Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

[ Yes, Hamas is in Lebanon as well]

The Hamas terror group claims responsibility for rocket fire from Lebanon at northern Israel earlier.

In a statement, the terror group says its Lebanon branch targeted Nahariya with some 20 rockets “in response to the occupation’s crimes against our people in Gaza.”

The attack caused no injuries or damage.

(full article online)

A senior Israeli official confirms to The Times of Israel that Jerusalem has resumed water supply to the Gaza Strip after shutting it off following the Hamas terror onslaught last Saturday.

The decision is publicized by US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan who tells CNN that his Israeli counterparts had informed him of the move within the last hour.

A US lawmaker told The Times of Israel yesterday that a senior Israeli official had indicated to them that Jerusalem will allow food, water and medicine into Gaza after imposing a siege on the enclave, as it appears to be gearing up for a ground operation to destroy Hamas.

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan on Saturday slammed UN special coordinator for the Middle East Tor Wennesland for meeting with the foreign minister of Iran, and said he was cutting ties with the official.

“Don’t forget to wash the blood of Israeli babies off your hands after that handshake,” said Erdan, sharing a photo of Wennesland shaking hands with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian earlier in the day.

“Tor Wennesland not only met with the Iranian regime’s FM, but didn’t even bother condemning Iran for its role in the massacre of Israeli women and children,” Erdan wrote on X. “It’s no secret that Hamas terrorists are openly praising Iran for funding, arming, and training them.”

“The UN’s support for and legitimization of genocidal terrorists is a threat to civilization!” he added.

“I am officially announcing the severance of my ties with Wennesland until he publicly condemns the Iranian regime of murder and terrorism.”

(full article online)

The Star of David symbol was daubed on residential buildings in Berlin where Jewish people live, German media reported over the weekend.

It was not clear how many graffiti incidents there were in total, but photographs of at least three targeted buildings were shared on social media.

Israelis living in the city reported a rise in attacks and animosity from pro-Palestinian supporters following the devastating terror assault by Hamas from the Gaza Strip last week that killed some 1,300 Israelis. The onslaught, alongside a massive rocket barrage, sparked war with Israel, which has carried out intensive airstrikes on the Palestinian enclave. Meanwhile, Hamas and other terror group have continued to shoot rockets at southern and central Israel.

(full article online)

My covering of the attacks on Israel by Hamas on Saturday start on page 192 on this thread.

I have decided to keep all future updates and news on a separate thread starting with this video which encapsulates what Israel is, to all the people who live there:

You’re a Lib
Stunning stories of bravery are emerging from Ein Habesor, a moshav near the Gaza Strip, which include a hard-fought and ultimately successful battle against Hamas terrorists and a terrifying race to get a wounded fighter to a hospital with Gaza gunmen on motorcycles in pursuit, shooting at the car.

The resistance put up by dozens of residents of the small community, with only four M16 assault rifles and some pistols between them, evidently convinced the terrorists to give up and go wreak carnage elsewhere.

Two moshavniks were injured, none were killed, and the terror squads that invaded Israel from the Gaza Strip at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday did not breach Ein Habesor, about seven kilometers (4 miles) from the Gaza Strip.

That Moshav Ein Habesor was able to defend itself was, ironically, thanks to a spate of car thefts that had prompted the expansion of the community’s defense unit from a dozen people to 78. To ambush would-be car thieves, groups patrolled the perimeter fence nightly.

On Saturday morning, Yariv Ganei Levin from the defense unit awoke to what he called “extreme” shelling from Gaza.

(full article online)

Awad Darawshe, a 23-year-old Arab Israeli paramedic, arrived at the scene of the Hamas massacre of partygoers at a music festival near Gaza on October 7 to treat the wounded. His friends begged him to leave the embattled area, but he insisted on staying to perform his duty. He was killed by Hamas terrorists, who stole his ambulance and drove it into Gaza.

Darawshe’s story stands as a symbol of the contribution and sacrifice of members of Israel’s Arab minority in facing the deadly Hamas assault that claimed the lives of over 1,300 Israelis, the majority of them civilians.

