Israel's Legal Right To Exist

What's interesting is the Arabs and other non-Jews column. That's in concert with the what the Ottoman land records show, that large portions of your invented "country of Pal'istan" was owned by foreigners from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon.

Here's a list of specific families who owned large tracts of land and sold them to Jews, by nationality:


The public land breakdown shows a little less than 1,000 dunams of public land, the total land in table 1. was over 26,000. Your math is a little lacking.

My math is lacking? You can't even keep dunums and sq kms straight. The total land area of Palestine (sans Jordan) is 26,000 sq kms. Roughly half of that is wilderness and desert.

Village Statistics 1945 page 29

"Land which has not been granted or assigned to anyone and is consequently unregistered and which is distant from cultivation or habitation is called mewat ie dead land. The mewat lands are part of public domain. When such lands are found to be free from any private rights, they are registered in the name of the Government."

The land was owned by the Palestinian Arabs and stolen by the Jews, since they only owned 6% of the land before partition.

You are beginning to sound like this:

View attachment 102179

Posting the same table, over and over, which has already been shown not to say what you think it says isn't furthering your argument. Especially when the foreword to your table explains that the the column "Arabs and other non-Jews" includes everything not privately owned by Jews. Its the total land area of "Palestine" minus the privately owned Jewish land. Claiming that 16 million dunums of uncultivated and uncultivable land in the wilderness and desert is privately owned by Arab residents of Palestine is ridiculous. Claiming that there was virtually no state land is ridiculous. Claiming that there were no foreign Arab owners of land is ridiculous.

You cant tell him anything, he has a degree in propaganda so knows everything there is to know about everything. He started out posting two pages from that novel until it was pointed out they did not match and said different things. Then when the truth was produced about the committee and its holiday in Jerusalem he ignored it and claimed it was Jewish propaganda.He also ignores the fact that trans Jordan was included in many figures to pad them out, otherwise they looked as if "palestine" was an empty land.
The land was owned by the Palestinian Arabs and stolen by the Jews, since they only owned 6% of the land before partition.

You are beginning to sound like this:

View attachment 102179

Posting the same table, over and over, which has already been shown not to say what you think it says isn't furthering your argument. Especially when the forward to your table explains that the the column "Arabs and other non-Jews" includes everything not privately owned by Jews. Its the total land area of "Palestine" minus the privately owned Jewish land. Claiming that 16 million dunums of uncultivated and uncultivable land in the wilderness and desert is privately owned by Arab residents of Palestine is ridiculous. Claiming that there was virtually no state land is ridiculous. Claiming that there were no foreign Arab owners of land is ridiculous.
The land was owned by the Palestinian Arabs and stolen by the Jews, since they only owned 6% of the land before partition.

Actually, the land area you incorrectly believe to be the "country of Pal'istan" was controlled by the Ottoman's, not your invented Pal'istanians in your invented country of Pal'istan".

The land area was later ceded to the Brits. Your invented Pal'istanians in your invented "country of Pal'istan" never owned the land. As we know from the Ottoman land records, foreigners actually owned much of the land area of your imagined "country of Pal'istan"
The land was owned by the Palestinian Arabs and stolen by the Jews, since they only owned 6% of the land before partition.

You are beginning to sound like this:

View attachment 102179

Posting the same table, over and over, which has already been shown not to say what you think it says isn't furthering your argument. Especially when the forward to your table explains that the the column "Arabs and other non-Jews" includes everything not privately owned by Jews. Its the total land area of "Palestine" minus the privately owned Jewish land. Claiming that 16 million dunums of uncultivated and uncultivable land in the wilderness and desert is privately owned by Arab residents of Palestine is ridiculous. Claiming that there was virtually no state land is ridiculous. Claiming that there were no foreign Arab owners of land is ridiculous.

UN Resolution A/363 which examined the land registry data contained in the Survey and elsewhere clarified that the Arab population only owned 85% of the land. Extrapolating from the Survey table it can be determined that 9% of the land was owned by non-Jews that did not make up part of the Arab population of Palestine. This fact is difficult to accept after decades of brainwashing, but that is the fact. In any event, what incentive would the drafters of the partition resolution, who were promoters that were driven to establish a Jewish state, have had to understate Jewish ownership of land or overstate the Arab population's ownership? It boggles the mind how you people try to dodge the facts.

"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land. The provisions of the land transfer regulations of 1940, which gave effect to the 1939 White Paper policy, have severely restricted the Jewish efforts to acquire new land."

