Israeli source blames Obama for UN settlement vote, says he 'abandoned Israel'

Ahh, typical Hasbara training. Question the authority of the UN. You are too easy. The UN has the same authority over Israel as it had over Apartheid South Africa. Though it took time, look where denying the authority got them. I've dealt with you Hasbara types before, you always lose, because I have the facts and you only have propaganda.
Ahh, typical Hasbara training. Question the authority of the UN. You are too easy. The UN has the same authority over Israel as it had over Apartheid South Africa. Though it took time, look where denying the authority got them. I've dealt with you Hasbara types before, you always lose, because I have the facts and you only have propaganda.
Ahh, the typical blustering of the befuddled Islamist. It's really quite comical to see Monty make an attempt to cite Geneva Convention articles and when instructed that those do not apply, he quickly puts on his islamo-dancing shoes and retreats to a supposed UN regulation that he insists will be "good enough".

Monty always loses with his invented "facts".
Here is a photo from 1948 showing Jews being forcibly evacuated (ethnic cleansing in academic terminology) from the historic Jewish quarter of Jerusalem by Jordanian soldiers. During the Jordanian occupation, all the synagogues were destroyed and Jews forbidden to access historic Jewish sites. In 1967, Israel fought a defensive war and acquired this area and Jews were once again able to live in this area. Now the Obama administration has facilitated a UNSC resolution claiming that Jews living in this area is illegal. It is a civil rights issue that Jews or any other group should not be discriminated against but this regressive resolution enshrines anti-Jewish discrimination at an international level. It is pernicious and is a huge set-back to the cause of peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Just fact Hollie. I always win with the documented facts, don't kid yourself.
What facts are you inventing now? Don't kid youself. Your re-writing of "facts" that suit your biases is a laughable joke.

I do find your chest beating and stomping your feet like a petulant child insisting your invented "facts" are true to be quite entertaining.
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Just fact Hollie. I always win with the documented facts, don't kid yourself.
What facts are you inventing now? Don't kid youself. Your re-writing of "facts" that suit your biases is a laughable joke.

I do find your chest beating and stomping your feet like a petulant child insisting you're invented "facts" are true to be quite entertaining.

He could at least be honest about it.

That he hates Jews. Nothing more, nothing less.

"The US has donated $115 billion in foreign aid to Israel since World War II, making it the largest post-war recipient of aid. That compares to $4 billion committed for the Palestinians in the same timeframe. "

Israel and Palestinians get billions in foreign aid from the US, but for different reasons
Yep. Billions of dollars showered on the Islamic terrorist franchises in Gaza and the West Bank.

Your next assignment is post the value of welfare dollars donated by the Europeans to UNRWA, the Islamic terrorist welfare maintenance and welfare fraud management organization.

We could ask for Israel's contribution, but that has been withdrawn along with the monies to UNICEF and other UN bodies that have done the dirty over the last year. Now lets see Trump do the same with US dollars and start charging the UN for its prime position in Washington
Just fact Hollie. I always win with the documented facts, don't kid yourself.
What facts are you inventing now? Don't kid youself. Your re-writing of "facts" that suit your biases is a laughable joke.

I do find your chest beating and stomping your feet like a petulant child insisting your invented "facts" are true to be quite entertaining.

Every one of his so called "facts" are later proven untrue by his own sources, which is why he then manipulates his cut and pastes that he is spamming and trolling this board with
It doesn't say "forced". But it doesn't matter, the illegality of the transfer of Israeli Jews to the Occupied Territories has been deemed illegal by the UNSC. That's all that matters.
Interesting that no one addresses the question of taxpayer support for a religion in the case of Israel.
So, agreeing with the rest of the world, that Israel is illegally stealing Palestinian land under international law is stabbing Israel in the back?

Which is ignoring the international law of 1923 that granted the land to the Jews in the first place. This should be trotted out at the UN every time such a resolution is brought up and the members asked to question why it is not being enforced. Then eventually the world will see that it is the arab muslims stealing Israeli lands and they are in breach of every international law governing the 22% of palestine destined as the Jewish national home.

Might cause some trouble with the arab muslims but withdrawal of all aid and expulsion of extremist muslims from the west should settle them down once and for all.
So, agreeing with the rest of the world, that Israel is illegally stealing Palestinian land under international law is stabbing Israel in the back?
Since there is no basis in history, logic or law for calling Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria illegal, yes.

Since there is a basis in universally accepted international law, there is a basis in history, for that is from whence international law is derived.