“Arabs have been hurt by this attack in the same way as Jews. Not in the same numbers, but we have been targets too. Hamas also shoots rockets on Arab towns,” Shahira Shalaby, co-deputy director at the shared society nonprofit Abraham Initiatives, said in an interview with The Times of Israel.

“We are in this together. Arabs have been shocked as much as Jews at the astonishing number of people killed, including small children, and of hostages taken. We have also been asking ourselves who could humanly be capable of such an act. We are speechless,” added Shalaby, who had a short stint as Haifa deputy mayor in 2020.

“We do not justify this massacre in any way. We condemn it in the harshest possible manner. We are hurting as much as Jews. All boundaries have been crossed,” she continued. “For days Arabs in the south were afraid of the possibility of armed terrorists still present in the area.

(full article online)

Working closely with the Brothers in Arms protest group, which is handling the complicated logistics of figuring out who needs food and where, Doktor’s team, which includes chefs, packers and organizers, are cooking, packing and sending tens of thousands of kosher meals from Haachim around the country, with another 7,000 or so meals from other Tel Aviv restaurants.

After one truckload of 2,000 meals was tossed on Monday because it wasn’t kosher enough for its intended recipients, Dok, as he’s known, realized he wanted to be able to supply food to whoever needed it.

Now Haachim, along with several other usually nonkosher restaurants, received temporary kosher certification from the city’s rabbinate this week, in order to provide kosher food.

It’s an emergency kosher certification, valid this week through Friday, and then he’ll have to renew it next week, said Doktor.

“The rabbinate understood it has to participate in this,” he said. “We have a kosher supervisor who’s helping us figure it all out.”

(full article online)

It has become trendy for academics to make noises about being shocked by Hamas raping girls and beheading babies and then saying it is really Israel's fault.

One particularly revolting example comes from University of Pennsylvania professor Ian Lustick writing in Foreign Policy:

To prevent the monstrousness that has been unleashed on innocent Israelis from happening again and again, along with the retribution innocent Palestinians suffer as a result, we must not rely on the certainty of our revulsion; we must identify and remove the causes of the attack.

I refer not to the specific calculations, decisions, and deployments inside of Gaza that produced this specific bloodletting, but to the machine of institutionalized oppression, hate, and fear that comprises the real infrastructure of violence. The drive shaft of this machine is the horizonless immiseration, imprisonment, and trauma inflicted on the masses of people living in what Israelis refer to as a “coastal enclave.”

And here is a letter from some 380 academics also getting the obligatory "of course we don't support beheadings" out of the way before blaming Israel for them:

In this time of pain and devastation, we call on Israel to:

Do everything in its power to rescue the hostages. Israel holds vast numbers of Palestinians in prisons, many of them elderly. Israel must seek an exchange of prisoners in order to save its own and other countries' captive citizens from certain death.

Refrain from punishing collectively Gazan civilians for the crimes of Hamas. One massacre does not justify another. This will only lead to more devastation, fueling the cycle of violence. We call for an immediate ceasefire and de-escalation.

End the violent oppression of the Palestinian people. Apartheid, the West Bank's decades-long Occupation, keeping Gaza's two-million Palestinians under siege for 16 years, erasing the memory of the Nakba, now all contribute to the brutalization and violence. They must be urgently brought to an end. There is no other way out.

The intellectual way to deal with terror is to do whatever the terrorists demand. Then they'll be satisfied!

I am so disgusted with these fake "experts" who claim that the root problem is Israel's treatment of Gaza.

Are you really that dense?

First of all, things have been improving greatly in Gaza - the level of imports, exports and travel permits was HIGHER in August than before the closure in 2007.

If you know that and don't mention it, you are liars. If you don't know that, you have no standing to pretend to be experts.

Secondly, how does that explain Hamas suicide bombings before 2007? As horrific as the 10/7 attacks were, they are only showing an increase in capabilities, but not an increase in hate, since the second intifada or earlier. Blowing up babies at pizza shops and bar mitzvah celebrations is not exactly moderate.

And if you want to fall back on the old chestnut of "occupation" being the root cause, then how can you explain the pre-1967 terror attacks? How can you explain the pre-state terror attacks?

You can't.

