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Israel's "Right to Exist"?

"At the time, the population of Palestine was comprised of 95% Arabs (both Christians and Muslims), 4% Palestinian Jews, and 1% expatriates. The Jews owned only 2% of the land." Lt. Col. Mohammed F. Abo-Sak
"95% of arabs"? Out of how many? 200,000? Are we supposed to believe that bunch owned all the territory, when all the territory, excluding the rich effendi clans, was owned by the sultan of Turkey? Seriously? Abu Sak?
gobbly gook-----the "right to exist" is simply a demand that islamo nazi pigs stop teaching their children and their goons that it is right and the "WILL OF THEIR 'god'" to slit the throats of israeli babies to entern such filth as YOU

No apparent change-up in the nonsensical responses...suffice to say that 'right to exist" is Zio-BS....AS FOR KILLING BABIES...SHALL WE EXAMINE THE STATS? ONLY RECENTLY THE RESOURCEFUL IDF KILLED 400 ARAB CHILDREN IN CAST-LEAD...NATURALLY THEY WERE ALL "TERRORISTS"...LOL

It seems your comments largely follow the same position as those of the other islamist apologists and Joooooo haters in this thread. What that component of the thread won’t acknowledge is that the fascist arab/islamic position is that all lands in the Middle East are irrevocably islamist. This attitude derives largely from the proscription of islam’s inventor warlord Pope/King.

Israel’s “right to exist” is the belief that the Jewish people have a right to exist in peace and dignity in their own land, a land to which Jews have a historical connection and where Jews have always lived. Moslems find this galling because their warlord Pope/King was so strident in denigrating Jews.

I’m always amazed at the double standard espoused by moslems/islamic fascists who presume a “right” to colonize the entirety of the Middle East but deny the rights of Jews (and Christians), to their historical homelands.
gobbly gook-----the "right to exist" is simply a demand that islamo nazi pigs stop teaching their children and their goons that it is right and the "WILL OF THEIR 'god'" to slit the throats of israeli babies to entern such filth as YOU

No apparent change-up in the nonsensical responses...suffice to say that 'right to exist" is Zio-BS....AS FOR KILLING BABIES...SHALL WE EXAMINE THE STATS? ONLY RECENTLY THE RESOURCEFUL IDF KILLED 400 ARAB CHILDREN IN CAST-LEAD...NATURALLY THEY WERE ALL "TERRORISTS"...LOL

It seems your comments largely follow the same position as those of the other islamist apologists and Joooooo haters in this thread. What that component of the thread won’t acknowledge is that the fascist arab/islamic position is that all lands in the Middle East are irrevocably islamist. This attitude derives largely from the proscription of islam’s inventor warlord Pope/King.

Israel’s “right to exist” is the belief that the Jewish people have a right to exist in peace and dignity in their own land, a land to which Jews have a historical connection and where Jews have always lived. Moslems find this galling because their warlord Pope/King was so strident in denigrating Jews

I’m always amazed at the double standard espoused by moslems/islamic fascists who presume a “right” to colonize the entirety of the Middle East but deny the rights of Jews (and Christians), to their historical homelands.

RIGHT TO EXIST----is a problem for the meccaists-----it destroys the "BEAUTY OF ISN'TLAM" which is RIGHT TO RAPE AND PILLAGE AND MURDER ------where is the attraction without RAPE-RIGHTS for the 'believers'?
RIGHT TO EXIST----is a problem for the meccaists-----it destroys the "BEAUTY OF ISN'TLAM" which is RIGHT TO RAPE AND PILLAGE AND MURDER ------where is the attraction without RAPE-RIGHTS for the 'believers'?

