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Israel's "Right to Exist"?

Bullshit. All the facts pointed to an accident and that's exactly what it was. You misquoted and omitted the findings because it disproved your claims. There were 7 investigations, not all were perfect but they all came TO THE SAME CONCLUSION. You can scream and holler all you want.

Perhaps if you want "conclusive proof" of an attack on a US ship, you should look into Muslim animals attacking US shipslike the Cole etc. but you're not interested n that are you, George Muhammad?
Fuck your flag, Rougey.

How did your heroic Jews "accidentally" machine gun life rafts?

"Following their torpedo attack, the torpedo boats moved up and down the length of the ship (both the port and starboard sides), continuing their attack, raking the ship with cannon and machine gun fire.[21]

"In Malta, crewmen were later assigned the task of counting all of the holes in the ship that were the size of a man's hand or larger. They found a total of 861 such holes, in addition to 'thousands' of .50 caliber machine gun holes.

"Survivors report that the torpedo boat crews swept the decks of USS Liberty with continuous machine gun fire, targeting communications equipment and any crewmembers who ventured above decks...[22]

"Survivors also report that the torpedo boat crews fired on the inflated life boats launched by the crew after the captain gave the order 'prepare to abandon ship.'[24] This order had to be rescinded because the crew was unable to stand on the main deck without being fired upon and the life rafts were destroyed as they were launched."

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events
Fuck , and your heroic Muslims, Mohammad. The boat was on a reconnaissance mission, Arab animals attacked Israel and the US was just "observing" the situation. The boat was mistaken for an Arab boat, and the Israelis decided to take it out. Muslims do this shit all the time, asshole, right now in Afganistan and Iraq, they're dressing up as US personnel and going after Americans.

Open your mouth and I'll shit in it some more.
A Lot of specifics in regard to the firing on the USS Liberty. As I recall, there was plenty of blame to go around between Israel and Our Own Joint Chief's of Staff. I believe there was even an Israeli Pilot, Court-marshaled for refusing to fire on The Liberty. The Flag was spotted, The Ship was Spying, using Satellite Dish Technology, bouncing the signal off of the Moon, the Joint Chiefs would not admit that the Ship was even there, I remember something about a US Sub witnessing the whole thing, the first squadron of Jets assigned to intercept had to be recalled to their Carrier, because they were carrying Nukes. It was a total cluster fuck, all the way around. Israel was under attack at the time, so timing made everything worse.
So Israel gets rockets because they gave the land over to a bunch of terrorist, and thus they should have known better? Well, let me tell you what's about to happen, there is going to be a renewed war in Israel; Syria, Jordan and Lebanon are going to attack Israel, and one of them, Syria, is going to use Chemical weapons on Tel Aviv...after that, you can kiss Damascus good-bye...I promise you that this battle will take place, and the aftermath will be that Israel will be in bad shape, but her borders will connect to Iraq and Georgia.

The Iranians are still employing Syria as her stalking horse, and they will find out that its going to take Russia and China, who back every play made by Iran, and then the world will be taken into World War 3. Do you honestly think that anybody on the planet wants that? I know Israel don't...however, your boy Ahmadinejad is trying to start it with this 12th Imam business...I don't think any of you want this either, so why condemn the only nation in the world that is under constant attack by a another people who are neither refugees or prisoners...

Oh yea, one other thing....You can stop with this bigot crap too, my family is only 3 generations removed from the Western indian reservations, we are bigoted to no one...even in your twisted little mind

LOLOL...yeah, sure. you are a damn liar if ever there was one. i have never ever heard a native american say "Western indian reservations". every single indian i know, and i know plenty (i actually had a son who went to Wa He Lut indian school and i was invited to many events by many tribes and was made a lifetime member in AIM and was even busted and gaoled for demonstrating for treaty rights) identifies their tribe and the name of the reservation...like "my family is olala lakota from the pine ridge reservation in south dakota"...something like that. look, chief, i'm irish but my son is part cowlitz and has the card to prove it so don't try to run your game on me. you are a goddammed ffriggin' liar. besides that, you're from alabama...and stupid as all hell.