The root cause of the conflict is Jew-hatred. Specifically, the overwhelming sense of shame in the Arab world that Jews, who had been weak and ineffective second class citizens under Arab rule, suddenly stood up for themselves and defeated the Arab world in battle, the one field that they could not imagine losing to Jews.

That's the reason they call it a nakba. You are a professor, you should know that.

Every attack since then has motivated by a desire to erase that deep sense of shame.

And the celebrations from Palestinians after this massacre reflect their perception that they regained some of this "honor" they lost in 1948.

My theory sure fits the facts better than those of these fake "experts." But they do not want to admit the deep antisemitic feelings in much of the Arab world - it feels Islamophobic to admit that so many are so bigoted. Even though every single survey confirms that well over 90% of Palestinians, Jordanians, Egyptians and Lebanese are antisemitic.

These "experts" never write about, or they deny, the true root cause. Now, why is that?

Wake up. Old fashioned Jew-hate is the only consistent factor in all of this, and blaming Jews for being slaughtered is the moral equivalence of blaming women for being raped.

[ And the world keeps looking to the PA for some sanity and possible peace with Israel. In what world do they live where the PA does not equally teach their population to hate Jews and destroy Israel? And whose money? Western money ]

Under Palestinian Authority law, every terrorist who is killed attacking Israel is defined as a “Martyr” whose family is immediately rewarded by the PA with a 6,000 shekels ($1,511) grant and a 1,400 ($353) per month allowance for life.

This means each family of the 1,500 dead Hamas terrorists who invaded Israel will receive 7,400 shekels for this first month. Families of those terrorists who were married and had children will receive even more. The PA will pay at least 11,100,000 shekels ($2,789,430) this month as a reward for participating in last week’s murders and atrocities against Israeli civilians.

In addition, the 50 captured Hamas terrorist murderers will receive monthly salaries in prison starting at 1,400 shekels/month which will eventually rise to 12,000 shekels/month. Terrorists who are married and have children will receive even higher salaries. This month these newly arrested terrorists will receive at least 70,000 shekels ($17,590).

In total, the PA will pay at least 11,170,000 shekels ($2,807,021) in payments under the PA’s “Pay-for-Slay” program to the Hamas terrorists this month. This is a low estimate since as the war continues there will be additional Hamas terrorist "Martyrs" and prisoners. This figure is added to the more than 100,000,000 shekels/month the PA already pays in salariesto imprisoned terrorists and families of terrorist “Martyrs.”

The Palestinian Authority should be sending a big thank you to the EU countries and Norway, currently the largest funders of the PA because the PA could not possibly make these terror payments without them. These donor countries like to pretend that it’s not their money rewarding terrorists, but everyone knows that the PA could not reward terrorists without this generous foreign funding. When payments to teachers, police, and street cleaners are taken care of by international donors, the PA has the hundreds of millions available it needs to pay for terror.

An honorable partnership.

Good morning, International Community.

I understand that the Secretary-General of your “United Nations” is distressed about a possible humanitarian crisis in the Gaza strip. “I urge all sides and the relevant parties to allow United Nations access to deliver urgent humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians trapped and helpless in the Gaza Strip,” said Antonio Guterres yesterday.

No, you will not be allowed access. You are advised to prepare to receive a flow of refugees at the Egyptian border, where you will need to provide food and shelter for them, as well as transportation to any country that will receive them. They will not be returning to Gaza.

You will be responsible for them, because you are directly responsible for the creation of the cultural pathology that gave rise to the outburst of pure evil that occurred last week. You are the reason that the displacement of a relatively small number of Arabs from Eretz Yisrael in 1948 was turned into a permanent and exponentially growing population dependent on the international dole and a festering sore of the most vicious hatred and terrorism.

While the millions of refugees created by WWII and the Holocaust, the breakup of the European empires, and the almost total expulsion of Jews from the Arab world were all absorbed in one fashion or another, this particular group of Arabs was encouraged by “humanitarian” policies to grow larger. Host countries (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon) applied true apartheid policies to them in order to prevent assimilation and to keep the pot of hatred boiling. No other “refugee” population exists for whom refugee status is hereditary. You paid for their food and healthcare, while accepting the idea that millions must “return” to a place from which a few hundred thousand fled 75 years ago. You paid for their “education,” while allowing it to become indoctrination in irredentism.

