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Israel's "Right to Exist"?

So Israel gets rockets because they gave the land over to a bunch of terrorist, and thus they should have known better? Well, let me tell you what's about to happen, there is going to be a renewed war in Israel; Syria, Jordan and Lebanon are going to attack Israel, and one of them, Syria, is going to use Chemical weapons on Tel Aviv...after that, you can kiss Damascus good-bye...I promise you that this battle will take place, and the aftermath will be that Israel will be in bad shape, but her borders will connect to Iraq and Georgia.

The Iranians are still employing Syria as her stalking horse, and they will find out that its going to take Russia and China, who back every play made by Iran, and then the world will be taken into World War 3. Do you honestly think that anybody on the planet wants that? I know Israel don't...however, your boy Ahmadinejad is trying to start it with this 12th Imam business...I don't think any of you want this either, so why condemn the only nation in the world that is under constant attack by a another people who are neither refugees or prisoners...

Oh yea, one other thing....You can stop with this bigot crap too, my family is only 3 generations removed from the Western indian reservations, we are bigoted to no one...even in your twisted little mind

LOLOL...yeah, sure. you are a damn liar if ever there was one. i have never ever heard a native american say "Western indian reservations". every single indian i know, and i know plenty (i actually had a son who went to Wa He Lut indian school and i was invited to many events by many tribes and was made a lifetime member in AIM and was even busted and gaoled for demonstrating for treaty rights) identifies their tribe and the name of the reservation...like "my family is olala lakota from the pine ridge reservation in south dakota"...something like that. look, chief, i'm irish but my son is part cowlitz and has the card to prove it so don't try to run your game on me. you are a goddammed ffriggin' liar. besides that, you're from alabama...and stupid as all hell.

and who the hell says indians can't be bigoted anyway. someone would have to be pretty riggin' stupid to say something like that. that's like saying blacks can't be bigoted, or jews, or asians, or the irish or italians or, heaven forfend, those damn dirty ayrabs...huh?

you are a friggin' poor white trash, bible thumpin', snake charmin' evangelical if ever there was one and you just described one of the many armeggedon scenes that comes before a rapture where some white boy god sucks your eternally fooked soul up to his "no jews, negroes, or catholics need apply" land of milk and peanut butter and jelly sandwichs.

what the heck is it about israel supporters that make them lie so much. (i'm cuttin' hoss out of that deal because i don't like a lot of things he says, but i haven't really heard him deliberately tell a factual lie.)[

First off, I'm not a liar. Second, yes I am a evangelical Christian, third and most importantly I don't play with snakes. and the rest well, your just ignorant and I can't help you with that...:eusa_whistle:

look, if i can suss out that you are an evangelical from your post, i can also suss out that you an american indian from a wetern resercation....

don't lie, first of all...


if you do lie, at least make it a good one and don't assume the person you are telling it to is stupid.

i know tons of indian peoploe, tons of them, and am good friends with them and we snoke and joke and respect each others history. you may want to pay attention to what i told you...but also, you really may want to check the history of native american and evangelical christians interaction. any real native american who claims to be an evangelical christian is going to set off red flags everywhere.

so there, chief. alabama huh? are you like in one of the five civilised tribes? don't even answer. i'm just screwing with you. did you know the choctaws, right off their own trail of tears, sent the irish $170.00 for relif when the english were starving them. i make sure, ever since i had a job, to donate to indian charities, $170 back.

sinte luta out, brother. i get around.
Jihadi-moni told leutenant Painter to fly them around, maybe? Sheets of paper, folding, toss, airborne. Eh?
"Throughout the remainder of the day prior to the attack, Israeli reconnaissance aircraft regularly flew out to USS Liberty's position and orbited the ship before returning to their bases in Israel.
Holy batman! Marked jets! What happened to the "unmarked" batmen?
You're going to have to try a little harder to appear confused, drivel.

"Throughout the remainder of the day prior to the attack, (marked) Israeli reconnaissance aircraft regularly flew out to USS Liberty's position and orbited the ship before returning to their bases in Israel. A total of no fewer than eight (8) such flights were made.[13]

"At approximately 1050 hours, the naval observer from the early morning reconnaissance flight arrived at Israeli air force HQ and sat down with the air-naval liaison officer there. The two officers consulted Jane's Fighting Ships and learned that the ship reported earlier in the day was USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research ship...

