Israeli spies: Trump 'golden showers' dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated

Israeli spies: Trump 'golden showers' dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated
Source: RawStory

14 JAN 2017 AT 17:14 ET
Intelligence agencies from around the world are investigating multiple reports that allege some connection between President-elect Donald Trump and the Russian government, according to Israeli intelligence officers who spoke to .

Last week, BuzzFeed published an unverified dossier that claimed the Russian government had material that could be used to blackmail Trump. The dossier claimed Russia had recordings of Trumps personal obsessions and sexual perversion. It was later revealed that the dossier had been compiled by Christopher Steele, a former member of the British intelligence agency MI6.

Intelligence agencies have reportedly been circulating several other reports regarding Trumps alleged ties to Russia.

There have been various reports about Trumps ties to Russia, an intelligence officer told BuzzFeed. The dossier is one of them, but there are others, they make other allegations. Some are more specific, and some are less. You can trust me that many intelligence agencies are trying to evaluate the extent to which Trump might have ties, or a weakness of some type, to Russia.

Read more: Israeli spies: Trump ‘golden showers’ dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated

Wow, good god,

This man wants to stick religion down peoples throat and has this kind of history? Talk about two faced.

the thing is, trump loons don't care and until our law enforcement is extricated from the people who want to sell our country to russia, these things aren't going to be properly pursued.

Some day i hope to welcome you to the real world...until then, you're group delusions are consuming you:uhoh3:
Israeli spies: Trump 'golden showers' dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated
Source: RawStory

14 JAN 2017 AT 17:14 ET
Intelligence agencies from around the world are investigating multiple reports that allege some connection between President-elect Donald Trump and the Russian government, according to Israeli intelligence officers who spoke to .

Last week, BuzzFeed published an unverified dossier that claimed the Russian government had material that could be used to blackmail Trump. The dossier claimed Russia had recordings of Trumps personal obsessions and sexual perversion. It was later revealed that the dossier had been compiled by Christopher Steele, a former member of the British intelligence agency MI6.

Intelligence agencies have reportedly been circulating several other reports regarding Trumps alleged ties to Russia.

There have been various reports about Trumps ties to Russia, an intelligence officer told BuzzFeed. The dossier is one of them, but there are others, they make other allegations. Some are more specific, and some are less. You can trust me that many intelligence agencies are trying to evaluate the extent to which Trump might have ties, or a weakness of some type, to Russia.

Read more: Israeli spies: Trump ‘golden showers’ dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated

Wow, good god,

This man wants to stick religion down peoples throat and has this kind of history? Talk about two faced.

Quote from article:

This story makes no sense. In 2011, when the courtship purportedly begins, Trump was a TV personality and beauty pageant impresario. Neither in the U.S. or Russia would anyone of authority anticipate that Trump would one day become the presidential candidate of a major U.S. political party, making him the target of Russian intelligence.

The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why

This is just one more thing from the Lying Left, the Dossier is fake, and it put Trump's attorney in a place where he never was.

also from the article:
I have picked out just a few excerpts from the Orbis report. It was written, in my opinion, not by an ex British intelligence officer but by a Russian trained in the KGB tradition. It is full of names, dates, meetings, quarrels, and events that are hearsay (one an overheard conversation). It is a collection of “this important person” said this to “another important person.” There is no record; no informant is identified by name or by more than a generic title. The report appears to fail the veracity test in the one instance of a purported meeting in which names, dates, and location are provided. Some of the stories are so bizarre (the Rosneft bribe) that they fail the laugh test. Yet, there appears to be a desire on the part of some media and Trump opponents on both sides of the aisle to picture the Orbis report as genuine but unverifiable.

Face it. The Democratic Party is in a War with Trump and they want him gone at all cost. So are some of the Republicans. These are the people who want the status quo to remain the same. Cant stand the fact that an outsider of their game forced his way in. Trump was never supposed to win.
Israeli spies: Trump 'golden showers' dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated
Source: RawStory

14 JAN 2017 AT 17:14 ET
Intelligence agencies from around the world are investigating multiple reports that allege some connection between President-elect Donald Trump and the Russian government, according to Israeli intelligence officers who spoke to .

Last week, BuzzFeed published an unverified dossier that claimed the Russian government had material that could be used to blackmail Trump. The dossier claimed Russia had recordings of Trumps personal obsessions and sexual perversion. It was later revealed that the dossier had been compiled by Christopher Steele, a former member of the British intelligence agency MI6.