and who the hell says indians can't be bigoted anyway. someone would have to be pretty riggin' stupid to say something like that. that's like saying blacks can't be bigoted, or jews, or asians, or the irish or italians or, heaven forfend, those damn dirty ayrabs...huh?

you are a friggin' poor white trash, bible thumpin', snake charmin' evangelical if ever there was one and you just described one of the many armeggedon scenes that comes before a rapture where some white boy god sucks your eternally fooked soul up to his "no jews, negroes, or catholics need apply" land of milk and peanut butter and jelly sandwichs.

what the heck is it about israel supporters that make them lie so much. (i'm cuttin' hoss out of that deal because i don't like a lot of things he says, but i haven't really heard him deliberately tell a factual lie.)

You terrorist supports have the market cornered on lying gal.
It's called Turnspeak. Muslims learned it from the Nazis. Accuse the other of crimes you are most guilty of.
The big error -----was that the US did not inform Israel that it had a ship in the area------there was a war going on. The mistake created a tragedy --------now-----if you can prove that the US DID INFORM ISRAEL THAT THE SHIP WAS IN THE AREA----then you have a case. Sorry------the US made a mistake------LOTS OF MISTAKES HAPPEN IN THE MILITARY Attempts to make it a purposeful act are silly---------if it had been a purposeful act the ship would be at the bottom of the sea-----THERE WAS NOTHING TO STOP AN ALL OUT ATTACK
The evidence and documentation is so overwhelming and obvious, only a lunatic would make these kinds of claims. The Nazis themselves admitted to everything and provided the meticulously kept records that Nazis were famous for during the Nuremburg trials.
All the evidence and documentation wouldn't satisfy this self proclaimed Holocaust denier. He would still say it's all a big Zionist plot.

That dynamic is not unique to ERGO ... it runs through all Holocaust deniers. It must be part of their handbook. Lots of circular argumentation and when the truth is too obvious to deny they run and hide for a while and return as if they never saw a word of the discourse.
They sure do behave like a snake hiding in the bushes.
A Lot of specifics in regard to the firing on the USS Liberty. As I recall, there was plenty of blame to go around between Israel and Our Own Joint Chief's of Staff. I believe there was even an Israeli Pilot, Court-marshaled for refusing to fire on The Liberty. The Flag was spotted, The Ship was Spying, using Satellite Dish Technology, bouncing the signal off of the Moon, the Joint Chiefs would not admit that the Ship was even there, I remember something about a US Sub witnessing the whole thing, the first squadron of Jets assigned to intercept had to be recalled to their Carrier, because they were carrying Nukes. It was a total cluster fuck, all the way around. Israel was under attack at the time, so timing made everything worse.
I don't know how old you are, but I turned 20 in the summer of '67, and, while I wasn't in Vietnam myself, I knew a few guys who were, and they were none too happy to be neck-deep in the big muddy with a big fool telling them to push on; however, they would have torn Egypt to shreds for free if Liberty had gone down with all hands, with the Egyptians getting the blame.

And their grandchildren might well be occupying Egyptian oil fields to this day.

I suspect the Joint Chiefs, Robert McNamera, and LBJ ordered the attack on Liberty.
War is still a racket.
A Lot of specifics in regard to the firing on the USS Liberty. As I recall, there was plenty of blame to go around between Israel and Our Own Joint Chief's of Staff. I believe there was even an Israeli Pilot, Court-marshaled for refusing to fire on The Liberty. The Flag was spotted, The Ship was Spying, using Satellite Dish Technology, bouncing the signal off of the Moon, the Joint Chiefs would not admit that the Ship was even there, I remember something about a US Sub witnessing the whole thing, the first squadron of Jets assigned to intercept had to be recalled to their Carrier, because they were carrying Nukes. It was a total cluster fuck, all the way around. Israel was under attack at the time, so timing made everything worse.
I don't know how old you are, but I turned 20 in the summer of '67, and, while I wasn't in Vietnam myself, I knew a few guys who were, and they were none too happy to be neck-deep in the big muddy with a big fool telling them to push on; however, they would have torn Egypt to shreds for free if Liberty had gone down with all hands, with the Egyptians getting the blame.