A/364 of 3 September 1947

WHY DO YOU LIE as un res a/363 did not examine the land registry data at all, it dealt with UNSCOP and its formation and its task of looking at the problems in palestine.

Why do you manipulate everything you cut and paste, as in the above which continues with

The provisions of the land transfer regulations of 1940, which gave effect to the 1939 White Paper policy, have severely restricted the Jewish efforts to acquire new land.

And is preceded by

163. The Arabs of Palestine consider themselves as having a "natural" right to that country, although they have not been in possession of it as a sovereign nation.
Verbatim text from the A/364 Resolution and the Survey is not subjective, it is objective fact.

The Ottoman land records refute nothing. How could they, the Ottomans were long gone when the Jews began buying land in earnest in Palestine.

In any case, Turkish (post-Ottoman) land registry data was used to baseline land ownership up to 1917, when the British conquered Palestine.
Actually, the Ottoman Iand records refute your article. We know that foreign absentee Iand owners controlled large portions of your invented "country of Pal'istan" and that much of the land area was kept as an islamo-waqf.

You need to find some new articles to cut and paste.

The Ottoman records confirm that prior to 1917 more than at least 90% of the land in Palestine was owned by the Muslim and Christian inhabitants of Palestine. This was the baseline used to prepare the Survey and Resolution A/364 which confirm the fact.

In any case, the Ottoman records would have no data post 1917, how could the Ottoman records refute Resolution A/364 of 1947 or the Survey completed in 1946? The definitive statement of the resolution is below:

"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land."

Listen, this technique of yours to use big lies doesn't work. 1,000 is a lot less than 26,000. That's just a fact. Do you think your silly internet forum tricks fool anyone? I could post the two tables together. One more stupid response and I will.

~26,000,000 versus 900,000

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View attachment 102245
What's interesting is the Arabs and other non-Jews column. That's in concert with the what the Ottoman land records show, that large portions of your invented "country of Pal'istan" was owned by foreigners from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon.

Of course, you could always threaten to cut and the same article in a different order.

What you don't seem to understand, is that you cut and paste articles. I cut and paste text from official, source documents. Like the text below, from para. 164 of the pre-partition UN resolution A/364.

"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land. "

A/364 of 3 September 1947

Terrible when the facts don't match the myth you have believed for so long.

Which you have manipulated to meet your current POV. Why did you leave out half of the article that shows you to be a LIAR. And since when has possession meant owned. If I steal your car I am in possession of it, but I dont own it do I
The land was owned by the Palestinian Arabs and stolen by the Jews, since they only owned 6% of the land before partition.

You are beginning to sound like this:

View attachment 102179

Posting the same table, over and over, which has already been shown not to say what you think it says isn't furthering your argument. Especially when the foreword to your table explains that the the column "Arabs and other non-Jews" includes everything not privately owned by Jews. Its the total land area of "Palestine" minus the privately owned Jewish land. Claiming that 16 million dunums of uncultivated and uncultivable land in the wilderness and desert is privately owned by Arab residents of Palestine is ridiculous. Claiming that there was virtually no state land is ridiculous. Claiming that there were no foreign Arab owners of land is ridiculous.

You cant tell him anything, he has a degree in propaganda so knows everything there is to know about everything. He started out posting two pages from that novel until it was pointed out they did not match and said different things. Then when the truth was produced about the committee and its holiday in Jerusalem he ignored it and claimed it was Jewish propaganda.He also ignores the fact that trans Jordan was included in many figures to pad them out, otherwise they looked as if "palestine" was an empty land.

Most important we should be careful not to piss him off with documented facts. Where would we go for fun & laughs if he leaves us?
You are the only one confused. The UN made it clear who owned the land. Why would the UN make such a claim in the pre-partition resolution? When they stated clearly in Resolution A/364 that:

"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land. "

Do you think it was a typo? LOL
The land was owned by the Palestinian Arabs and stolen by the Jews, since they only owned 6% of the land before partition.

You are beginning to sound like this:

View attachment 102179

Posting the same table, over and over, which has already been shown not to say what you think it says isn't furthering your argument. Especially when the foreword to your table explains that the the column "Arabs and other non-Jews" includes everything not privately owned by Jews. Its the total land area of "Palestine" minus the privately owned Jewish land. Claiming that 16 million dunums of uncultivated and uncultivable land in the wilderness and desert is privately owned by Arab residents of Palestine is ridiculous. Claiming that there was virtually no state land is ridiculous. Claiming that there were no foreign Arab owners of land is ridiculous.