What did you expect to happen, International Community?

Useful idiots on the far-Left in Western countries, who blindly support Hamas because they see it as a freedom-fighting group, harm the very people they claim to defend.

They say they want peace —and perhaps many of them do. But real peace talks based on the 2020 Abraham Accords between Israel and Arab countries have made painstaking but undeniable progress despite the efforts of Hamas.

Until Hamas's recent attacks, Saudi Arabia and Israel had looked set to normalise relations. This murderous incursion was an attempt to derail such talks — and thus ruin any chance of lasting peace.

Ordinary Palestinians want to build a prosperous, functioning society. Hamas, in its obsession with annihilating Israel, doesn't care about that. It wishes only to bring about a genocidal Islamist dystopia.

It is Hamas, after all, that holds Palestinians hostage in Gaza, setting up military installations in — and launching rockets from — civilian areas in the full knowledge that counterstrikes will kill innocent people.

It is Hamas that impoverishes Palestinians by stealing humanitarian aid to fund its terror. This is what 'by any means necessary' truly signifies: supreme callousness towards Palestinian life.

If you genuinely want to see peace between Israelis and Palestinians, or more generally between Muslims and Jews in the Middle East, then Hamas should be your enemy.

And even if — like many in the West, as we can now see — you don't care at all about Israeli or Jewish lives, even if you care only about the lives of Palestinians, Hamas is still your enemy. After all, Hamas ruthlessly persecutes any Palestinians who disagree with it: a 2022 U.S. State Department report found that, among other abuses, Hamas detained and assaulted critical journalists.

It is especially hostile to public figures associated with its rival Fatah, the Palestinian party voted out of office in Gaza in 2006, but which still runs the West Bank.

Hamas harasses its own dissidents, and has invaded the home of at least one young critical activist, telling his parents to keep their son under control — or else.

As a Dutch MP in 2004 and 2005, I travelled to the West Bank and met Palestinians.

In public, they spouted all the usual lines about Israel being their 'oppressor'. But once the cameras were switched off, they spoke more truthfully.

Useful idiots on the far-Left in Western countries, who blindly support Hamas because they see it as a freedom-fighting group, harm the very people they claim to defend.

They say they want peace —and perhaps many of them do. But real peace talks based on the 2020 Abraham Accords between Israel and Arab countries have made painstaking but undeniable progress despite the efforts of Hamas.

Until Hamas's recent attacks, Saudi Arabia and Israel had looked set to normalise relations. This murderous incursion was an attempt to derail such talks — and thus ruin any chance of lasting peace.

Ordinary Palestinians want to build a prosperous, functioning society. Hamas, in its obsession with annihilating Israel, doesn't care about that. It wishes only to bring about a genocidal Islamist dystopia.

It is Hamas, after all, that holds Palestinians hostage in Gaza, setting up military installations in — and launching rockets from — civilian areas in the full knowledge that counterstrikes will kill innocent people.

It is Hamas that impoverishes Palestinians by stealing humanitarian aid to fund its terror. This is what 'by any means necessary' truly signifies: supreme callousness towards Palestinian life.

If you genuinely want to see peace between Israelis and Palestinians, or more generally between Muslims and Jews in the Middle East, then Hamas should be your enemy.

And even if — like many in the West, as we can now see — you don't care at all about Israeli or Jewish lives, even if you care only about the lives of Palestinians, Hamas is still your enemy. After all, Hamas ruthlessly persecutes any Palestinians who disagree with it: a 2022 U.S. State Department report found that, among other abuses, Hamas detained and assaulted critical journalists.

It is especially hostile to public figures associated with its rival Fatah, the Palestinian party voted out of office in Gaza in 2006, but which still runs the West Bank.

Hamas harasses its own dissidents, and has invaded the home of at least one young critical activist, telling his parents to keep their son under control — or else.

As a Dutch MP in 2004 and 2005, I travelled to the West Bank and met Palestinians.

In public, they spouted all the usual lines about Israel being their 'oppressor'. But once the cameras were switched off, they spoke more truthfully.
[ It has always been, continues to be....An Islamic war on the Jews ]


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