And their grandchildren might well be occupying Egyptian oil fields to this day.

I suspect the Joint Chiefs, Robert McNamera, and LBJ ordered the attack on Liberty.
War is still a racket.

For those confused by the above garble---it is important to understand that the jihadist partyline is that Israel wanted to sink the USS LIBERTY and blame it on Egypt ----the above garbler contends that doing to would bring the US over there to "DESTROY EGYPT" This idiotic contention makes no sense-----Israel never tried to sink the USS Liberty-----could have easily done so if it wished to there was no US submarine in the vicinity and the details of the event were being radio broadcasted WITHIN THE HOUR of its occurrence while the Israeli navy was fishing some of our boys out of the sea both american and israeli braodcasters hit the radio waves in the USA

as to the US DESTOYING EGYPT if it thought that egypt had attacked the USS LIBERTY-----what a joke------Did you USA destroy Yemen for attacking the COLE Did the US destroy Lebanon for bombing marines asleep in a bunker?

keep up the good work George------you are good at making a fool of yourself -----now go do your IFTAR
There was no Israeli courtmartialed for refusing to fire on the USS Liberty see your doctor for your memory issues In every military accident there is LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of -------blame to go around For the record----there are LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of military accidents not only is war dangerous-------anything military is dangerous
Not as dangerous as blind ideologues like you...

"Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. 'Pete' McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli, he was 'lead pilot' in the attack.

"When he recognized the Liberty as flying the American flag he informed his headquarters, but was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested.[6] There have been subsequent reports that two of the Israeli pilots refused to attack the 'Liberty' and 'were jailed for 18 years'.[3]

"A dual-citizen Israeli major has met with survivors to tell them that he was in an Israeli war-room where he heard that pilot's radio report. The attacking pilots and everyone in the Israeli war-room knew that they were attacking an American ship, according to this Israeli major. After allegedly receiving threats, this source has since recanted these statements.[6]

"However the then-U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon, Dwight Porter has confirmed the pilot's story, and revealed the pilot's protests (transmitted via radio) had already been monitored by U.S. intelligence stationed within his embassy in Lebanon.

"Ambassador Porter told the story to syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, and has also offered his testimony to US authorities, but claims that testimony has never yet been secured.[6]"

U.S.S. Liberty - What Really Happened Wiki
George is going to tell us the name of the PILOT who got arrested for refusing to bomb the Liberty
Fuck your flag, Rougey.

How did your heroic Jews "accidentally" machine gun life rafts?

"Following their torpedo attack, the torpedo boats moved up and down the length of the ship (both the port and starboard sides), continuing their attack, raking the ship with cannon and machine gun fire.[21]

"In Malta, crewmen were later assigned the task of counting all of the holes in the ship that were the size of a man's hand or larger. They found a total of 861 such holes, in addition to 'thousands' of .50 caliber machine gun holes.

"Survivors report that the torpedo boat crews swept the decks of USS Liberty with continuous machine gun fire, targeting communications equipment and any crewmembers who ventured above decks...[22]

"Survivors also report that the torpedo boat crews fired on the inflated life boats launched by the crew after the captain gave the order 'prepare to abandon ship.'[24] This order had to be rescinded because the crew was unable to stand on the main deck without being fired upon and the life rafts were destroyed as they were launched."

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events
Fuck , and your heroic Muslims, Mohammad. The boat was on a reconnaissance mission, Arab animals attacked Israel and the US was just "observing" the situation. The boat was mistaken for an Arab boat, and the Israelis decided to take it out. Muslims do this shit all the time, asshole, right now in Afganistan and Iraq, they're dressing up as US personnel and going after Americans.

Open your mouth and I'll shit in it some more.
How do you get hasbara's shit off your tonsils, Golda?

"USS Liberty sailors report that Israel attacked the Liberty using unmarked aircraft. This one observation tends to prove Israel knew exactly who they were attacking. Israel's story is that they thought USS Liberty was an Egyptian ship and therefore a legitimate target of war.