Stay tuned, drivel.
Here comes the heroic part...

"At 1400 hours, while approximately 17 miles off the Gaza coast, USS Liberty's crew observed three surface radar contacts closing with their position at high speed. A few moments later, the bridge radar crew observed high speed aircraft passing over the surface returns on the same heading.[16]

Within a few short moments, and without any warning, (unmarked) Israeli fighter aircraft launched a rocket attack on USS Liberty. The aircraft made repeated firing passes, attacking USS Liberty with rockets and their internal cannons. After the first flight of fighter aircraft had exhausted their ordnance, subsequent flights of (marked?) Israeli fighter aircraft continued to prosecute the attack with rockets, cannon fire, and napalm."

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events
Unless LBJ ordered the attack.
Suppose Liberty had gone down with all hands and Egypt got the blame?
Would we not own Egypt's oil today...
You think LBJ would really do that?

I mean, it's not like the Gulf of Tonkin.
Israel did not enjoy anything like the support it has in the US Congress today in 1967.
I doubt if the thought of attacking a US naval vessel would've entered Israeli minds at that time.

I believe the attack was an Operation Northwoods knock-off:

"Operation Northwoods was a series of false-flag proposals that originated in 1962 within the United States government, and which the Kennedy administration rejected. [2] The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or other operatives, to commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere. These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on Cuba in order to create public support for a war against that nation, which had recently become communist under Fidel Castro."

If Liberty had gone down that summer of '67 with all hands lost, and Egypt took the blame, 90% of Americans alive at that time would've demanded some serious payback with no questions asked.
What would you infer if you watched your attackers machine-gun inflatable life rafts?
We would infer that it's an inflatable bullshitt, of course. That same unmarked batmen spotter lt. Painter testified that most of the life rafts were damaged and burning after jet attacks on the ship and the crew dumped many of them overboard. Why won't those individuals get their tales straight?
LOLOL...yeah, sure. you are a damn liar if ever there was one. i have never ever heard a native american say "Western indian reservations". every single indian i know, and i know plenty (i actually had a son who went to Wa He Lut indian school and i was invited to many events by many tribes and was made a lifetime member in AIM and was even busted and gaoled for demonstrating for treaty rights) identifies their tribe and the name of the reservation...like "my family is olala lakota from the pine ridge reservation in south dakota"...something like that. look, chief, i'm irish but my son is part cowlitz and has the card to prove it so don't try to run your game on me. you are a goddammed ffriggin' liar. besides that, you're from alabama...and stupid as all hell.

and who the hell says indians can't be bigoted anyway. someone would have to be pretty riggin' stupid to say something like that. that's like saying blacks can't be bigoted, or jews, or asians, or the irish or italians or, heaven forfend, those damn dirty ayrabs...huh?

you are a friggin' poor white trash, bible thumpin', snake charmin' evangelical if ever there was one and you just described one of the many armeggedon scenes that comes before a rapture where some white boy god sucks your eternally fooked soul up to his "no jews, negroes, or catholics need apply" land of milk and peanut butter and jelly sandwichs.

what the heck is it about israel supporters that make them lie so much. (i'm cuttin' hoss out of that deal because i don't like a lot of things he says, but i haven't really heard him deliberately tell a factual lie.)[

First off, I'm not a liar. Second, yes I am a evangelical Christian, third and most importantly I don't play with snakes. and the rest well, your just ignorant and I can't help you with that...:eusa_whistle:

look, if i can suss out that you are an evangelical from your post, i can also suss out that you an american indian from a wetern resercation....

don't lie, first of all...


if you do lie, at least make it a good one and don't assume the person you are telling it to is stupid.

i know tons of indian peoploe, tons of them, and am good friends with them and we snoke and joke and respect each others history. you may want to pay attention to what i told you...but also, you really may want to check the history of native american and evangelical christians interaction. any real native american who claims to be an evangelical christian is going to set off red flags everywhere.

so there, chief. alabama huh? are you like in one of the five civilised tribes? don't even answer. i'm just screwing with you. did you know the choctaws, right off their own trail of tears, sent the irish $170.00 for relif when the english were starving them. i make sure, ever since i had a job, to donate to indian charities, $170 back.

sinte luta out, brother. i get around.

