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Israel's "Right to Exist"?

For the record----jews never objected to the full congressional investigation of the attack on the USS LIBERTY which DID take place and was CONCLUDED.

I am a jew----I served in the Navy and I certainly NOTICED that the USS Liberty was attacked

as far as taking this episode of friendly fire as a "cause celebre' " the only people who did that were a few navy folk and garden variety civilian racists and hysterics. For the record----the Navy folk who openly objected to the findings of the Navy investigation and the Congressional investigation are in violation of Navy law but I am not at all surprised----lots of military stuff gets USED for political purposes I was in the midst of the AGENT ORANGE SCANDAL ----well ---actually on the periphery of the investigation-----but will not comment -----about the actual issues I will comment that lots of sociopaths JUMPED ON THAT BANDWAGON TOO -----individuals, "politicians" or wannabees and simply folks looking for "FAME"

the USS LIBERTY became a BANDWAGON issue for people to use against Israel-------since that time LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of sailors have died because of military error------including errors that took place------during peace and in domestic waters

" For the record " ---- you are lying. The US liberty Veterans association offered a $ 10,000 reward for anyone who can prove that there has been a Congressional Investigation of the US Liberty Attack You will find their adress in the links that I post below, if you are not lying I suggest that you contact them so you can claim your reward !!!

Here are three quotes from articles and links to the articles which prove that you are lying;

$10,000 challenge
The Liberty Veterans Association offers a $10,000 reward to anyone who can establish the truth of A. Jay Cristol's claim: 1
"After ten official US investigations (including five congressional investigations), there was never any evidence that the attack was made with knowledge that the target was a US ship."

The LVA has disputed the truth of this statement for years. We know it is untrue. The claim that there have been any official Congressional investigations into the culpability for the Israeli attack on USS Liberty is patently false. There have been NO official Congressional investigations on this subject. We believe that the best way to prove that the above statement is untrue is to offer a reward to anyone (including Mr. Cristol) who can prove that it is true.

Address responses to [email protected]

The challenge has been offered since March 1, 2004, with no takers.

USS Liberty $10,000 challenge

Chief among the Liberty deniers is Florida bankruptcy magistrate Ahron Jay Cristol, who wrote a book defending the Israeli position. According to Cristol, 13 investigations have all found Israel to be without blame—a claim he repeats at every opportunity. It is totally false. Liberty survivors have for more than a year offered a $10,000 reward to anyone who can prove Cristol’s assertion. In fact, there has never been a single congressional investigation (see “Cristol Claim of 13 Investigations Into Israel’s Attack on USS Liberty a Travesty,” by Terence O’Keefe, December 2003 Washington Report, p. 14). Yet the author continues to make the false allegation, and no one has claimed the reward.

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | Special Report: USS Liberty: 38 Years and Counting

Ahron Jay Cristol, the author of dense and nearly unreadable screed published in 2002 as The Liberty Incident, persists in repeating at every opportunity the false report that the LibertyThe Liberty Incident, now out of print, was first published as a doctoral thesis and eventually in hard and soft cover by Brassey’s. Cristol’s web site proclaims in its second paragraph: attack has been repeatedly investigated and found to be a tragic accident.

“After ten official US investigations (including five congressional investigations), there was never any evidence that the attack was made with knowledge that the target was a US ship. There is substantial evidence the attack was a tragic mistake caused by blunders of both the US and Israel. Eight US presidents, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush (41), Clinton, and Bush (43), have each accepted the conclusion that the attack was a tragic case of mistaken identity.”

We have found no evidence that any of those assertions are true. Mr. Cristol has not responded to our repeated requests for proof or documentation of those claims. Moreover, the Libertywww.ussliberty.org/challenge.htm. No one has ever applied for the reward. There has never been a Congressional investigation. We are unaware that any American president has accepted the position that the attack was a tragic accident. The only American government investigation of any kind was the U.S.Navy Court of Inquiry in 1967. That inquiry examined only the performance of the crew and the adequacy of communications and avoided entirely the question of whether the attack was deliberate, accepting “at face value” the Israeli claim that the attack was an accident. That inquiry has been dismissed by its own legal counsel, legal counsel to the convening authority and numerous other key figures as fraudulent. Yet Mr. Cristol persists in his false reports. Unfortunately, the big lie has been repeated so often that it is widely repeated even by Members of Congress as if it were established fact. Moreover, we have a letter from the Librarian of Congress verifying that there has never been such an investigation which is reproduced below. Veterans Association has long offered a $10,000 reward to anyone who can show that these statements are true. See

We have repeatedly requested that Mr. Cristol explain, justify, remove or stop repeating his false claim. He declines to do so or to respond — although his failure to keep the book in print is a statement in itself.