Intelligence agencies have reportedly been circulating several other reports regarding Trumps alleged ties to Russia.

There have been various reports about Trumps ties to Russia, an intelligence officer told BuzzFeed. The dossier is one of them, but there are others, they make other allegations. Some are more specific, and some are less. You can trust me that many intelligence agencies are trying to evaluate the extent to which Trump might have ties, or a weakness of some type, to Russia.

Read more: Israeli spies: Trump ‘golden showers’ dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated

Wow, good god,

This man wants to stick religion down peoples throat and has this kind of history? Talk about two faced.

It sounds like Democrats, Republicans, and the FBI are digging deep into the Trump-Russia connections.

U.S. Politicians Seek To Quiz British Spy Who Wrote Russian Dossier On Trump

Best up by all means drag the son of a bitch before them.

His fake dossier really needs to find out.

#1 What anti Trumpers financed this.

#2 Who passed it over to democrats for a price

#3 Passed to Democrats who didn't use it

#4 McCains role. Buying it after the FBI didn't.

Go for it.
This story makes no sense. In 2011, when the courtship purportedly begins, Trump was a TV personality and beauty pageant impresario. Neither in the U.S. or Russia would anyone of authority anticipate that Trump would one day become the presidential candidate of a major U.S. political party, making him the target of Russian intelligence.
Trump was laying the groundwork for a 2012 presidential run in 2011 before he finally backed out.

March 2011: A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows Trump leading all presidential contenders, including Mitt Romney.

April 2011: Amid more research polls indicating that he would be the preferred Republican presidential candidate among voters, Trump repeatedly calls for President Obama to release his long-form birth certificate, questioning whether Obama was actually born in the United States. (Obama eventually complies and releases the birth certificate.)
Israeli spies: Trump 'golden showers' dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated
Source: RawStory

14 JAN 2017 AT 17:14 ET
Intelligence agencies from around the world are investigating multiple reports that allege some connection between President-elect Donald Trump and the Russian government, according to Israeli intelligence officers who spoke to .

Last week, BuzzFeed published an unverified dossier that claimed the Russian government had material that could be used to blackmail Trump. The dossier claimed Russia had recordings of Trumps personal obsessions and sexual perversion. It was later revealed that the dossier had been compiled by Christopher Steele, a former member of the British intelligence agency MI6.

Intelligence agencies have reportedly been circulating several other reports regarding Trumps alleged ties to Russia.

There have been various reports about Trumps ties to Russia, an intelligence officer told BuzzFeed. The dossier is one of them, but there are others, they make other allegations. Some are more specific, and some are less. You can trust me that many intelligence agencies are trying to evaluate the extent to which Trump might have ties, or a weakness of some type, to Russia.

Read more: Israeli spies: Trump ‘golden showers’ dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated

Wow, good god,

This man wants to stick religion down peoples throat and has this kind of history? Talk about two faced.

Quote from article:

This story makes no sense. In 2011, when the courtship purportedly begins, Trump was a TV personality and beauty pageant impresario. Neither in the U.S. or Russia would anyone of authority anticipate that Trump would one day become the presidential candidate of a major U.S. political party, making him the target of Russian intelligence.

The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why

This is just one more thing from the Lying Left, the Dossier is fake, and it put Trump's attorney in a place where he never was.

also from the article:
I have picked out just a few excerpts from the Orbis report. It was written, in my opinion, not by an ex British intelligence officer but by a Russian trained in the KGB tradition. It is full of names, dates, meetings, quarrels, and events that are hearsay (one an overheard conversation). It is a collection of “this important person” said this to “another important person.” There is no record; no informant is identified by name or by more than a generic title. The report appears to fail the veracity test in the one instance of a purported meeting in which names, dates, and location are provided. Some of the stories are so bizarre (the Rosneft bribe) that they fail the laugh test. Yet, there appears to be a desire on the part of some media and Trump opponents on both sides of the aisle to picture the Orbis report as genuine but unverifiable.

Face it. The Democratic Party is in a War with Trump and they want him gone at all cost. So are some of the Republicans. These are the people who want the status quo to remain the same. Cant stand the fact that an outsider of their game forced his way in. Trump was never supposed to win.
The worst thing that could happen for the establishment (all democrats and many republicans all on Soros payroll) is a successful Trump presidency.

I said it before, if you thought the attacks on bush were bad.....we have not seen anything.