"Were that true, there would be no reason to attack a supposedly Egyptian ship with unmarked aircraft! The only possible reason to use unmarked aircraft to attack the ship is that Israel knew it was an American ship and intended to sink it, then to blame the attack on Egypt."

U.S.S. Liberty - What Really Happened Wiki

Try harder, Pussy.
Fuck , and your heroic Muslims, Mohammad. The boat was on a reconnaissance mission, Arab animals attacked Israel and the US was just "observing" the situation. The boat was mistaken for an Arab boat, and the Israelis decided to take it out. Muslims do this shit all the time, asshole, right now in Afganistan and Iraq, they're dressing up as US personnel and going after Americans.

Open your mouth and I'll shit in it some more.
How do you get hasbara's shit off your tonsils, Golda?

"USS Liberty sailors report that Israel attacked the Liberty using unmarked aircraft. This one observation tends to prove Israel knew exactly who they were attacking. Israel's story is that they thought USS Liberty was an Egyptian ship and therefore a legitimate target of war.

"Were that true, there would be no reason to attack a supposedly Egyptian ship with unmarked aircraft! The only possible reason to use unmarked aircraft to attack the ship is that Israel knew it was an American ship and intended to sink it, then to blame the attack on Egypt."

U.S.S. Liberty - What Really Happened Wiki

Try harder, Pussy.

calm down -----when I was in the navy-----when I was involved in investigating injuries ----even the admirals and generals called me "ma'am" The wiki article is silly propaganda ---- Anyone who has ever dealt with persons claiming "personal injury" from any cause understands the need of the injured to LAY BLAME no matter how accidental was the cause of the injury I have yet to hear an injured person say "well----it was really non one's fault" in the course of a law suit ------or even long after the law suit was over and a "settlement" paid
Fuck , and your heroic Muslims, Mohammad. The boat was on a reconnaissance mission, Arab animals attacked Israel and the US was just "observing" the situation. The boat was mistaken for an Arab boat, and the Israelis decided to take it out. Muslims do this shit all the time, asshole, right now in Afganistan and Iraq, they're dressing up as US personnel and going after Americans.

Open your mouth and I'll shit in it some more.
How do you get hasbara's shit off your tonsils, Golda?

"USS Liberty sailors report that Israel attacked the Liberty using unmarked aircraft. This one observation tends to prove Israel knew exactly who they were attacking. Israel's story is that they thought USS Liberty was an Egyptian ship and therefore a legitimate target of war.

"Were that true, there would be no reason to attack a supposedly Egyptian ship with unmarked aircraft! The only possible reason to use unmarked aircraft to attack the ship is that Israel knew it was an American ship and intended to sink it, then to blame the attack on Egypt."

U.S.S. Liberty - What Really Happened Wiki

Try harder, Pussy.
Curious George the Islamist monkey is ABSOLUTELY OUTRAGED over the USS Liberty, but USS Cole, Marine Baracks, and over 16,000 acts of Islamic terror since 9-11, including some on Americans? Eh, who cares. No Jews involved. No Jews, no juice.
The big error -----was that the US did not inform Israel that it had a ship in the area------there was a war going on. The mistake created a tragedy --------now-----if you can prove that the US DID INFORM ISRAEL THAT THE SHIP WAS IN THE AREA----then you have a case. Sorry------the US made a mistake------LOTS OF MISTAKES HAPPEN IN THE MILITARY Attempts to make it a purposeful act are silly---------if it had been a purposeful act the ship would be at the bottom of the sea-----THERE WAS NOTHING TO STOP AN ALL OUT ATTACK
"Israel acknowledged the following facts without qualification:
a. USS Liberty was an American ship, hence a neutral vis-à-vis the June
1967 war between Israel and its Arab neighbors.
b. USS Liberty remained in international waters at all times on June 8, 1967
c. The attacking Israeli forces never made a positive identification of the nationality of USS Liberty before unleashing deadly force in their attack on
the ship.
At approximately 0600 hours (all times local) on the morning of June 8, 1967 an Israeli maritime reconnaissance aircraft observer reported seeing 'a US Navy cargo type
ship,' just outside the coverage of the Israeli coastal radar defense net, bearing the hull
markings 'GTR-5'.
"This report, made to Israeli naval HQ, was also forwarded immediately to the Israeli navy intelligence directorate..."