Meanwhile, Cristol ignores our specific request for comment.

The Library of Congress confirms that Congress has never held hearings or launched an investigation into the attack on USS Liberty. Mr. Cristol’s account is false. We have repeatedly asked him to remove his false report from his web site. He declines to reply or to correct the false claim despite frequent requests for him to do so.

The Library of Congress reports: “After checking numerous resources, including the CIS (Congressional Information Service) Indexes to Congressional Hearings (both published and unpublished), and the Public Documents Masterfile, I could find no evidence that the Congress ever held hearings or launched an investigation into the June 8, 1967 incident with the USS Liberty.” ECH, Reference Librarian, Library of Congress

“The Big Lie” Ahron Jay Cristol, A Quisling for Israel | USS Liberty Cover Up

After reading these articles in full you may wish to apologize to the board for the misinformation and lies that you have spread.
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Sure, a bright, sunny day, a us flag the size of a garage, USS Liberyy painted on the sides, a profile that was unique in the world.

Of course it was a case of mistaken identity.:eusa_whistle:
That's what seven independent govt investigations concluded.
Got any proof of those "seven independent investigations?"

The deliberate attack on Liberty remains the only incident of its kind never investigated by the entire US Congress.

"The U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry record contains testimony by fourteen Liberty crew members and five subject matter experts; exhibits of attack damage photographs, various messages and memorandums; and findings of fact. The testimony record reveals 'a shallow investigation, plagued by myriad disagreements between the captain and his crew...'"

"The Joint Chief of Staff's Report contains findings of fact related only to communication system failures associated with the Liberty attack. It was not concerned with matters of culpability, nor does it contain statements thereof.

The CIA Memorandums consist of two documents: one dated June 13, 1967, and the other dated June 21, 1967. The June 13 memorandum is an 'account of circumstances of the attack ... compiled from all available sources.'

"The June 21 memorandum is a point-by-point analysis of Israeli inquiry findings of fact.

"It concludes: 'The attack was not made in malice toward the U.S. and was by mistake, but the failure of the IDF Headquarters and the attacking aircraft to identify the Liberty and the subsequent attack by torpedo boats were both incongruous and indicative of gross negligence."

"The Clark Clifford Report consists of a review of 'all available information on the subject' and 'deals with the question of Israeli culpability', according to its transmittal memorandum. The report concludes: 'The unprovoked attack on the Liberty constitutes a flagrant act of gross negligence for which the Israeli Government should be held completely responsible, and the Israeli military personnel involved should be punished.'"

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Palestinian government recognizes Israel's right to exist.

When will Israel recognize Palestine's right to exist?
Mr fucking ignorant doesn't know that Hamas is a terrorist organization that rules over Gaza, who's Charter and it's leaders call for the destruction of Israel every day.
you sure are crass and flippant regarding the deaths of 34 american sailors. ...
Oh, bog off with all buckshot-ridden posts.

boy, you sure get pissy when someone steps in to defend the honour and integrity of american sailors.

look, no offense, but the way american jews have handled the USS Liberty incident is a lesson in sheer stupidity and unrivaled arrogance. you have taken a tragic incident (and i believe a deliberate attack on a vessel that was known to be an american naval vessel) that could have faded into the background and jews have turned it into a cause celebre.

my god, most americans had never even noticed the attack on the liberty at the time. i mean, vietnam was the story. we were escalating big time in '66, '67 and '68. people were protesting, the streets were a riot, the democratic convention was shutting down... and people were also committing the unforgiveable sin of ignoring the jews, so they had to make some sort of huge deal about "it was a mistaken identity." it was a blip on the radar screen off the american public.

the first time i suspected something was amiss about the whole incident is because nobody fights that hard unless they have something to hide.

there is probably not one single objective person in the world who doesn't think the israelis knew it was an american ship during the attack. it would have been more believable if the israeli government would have actually claimed that the pilots were blind and were part of an experimental test program than the ridiculous story they weaved.

You have soomething which supports your claim that Jews (all Jews and only Jews) "fought against a full congressional investigation, and memorials, and on and on"?

Do you also have proof that Jews (and only Jews) have since 1967 been "writing books and making claims when it would have faded into the background years ago if left alone."

Frankly, these outrageous claims have long been how you and the anti-Israel/anti-Jew cabal demonstrate your mindless hate for Jooooos, Bubba.
That's what seven independent govt investigations concluded.
Got any proof of those "seven independent investigations?"

