prospects of working with the next administration of advancing peace."

Senator Rubio Press


Obama Admin should veto any hostile, one-sided #UNSC resolution on Israeli settlements. Another example of @UN bias against #Israel.10:21 AM

The vote on the resolution was scheduled for Thursday but then postponed. The UN Security Council will vote on Friday on the resolution after four council members again put forward the measure a day after Egypt withdrew it under pressure from Israel and US President-elect Donald Trump.

New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal, who were co-sponsors of the draft resolution, have requested the vote, which diplomats said was likely to take place at 3 p.m. (2000 GMT).

New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal told Egypt on Thursday night that if Cairo did not clarify its position, then they reserved the right to "proceed to put it to vote ASAP."

Security Council member Egypt then officially withdrew the text, which it had worked on with the Palestinians, allowing those four countries to call for a vote, diplomats said."

Israeli source blames Obama for UN settlement vote, says he 'abandoned Israel'

Fortunately, Obama will soon slither out of the WH and the stain he has left US policy can be cleaned away.

So the resolution is going thru after all? I thought Bibi and Trump twisted some arms to get it withdrawn!
They did and Egypt withdrew it, but now New Zealand and some other countries have resubmitted it. The UN has no jurisdiction in this area, so it has no legal status, but it will encourage more terrorism and make life more difficult for everyone in the area. Clearly, it is not pro Palestinian at all, but merely anti Israeli.

Maybe if Israel walked out of the UN and tore up its membership the lesson would be learnt by the anti semitic scum. No more stopping Israel from ending the conflict once and for all, and the UN being impotent to even talk to them never mind stop them defending against all out war
"US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry pushed a "shameful" draft anti-settlement resolution at the UN Security Council, a senior Israeli official said on Friday.

"The US administration secretly cooked up with the Palestinians an extreme anti-Israeli resolution behind Israel's back which would be a tailwind for terror and boycotts," the official said.

The official added that "President Obama could declare his willingness to veto this resolution in an instant but instead is pushing it. This is an abandonment of Israel which breaks decades of US policy of protecting Israel at the UN and undermines the prospects of working with the next administration of advancing peace."

Senator Rubio Press


Obama Admin should veto any hostile, one-sided #UNSC resolution on Israeli settlements. Another example of @UN bias against #Israel.10:21 AM

The vote on the resolution was scheduled for Thursday but then postponed. The UN Security Council will vote on Friday on the resolution after four council members again put forward the measure a day after Egypt withdrew it under pressure from Israel and US President-elect Donald Trump.

New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal, who were co-sponsors of the draft resolution, have requested the vote, which diplomats said was likely to take place at 3 p.m. (2000 GMT).

New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal told Egypt on Thursday night that if Cairo did not clarify its position, then they reserved the right to "proceed to put it to vote ASAP."

Security Council member Egypt then officially withdrew the text, which it had worked on with the Palestinians, allowing those four countries to call for a vote, diplomats said."

Israeli source blames Obama for UN settlement vote, says he 'abandoned Israel'

Fortunately, Obama will soon slither out of the WH and the stain he has left US policy can be cleaned away.

So the resolution is going thru after all? I thought Bibi and Trump twisted some arms to get it withdrawn!
They did and Egypt withdrew it, but now New Zealand and some other countries have resubmitted it. The UN has no jurisdiction in this area, so it has no legal status, but it will encourage more terrorism and make life more difficult for everyone in the area. Clearly, it is not pro Palestinian at all, but merely anti Israeli.

Maybe if Israel walked out of the UN and tore up its membership the lesson would be learnt by the anti semitic scum. No more stopping Israel from ending the conflict once and for all, and the UN being impotent to even talk to them never mind stop them defending against all out war

Sure, go push that, write ya congressman.
Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind the US, cease being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.

Lifted word for word from a hate site, you can tell by the childish context and LIES. I wonder what you will say when the Jews leave America and take all their wealth with them, leaving the US fighting for survival all because of some jumped up 4th class muslim they elected as president

Yeah, show us all the site and quote hon. The Jews have all your money? Sounds like a hateful stereotype thing to me pard.

Why dont you do the world a favour and get of
"US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry pushed a "shameful" draft anti-settlement resolution at the UN Security Council, a senior Israeli official said on Friday.

"The US administration secretly cooked up with the Palestinians an extreme anti-Israeli resolution behind Israel's back which would be a tailwind for terror and boycotts," the official said.