I chose to ignore you at first, but now your just pissing me off. I am Cherokee, my family walked the trail of tears into Oklahoma Territory (where I was born). My great grandfather was the last of us to live on a reservation. Have I ever seen it? Yes. Its called Concho its also the Sac/Fox reservation. Have I ever lived there? No. Neither has my father, or his father. I don't give two shakes what you know or who you know. But know this, I don't lie. Especially to the likes of someone like you, who all they can do is sit and snip from the seat of her pants. Oh, did you suss out that I am veteran too? Hmm, guess your spidey senses failed you there to.
So if I were you, i'd stick to helping terrorist or become one yourself... Oh and I have no illusions that you "get around"...So if you get off your knees you could get around quicker..

Oh, 1 more thing...BUY A DICTIONARY!!! I trying to read what your putting up there, and I have to be half psychic to understand what your saying..
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A Lot of specifics in regard to the firing on the USS Liberty. As I recall, there was plenty of blame to go around between Israel and Our Own Joint Chief's of Staff. I believe there was even an Israeli Pilot, Court-marshaled for refusing to fire on The Liberty. The Flag was spotted, The Ship was Spying, using Satellite Dish Technology, bouncing the signal off of the Moon, the Joint Chiefs would not admit that the Ship was even there, I remember something about a US Sub witnessing the whole thing, the first squadron of Jets assigned to intercept had to be recalled to their Carrier, because they were carrying Nukes. It was a total cluster fuck, all the way around. Israel was under attack at the time, so timing made everything worse.

i think the tiger or the big orange letters might be scaring people off...LOL.

some of the things just do not make sense. for one, i have never seen a naval vessel not fly the flag. secondly though, even if for some very odd reason they were not flying it that day, if they are under attack, there would be no reason in the world why they wouldn't raise it.

then we have the tattered flag. now, i don't know about israelis, but if i am shooting at something, i am looking at it.

it was a clear june day.

and that is just a little of it. i've seen cluster fucks before but nothing as incredulous as this.

but even if every single thing the israelis and those who believe it is a case of mistaken identity say is true, then why aren't they sayng "ok. let's do a full congressional imvestigation and put the matter to rest." the other investigations were cursory and there was a lot of rubber stamping going on but even if they were squeaky clean, a full congressional investigation was in order. the victims deserved that.

now, i know it won't put the matter to rest completely, but it will in most peoples eyes, to include, i think, a lot of the survivors. such an investigation has been done on every single similarr incident.

but even beyond that, and this is what really makes me furiously angry. these are dead american sailors and they deserve to be memorialised, and when a library was being built to do just that, jewsish people led a protest agaondt it, almost as though they thought they could wash it away. then, they smeared the survivors for telling what happened, calling them anti-semites.

and even here...
look, if i can suss out that you are an evangelical from your post, i can also suss out that you an american indian from a wetern resercation....

don't lie, first of all...


if you do lie, at least make it a good one and don't assume the person you are telling it to is stupid.

i know tons of indian peoploe, tons of them, and am good friends with them and we snoke and joke and respect each others history. you may want to pay attention to what i told you...but also, you really may want to check the history of native american and evangelical christians interaction. any real native american who claims to be an evangelical christian is going to set off red flags everywhere.

so there, chief. alabama huh? are you like in one of the five civilised tribes? don't even answer. i'm just screwing with you. did you know the choctaws, right off their own trail of tears, sent the irish $170.00 for relif when the english were starving them. i make sure, ever since i had a job, to donate to indian charities, $170 back.

sinte luta out, brother. i get around.