The deliberate attack on Liberty remains the only incident of its kind never investigated by the entire US Congress.

"The U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry record contains testimony by fourteen Liberty crew members and five subject matter experts; exhibits of attack damage photographs, various messages and memorandums; and findings of fact. The testimony record reveals 'a shallow investigation, plagued by myriad disagreements between the captain and his crew...'"

"The Joint Chief of Staff's Report contains findings of fact related only to communication system failures associated with the Liberty attack. It was not concerned with matters of culpability, nor does it contain statements thereof.

The CIA Memorandums consist of two documents: one dated June 13, 1967, and the other dated June 21, 1967. The June 13 memorandum is an 'account of circumstances of the attack ... compiled from all available sources.'

"The June 21 memorandum is a point-by-point analysis of Israeli inquiry findings of fact.

"It concludes: 'The attack was not made in malice toward the U.S. and was by mistake, but the failure of the IDF Headquarters and the attacking aircraft to identify the Liberty and the subsequent attack by torpedo boats were both incongruous and indicative of gross negligence."

"The Clark Clifford Report consists of a review of 'all available information on the subject' and 'deals with the question of Israeli culpability', according to its transmittal memorandum. The report concludes: 'The unprovoked attack on the Liberty constitutes a flagrant act of gross negligence for which the Israeli Government should be held completely responsible, and the Israeli military personnel involved should be punished.'"

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Put on some glasses, you fucking IslamoNazi piece of shit. Here are 7 SEVEN govt investigations from your link, and NOT ONE found that Israel intentionally attacked the boat.

U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry of June 1967
Joint Chief of Staff's Report of June 1967.
CIA Intelligence Memorandums of June 1967
Clark Clifford Report of July 1967
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Testimony during hearings of the 1967 Foreign Aid Authorization bill, July 1967
House Armed Services Committee Investigation of 1971
The NSA History Report of 1981

"CIA Memorandums dated June 21, 1967. The June 13 memorandum is an "account of circumstances of the attack ... compiled from all available sources." The June 21 memorandum is a point-by-point analysis of Israeli inquiry findings of fact. It concludes: "The attack was not made in malice toward the U.S. and was by mistake"

"The Senate Foreign Relations Committee Testimony contains, as an aside matter during hearings concerning a foreign aid authorization bill, questions and statements from several senators and responses from then Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, about the Liberty attack. and concluded his remarks by saying: "I simply want to emphasize that the investigative report does not show any evidence of a conscious intent to attack a U.S. vessel."

The National Archives in College Park, Md., includes in its files on casualties from the Liberty copies of the original telegrams the Navy sent out to family members. The telegrams called the attack accidental. The telegrams were sent out June 9, the day before the Navy court of inquiry convened.

"The U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry record contains testimony by fourteen Liberty crew members and five subject matter experts; exhibits of attack damage photographs, various messages and memorandums; and findings of fact. The testimony record reveals "a shallow investigation, plagued by myriad disagreements between the captain and his crew."......the court concluded that "available evidence combines to indicate ... (that the attack was) a case of mistaken identity." Additionally, the Court found that "heroism displayed by the Commanding Officer, officers and men of the Liberty was exceptional."
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Jihadist pigs dance when americans are slaughtered------and then claim that JEWS do not have respect for dead americans ------------I have never heard of any group OBJECTING TO A CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION how is that done? picket lines? In fact I do recall that there was a congressional investigation into the Liberty incident ALMOST IMMEDIATELY --------can someone cite even a single OBJECTION to the proceeding?
The signing of the Oslo Accords should have brought peace to the Middle East. Israel gave up its territory in the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank. The Palestinians went in there
and destroyed the infrastructure, the greenhouses, the farms, everything. The also kept sending katusha missiles into Israel from the West Bank and Gaza.

Arafat may have signed that treaty in Washington, but as soon as he got off the plane where ever he landed, he started the blood shed again...Why?

your language portrays your bigotry. israel has no land in the gaza or the west bank, and any rocket fire has been preceded by more israeli expansion, and it ight be wise to identify who exactly is firing the rockets. if joe scmuck from point roberts starts lobbing rockets into surrey, british colubia, do you think canada would be justified in bombong and shelling the hell out of seattle?

the destruction of infrastructure is largely myth and propaganda. the so called infrastructure was meant to accomadate a small group of israeli settlers and was of no practical use to the people of gaza. not only that, it was a reminder of a brutal occupation...kinda like when that terrorist group, the sons of liberty, toppled the statue of king george III in NYC. huh?

if israel wants peace and secure borders, they can have it. they could have had it a long tie ago. i cannot belieeve, in this day in age, people like you believe israel wants peace.. israel will not negotiaate any peace. they want to steal land and make any future palestinian state impossible.
If you would have removed your head from your anti semitic ass you would tell the truth, which is, the rocket attacks from Gaza started when Israel totally evacuated Gaza.