Then post this alleged International law so we can all have a laugh at your inept thinking. UN resolutions are not international laws they are just recommendations and so are ignored. But the treaty of 1923 when the LoN drew up the mandate of palestine is an international law as it delineates the borders of the Jewsih national home and trans Jordan
So, agreeing with the rest of the world, that Israel is illegally stealing Palestinian land under international law is stabbing Israel in the back?
Since there is no basis in history, logic or law for calling Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria illegal, yes.

Since there is a basis in universally accepted international law, there is a basis in history, for that is from whence international law is derived.
lol Only in your mind. I repeat, there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for claiming Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria are illegal.

Are you that uninformed? You must be new at this. It is eminently illegal.

Geneva Convention IV
Article 49, sixth paragraph, of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV provides: “The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

After Oslo the land was not occupied and so did not come under the Geneva conventions. You cant use the Geneva conventions to nullify a treaty made in good faith because it does not suit you.
So, agreeing with the rest of the world, that Israel is illegally stealing Palestinian land under international law is stabbing Israel in the back?
Since there is no basis in history, logic or law for calling Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria illegal, yes.

Since there is a basis in universally accepted international law, there is a basis in history, for that is from whence international law is derived.
lol Only in your mind. I repeat, there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for claiming Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria are illegal.

Are you that uninformed? You must be new at this. It is eminently illegal.

Geneva Convention IV
Article 49, sixth paragraph, of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV provides: “The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

More manipulation so the legal document agrees with your POV Isnt this illegal ?

Article 49 in full

Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.

Nevertheless, the Occupying Power may undertake total or partial evacuation of a given area if the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand. Such evacuations may not involve the displacement of protected persons outside the bounds of the occupied territory except when for material reasons it is impossible to avoid such displacement. Persons thus evacuated shall be transferred back to their homes as soon as hostilities in the area in question have ceased.

The Occupying Power undertaking such transfers or evacuations shall ensure, to the greatest practicable extent, that proper accommodation is provided to receive the protected persons, that the removals are effected in satisfactory conditions of hygiene, health, safety and nutrition, and that members of the same family are not separated.

The Protecting Power shall be informed of any transfers and evacuations as soon as they have taken place.

The Occupying Power shall not detain protected persons in an area particularly exposed to the dangers of war unless the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand.

The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.

The last time I looked the Jews migrated back to their lands stolen in 1949 by the palestinians, a fact that team palestine does not want to be known. No transfer or deportation having taken place
It doesn't say "forced". But it doesn't matter, the illegality of the transfer of Israeli Jews to the Occupied Territories has been deemed illegal by the UNSC. That's all that matters.
Interesting that no one addresses the question of taxpayer support for a religion in the case of Israel.

Because it is not happening outside of your fantasy world. It is aid to a nation not a religion. Unlike the aid to all the islamic nations that use it to buy weapons so they can fulfill the command in the koran to " KILL THE UNBELIEVES"
Ahh, typical Hasbara training. Question the authority of the UN. You are too easy. The UN has the same authority over Israel as it had over Apartheid South Africa. Though it took time, look where denying the authority got them. I've dealt with you Hasbara types before, you always lose, because I have the facts and you only have propaganda.

It has no authority at all, otherwise it would have invaded the M.E in 1947 and destroyed the arab league massed armies for breach of the UN charter that states " NO OUTRIGHT WAR "
Perhaps, indeed, no nation that has a national religion integrated into its existence should receive U.S. tax dollars.
It doesn't say "forced". But it doesn't matter, the illegality of the transfer of Israeli Jews to the Occupied Territories has been deemed illegal by the UNSC. That's all that matters.
Interesting that no one addresses the question of taxpayer support for a religion in the case of Israel.

Because it is not happening outside of your fantasy world. It is aid to a nation not a religion. Unlike the aid to all the islamic nations that use it to buy weapons so they can fulfill the command in the koran to " KILL THE UNBELIEVES"
Support of Israel is not based on religion, then. So, for the U.S., two thousand year old arguments for the establishment of a modern state, where there have been innumerable changes and interruptions, are questionable at best.
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It doesn't say "forced". But it doesn't matter, the illegality of the transfer of Israeli Jews to the Occupied Territories has been deemed illegal by the UNSC. That's all that matters.
Interesting that no one addresses the question of taxpayer support for a religion in the case of Israel.

Because it is not happening outside of your fantasy world. It is aid to a nation not a religion. Unlike the aid to all the islamic nations that use it to buy weapons so they can fulfill the command in the koran to " KILL THE UNBELIEVES"
Support of Israel is not based on religion, then. So, for the U.S., two thousand year old arguments for the establishment of a modern state, where there have been innumerable changes and interruptions, are questionable at best.

And they are mostly touted by the hate sites and islamonazi's, not by any Jews that I know. So another piece of propaganda put to sleep by the facts

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