I chose to ignore you at first, but now your just pissing me off. I am Cherokee, my family walked the trail of tears into Oklahoma Territory (where I was born). My great grandfather was the last of us to live on a reservation. Have I ever seen it? Yes. Its called Concho its also the Sac/Fox reservation. Have I ever lived there? No. Neither has my father, or his father. I don't give two shakes what you know or who you know. But know this, I don't lie. Especially to the likes of someone like you, who all they can do is sit and snip from the seat of her pants. Oh, did you suss out that I am veteran too? Hmm, guess your spidey senses failed you there to.
So if I were you, i'd stick to helping terrorist or become one yourself... Oh and I have no illusions that you "get around"...So if you get off your knees you could get around quicker..

Oh, 1 more thing...BUY A DICTIONARY!!! I trying to read what your putting up there, and I have to be half psychic to understand what your saying..

lol...pretty good. take nebraska out of thee pic and ya mighta had me.

send it back to re-write.

i think i had one typo.
"Throughout the remainder of the day prior to the attack, Israeli reconnaissance aircraft regularly flew out to USS Liberty's position and orbited the ship before returning to their bases in Israel.
Holy batman! Marked jets! What happened to the "unmarked" batmen?
You're going to have to try a little harder to appear confused, drivel.

"Throughout the remainder of the day prior to the attack, (marked) Israeli reconnaissance aircraft regularly flew out to USS Liberty's position and orbited the ship before returning to their bases in Israel. A total of no fewer than eight (8) such flights were made.[13]

"At approximately 1050 hours, the naval observer from the early morning reconnaissance flight arrived at Israeli air force HQ and sat down with the air-naval liaison officer there. The two officers consulted Jane's Fighting Ships and learned that the ship reported earlier in the day was USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research ship...

Stay tuned, drivel.
Here comes the heroic part...

"At 1400 hours, while approximately 17 miles off the Gaza coast, USS Liberty's crew observed three surface radar contacts closing with their position at high speed. A few moments later, the bridge radar crew observed high speed aircraft passing over the surface returns on the same heading.[16]

Within a few short moments, and without any warning, (unmarked) Israeli fighter aircraft launched a rocket attack on USS Liberty. The aircraft made repeated firing passes, attacking USS Liberty with rockets and their internal cannons. After the first flight of fighter aircraft had exhausted their ordnance, subsequent flights of (marked?) Israeli fighter aircraft continued to prosecute the attack with rockets, cannon fire, and napalm."

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events

ok, i'm mixed up. the USS Liberty is shelling israeli shore positions from 17 miles out...according to the israelis.
I chose to ignore you at first, but now your just pissing me off. I am Cherokee, my family walked the trail of tears into Oklahoma Territory (where I was born). My great grandfather was the last of us to live on a reservation. Have I ever seen it? Yes. Its called Concho its also the Sac/Fox reservation. Have I ever lived there? No. Neither has my father, or his father. I don't give two shakes what you know or who you know. But know this, I don't lie. Especially to the likes of someone like you, who all they can do is sit and snip from the seat of her pants. Oh, did you suss out that I am veteran too? Hmm, guess your spidey senses failed you there to.
So if I were you, i'd stick to helping terrorist or become one yourself... Oh and I have no illusions that you "get around"...So if you get off your knees you could get around quicker..

Oh, 1 more thing...BUY A DICTIONARY!!! I trying to read what your putting up there, and I have to be half psychic to understand what your saying..

lol...pretty good. take nebraska out of thee pic and ya mighta had me.

send it back to re-write.

i think i had one typo.

1 Typo.... Can you not count either?
I think you just need to crawl off somewhere, take refresher course in elementary spelling. When you learn to talk, walk, type and count, then come see me...