When Israel left Gaza it locked the doors and threw away the key. Hundreds of tons of produce rotted at the dock because Israel would allow exports. This is the income Gaza needed to have a viable economy.

The problem is that Israelis are too fucking stupid to figure out thy they get rockets.
"The U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry record contains testimony by a number of xxxxxxx crew members and many subject matter experts; pictures of damage photographs, various messages and memorandums; and findings of fact. The testimony record reveals 'a shallow investigation, plagued by myriad disagreements between the captain and his crew...'"

LOL THE ABOVE CAN BE APPLIED TO JUST ABOUT EVERY NAVAL INVESTIGATION THAT EVER TOOK PLACE. Some guy goes around and says WRITE DOWN WHAT HAPPENED AS YOU WITNESSED IT -----and as many times he says it-----that is how many DIFFERENT VERSIONS of the event he gets
you sure are crass and flippant regarding the deaths of 34 american sailors. ...
Oh, bog off with all buckshot-ridden posts.

boy, you sure get pissy when someone steps in to defend the honour and integrity of american sailors.

Yeah, sure that's what you're doing.
Your "love" for those sailors is measured by how their tragic deaths now serve your hate. Some of us remember when you and Skit battled for months over which of you could best goosestep and carry the Swastika.
However, I do love when you cyber hate-mongers wrap yourselves in the American flag.
You're just selling your hate (as you've done for years) and there's nothing noble about it so cut the crap.
Got any proof of those "seven independent investigations?"

The deliberate attack on Liberty remains the only incident of its kind never investigated by the entire US Congress.

"The U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry record contains testimony by fourteen Liberty crew members and five subject matter experts; exhibits of attack damage photographs, various messages and memorandums; and findings of fact. The testimony record reveals 'a shallow investigation, plagued by myriad disagreements between the captain and his crew...'"

"The Joint Chief of Staff's Report contains findings of fact related only to communication system failures associated with the Liberty attack. It was not concerned with matters of culpability, nor does it contain statements thereof.

The CIA Memorandums consist of two documents: one dated June 13, 1967, and the other dated June 21, 1967. The June 13 memorandum is an 'account of circumstances of the attack ... compiled from all available sources.'

"The June 21 memorandum is a point-by-point analysis of Israeli inquiry findings of fact.

"It concludes: 'The attack was not made in malice toward the U.S. and was by mistake, but the failure of the IDF Headquarters and the attacking aircraft to identify the Liberty and the subsequent attack by torpedo boats were both incongruous and indicative of gross negligence."

"The Clark Clifford Report consists of a review of 'all available information on the subject' and 'deals with the question of Israeli culpability', according to its transmittal memorandum. The report concludes: 'The unprovoked attack on the Liberty constitutes a flagrant act of gross negligence for which the Israeli Government should be held completely responsible, and the Israeli military personnel involved should be punished.'"

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Put on some glasses, you fucking IslamoNazi piece of shit. Here are 7 SEVEN govt investigations from your link, and NOT ONE found that Israel intentionally attacked the boat.

U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry of June 1967
Joint Chief of Staff's Report of June 1967.
CIA Intelligence Memorandums of June 1967
Clark Clifford Report of July 1967
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Testimony during hearings of the 1967 Foreign Aid Authorization bill, July 1967
House Armed Services Committee Investigation of 1971
The NSA History Report of 1981

"CIA Memorandums dated June 21, 1967. The June 13 memorandum is an "account of circumstances of the attack ... compiled from all available sources." The June 21 memorandum is a point-by-point analysis of Israeli inquiry findings of fact. It concludes: "The attack was not made in malice toward the U.S. and was by mistake"

"The Senate Foreign Relations Committee Testimony contains, as an aside matter during hearings concerning a foreign aid authorization bill, questions and statements from several senators and responses from then Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, about the Liberty attack. and concluded his remarks by saying: "I simply want to emphasize that the investigative report does not show any evidence of a conscious intent to attack a U.S. vessel."

The National Archives in College Park, Md., includes in its files on casualties from the Liberty copies of the original telegrams the Navy sent out to family members. The telegrams called the attack accidental. The telegrams were sent out June 9, the day before the Navy court of inquiry convened.

