Israels "Peace Partners"?

toastman, MJB12741, Coyote, et al,

I was intrigued by another discussion I exploring with our friend "Coyote." It was closely aligned with the concept here; the projection of an image and the perception it conveys.

How can we make peace with people who embrace death ??? It's not possible

How does this impact the overall image of the Palestinian?


[ame=""]Palestinians dancing in the streets on 9/11 [/ame]

The Muslim World in the Middle East celebrates the Boston Bombings


When the US see these types of reactions by the average Palestinian, what is the impact it has on the reputation and character of the Palestinian? What image does it project?

Most Respectfully,
Benjamin Netanyahu said that 9/11 was very good for the Zionists.

The Zionists have museums to honor their terrorist thugs.
toastman, MJB12741, Coyote, et al,

I was intrigued by another discussion I exploring with our friend "Coyote." It was closely aligned with the concept here; the projection of an image and the perception it conveys.

How can we make peace with people who embrace death ??? It's not possible

How does this impact the overall image of the Palestinian?


[ame=""]Palestinians dancing in the streets on 9/11 [/ame]

The Muslim World in the Middle East celebrates the Boston Bombings


When the US see these types of reactions by the average Palestinian, what is the impact it has on the reputation and character of the Palestinian? What image does it project?

Most Respectfully,

But IS it the average Palestinian? Or is it a small event taken out of context?
The Right?s latest invention: ?Gazans celebrated Boston bombings? | +972 Magazine

...Where did they get this idea? From going through the links posted, the origin was a story written on the day of the bombing by Israel News Agency, a right-wing pro-Israel website run by Joel Leyden, a long-time New York Jewish immigrant to Israel who describes himself on the site as a “journalist, media consultant, social media and SEO [search engine optimization] pioneer working with both the Israel Defense Forces and the US Army in Haiti.”...

...Datelined Jerusalem, the story is headlined “Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah Celebrate Boston Terror Attack.” It shows a photo of a boy handing out pastries to a smiling man in a car. The photographer isn’t identified, and the caption is somewhat less than precise and verifiable, though it does at least acknowledge that the photo was NOT taken after the Marathon bombing. It reads: “The above photo was taken after a recent terror attack.”...

...The story says the celebrations “were reported.” By whom? It doesn’t say. No news agency with journalists in Gaza reported such sights and sounds, and since Israelis aren’t allowed into the Strip, I was interested to know where Leyden (whom I met 25 years ago, and who is a Facebook friend of mine) got this information. I asked him on FB, and he wrote back that he got it from “security sources.” Whatever...

...So until further notice, it appears that the words “were reported” constitute the complete body of evidence that Palestinians in Gaza celebrated the Boston Marathon bombing, as first “reported” by Israel News Agency and circulated as fact by Pamela Gellar, Israel Hayom, David Horowitz’s website and many, many other pro-Israel/anti-Muslim mass media...

If one wants to pursue truth, it's worthwhile to be skeptical of sources and unverified claims.
If one wants to pursue truth, it's worthwhile to be skeptical of sources and unverified claims.

there is a strong and concerted effort to lie about Muslims and Palestinians.

its not working. but they will not stiop trying.
Coyote, et al,

While I was thinking in terms of the image it projects (whether true or misleading), and the perception it creates, the validity of the content is somewhat relevant.

But IS it the average Palestinian? Or is it a small event taken out of context?

  • Associated Press:

  • Washington Post:

  • Both INA and INN Carried the same story:


My real question concerns how this all shapes the reputation and image of what it means to be a Palestinian?

What is the reputation of the Palestinian?

Most Respectfully,
toastman, MJB12741, Coyote, et al,

I was intrigued by another discussion I exploring with our friend "Coyote." It was closely aligned with the concept here; the projection of an image and the perception it conveys.

How can we make peace with people who embrace death ??? It's not possible

How does this impact the overall image of the Palestinian?


[ame=""]Palestinians dancing in the streets on 9/11 [/ame]

The Muslim World in the Middle East celebrates the Boston Bombings


When the US see these types of reactions by the average Palestinian, what is the impact it has on the reputation and character of the Palestinian? What image does it project?

Most Respectfully,

But IS it the average Palestinian? Or is it a small event taken out of context?

That's an excellent question. But I don't think anyone here is qualified to answer it.
Coyote, et al,

While I was thinking in terms of the image it projects (whether true or misleading), and the perception it creates, the validity of the content is somewhat relevant.

But IS it the average Palestinian? Or is it a small event taken out of context?

  • Associated Press:

  • Washington Post:

  • Both INA and INN Carried the same story:


My real question concerns how this all shapes the reputation and image of what it means to be a Palestinian?

What is the reputation of the Palestinian?

Most Respectfully,

i don't speak for the U.S.

a better question would be "how do these images shape your opinion of the palestinians?" so, how do they?

personally...well...i may comment later.
Coyote, et al,

While I was thinking in terms of the image it projects (whether true or misleading), and the perception it creates, the validity of the content is somewhat relevant.

