Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

This is Captain Yuval, an infantry commander in the Nahal Brigade. On Saturday morning, as soon as she heard about the horrors taking place, she ran out of her home with her gun in her pajamas.

She reports there were dead bodies all over the road, and that at some point, a group of terrorists on motorcycles drive towards her, and she empties a whole magazine on them killing two. She's calling her boss Colonel Steinberg, but he's been killed. Same with other commanders she tries reaching - all gone.

She located Captain Ron, and together they understand that only they are left to conduct this battle. They find a friend's house nearby, open up a war room, and begin directing the forces on the ground. Before most of us even woke up and understood what is happening, these two young captains were directing commandos and fighter pilots, and eliminated 22 terrorists, preventing them from taking control of two outposts. In their pajamas.

They are still out there fighting.

We are in good hands!(source: Yuval is a cousin of

[ Egypt did not care about Arabs in Gaza from 1948 to 1967, they do not care for them now ]


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