"The U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry record contains testimony by fourteen Liberty crew members and five subject matter experts; exhibits of attack damage photographs, various messages and memorandums; and findings of fact. The testimony record reveals "a shallow investigation, plagued by myriad disagreements between the captain and his crew."......the court concluded that "available evidence combines to indicate ... (that the attack was) a case of mistaken identity." Additionally, the Court found that "heroism displayed by the Commanding Officer, officers and men of the Liberty was exceptional."
Starting with the US Naval Court of Inquiry, Golda:

"Mr. Secretary, it is respectfully submitted that, even based solely upon the facts and circumstances outlined above, the Navy Court of Inquiry into the Israeli attack on USS Liberty - the sole official investigation by the United States Government into that attack - was deficient and prejudiced, even at its outset, by the unreasonable haste imposed informally by the appointing authority.

"In addition, the processing of that Court's hasty result was further compromised by its peremptory withdrawal from its initial and prescribed legal review in the field, and its hurried transmission to the seat of the U.S. Government under cover of a purported official endorsement that could not conceivably have been based upon even a cursory complete review of even the hasty work of the Navy Court of Inquiry.

"Inexplicably, the Court record was classified Top Secret and withheld from public scru-tiny for many years."

Do you think two weeks was a reasonable amount of time for an investigation, or a whitewash?

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events
your language portrays your bigotry. israel has no land in the gaza or the west bank, and any rocket fire has been preceded by more israeli expansion, and it ight be wise to identify who exactly is firing the rockets. if joe scmuck from point roberts starts lobbing rockets into surrey, british colubia, do you think canada would be justified in bombong and shelling the hell out of seattle?

the destruction of infrastructure is largely myth and propaganda. the so called infrastructure was meant to accomadate a small group of israeli settlers and was of no practical use to the people of gaza. not only that, it was a reminder of a brutal occupation...kinda like when that terrorist group, the sons of liberty, toppled the statue of king george III in NYC. huh?

if israel wants peace and secure borders, they can have it. they could have had it a long tie ago. i cannot belieeve, in this day in age, people like you believe israel wants peace.. israel will not negotiaate any peace. they want to steal land and make any future palestinian state impossible.
If you would have removed your head from your anti semitic ass you would tell the truth, which is, the rocket attacks from Gaza started when Israel totally evacuated Gaza.

When Israel left Gaza it locked the doors and threw away the key. Hundreds of tons of produce rotted at the dock because Israel would allow exports. This is the income Gaza needed to have a viable economy.

The problem is that Israelis are too fucking stupid to figure out thy they get rockets.

So Israel gets rockets because they gave the land over to a bunch of terrorist, and thus they should have known better? Well, let me tell you what's about to happen, there is going to be a renewed war in Israel; Syria, Jordan and Lebanon are going to attack Israel, and one of them, Syria, is going to use Chemical weapons on Tel Aviv...after that, you can kiss Damascus good-bye...I promise you that this battle will take place, and the aftermath will be that Israel will be in bad shape, but her borders will connect to Iraq and Georgia.

The Iranians are still employing Syria as her stalking horse, and they will find out that its going to take Russia and China, who back every play made by Iran, and then the world will be taken into World War 3. Do you honestly think that anybody on the planet wants that? I know Israel don't...however, your boy Ahmadinejad is trying to start it with this 12th Imam business...I don't think any of you want this either, so why condemn the only nation in the world that is under constant attack by a another people who are neither refugees or prisoners...

Oh yea, one other thing....You can stop with this bigot crap too, my family is only 3 generations removed from the Western indian reservations, we are bigoted to no one...even in your twisted little mind
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Put on some glasses, you fucking IslamoNazi piece of shit. Here are 7 SEVEN govt investigations from your link, and NOT ONE found that Israel intentionally attacked the boat.

U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry of June 1967
Joint Chief of Staff's Report of June 1967.
CIA Intelligence Memorandums of June 1967
Clark Clifford Report of July 1967
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Testimony during hearings of the 1967 Foreign Aid Authorization bill, July 1967
House Armed Services Committee Investigation of 1971
The NSA History Report of 1981

"CIA Memorandums dated June 21, 1967. The June 13 memorandum is an "account of circumstances of the attack ... compiled from all available sources." The June 21 memorandum is a point-by-point analysis of Israeli inquiry findings of fact. It concludes: "The attack was not made in malice toward the U.S. and was by mistake"

"The Senate Foreign Relations Committee Testimony contains, as an aside matter during hearings concerning a foreign aid authorization bill, questions and statements from several senators and responses from then Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, about the Liberty attack. and concluded his remarks by saying: "I simply want to emphasize that the investigative report does not show any evidence of a conscious intent to attack a U.S. vessel."