BTW: What was your role in the Georgia Guidestones?
"Throughout the remainder of the day prior to the attack, Israeli reconnaissance aircraft regularly flew out to USS Liberty's position and orbited the ship before returning to their bases in Israel.
Holy batman! Marked jets! What happened to the "unmarked" batmen?
Within a few short moments, and without any warning, (unmarked) Israeli fighter aircraft launched a rocket attack on USS Liberty. The aircraft made repeated firing passes, attacking USS Liberty with rockets and their internal cannons. After the first flight of fighter aircraft had exhausted their ordnance, subsequent flights of (marked?) Israeli fighter aircraft continued to prosecute the attack with rockets, cannon fire, and napalm."
Mucho LSD went into it, indeed.
At 1645, 14 June 1967, Cpt McGonagle said "There are probably many reasons why the aircraft were unidentified. One reason would be that the distance, and the speed at which the aircraft flew, was such that it was extremely difficult to make out any distinguishing characteristics by personnel on board who do not normally observe any jet aircraft in the area of the ship's operation. The ship normally steams on independent duty along the West Coast of Africa. These countries do not have sophisticated air forces with the possible exception of Angola. Angola does have some jet aircraft but they have been noted to fly over the ship only on one occasion to the Commanding Officer's personal knowledge, while the ship was at anchor in Luanda Harbor. An occasional piper cub or helicopter working an oil rig along the coast and infrequently commercial jet aircraft is about the extent of air activity observed by personnel aboard Liberty. A recognition manual for Israeli, UAR, aircraft and surface ships was not on board prior to proceeding to the area."
Record of Proceedings of a Court of Inquiry convened at London, England, by order of Commander in Chief U.S. Naval Forces Europe to inquire into the circumstances surrounding an armed attack on USS Liberty (AGTR-5) which occured at approximately 1230Z, 8 June 1967, while steaming in the vicinity of 31 deg 23'N Latitude 33 deg 25'E Longitude ordered on 10 June 1967.
lol...pretty good. take nebraska out of thee pic and ya mighta had me.

send it back to re-write.

i think i had one typo.

1 Typo.... Can you not count either?
I think you just need to crawl off somewhere, take refresher course in elementary spelling. When you learn to talk, walk, type and count, then come see me...

BTW: What was your role in the Georgia Guidestones?

LOL...has anyone told you you would make a great clerk, what with your spelchek skills and all.

lessee now. here you are, a cherokee indian who is also a evangelical christian; and then, to top it off, you are an american vet who demeans and trash talks dead american sailors. lotta very strange anachronisms there, pard. i'm goona havta chalk some of your conditiom up to having the dirty double crosser gene. amyway, i guess that's the polite way of saying you're pullin' up a little lame in the veracity portion of the competition, and i got some real serious doubts about your odds on winning ms. congenielity, or even qualifying.

i think you can pull it out though in the talent competition. i have a plan. you thump snakes with the holy book of your choice, all the while spelling the names of invertebrate species in the linnaean classification. my fave is upogebia pugettensis, just cuz it got me laid by my neurophys prof. i remarked to her that it bore a remarkable resemblance to their southern cousin, callianassa californiensis and she got all wet and gooey...some girls, huh?. she was an LA lady.
Have you ever served in the military george? I have----in fact I was involved in ---INVESTIGATIONS RELATED TO INJURIES---------sustained in war-------and----in general --as in training etc etc The claim of a sailor UNDER FIRE as to the INTENTION of the people doing the shooting-------is-----I can assure you------not reliable No one hit with a bomb says I LOVE THAT GUY ANYWAY---IT WAS A MISTAKE No one hit by a car says that either

So you were too chicken to fight? :D
1 Typo.... Can you not count either?
I think you just need to crawl off somewhere, take refresher course in elementary spelling. When you learn to talk, walk, type and count, then come see me...

BTW: What was your role in the Georgia Guidestones?

LOL...has anyone told you you would make a great clerk, what with your spelchek skills and all.

lessee now. here you are, a cherokee indian who is also a evangelical christian; and then, to top it off, you are an american vet who demeans and trash talks dead american sailors. lotta very strange anachronisms there, pard. i'm goona havta chalk some of your conditiom up to having the dirty double crosser gene. amyway, i guess that's the polite way of saying you're pullin' up a little lame in the veracity portion of the competition, and i got some real serious doubts about your odds on winning ms. congenielity, or even qualifying.

i think you can pull it out though in the talent competition. i have a plan. you thump snakes with the holy book of your choice, all the while spelling the names of invertebrate species in the linnaean classification. my fave is upogebia pugettensis, just cuz it got me laid by my neurophys prof. i remarked to her that it bore a remarkable resemblance to their southern cousin, callianassa californiensis and she got all wet and gooey...some girls, huh?. she was an LA lady.

