Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Columbia U professor Joseph Massad was really happy at a massacre of hundreds of Jews

I had missed this, but Columbia University professor Joseph Massad had written what was pretty much a love letter to Hamas massacres at Electronic Intifada some 36 hours after the 10/7 massacre:

What can motorized paragliders do in the face of one of the most formidable militaries in the world?

Apparently much in the hands of an innovative Palestinian resistance, which early on Saturday morning launched a surprise attack on Israel by air, land and sea. Indeed as stunning videos show, these paragliders have become the air force of the Palestinian resistance.

Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, the major offensive led by Hamas on 7 October, was not expected by anyone.

It came in retaliation for the ongoing Israeli pogroms in the West Bank town of Huwwara and Jerusalem, especially by settlers storming al-Aqsa mosque during the Jewish High Holy Days over the last month, not to mention the ongoing siege against Gaza itself for more than a decade and a half.

No less astonishing was the Palestinian resistance’s takeover of several Israeli settler-colonies near the Gaza boundary and even as far away as 22 kms, as in the case of Ofakim.

Reports promptly emerged that thousands of Israelis were fleeing through the desert on foot to escape the rockets and gunfire, with many still hiding inside settlements more than 24 hours into the resistance offensive.

In the interest of safeguarding their lives and their children’s future, the colonists’ flight from these settlements may prove to be a permanent exodus. They may have finally realized that living on land stolen from another people will never make them safe.
Notice that Massad considers all Israelis to be "settler-occupiers." He also says that massacring women and children is "especially" justified as a response to Jews quietly visiting the Temple Mount.

Later on in his article he castigates Arab nations for asking Hamas to stop the massacres. Because the more dead Jews, the better!

This antisemitic asshole teaches at a prestigious university.

There is a petition for Columbia to fire a professor who waxes poetic at the slaughter of innocents.

Sign it. Columbia won't do anything to a tenured professor but they will hopefully at least think twice before hiring another Hamas groupie.


What have we learned today and what should we do next?

Let’s review.1) New York Times now confirms Wall Street Journal’s previous report that the IRGC was complicit in the Simchat Torah Massacre. Times has IRGC sources confirming extensively. WSJ had Hezbollah and Hamas confirming. Are we still having a debate on this? Huge implications for Biden Iran policy. Need to lock down the $10+ billion released out of Iraq to Oman for Iran’s use. Need UK and EU to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization ASAP. And snapback UN sanctions on Iran - missile embargo expires this coming week without snapback (at Ukraine’s expense by the way). The Biden/Sunak/EU appeasement of Iran must come to an end. We need to put Iran back on its heels now. That should include new authorities established by the president to destabilize the regime internally. And a clear and credible threat to destroy their nuclear and missile facilities.

2) The Qataris are not our friends. They are the Swiss bankers of the modern era. Today’s meeting between Iran and Hamas on Qatari soil should trigger immediate legislation threatening tough economic penalties for all countries that harbor Hamas. The Qatari state sponsors of Hamas are trying to lure Biden into an indirect hostage negotiation with Iran and Hamas intended to completely upend Israel’s military offensive. This is the same Qatar that brokered the $6 billion hostage deal. Major danger signs ahead if Biden keeps enabling Qatar like this.

3) While Israel has gone out of its way over and over to give civilians time to depart Gaza, Hamas is forcing civilians to stay as human shields. A war crime. All deaths in Gaza are on Hamas and their state sponsors. Period. No one should be reporting on deaths in Gaza without first noting Hamas human shields. The same will be the case in Lebanon if Hezbollah enters the conflict at Iran’s direction. Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad are all part of the same octopus. The same evil. The same inhumanity. The same human shields tactics. The same desire to destroy America, Israel and kill Jews. The same head of the octopus: Iran.

4) The UN has zero credibility to speak or be quoted. The UN does NOT recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization. Some officials being quoted like Albanese are well documented antisemites. The UN is silent on Hamas use of human shields. This is a pro-Hamas body. Congress should advance legislation to defund all elements of the UN that take Hamas’ side right now.

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