The official added that "President Obama could declare his willingness to veto this resolution in an instant but instead is pushing it. This is an abandonment of Israel which breaks decades of US policy of protecting Israel at the UN and undermines the prospects of working with the next administration of advancing peace."

Senator Rubio Press


Obama Admin should veto any hostile, one-sided #UNSC resolution on Israeli settlements. Another example of @UN bias against #Israel.10:21 AM

The vote on the resolution was scheduled for Thursday but then postponed. The UN Security Council will vote on Friday on the resolution after four council members again put forward the measure a day after Egypt withdrew it under pressure from Israel and US President-elect Donald Trump.

New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal, who were co-sponsors of the draft resolution, have requested the vote, which diplomats said was likely to take place at 3 p.m. (2000 GMT).

New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal told Egypt on Thursday night that if Cairo did not clarify its position, then they reserved the right to "proceed to put it to vote ASAP."

Security Council member Egypt then officially withdrew the text, which it had worked on with the Palestinians, allowing those four countries to call for a vote, diplomats said."

Israeli source blames Obama for UN settlement vote, says he 'abandoned Israel'

Fortunately, Obama will soon slither out of the WH and the stain he has left US policy can be cleaned away.

So the resolution is going thru after all? I thought Bibi and Trump twisted some arms to get it withdrawn!
They did and Egypt withdrew it, but now New Zealand and some other countries have resubmitted it. The UN has no jurisdiction in this area, so it has no legal status, but it will encourage more terrorism and make life more difficult for everyone in the area. Clearly, it is not pro Palestinian at all, but merely anti Israeli.

Maybe if Israel walked out of the UN and tore up its membership the lesson would be learnt by the anti semitic scum. No more stopping Israel from ending the conflict once and for all, and the UN being impotent to even talk to them never mind stop them defending against all out war

Sure, go push that, write ya congressman.

Dont have one not being a neo nazi like you
And a perfect example of who needs to grow up.

Honey, you are the one touting anti-Israeli sentiment which is convolutedly false, not I.
Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind and being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.
No, it is you that should go grow up. I dare you to live in Israel along the border for 6 months.

Like you did?

Try again pootoo?
Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind the US, cease being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.
In other words, you are perfectly ignorant of the facts but feel comfortable hating Israel, anyway.

I feel comfortable knowing all human beings have value and worth, so I hate no one, but it's pretty obvious what the Israeli's are doing. I feel comfortable that if the palis were doing to Israel what Israel is doing to the palis you'd be all frothy mouthed over it. I feel comfortable that if we were arming the palis like we are the Israelis you'd be apoplectic. I feel comfortable that since you are only capable of hating the palis you turn any critique of Israeli policy into "Israel hating" because that's the only type of "conversation" you're capable of. I feel comfortable that ancient hatreds and modern arms of mass destruction are most likely not a healthy mix. And I feel comfortable that america will continue to foment unrest in the middle east as it has been for quite some time.

So you havent looked at recent history when the palestinians forcibly evicted Jews from their lands, raped their wives, sisters and daughters and then killed so many. Only happened in 1949 and 1967 so if you know about Israel you will know about this. How come the Jews did not become perpetual refugees and creamed the UN from all sides ?
Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind the US, cease being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.

Lifted word for word from a hate site, you can tell by the childish context and LIES. I wonder what you will say when the Jews leave America and take all their wealth with them, leaving the US fighting for survival all because of some jumped up 4th class muslim they elected as president

Yeah, show us all the site and quote hon. The Jews have all your money? Sounds like a hateful stereotype thing to me pard.

They have none of my money, but they do have yours and could foreclose at any time making you a bum like your terrorist hero's
Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind the US, cease being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.
In other words, you are perfectly ignorant of the facts but feel comfortable hating Israel, anyway.

I feel comfortable knowing all human beings have value and worth, so I hate no one, but it's pretty obvious what the Israeli's are doing. I feel comfortable that if the palis were doing to Israel what Israel is doing to the palis you'd be all frothy mouthed over it. I feel comfortable that if we were arming the palis like we are the Israelis you'd be apoplectic. I feel comfortable that since you are only capable of hating the palis you turn any critique of Israeli policy into "Israel hating" because that's the only type of "conversation" you're capable of. I feel comfortable that ancient hatreds and modern arms of mass destruction are most likely not a healthy mix. And I feel comfortable that america will continue to foment unrest in the middle east as it has been for quite some time.

So you havent looked at recent history when the palestinians forcibly evicted Jews from their lands, raped their wives, sisters and daughters and then killed so many. Only happened in 1949 and 1967 so if you know about Israel you will know about this. How come the Jews did not become perpetual refugees and creamed the UN from all sides ?