ROFLOL..... Go away...I'll fight with someone who has a brain, and can handle themselves with some class and understanding...Ya, your a classless little girl who didn't get enough daddy time....So slither off, and don't come back....:eusa_hand:
There was no Israeli courtmartialed for refusing to fire on the USS Liberty see your doctor for your memory issues In every military accident there is LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of -------blame to go around For the record----there are LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of military accidents not only is war dangerous-------anything military is dangerous

There was a Pilot Reprimanded, at the least. It is in the book.
reabhloideach says, "That fuckin' Israel. When we politely ask them to just lie down and die, they REFUSE! Those arrogant willful stubborn bastards! Those Joooooz!"

And when he says it, being the fucking moron that he is, he actually means it!

LOL...i seem to have a knack for bringing out the hysteria and desperation of the zionists.

* * * *

Nah. You just have a knack for being a massive douche and proving it pretty much constantly.

In that regard, you do good work, though.
reabhloideach says, "That fuckin' Israel. When we politely ask them to just lie down and die, they REFUSE! Those arrogant willful stubborn bastards! Those Joooooz!"

And when he says it, being the fucking moron that he is, he actually means it!

LOL...i seem to have a knack for bringing out the hysteria and desperation of the zionists.

* * * *

Nah. You just have a knack for being a massive douche and proving it pretty much constantly.
In that regard, you do good work, though.

Like it's his job but he's been the same jackass for years.
Gotta give 'em credit for consistency.
There is only one nationality on the planet that is allowed to legally hold dual-American citizenship. ONLY Israelis can be citizens of both Israel and the United States! How’s that for favoritism, hubris, and political control?

What a bunch of controlled hypocrites we are in this country. And again, we see an example of how the International Jewish Crime Network has put a stranglehold on American politics.

When’s the last time you heard of a dual Mexican-American? How about a dual Russian-American? Where can I find a dual Filipino-American?

The answer is you can’t. It is technically against U.S. law to hold dual citizenship. But Israel automatically grants citizenship to any Jew worldwide. All that is needed is proof of Jewish heritage. And Jewish lineage is determined on the maternal line. If your mother is Jewish then you are Jewish.


List of Dual Citizenship Countries | eHow.com

I am actually old enough to remember when the Pro Jihadist pro baby throat slitting
gang came up with the lie that ONLY JEWS CAN HOLD DUAL CITIZENSHIP I lived in an area rife with nazis ---in fact some old documents by their hero Adolf revealed that he consider THAT AREA---the place to land his troops. Well---I was a child circa 1960 and I did pick up the nazi pamphlets when they came to my hand and DID READ THEM----that is about when the DUAL CITIZENSHIP FOR JEWS ONLY big lie came about Since that time I have noticed that there are still IDIOTS who believe it Sorry ---nazis----the fact is that any US citizen can have dual citizenship if THE OTHER COUNTRY allows it and many do. LOTS AND LOTS -----but the surefire way to tell if a person is a nazi ----is if he believes or says that the law is good ONLY FOR JEWS The word DUALIE is use only by islamo nazis ------many of whom themselves have DUAL CITIZENSHIP-------any Irish dualies out there?
Have you ever served in the military george? I have----in fact I was involved in ---INVESTIGATIONS RELATED TO INJURIES---------sustained in war-------and----in general --as in training etc etc The claim of a sailor UNDER FIRE as to the INTENTION of the people doing the shooting-------is-----I can assure you------not reliable No one hit with a bomb says I LOVE THAT GUY ANYWAY---IT WAS A MISTAKE No one hit by a car says that either

So you were too chicken to fight? :D

I fought quite a bit------unfortunately I was in active duty during peace time and now I am too old. Both my father and son served during war time. why are you so jealous?
There was no Israeli courtmartialed for refusing to fire on the USS Liberty see your doctor for your memory issues In every military accident there is LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of -------blame to go around For the record----there are LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of military accidents not only is war dangerous-------anything military is dangerous

There was a Pilot Reprimanded, at the least. It is in the book.

Reprimanded for what? In the military you can be reprimanded for going out of doors without your hat on

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