Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

They have West Jerusalem. East Jerusalem is not theirs.
There is no "west" Jerusalem or "east" Jerusalem. It is one city. It's likely to remain Israel's. I can't see the Jewish people giving up the Old City and the Temple Mount. Israel has a proven track record of ensuring everyone has access to the Holy places. Jordan has a proven track record of preventing the Jewish people from access. It's a no-brainer.
There is no "west" Jerusalem or "east" Jerusalem. It is one city. It's likely to remain Israel's. I can't see the Jewish people giving up the Old City and the Temple Mount. Israel has a proven track record of ensuring everyone has access to the Holy places. Jordan has a proven track record of preventing the Jewish people from access. It's a no-brainer.
You cannot hold onto land seized in a war. If you do, you are no different than Nazi Germany.
The atrocities they committed on October 7 is not "resistance". And it is disgusting to try to justify it.
This nasty business didn't start last week .

You cannot hold onto land seized in a war. If you do, you are no different than Nazi Germany.
You can certainly regain territory that was seized from you in a war. Jordan has no claim to that territory. Jordan seized it illegally. In a war of aggression. You damn your argument with your own words.

Besides, according to the 1949 Armistice agreement between Israel and Jordan (the two warring parties - Jordan the aggressor, and Israel the defender) explicitly says that the Armistice Demarcation Line is not to be considered a permanent boundary. (See Articles II 1 and 2; Article IV 2; Article VI 8 and 9.)

And besides that, the international boundary between Israel and Jordan is established and recognized in the peace treaty between them and is, generally, the Jordan River. (See Article III 2 and Annex Ia.)
This nasty business didn't start last week .
Of course not. There has been an on-going war of annihilation against Israel and the Jewish people since, well, forever, but certainly since 1948. October 7 certainly made it clear that nothing has changed.

Still not resistance. And still disgusting to try to justify it.
They have West Jerusalem. East Jerusalem is not theirs.


Tom Paine 1949

He said: “Eighty percent of the incidents worked like this: we would send tractors to plow in an area of little use, in a demilitarized zone, knowing ahead of time that the Syrians would shoot. If they didn’t start shooting, we would tell the tractors to advance until the Syrians would get aggravated and start shooting. We used artillery and later the air force became involved.”

Dayan said this was the policy for years and that former northern military commanders, later including Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, consistently used such tactics.

He said that after the 1948 war of independence, Israel was unhappy with the cease-fire lines and wanted to change them “through military actions that were not quite at the level of war. The idea was to seize an area and hold on to it until the enemy despairs and gives it to us.”
There is no "west" Jerusalem or "east" Jerusalem. It is one city. It's likely to remain Israel's. I can't see the Jewish people giving up the Old City and the Temple Mount. Israel has a proven track record of ensuring everyone has access to the Holy places. Jordan has a proven track record of preventing the Jewish people from access. It's a no-brainer.

How many Palestinians have they evicted from ancestral homes in East Jerusalem?
How many Palestinians have they evicted from ancestral homes in East Jerusalem?
I've had the great pleasure of making acquaintances and friendships with Arabs in the Old City. Lovely people.

How many Jews live in Areas A and B? How many in Gaza? How many in Jordan?

What point are you trying to make?

I wanted to add to my post about self-determination for both peoples, that I think it is a good idea for both nations to have some population of the other peoples as citizens within their borders. Reminding everyone that people are people and its easy enough to get along with each other. Start seeing each other as people, not enemies.

Tom Paine 1949

He said: “Eighty percent of the incidents worked like this: we would send tractors to plow in an area of little use, in a demilitarized zone, knowing ahead of time that the Syrians would shoot. If they didn’t start shooting, we would tell the tractors to advance until the Syrians would get aggravated and start shooting. We used artillery and later the air force became involved.”

Dayan said this was the policy for years and that former northern military commanders, later including Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, consistently used such tactics.

He said that after the 1948 war of independence, Israel was unhappy with the cease-fire lines and wanted to change them “through military actions that were not quite at the level of war. The idea was to seize an area and hold on to it until the enemy despairs and gives it to us.”

I guess Syria shouldn't have shelled from the heights, eh?

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