You cant tell him anything, he has a degree in propaganda so knows everything there is to know about everything. He started out posting two pages from that novel until it was pointed out they did not match and said different things. Then when the truth was produced about the committee and its holiday in Jerusalem he ignored it and claimed it was Jewish propaganda.He also ignores the fact that trans Jordan was included in many figures to pad them out, otherwise they looked as if "palestine" was an empty land.

Most important we should be careful not to piss him off with documented facts. Where would we go for fun & laughs if he leaves us?

You have no documented facts, moron. You only have bad propaganda that attempts to justify the Jewish land grab.

"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land.
You are the only one confused. The UN made it clear who owned the land. Why would the UN make such a claim in the pre-partition resolution? When they stated clearly in Resolution A/364 that:

"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land. "

Do you think it was a typo? LOL
Although, as we know, the facts prove you wrong.

Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority

Even before 1917, Jewish and Zionist institutions had purchased large tracts of land in Palestine from absentee landlords, who lived mainly in Syria and Lebanon. These landlords had previously leased their property to local farmers, but were happy to sell it for the right price, without giving a thought to their tenant farmers. Nevertheless, Palestinians view these sales as more legitimate than those that took place during the British occupation that began in 1917.
The land was owned by the Palestinian Arabs and stolen by the Jews, since they only owned 6% of the land before partition.

You are beginning to sound like this:

View attachment 102179

Posting the same table, over and over, which has already been shown not to say what you think it says isn't furthering your argument. Especially when the foreword to your table explains that the the column "Arabs and other non-Jews" includes everything not privately owned by Jews. Its the total land area of "Palestine" minus the privately owned Jewish land. Claiming that 16 million dunums of uncultivated and uncultivable land in the wilderness and desert is privately owned by Arab residents of Palestine is ridiculous. Claiming that there was virtually no state land is ridiculous. Claiming that there were no foreign Arab owners of land is ridiculous.

You cant tell him anything, he has a degree in propaganda so knows everything there is to know about everything. He started out posting two pages from that novel until it was pointed out they did not match and said different things. Then when the truth was produced about the committee and its holiday in Jerusalem he ignored it and claimed it was Jewish propaganda.He also ignores the fact that trans Jordan was included in many figures to pad them out, otherwise they looked as if "palestine" was an empty land.

Most important we should be careful not to piss him off with documented facts. Where would we go for fun & laughs if he leaves us?

You have no documented facts, moron. You only have bad propaganda that attempts to justify the Jewish land grab.

"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land.

A/364 of 3 September 1947

Now now Monte. No need to get so pissed off. Try a course in anger management? 'Atta boy!
You are the only one confused. The UN made it clear who owned the land. Why would the UN make such a claim in the pre-partition resolution? When they stated clearly in Resolution A/364 that:

"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land. "

Do you think it was a typo? LOL

Not a typo. It was taken from a report which assigned all land not under direct private Jewish ownership to "Arabs". And you are using it, incorrectly and disingenuously as legally or morally relevant and somehow legally or morally binding.

Again, even if 85% of the land was privately owned by resident Arab Palestinians (completely and totally false), it still means absolutely nothing with respect to sovereignty. The ethnicity the person in private ownership of a parcel of land does not affect sovereignty. The fact that there are whole neighborhoods of people of a specific ethnicity (think Little Italy or Chinatown) own private property does not make these neighborhoods the sovereign territory of Italy or China.

I am seriously at a loss as to why you continue to bring this subject up. Its meaningless drivel.
You are making things up. The drafters of the resolution had no reason to specify the fact that the Arab population owned 85% of the land if it were not the case. You are just trying to rewrite history. The usual Zionist attempt at justifying the theft of land. It is becoming ridiculous to argue with people that make up fairy tales when the facts are available in black and white.

"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land. "

There is no qualification, no reservation or caveat in that statement. Your prevarication is just a lie, you are trying to skirt the truth with bullshit.
My posts #1582 and 1583 show, in black and white, that not all land in Palestine was privately owned by Arab residents. You are just wrong. Shockingly, outer space worthy wrong.
Your posts demonstrate nothing of the sort. The UN statement regarding land ownership clearly states that the Arab population owned 85% of the land prior to partition. What part of 85% do you not understand. I guess if it makes you feel better to believe the UN was making it up, then bully for you.
I'm not saying that they were making it up. I'm saying you are conflating private ownership of Arab residents with other things.

Canada is in possession of 100% of her land is NOT the same thing as saying 100% of land in Canada is privately owned by people who are residents of Canada. There are vast tracts of wilderness in Canada. Its State land (we call it Crown land). Its not privately owned by individual Canadians.

Why is this so hard to understand?

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