The National Archives in College Park, Md., includes in its files on casualties from the Liberty copies of the original telegrams the Navy sent out to family members. The telegrams called the attack accidental. The telegrams were sent out June 9, the day before the Navy court of inquiry convened.

"The U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry record contains testimony by fourteen Liberty crew members and five subject matter experts; exhibits of attack damage photographs, various messages and memorandums; and findings of fact. The testimony record reveals "a shallow investigation, plagued by myriad disagreements between the captain and his crew."......the court concluded that "available evidence combines to indicate ... (that the attack was) a case of mistaken identity." Additionally, the Court found that "heroism displayed by the Commanding Officer, officers and men of the Liberty was exceptional."
Starting with the US Naval Court of Inquiry, Golda:

"Mr. Secretary, it is respectfully submitted that, even based solely upon the facts and circumstances outlined above, the Navy Court of Inquiry into the Israeli attack on USS Liberty - the sole official investigation by the United States Government into that attack - was deficient and prejudiced, even at its outset, by the unreasonable haste imposed informally by the appointing authority.

"In addition, the processing of that Court's hasty result was further compromised by its peremptory withdrawal from its initial and prescribed legal review in the field, and its hurried transmission to the seat of the U.S. Government under cover of a purported official endorsement that could not conceivably have been based upon even a cursory complete review of even the hasty work of the Navy Court of Inquiry.

"Inexplicably, the Court record was classified Top Secret and withheld from public scru-tiny for many years."

Do you think two weeks was a reasonable amount of time for an investigation, or a whitewash?

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events
Bullshit. All the facts pointed to an accident and that's exactly what it was. You misquoted and omitted the findings because it disproved your claims. There were 7 investigations, not all were perfect but they all came TO THE SAME CONCLUSION. You can scream and holler all you want.

Perhaps if you want "conclusive proof" of an attack on a US ship, you should look into Muslim animals attacking US shipslike the Cole etc. but you're not interested n that are you, George Muhammad?
Starting with the US Naval Court of Inquiry, Golda:

"Mr. Secretary, it is respectfully submitted that, even based solely upon the facts and circumstances outlined above, the Navy Court of Inquiry into the Israeli attack on USS Liberty - the sole official investigation by the United States Government into that attack - was deficient and prejudiced, even at its outset, by the unreasonable haste imposed informally by the appointing authority.

"In addition, the processing of that Court's hasty result was further compromised by its peremptory withdrawal from its initial and prescribed legal review in the field, and its hurried transmission to the seat of the U.S. Government under cover of a purported official endorsement that could not conceivably have been based upon even a cursory complete review of even the hasty work of the Navy Court of Inquiry.

"Inexplicably, the Court record was classified Top Secret and withheld from public scru-tiny for many years."

Do you think two weeks was a reasonable amount of time for an investigation, or a whitewash?

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events
Bullshit. All the facts pointed to an accident and that's exactly what it was. You misquoted and omitted the findings because it disproved your claims. There were 7 investigations, not all were perfect but they all came TO THE SAME CONCLUSION. You can scream and holler all you want.

Perhaps if you want "conclusive proof" of an attack on a US ship, you should look into Muslim animals attacking US shipslike the Cole etc. but you're not interested n that are you, George Muhammad?
Fuck your flag, Rougey.

How did your heroic Jews "accidentally" machine gun life rafts?

"Following their torpedo attack, the torpedo boats moved up and down the length of the ship (both the port and starboard sides), continuing their attack, raking the ship with cannon and machine gun fire.[21]

"In Malta, crewmen were later assigned the task of counting all of the holes in the ship that were the size of a man's hand or larger. They found a total of 861 such holes, in addition to 'thousands' of .50 caliber machine gun holes.

"Survivors report that the torpedo boat crews swept the decks of USS Liberty with continuous machine gun fire, targeting communications equipment and any crewmembers who ventured above decks...[22]

"Survivors also report that the torpedo boat crews fired on the inflated life boats launched by the crew after the captain gave the order 'prepare to abandon ship.'[24] This order had to be rescinded because the crew was unable to stand on the main deck without being fired upon and the life rafts were destroyed as they were launched."

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events
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If you would have removed your head from your anti semitic ass you would tell the truth, which is, the rocket attacks from Gaza started when Israel totally evacuated Gaza.

