Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

Don't evade the subject by broad generalization.

"Free Palestine" demands exclusive Arab domination over the entire MENA.
That, I don't agree with. Jews have as much right to live there as Muslims. You are just too fucking selfish to share. Ahad Ha'am was right!
You can't offer, what you don't have!

Israel does not own the OPT and will never own the OPT. Israel's only legal action is to leave the OPT.
Israel has the only legal claim to sovereignty of the territories in question. No one else has a legal claim to those territories. When Israel declared independence in 1948, she had existing borders with Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon. (The borders with Egypt and Jordan have since been confirmed in the relevant peace treaties.) Those are Israel's borders. They remain Israel's borders. Nothing has happened since 1948 to change them.

In 1948, Egypt and Jordan began a war of aggression, taking territory that did not belong to them. Neither Egypt nor Jordan had a sovereign claim to those territories. As you keep - correctly - pointing out: you can't take territory that doesn't belong to you by way of an aggressive war. IF you claim that territory was removed from Israel in 1948 and legally transferred to Egypt and Jordan, you are discounting your very own, insistent argument that territory can't be gained by conquest and war.

Israel does "own" the territories in question.
Let’s forget Egypt also blockaded ... But Gaza only attacks Jews.

This is a valid point and question. If the problem, as you suggest, is the blockade and the "effective control" of what goes in and out of Gaza, why isn't Gaza also attacking Egypt in order to "defend itself" and end the "illegal and immoral blockade"?
Where is your proof? I'm not going to take your word for it. You fuckers are known liars with priors.

Hey, that could be your theme song, "Liars with Priors"!

I’ve given you a link to the proof. You choose not to believe it. Instead you choose to believe the side that sends uncontrollable rockets indiscriminately into the skies and strap suicide vests on children.

Oh and the side that kill or jail folks for being gay and kill women for not being virgins.

Oh my, the folks you trust? Says so much.
That's right. Israel, as the occupying power, has an obligation to protect Gazan non-combatants and maintain basic services to the area.

Okay, since you want to talk like you are still in middle school...pencils down and eyes to the front of the class!

"...a State would be an occupying power for the purposes of IHL when it enforced overall control over defacto local authorities or other organized groups that have effective control over a territory or part thereof."

Que pasa, mutha?
You seem to forget why Israel is doing that in the first place. Like I've said before, when a nation or people group (since the Palestinians are not a nation) has as official policy to destroy your nation and kill as many of your people as they can, you take them seriously. We notice that Hamas has NOT moderated their stance and in fact had NO problem killing random innocent Israelis, not as collateral damage because the military was hiding behind them, but as intentional targets. They won't even verbalize a desire to co-exist with Israel.
The Moron doesn’t understand it

Half the population of Gaza are under 18 and most Gazans are refugees driven out of East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

How much more of this? Another 50 years? 70 years?
You seem to forget why Israel is doing that in the first place. Like I've said before, when a nation or people group (since the Palestinians are not a nation) has as official policy to destroy your nation and kill as many of your people as they can, you take them seriously. We notice that Hamas has NOT moderated their stance and in fact had NO problem killing random innocent Israelis, not as collateral damage because the military was hiding behind them, but as intentional targets. They won't even verbalize a desire to co-exist with Israel.

So what is the way forward... More of the same or extermination of the Palestinians?
Yeah, the muzzie whiners were asking for refugees. DURR

The refugees were forced on them. They had no army.

The US, Canada, Cuba wouldn't let the refugees in.
So what is the way forward... More of the same or extermination of the Palestinians?
You forgot an option, for Hamas to moderate their hatred and peacefully co-exist. If their benefactors in Iran would make it clear that further hostilities will not be tolerated, there would be a lot of pressure on them to comply. There can be no extermination of Palestinians, there are far too many. Those screaming about genocide apparently don't understand the difference between millions and less than 10,000.

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