The problem for Trump is the swamp consists of half the country and the large corporations that that pathetic half always link to conservatives.

The ironies are so thick and our paradigm and conditioning has been so thorough through life long education and propaganda along with the entertainment industry, it is virtually impossible to penetrate it with any real effects.

Look at how quickly they dispatched any threat over the years. Allen West, Herman Cain, Dr Ben Carson...yeah you see the theme? Black guys who are "republicans" who did not RELY on government hand outs to make it? Talk about a threat to their robotic votes.

This is unlike anything we have seen and it is a war. It is literally happening.
Israeli spies: Trump 'golden showers' dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated
Source: RawStory

14 JAN 2017 AT 17:14 ET
Intelligence agencies from around the world are investigating multiple reports that allege some connection between President-elect Donald Trump and the Russian government, according to Israeli intelligence officers who spoke to .

Last week, BuzzFeed published an unverified dossier that claimed the Russian government had material that could be used to blackmail Trump. The dossier claimed Russia had recordings of Trumps personal obsessions and sexual perversion. It was later revealed that the dossier had been compiled by Christopher Steele, a former member of the British intelligence agency MI6.

Intelligence agencies have reportedly been circulating several other reports regarding Trumps alleged ties to Russia.

There have been various reports about Trumps ties to Russia, an intelligence officer told BuzzFeed. The dossier is one of them, but there are others, they make other allegations. Some are more specific, and some are less. You can trust me that many intelligence agencies are trying to evaluate the extent to which Trump might have ties, or a weakness of some type, to Russia.

Read more: Israeli spies: Trump ‘golden showers’ dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated

Wow, good god,

This man wants to stick religion down peoples throat and has this kind of history? Talk about two faced.
You should try to pull your head out of the toilet once in a while, Matthew.
Israeli spies: Trump 'golden showers' dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated
Source: RawStory

14 JAN 2017 AT 17:14 ET
Intelligence agencies from around the world are investigating multiple reports that allege some connection between President-elect Donald Trump and the Russian government, according to Israeli intelligence officers who spoke to .

Last week, BuzzFeed published an unverified dossier that claimed the Russian government had material that could be used to blackmail Trump. The dossier claimed Russia had recordings of Trumps personal obsessions and sexual perversion. It was later revealed that the dossier had been compiled by Christopher Steele, a former member of the British intelligence agency MI6.

Intelligence agencies have reportedly been circulating several other reports regarding Trumps alleged ties to Russia.

There have been various reports about Trumps ties to Russia, an intelligence officer told BuzzFeed. The dossier is one of them, but there are others, they make other allegations. Some are more specific, and some are less. You can trust me that many intelligence agencies are trying to evaluate the extent to which Trump might have ties, or a weakness of some type, to Russia.

Read more: Israeli spies: Trump ‘golden showers’ dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated

Wow, good god,

This man wants to stick religion down peoples throat and has this kind of history? Talk about two faced.
By Deception Make War. Yeah I REALLY trust the Jews.
Israeli spies: Trump 'golden showers' dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated
Source: RawStory

14 JAN 2017 AT 17:14 ET
Intelligence agencies from around the world are investigating multiple reports that allege some connection between President-elect Donald Trump and the Russian government, according to Israeli intelligence officers who spoke to .

Last week, BuzzFeed published an unverified dossier that claimed the Russian government had material that could be used to blackmail Trump. The dossier claimed Russia had recordings of Trumps personal obsessions and sexual perversion. It was later revealed that the dossier had been compiled by Christopher Steele, a former member of the British intelligence agency MI6.

Intelligence agencies have reportedly been circulating several other reports regarding Trumps alleged ties to Russia.

There have been various reports about Trumps ties to Russia, an intelligence officer told BuzzFeed. The dossier is one of them, but there are others, they make other allegations. Some are more specific, and some are less. You can trust me that many intelligence agencies are trying to evaluate the extent to which Trump might have ties, or a weakness of some type, to Russia.

Read more: Israeli spies: Trump ‘golden showers’ dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated

Wow, good god,

This man wants to stick religion down peoples throat and has this kind of history? Talk about two faced.
Derp Derp Derp we go
Gently down the forum
Trolling Trolling Trolling Trolling
I lost my God damn brain

Fucking pathetic.

At least Obama actually told his publisher that he was "born in Kenya". This Russian dossier is just truly pathetic

Ah! Another Repub Liar! Thank you for playing!

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