"Throughout the remainder of the day prior to the attack, Israeli reconnaissance aircraft regularly flew out to USS Liberty’s position and orbited the ship before returning to
their bases in Israel. A total of no fewer than eight (8) such flights were made.
"At approximately 1050 hours, the naval observer from the early morning reconnaissance flight arrived at Israeli air force HQ and sat down with the air-naval liaison officer
there. The two officers consulted Janes’ Fighting Ships and learned that the ship reported earlier in the day was USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research

"In the instant matter, Israel freely acknowledged that USS Liberty was a neutral ship
in international waters.
"Israel also admitted that the attack was deliberate and made
with the intent to sink the ship and crew.
"Israel has thus explicitly admitted the essential elements of a violation of Article 1 of the Hague Convention on Naval Warfare. Israel
has further admitted the essential elements required to establish a 'grave breach' as
that term is defined in the Geneva Convention (1949).
The Nürnberg War Crimes Tribunal established certain principles that were later
adopted by all members of the United Nations."

"USS Liberty sailors report that Israel attacked the Liberty using unmarked aircraft. This one observation tends to prove Israel knew exactly who they were attacking. Israel's story is that they thought USS Liberty was an Egyptian ship and therefore a legitimate target of war.
Leutenant Painter is a little cteepy liah. According to the testimony of Signalman Russell David the latter saw israeli insignia on the attacking craft and reported that to the Cap. Dooh.
How do you get hasbara's shit off your tonsils, Golda?

"USS Liberty sailors report that Israel attacked the Liberty using unmarked aircraft. This one observation tends to prove Israel knew exactly who they were attacking. Israel's story is that they thought USS Liberty was an Egyptian ship and therefore a legitimate target of war.

"Were that true, there would be no reason to attack a supposedly Egyptian ship with unmarked aircraft! The only possible reason to use unmarked aircraft to attack the ship is that Israel knew it was an American ship and intended to sink it, then to blame the attack on Egypt."

U.S.S. Liberty - What Really Happened Wiki

Try harder, Pussy.
Curious George the Islamist monkey is ABSOLUTELY OUTRAGED over the USS Liberty, but USS Cole, Marine Baracks, and over 16,000 acts of Islamic terror since 9-11, including some on Americans? Eh, who cares. No Jews involved. No Jews, no juice.
Why did the Heroic Hebrews fly unmarked jets, Rougey?

In case you're still stupid, I'll type the word "noncombatant" very slowly.
So your hasbara minders have time to explain the distinction between the crew of Liberty and the dead Marines in Lebanon.
Jews are scenery in this tale. They're strategic assets in the US Empire's fifty year campaign of terror that's seen millions murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated from Korea to Khandahar.

Shit like you and Bibi are just there for the comic relief.
"USS Liberty sailors report that Israel attacked the Liberty using unmarked aircraft. This one observation tends to prove Israel knew exactly who they were attacking. Israel's story is that they thought USS Liberty was an Egyptian ship and therefore a legitimate target of war.
Leutenant Painter is a little cteepy liah. According to the testimony of Signalman Russell David the latter saw israeli insignia on the attacking craft and reported that to the Cap. Dooh.
Would that be Signalman Russell "Star of" David, drivel?
How many of your neighbors have you murdered today?
Curious George the Islamist monkey is ABSOLUTELY OUTRAGED over the USS Liberty, but USS Cole, Marine Baracks, and over 16,000 acts of Islamic terror since 9-11, including some on Americans? Eh, who cares. No Jews involved. No Jews, no juice.
Why did the Heroic Hebrews fly unmarked jets, Rougey?

In case you're still stupid, I'll type the word "noncombatant" very slowly.
So your hasbara minders have time to explain the distinction between the crew of Liberty and the dead Marines in Lebanon.
Jews are scenery in this tale. They're strategic assets in the US Empire's fifty year campaign of terror that's seen millions murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated from Korea to Khandahar.

Shit like you and Bibi are just there for the comic relief.
Stop your whining Abdul. Tissue?

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