When Israel left Gaza it locked the doors and threw away the key. Hundreds of tons of produce rotted at the dock because Israel would allow exports. This is the income Gaza needed to have a viable economy.

The problem is that Israelis are too fucking stupid to figure out thy they get rockets.

So Israel gets rockets because they gave the land over to a bunch of terrorist, and thus they should have known better? Well, let me tell you what's about to happen, there is going to be a renewed war in Israel; Syria, Jordan and Lebanon are going to attack Israel, and one of them, Syria, is going to use Chemical weapons on Tel Aviv...after that, you can kiss Damascus good-bye...I promise you that this battle will take place, and the aftermath will be that Israel will be in bad shape, but her borders will connect to Iraq and Georgia.

The Iranians are still employing Syria as her stalking horse, and they will find out that its going to take Russia and China, who back every play made by Iran, and then the world will be taken into World War 3. Do you honestly think that anybody on the planet wants that? I know Israel don't...however, your boy Ahmadinejad is trying to start it with this 12th Imam business...I don't think any of you want this either, so why condemn the only nation in the world that is under constant attack by a another people who are neither refugees or prisoners...

Oh yea, one other thing....You can stop with this bigot crap too, my family is only 3 generations removed from the Western indian reservations, we are bigoted to no one...even in your twisted little mind

LOLOL...yeah, sure. you are a damn liar if ever there was one. i have never ever heard a native american say "Western indian reservations". every single indian i know, and i know plenty (i actually had a son who went to Wa He Lut indian school and i was invited to many events by many tribes and was made a lifetime member in AIM and was even busted and gaoled for demonstrating for treaty rights) identifies their tribe and the name of the reservation...like "my family is olala lakota from the pine ridge reservation in south dakota"...something like that. look, chief, i'm irish but my son is part cowlitz and has the card to prove it so don't try to run your game on me. you are a goddammed ffriggin' liar. besides that, you're from alabama...and stupid as all hell.

and who the hell says indians can't be bigoted anyway. someone would have to be pretty riggin' stupid to say something like that. that's like saying blacks can't be bigoted, or jews, or asians, or the irish or italians or, heaven forfend, those damn dirty ayrabs...huh?

you are a friggin' poor white trash, bible thumpin', snake charmin' evangelical if ever there was one and you just described one of the many armeggedon scenes that comes before a rapture where some white boy god sucks your eternally fooked soul up to his "no jews, negroes, or catholics need apply" land of milk and peanut butter and jelly sandwichs.

what the heck is it about israel supporters that make them lie so much. (i'm cuttin' hoss out of that deal because i don't like a lot of things he says, but i haven't really heard him deliberately tell a factual lie.)
When Israel left Gaza it locked the doors and threw away the key. Hundreds of tons of produce rotted at the dock because Israel would allow exports. This is the income Gaza needed to have a viable economy.

The problem is that Israelis are too fucking stupid to figure out thy they get rockets.

So Israel gets rockets because they gave the land over to a bunch of terrorist, and thus they should have known better? Well, let me tell you what's about to happen, there is going to be a renewed war in Israel; Syria, Jordan and Lebanon are going to attack Israel, and one of them, Syria, is going to use Chemical weapons on Tel Aviv...after that, you can kiss Damascus good-bye...I promise you that this battle will take place, and the aftermath will be that Israel will be in bad shape, but her borders will connect to Iraq and Georgia.

The Iranians are still employing Syria as her stalking horse, and they will find out that its going to take Russia and China, who back every play made by Iran, and then the world will be taken into World War 3. Do you honestly think that anybody on the planet wants that? I know Israel don't...however, your boy Ahmadinejad is trying to start it with this 12th Imam business...I don't think any of you want this either, so why condemn the only nation in the world that is under constant attack by a another people who are neither refugees or prisoners...

Oh yea, one other thing....You can stop with this bigot crap too, my family is only 3 generations removed from the Western indian reservations, we are bigoted to no one...even in your twisted little mind

LOLOL...yeah, sure. you are a damn liar if ever there was one. i have never ever heard a native american say "Western indian reservations". every single indian i know, and i know plenty (i actually had a son who went to Wa He Lut indian school and i was invited to many events by many tribes and was made a lifetime member in AIM and was even busted and gaoled for demonstrating for treaty rights) identifies their tribe and the name of the reservation...like "my family is olala lakota from the pine ridge reservation in south dakota"...something like that. look, chief, i'm irish but my son is part cowlitz and has the card to prove it so don't try to run your game on me. you are a goddammed ffriggin' liar. besides that, you're from alabama...and stupid as all hell.