There has been plenty of force, rape, murder and this, "well yeah but they started it" crap for centuries - at least. I feel comfortable that ancient hatreds and modern arms of mass destruction are most likely not a healthy mix. And I feel comfortable that america will continue to foment unrest in the middle east as it has been for quite some time.
Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind and being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.
No, it is you that should go grow up. I dare you to live in Israel along the border for 6 months.

Us taxpayers no longer wants to give you money for your illegal settlements, or any money at all. You have enough rich jews in the US who have made lots of money off us already, let them pay you. Grow up and quit being dependent on the US.
Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind the US, cease being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.

Lifted word for word from a hate site, you can tell by the childish context and LIES. I wonder what you will say when the Jews leave America and take all their wealth with them, leaving the US fighting for survival all because of some jumped up 4th class muslim they elected as president

Yeah, show us all the site and quote hon. The Jews have all your money? Sounds like a hateful stereotype thing to me pard.

They have none of my money, but they do have yours and could foreclose at any time making you a bum like your terrorist hero's

That just doesn't make any sense at all son, calm down.
Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind the US, cease being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.
In other words, you are perfectly ignorant of the facts but feel comfortable hating Israel, anyway.

I feel comfortable knowing all human beings have value and worth, so I hate no one, but it's pretty obvious what the Israeli's are doing. I feel comfortable that if the palis were doing to Israel what Israel is doing to the palis you'd be all frothy mouthed over it. I feel comfortable that if we were arming the palis like we are the Israelis you'd be apoplectic. I feel comfortable that since you are only capable of hating the palis you turn any critique of Israeli policy into "Israel hating" because that's the only type of "conversation" you're capable of. I feel comfortable that ancient hatreds and modern arms of mass destruction are most likely not a healthy mix. And I feel comfortable that america will continue to foment unrest in the middle east as it has been for quite some time.

So you havent looked at recent history when the palestinians forcibly evicted Jews from their lands, raped their wives, sisters and daughters and then killed so many. Only happened in 1949 and 1967 so if you know about Israel you will know about this. How come the Jews did not become perpetual refugees and creamed the UN from all sides ?

There has been plenty of force, rape, murder and this, "well yeah but they started it" crap for centuries - at least. I feel comfortable that ancient hatreds and modern arms of mass destruction are most likely not a healthy mix. And I feel comfortable that america will continue to foment unrest in the middle east as it has been for quite some time.

Dont like seeing the reality do you as it means your POV is wrong and the arab muslims are the cause of the problems. Blame anyone but the 7c muslims that are the real problem
Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind and being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.
No, it is you that should go grow up. I dare you to live in Israel along the border for 6 months.

Us taxpayers no longer wants to give you money for your illegal settlements, or any money at all. You have enough rich jews in the US who have made lots of money off us already, let them pay you. Grow up and quit being dependent on the US.

We could say the same about you islamonazi's who get at least 10 times more US aid than Israel does. That would mean your leaders wont be able to steal the money for themselves and put it in a Swiss bank account
Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind the US, cease being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.

Lifted word for word from a hate site, you can tell by the childish context and LIES. I wonder what you will say when the Jews leave America and take all their wealth with them, leaving the US fighting for survival all because of some jumped up 4th class muslim they elected as president

Yeah, show us all the site and quote hon. The Jews have all your money? Sounds like a hateful stereotype thing to me pard.

They have none of my money, but they do have yours and could foreclose at any time making you a bum like your terrorist hero's

That just doesn't make any sense at all son, calm down.

It makes perfect sense if you stop using your Jew hatred and start using your brain
Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind the US, cease being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.

Lifted word for word from a hate site, you can tell by the childish context and LIES. I wonder what you will say when the Jews leave America and take all their wealth with them, leaving the US fighting for survival all because of some jumped up 4th class muslim they elected as president

Yeah, show us all the site and quote hon. The Jews have all your money? Sounds like a hateful stereotype thing to me pard.

They have none of my money, but they do have yours and could foreclose at any time making you a bum like your terrorist hero's

That just doesn't make any sense at all son, calm down.

It makes perfect sense if you stop using your Jew hatred and start using your brain

Being critical of of Israeli govt policy has nothing to do with jews hon, calm down. These wars are nothing but business, all over the world. The arms dealing and war fomenting is bad for everyone, including jewish people. Just like the american proclivity for starting wars all over isn't good for anyone either, including christian people. Stoking ancient hatreds and mixing that with modern weapons of mass destruction like you do is just a bad idea for all.
Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind and being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.
No, it is you that should go grow up. I dare you to live in Israel along the border for 6 months.