More racist garbage.

actually----its not----the program for 1400 years has been "which side do you want to be on----the side that gets raped and pillaged or the side that does the raping and pillaging"????-------it goes on today in USA jails and it went on 1400 years ago in arabia -------and for all the time inbetween. An interesting aspect of islamic law is INHERITANCE In inheritance the muslim always wins. If a wealthy non muslim father has ten sons-----and ONE of them converts to islam-----according to islamic law that one son INHERITS ALL ---------seems like something of an "attraction" to me. I did not invent shariah. Its barbaric ---but on the positive side----maybe someday they will FIX IT
RIGHT TO EXIST----is a problem for the meccaists-----it destroys the "BEAUTY OF ISN'TLAM" which is RIGHT TO RAPE AND PILLAGE AND MURDER ------where is the attraction without RAPE-RIGHTS for the 'believers'?
More racist garbage.

Are meccaists really a "race"?

no---its a creed to which jailed people who want to blow up buildings eagerly convert
Anyone interested in the creed----read the koran-----early joiners joined for the opportunity to join the leader in pillage and rape which was the way to convey the "gospel of jannah" to the world
actually----its not----the program for 1400 years has been "which side do you want to be on----the side that gets raped and pillaged or the side that does the raping and pillaging"????-------it goes on today in USA jails and it went on 1400 years ago in arabia -------and for all the time inbetween. An interesting aspect of islamic law is INHERITANCE In inheritance the muslim always wins. If a wealthy non muslim father has ten sons-----and ONE of them converts to islam-----according to islamic law that one son INHERITS ALL ---------seems like something of an "attraction" to me. I did not invent shariah. Its barbaric ---but on the positive side----maybe someday they will FIX IT
This has nothing to do with sides.
actually----its not----the program for 1400 years has been "which side do you want to be on----the side that gets raped and pillaged or the side that does the raping and pillaging"????-------it goes on today in USA jails and it went on 1400 years ago in arabia -------and for all the time inbetween. An interesting aspect of islamic law is INHERITANCE In inheritance the muslim always wins. If a wealthy non muslim father has ten sons-----and ONE of them converts to islam-----according to islamic law that one son INHERITS ALL ---------seems like something of an "attraction" to me. I did not invent shariah. Its barbaric ---but on the positive side----maybe someday they will FIX IT
This has nothing to do with sides.

It has everything to do with sides and has since the career of the rapist pig
The funniest aspect of the much-bruited Jewish appeal that Israel retains some mysterious "right to exist" is that this often invoked right does not exist itself...Jews merely invented this nonsense in the same obscene spirit in which such other monumentally laughable slogans as "a land without people for the people without land" and of course the awe-inspiring "world's most moral army" and "purity of arms" derived...these are hucksters, and liars of a character that harkens back to Goebbells in his heyday

Since the 1970s, Israel’s leaders have insisted that their Palestinian interlocutors acknowledge Israel’s “right to exist” as a pre-condition for negotiations on a settlement of the conflict.

Amongst other concessions, the governments of Israel and the United States insist that Hamas makes precisely this declaration before being allowed to join Fatah in direct talks with their Israeli counterparts.

The problem with such a demand is that no such abstract “right to exist” can be found in international law or in any serious theory of international relations.

To put it succinctly, a “right to exist” does not exist for states. Nor does such a right exist in practice. Australia, for example, does not recognise Israel’s “right to exist”. Nor do any other states.

People’s right to live in peace

The right for a state to exist should not be confused or conflated with either the right to self-determination or diplomatic recognition.

The first is a right invested in people, usually nations, who want to be governed in common as an independent or sovereign political community.

The latter is simply a political and legal convenience of international society.

Nor should Israel’s “right to exist” be confused with its people’s “right to live in peace within secure and recognised boundaries,” the wording of United Nations Security Council Resolution 242.

This right exists for all peoples regardless of their geographic location: for Israelis and Palestinians equally. Not for states.