and who the hell says indians can't be bigoted anyway. someone would have to be pretty riggin' stupid to say something like that. that's like saying blacks can't be bigoted, or jews, or asians, or the irish or italians or, heaven forfend, those damn dirty ayrabs...huh?

you are a friggin' poor white trash, bible thumpin', snake charmin' evangelical if ever there was one and you just described one of the many armeggedon scenes that comes before a rapture where some white boy god sucks your eternally fooked soul up to his "no jews, negroes, or catholics need apply" land of milk and peanut butter and jelly sandwichs.

what the heck is it about israel supporters that make them lie so much. (i'm cuttin' hoss out of that deal because i don't like a lot of things he says, but i haven't really heard him deliberately tell a factual lie.)[

First off, I'm not a liar. Second, yes I am a evangelical Christian, third and most importantly I don't play with snakes. and the rest well, your just ignorant and I can't help you with that...:eusa_whistle:
A Lot of specifics in regard to the firing on the USS Liberty. As I recall, there was plenty of blame to go around between Israel and Our Own Joint Chief's of Staff. I believe there was even an Israeli Pilot, Court-marshaled for refusing to fire on The Liberty. The Flag was spotted, The Ship was Spying, using Satellite Dish Technology, bouncing the signal off of the Moon, the Joint Chiefs would not admit that the Ship was even there, I remember something about a US Sub witnessing the whole thing, the first squadron of Jets assigned to intercept had to be recalled to their Carrier, because they were carrying Nukes. It was a total cluster fuck, all the way around. Israel was under attack at the time, so timing made everything worse.
There was no Israeli courtmartialed for refusing to fire on the USS Liberty see your doctor for your memory issues In every military accident there is LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of -------blame to go around For the record----there are LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of military accidents not only is war dangerous-------anything military is dangerous
When Israel left Gaza it locked the doors and threw away the key. Hundreds of tons of produce rotted at the dock because Israel would allow exports. This is the income Gaza needed to have a viable economy.

The problem is that Israelis are too fucking stupid to figure out thy they get rockets.

So Israel gets rockets because they gave the land over to a bunch of terrorist, and thus they should have known better? Well, let me tell you what's about to happen, there is going to be a renewed war in Israel; Syria, Jordan and Lebanon are going to attack Israel, and one of them, Syria, is going to use Chemical weapons on Tel Aviv...after that, you can kiss Damascus good-bye...I promise you that this battle will take place, and the aftermath will be that Israel will be in bad shape, but her borders will connect to Iraq and Georgia.

The Iranians are still employing Syria as her stalking horse, and they will find out that its going to take Russia and China, who back every play made by Iran, and then the world will be taken into World War 3. Do you honestly think that anybody on the planet wants that? I know Israel don't...however, your boy Ahmadinejad is trying to start it with this 12th Imam business...I don't think any of you want this either, so why condemn the only nation in the world that is under constant attack by a another people who are neither refugees or prisoners...

Oh yea, one other thing....You can stop with this bigot crap too, my family is only 3 generations removed from the Western indian reservations, we are bigoted to no one...even in your twisted little mind

LOLOL...yeah, sure. you are a damn liar if ever there was one. i have never ever heard a native american say "Western indian reservations". every single indian i know, and i know plenty (i actually had a son who went to Wa He Lut indian school and i was invited to many events by many tribes and was made a lifetime member in AIM and was even busted and gaoled for demonstrating for treaty rights) identifies their tribe and the name of the reservation...like "my family is olala lakota from the pine ridge reservation in south dakota"...something like that. look, chief, i'm irish but my son is part cowlitz and has the card to prove it so don't try to run your game on me. you are a goddammed ffriggin' liar. besides that, you're from alabama...and stupid as all hell.

and who the hell says indians can't be bigoted anyway. someone would have to be pretty riggin' stupid to say something like that. that's like saying blacks can't be bigoted, or jews, or asians, or the irish or italians or, heaven forfend, those damn dirty ayrabs...huh?

you are a friggin' poor white trash, bible thumpin', snake charmin' evangelical if ever there was one and you just described one of the many armeggedon scenes that comes before a rapture where some white boy god sucks your eternally fooked soul up to his "no jews, negroes, or catholics need apply" land of milk and peanut butter and jelly sandwichs.

what the heck is it about israel supporters that make them lie so much. (i'm cuttin' hoss out of that deal because i don't like a lot of things he says, but i haven't really heard him deliberately tell a factual lie.)

You terrorist supports have the market cornered on lying gal.

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