Us taxpayers no longer wants to give you money for your illegal settlements, or any money at all. You have enough rich jews in the US who have made lots of money off us already, let them pay you. Grow up and quit being dependent on the US.

We could say the same about you islamonazi's who get at least 10 times more US aid than Israel does. That would mean your leaders wont be able to steal the money for themselves and put it in a Swiss bank account

Perhaps you should remind the party you vote for of all that, heh?
Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind the US, cease being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.
In other words, you are perfectly ignorant of the facts but feel comfortable hating Israel, anyway.

I feel comfortable knowing all human beings have value and worth, so I hate no one, but it's pretty obvious what the Israeli's are doing. I feel comfortable that if the palis were doing to Israel what Israel is doing to the palis you'd be all frothy mouthed over it. I feel comfortable that if we were arming the palis like we are the Israelis you'd be apoplectic. I feel comfortable that since you are only capable of hating the palis you turn any critique of Israeli policy into "Israel hating" because that's the only type of "conversation" you're capable of. I feel comfortable that ancient hatreds and modern arms of mass destruction are most likely not a healthy mix. And I feel comfortable that america will continue to foment unrest in the middle east as it has been for quite some time.

So you havent looked at recent history when the palestinians forcibly evicted Jews from their lands, raped their wives, sisters and daughters and then killed so many. Only happened in 1949 and 1967 so if you know about Israel you will know about this. How come the Jews did not become perpetual refugees and creamed the UN from all sides ?

There has been plenty of force, rape, murder and this, "well yeah but they started it" crap for centuries - at least. I feel comfortable that ancient hatreds and modern arms of mass destruction are most likely not a healthy mix. And I feel comfortable that america will continue to foment unrest in the middle east as it has been for quite some time.

Dont like seeing the reality do you as it means your POV is wrong and the arab muslims are the cause of the problems. Blame anyone but the 7c muslims that are the real problem

The wonderful thing about guilt, sin, and blame, is that you never have to take any responsibility for anything at all.
Fuck Israel, if they wish to engage in colonialism, occupation, and Pali cleansing they should be forced to grow up, stop hiding behind and being subsidized by US taxpayers, and do their own dirt alone.
No, it is you that should go grow up. I dare you to live in Israel along the border for 6 months.

Us taxpayers no longer wants to give you money for your illegal settlements, or any money at all. You have enough rich jews in the US who have made lots of money off us already, let them pay you. Grow up and quit being dependent on the US.

We could say the same about you islamonazi's who get at least 10 times more US aid than Israel does. That would mean your leaders wont be able to steal the money for themselves and put it in a Swiss bank account

Perhaps you should remind the party you vote for of all that, heh?

I do all the time, and I think you are getting confused again
In other words, you are perfectly ignorant of the facts but feel comfortable hating Israel, anyway.

I feel comfortable knowing all human beings have value and worth, so I hate no one, but it's pretty obvious what the Israeli's are doing. I feel comfortable that if the palis were doing to Israel what Israel is doing to the palis you'd be all frothy mouthed over it. I feel comfortable that if we were arming the palis like we are the Israelis you'd be apoplectic. I feel comfortable that since you are only capable of hating the palis you turn any critique of Israeli policy into "Israel hating" because that's the only type of "conversation" you're capable of. I feel comfortable that ancient hatreds and modern arms of mass destruction are most likely not a healthy mix. And I feel comfortable that america will continue to foment unrest in the middle east as it has been for quite some time.

So you havent looked at recent history when the palestinians forcibly evicted Jews from their lands, raped their wives, sisters and daughters and then killed so many. Only happened in 1949 and 1967 so if you know about Israel you will know about this. How come the Jews did not become perpetual refugees and creamed the UN from all sides ?

There has been plenty of force, rape, murder and this, "well yeah but they started it" crap for centuries - at least. I feel comfortable that ancient hatreds and modern arms of mass destruction are most likely not a healthy mix. And I feel comfortable that america will continue to foment unrest in the middle east as it has been for quite some time.

Dont like seeing the reality do you as it means your POV is wrong and the arab muslims are the cause of the problems. Blame anyone but the 7c muslims that are the real problem

The wonderful thing about guilt, sin, and blame, is that you never have to take any responsibility for anything at all.

Not for what the arab muslims are doing to Israel, and I know how I would deal with them. And the UN would be told to back off until the job was done, then they could go in and clean house

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