Israeli's Helping Palestinians


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
There are many documented cases of Israeli's helping to save the lives of innocent Palestinians in need. This is just one of them. Please advise if you would like to learn of many others.

[ame=]Israeli's helping Palestinians - Aya on the Beach - YouTube[/ame]
Here's another one...kind of a cool story. Sometimes, people rise above the conflict and reach out to embrace the humanity of the other side :)

Palestinian Heart Saves Dying Israeli

One Israeli man dying of a failing heart learned today that he would live, thanks to a Palestinian family who donated the heart of one of its members slain in the escalating violence wracking Israel.

Yigal Cohen, an Israeli who faced certain death from a weakening heart, got a new one today from Mazen Joulani, a Palestinian man whose family says he was shot and killed by Jewish settlers at an outdoor café.

They decided to donate the organ to an Israeli anyway.

"My brother was a pharmacist," said Maher Joulani. "He knew what it meant to save a human life."

Joulani's father Lotfi told Israeli media he would be willing to donate the organs if it "saved lives, Jews or Muslims."

'Inside We Are All the Same'
I love this quote from the Israeli doctor, performing the surgery:

Lavie said during the operation, he felt much the same way: "You realize that you're actually holding a Muslim heart in one hand and a Jewish heart in the other hand, and you suddenly realize they're absolutely identical and totally interchangeable.
In all fairness maybe we should also talk about all the examples of Palestinians helping innocent Israeli's in need.

There are many documented cases of Israeli's helping to save the lives of innocent Palestinians in need. This is just one of them. Please advise if you would like to learn of many others.

Israeli's helping Palestinians - Aya on the Beach - YouTube
Israelis certainly do try to help the Gazans. especially when it comes to children..

Israel cares for crippled Gaza boy rejected by parents - Israel Today | Israel News
That is heartwarming. Need more people like them on both sides. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

I agree - that is one of the reasons Ii have enormous admiration for Doctors without Borders :)
Soldiers in combat realize the same thing. No matter what race the person is, the color of the blood of the wounded is always the same. No doubt you can find stories from all over the world where people help each other even if they are enemies.

Israeli Hospital Saves Arab Girl?s Life | United with Israel

By the way, I also have a lot of respect for these people.
Project Hope - Volunteer
Project HOPE - Homepage › Get Involved
Project HOPE was founded on the willingness of doctors, nurses and other medical volunteers to travel the globe on a floating hospital ship - the SS HOPE - to ...
"According to a senior Israeli officia1, US President Barack Obama will postpone his planned visit to Israel until after Passover on 2 April if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not be able to form a coalition by 16 March. (Haaretz)

"Settlement construction would be suspended until after President Obama’s visit to Israel. According to instructions provided by Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office to the Ministries of Defense and Housing, no new tenders for housing would be issued in the coming weeks.

"Similarly, projects whose planning had been completed would not be carried out, and all other bureaucratic steps involved in the public tenders would be postponed. (Ma’ariv)

"Settlers threw rocks and damaged a number of Palestinian cars along a street near the 'Yizhar' settlement south of Nablus, a Palestinian official said. (Ma’an News Agency)"

With help like this, can "humanitarian transfer" be far behind?

Chronological Review of Events/March 2013 - DPR review (unedited version) (31 March 2013)

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