But IS it the average Palestinian? Or is it a small event taken out of context?

  • Associated Press:

  • Washington Post:

  • Both INA and INN Carried the same story:


My real question concerns how this all shapes the reputation and image of what it means to be a Palestinian?

What is the reputation of the Palestinian?

Most Respectfully,

i don't speak for the U.S.

a better question would be "how do these images shape your opinion of the palestinians?" so, how do they?

personally...well...i may comment later.

How about you Seal? How do these images shape YOUR opinion of Palestinians ?
If one wants to pursue truth, it's worthwhile to be skeptical of sources and unverified claims.

there is a strong and concerted effort to lie about Muslims and Palestinians.

its not working. but they will not stiop trying.
Just like you lap up all the lies about Israel and the Jews. I think that Gardener here actually believes that intelligent people think that he cares about the Arabs or the Palestinians in general. This is just a gambit that the anti-Semites use. So tell us, Gardener, since you want us to believe that you care about the Arabs, how come on the Middle East forum of the USMessageBoard you are not reporting on what is happening to them by their fellow Arabs? That Middle East forum should give you your big chance to actually discuss what is happening all over the Middle East, not just Israel. No doubt Gardener is not interested in what is happening to innocent Christians and Muslims in other Middle East countries since there are no Jews involved. In fact, if Gardener really was what he wants us to believe he is, he could get on the Asia forum since Pakistan is in Southeast Asia and discuss how the Christians and Hindus in Pakistan are discriminated against and even killed. At the very least, he could discuss why the Sunnis are always busy murdering the Shiite and Ashmadi Muslims there. Alas, poor Yorick, we know him well. He is so silent on these issues because if there are no Jews that he could drag into these atrocities, he just isn't interested.
Coyote, et al,

While I was thinking in terms of the image it projects (whether true or misleading), and the perception it creates, the validity of the content is somewhat relevant.

But IS it the average Palestinian? Or is it a small event taken out of context?

  • Associated Press:

The title says it all: Jordanian Extremist. Not Palestinian. Not mainstream. Extremist.

This article appears to deal with Al Queda's "celebration" of the bombing. No surprise. It's Al Queda. It's not about the Palestinians.

Rocco, this article carries the exact same FAKE picture as the original - a picture of Palestinians handing out sweets at some event that took place BEFORE the Boston bombing.

It also gives the exact same unverified and unattributed claims as the original article - in fact, it probably took it from that article.


My real question concerns how this all shapes the reputation and image of what it means to be a Palestinian?

What is the reputation of the Palestinian?

Most Respectfully,

I might be misunderstanding you Rocco...but it I don't understand the point you are making...those claims that they celebrated are utterly unverified. The other articles don't deal with Palestinians.

I can be dense sometimes...are you asking whether these might be creating an unfair image of what it is to be Palestinian?

I truly wish [MENTION=38807]BecauseIKnow[/MENTION] was posting more - he is the only member I know who is Palestinian. I would like to know his views :)
Coyote, et al,

While I was thinking in terms of the image it projects (whether true or misleading), and the perception it creates, the validity of the content is somewhat relevant.

But IS it the average Palestinian? Or is it a small event taken out of context?

  • Associated Press:

The title says it all: Jordanian Extremist. Not Palestinian. Not mainstream. Extremist.

This article appears to deal with Al Queda's "celebration" of the bombing. No surprise. It's Al Queda. It's not about the Palestinians.

Rocco, this article carries the exact same FAKE picture as the original - a picture of Palestinians handing out sweets at some event that took place BEFORE the Boston bombing.

It also gives the exact same unverified and unattributed claims as the original article - in fact, it probably took it from that article.


My real question concerns how this all shapes the reputation and image of what it means to be a Palestinian?

What is the reputation of the Palestinian?

Most Respectfully,

I might be misunderstanding you Rocco...but it I don't understand the point you are making...those claims that they celebrated are utterly unverified. The other articles don't deal with Palestinians.

I can be dense sometimes...are you asking whether these might be creating an unfair image of what it is to be Palestinian?

I truly wish [MENTION=38807]BecauseIKnow[/MENTION] was posting more - he is the only member I know who is Palestinian. I would like to know his views :)

If the Palestinians were on the street cheering on the streets of Gaza after 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombings, do you really think he would admit it ? Honestly Coyote
If the Palestinians were on the street cheering on the streets of Gaza after 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombings, do you really think he would admit it ? Honestly Coyote

Netanyahu said "9-11 is good for Israel".,

but we can't talk about this.
Coyote, et al,

While I was thinking in terms of the image it projects (whether true or misleading), and the perception it creates, the validity of the content is somewhat relevant.


  • Associated Press:

The title says it all: Jordanian Extremist. Not Palestinian. Not mainstream. Extremist.