For the sake of argument we will agree that there is no such thing as a state's right to exist.
As things now stand the "Palestinians" have suffered through 64 years of wandering in the desert.
Would you have them do another 64 years of penance or say the words "Israel has a right to exist?" Hell, they don't have to mean it and they don't have to live by it. All they have to do is say the words and the peace process - such that it is - can move forward.
Isn't that worth a shot at peace?
"RIGHT TO EXIST" destroys the BEAUTY OF ISLAM which has the RIGHT TO RENDER NON EXISTENT as it did in reference to the civilized and literate populations of arabia 1400 years ago and to much of the evidence of the cultures of the world as the magnificent Buddhist art in Afghanistan
The fictive "right to exist" has no legal or historical point of reference, hence ...
A rather interesting postulate, confirming that palistanian "rights and wants" are a product of occupational excesses they happily indulge in, of course.

the "right to exist" is recognized only by humans in human societies -----apes to and crustaceans-----do not consider the "rights" of other apes and crustaceans
actually----its not----the program for 1400 years has been "which side do you want to be on----the side that gets raped and pillaged or the side that does the raping and pillaging"????-------it goes on today in USA jails and it went on 1400 years ago in arabia -------and for all the time inbetween. An interesting aspect of islamic law is INHERITANCE In inheritance the muslim always wins. If a wealthy non muslim father has ten sons-----and ONE of them converts to islam-----according to islamic law that one son INHERITS ALL ---------seems like something of an "attraction" to me. I did not invent shariah. Its barbaric ---but on the positive side----maybe someday they will FIX IT
This has nothing to do with sides.

It has everything to do with sides and has since the career of the rapist pig
"Rapist pig" is a little strong. Wouldn't "Mohammed, A Connoisseur of Amorous Encounters" be a little more PC?
RIGHT TO EXIST----is a problem for the meccaists-----it destroys the "BEAUTY OF ISN'TLAM" which is RIGHT TO RAPE AND PILLAGE AND MURDER ------where is the attraction without RAPE-RIGHTS for the 'believers'?

I totally agree with Loinby here - this kind of posting just strikes me as racist.

Given the number of children raped under the auspices of Catholocism the past hundred years, Christians are not in a very good position to accuse any other church of rape.
RIGHT TO EXIST----is a problem for the meccaists-----it destroys the "BEAUTY OF ISN'TLAM" which is RIGHT TO RAPE AND PILLAGE AND MURDER ------where is the attraction without RAPE-RIGHTS for the 'believers'?

I totally agree with Loinby here - this kind of posting just strikes me as racist.

Given the number of children raped under the auspices of Catholocism the past hundred years, Christians are not in a very good position to accuse any other church of rape.
What is it that makes terrorist lovers excuse atrocities of moohatma's choirboys by comparing Catholics/Christians to the rabid animals? Guilt?
It has everything to do with sides and has since the career of the rapist pig
"Rapist pig" is a little strong. Wouldn't "Mohammed, A Connoisseur of Amorous Encounters" be a little more PC?

How about Kosher Baby Killer Gets 45 Holy Days:

"An Israeli soldier accused of killing a mother and daughter carrying a white flag in Gaza during Israel's 2009 'Operation Cast Lead' has received a sentence of only 45 days following a plea deal approved by a military court on Sunday.

"Rayah Abu Hajaj (in this family photo) and her daughter Majedah were shot while walking with a group of Palestinians holding white flags after their home was bombed during Israel's 'Operation Cast Lead' in the Gaza Strip in 2009.

"The charges against the soldier -- known only in court documents and the Israeli media as 'staff sergeant S'..."

I wonder if that's staff sergeant Sieg heil?
Another relative of rosie's.

Israeli Sniper Gets Only 45 Days for Killing of Two Women under White Flags | Common Dreams
RIGHT TO EXIST----is a problem for the meccaists-----it destroys the "BEAUTY OF ISN'TLAM" which is RIGHT TO RAPE AND PILLAGE AND MURDER ------where is the attraction without RAPE-RIGHTS for the 'believers'?

I totally agree with Loinby here - this kind of posting just strikes me as racist.

Given the number of children raped under the auspices of Catholocism the past hundred years, Christians are not in a very good position to accuse any other church of rape.

It seems silly to use terms (racist™), that are completely inconsistent given the context.

If you really want to be outraged about something, do a search relative to the "Dancing boys of Afghanistan".

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