This article appears to deal with Al Queda's "celebration" of the bombing. No surprise. It's Al Queda. It's not about the Palestinians.

Rocco, this article carries the exact same FAKE picture as the original - a picture of Palestinians handing out sweets at some event that took place BEFORE the Boston bombing.

It also gives the exact same unverified and unattributed claims as the original article - in fact, it probably took it from that article.


My real question concerns how this all shapes the reputation and image of what it means to be a Palestinian?

What is the reputation of the Palestinian?

Most Respectfully,

I might be misunderstanding you Rocco...but it I don't understand the point you are making...those claims that they celebrated are utterly unverified. The other articles don't deal with Palestinians.

I can be dense sometimes...are you asking whether these might be creating an unfair image of what it is to be Palestinian?

I truly wish [MENTION=38807]BecauseIKnow[/MENTION] was posting more - he is the only member I know who is Palestinian. I would like to know his views :)

If the Palestinians were on the street cheering on the streets of Gaza after 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombings, do you really think he would admit it ? Honestly Coyote

I was interested in BiK's view on being a Palestinian and how this imagery effects him, not "seeing Palestinians celebrating".

I think that the article on the Palestinians dancing in the streets after the Boston Marathon bombing is pretty much debunked - there is absolutely no proof, no attributed quotes, and the picture used wasn't even of that supposed event.

Let me ask you - honestly - if you subsituted "Jews" for "Palestinians" would you not be skeptical of such a sketchy article?
The title says it all: Jordanian Extremist. Not Palestinian. Not mainstream. Extremist.

This article appears to deal with Al Queda's "celebration" of the bombing. No surprise. It's Al Queda. It's not about the Palestinians.

Rocco, this article carries the exact same FAKE picture as the original - a picture of Palestinians handing out sweets at some event that took place BEFORE the Boston bombing.

It also gives the exact same unverified and unattributed claims as the original article - in fact, it probably took it from that article.

I might be misunderstanding you Rocco...but it I don't understand the point you are making...those claims that they celebrated are utterly unverified. The other articles don't deal with Palestinians.

I can be dense sometimes...are you asking whether these might be creating an unfair image of what it is to be Palestinian?

I truly wish [MENTION=38807]BecauseIKnow[/MENTION] was posting more - he is the only member I know who is Palestinian. I would like to know his views :)

If the Palestinians were on the street cheering on the streets of Gaza after 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombings, do you really think he would admit it ? Honestly Coyote

I was interested in BiK's view on being a Palestinian and how this imagery effects him, not "seeing Palestinians celebrating".

I think that the article on the Palestinians dancing in the streets after the Boston Marathon bombing is pretty much debunked - there is absolutely no proof, no attributed quotes, and the picture used wasn't even of that supposed event.

Let me ask you - honestly - if you subsituted "Jews" for "Palestinians" would you not be skeptical of such a sketchy article?

No, because I already know that many Palestinians in Gaza cheer death. How many times have we seen them cheer after a successful suicide bombing ? I saw plenty of clips when I was in Israel during the second intifada on the news.
Again, I am not saying EVERY Palestinian, but if I were to guess, I would say a large percentage of Palestinians in Gaza are genuinely happy when innocent Americans and Israelis are killed. Take it anyway you want, but that's just how I see it Coyote
No, because I already know that many Palestinians in Gaza cheer death. How many times have we seen them cheer after a successful suicide bombing ? I saw plenty of clips when I was in Israel during the second intifada on the news.
Again, I am not saying EVERY Palestinian, but if I were to guess, I would say a large percentage of Palestinians in Gaza are genuinely happy when innocent Americans and Israelis are killed. Take it anyway you want, but that's just how I see it Coyote

why do you care about the Palestinians cheering death when the Israelis have museums for terrorists?

bibi netanyahu even wehnt to the Lehi museum to honor the king david hotel explosion.
No, because I already know that many Palestinians in Gaza cheer death. How many times have we seen them cheer after a successful suicide bombing ? I saw plenty of clips when I was in Israel during the second intifada on the news.
Again, I am not saying EVERY Palestinian, but if I were to guess, I would say a large percentage of Palestinians in Gaza are genuinely happy when innocent Americans and Israelis are killed. Take it anyway you want, but that's just how I see it Coyote

why do you care about the Palestinians cheering death when the Israelis have museums for terrorists?

bibi netanyahu even wehnt to the Lehi museum to honor the king david hotel explosion.
It's funny how these anti-Semites learn about the King David Hotel Incident from the various hate sites. Of course they never mention that the King David Hotel was being used as British Army Headquarters and the people inside were called to tell the inhabitants inside to evacuate. It's a shame that nobody listened. Meanwhile, it certainly would be nice if the Islamic terrorists could go around with megaphones warning the people that a suicide or car bombers were going to operate in the area and the area should be cleared out. As an aside, for all we know, maybe Gardener believes that he too will get his 72 virgins in Paradise eventually as a result of his hatred of the Jews.

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