Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

People take part in a vigil in front of Berlin’s Fraenkelufer synagogue, Oct. 13, 2023. (Carsten Koall/picture alliance via Getty Images)

People take part in a vigil in front of Berlin’s Fraenkelufer synagogue, Oct. 13, 2023. (Carsten Koall/picture alliance via Getty Images)

HERO! On Saturday morning in the #HamasMassacre, Muslim IDF soldiers risked their lives to protect the families of IDF officers who were staying nearby the division headquarters for the Sukkot holiday.

One of the soldiers, a Muslim Israeli, took off his uniform and called out to the terrorists in Arabic: "Come...come to me..." Speaking Arabic, he coerced the Hamas terrorists to come out of hiding. When they did, because they thought he was one of them, he shot them and killed them — saving countless lives.


James Cleverly confirms 10 British hostages are being held by Hamas as he warns the terror group want a war between 'the Muslim world and the wider world'​

  • The Foreign Secretary said Hamas was 'not a friend to the Palestinian people'

An Arab Muslim family originally from the Gaza Strip, who have lived in Israel for more than three decades, are calling for the Israeli military to defeat Hamas, even if that entails widespread destruction in the coastal enclave.

Amir Tanabura, 20, was brutally gunned down in Sderot by Hamas terrorists during the massacres on October 7th.

Tanabura’s father and mother, who are originally from Gaza, settled in Sderot some 30 years ago. Their six children were born in Israel.

While the family has integrated into Israeli society, they are practicing Muslims – a fact which did not deter Hamas from murdering the young man.

On Saturday morning, Tarantura left his family home with a friend to buy cigarettes. They spotted a person lying wounded in the street – presumably after being shot – and Tarantura rushed over to attempt to render aid to the victim, his friend recounted.

This attracted the attention of the terrorists, who opened fire and chased Tarantura down as he fled.

Tarantura was struck multiple times. The terrorists gleefully filmed videos of his bullet-ridden body, posting the clips on TikTok.

“Three terrorists chased him, but he was unable to escape. They murdered him like that, for nothing, a good man who saw an injured person and wanted to help,” one brother, Younes, told Sky News.

“There was no mercy,” another brother, Ibrahim, told Sky News. “They could have shot him once but no – they shot him several times, well after he died. He got a bullet, here, here, here.”

The Tanaburas told Sky News that Hamas must be removed from power in Gaza, by any means necessary.

“Hamas are murderers, they are terrorists. We should erase everybody, Gaza should be flattened. I have family in Gaza but I think Gaza should be flattened,” said one family member.

However, the dismantling of Hamas will not bring back their loved one, who they dearly miss.

“He had a heart of gold,” Ibrahim recounted of his slain brother.

“As they say, ‘God takes only the best’. Next month, he should have turned 21.”

A different customer wrote similarly on Shein’s site, “In light of the situation in Israel, it should be clear to everyone that the flag of Palestine symbolizes terrorism and is anti-Semitic. Since the site sells such a terrorist flag, I am deleting my account and I don’t intend to purchase from you again and this is what I will recommend to all Israelis and their supporters.”

Another noted that the giant company had canceled its free shipping to Israel the day after Hamas terrorists invaded Israel, murdering some 1,300 men, women and children. “They didn’t cancel [the service] to any other country,” she wrote. “Antisemitism at its best.”

In what seems to be a win for consumer pressure, the Palestinian flag is now labeled as being “sold out” and a search for it leads to a page saying “We have removed the item. Your help is important to our service, thank you very much.”

(full article online)

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, president of Shurat HaDin, says that when her organization approached the Red Cross on these issues, the agency said its staff “were not active in Gaza.” But one hour after that conversation, the Red Cross tweeted, “During the darkest hours of our presence in Gaza, we never envisaged a scenario where 2 million civilians could possibly live through heavy bombing, deprived on water, food, electricity and medicines.”

Two separate tweets were posted — one in English and the other in Arabic.

Although the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) claims to be a “neutral intermediary” its actions indicate otherwise.

In light of the above, if you are donating to the Red Cross and you oppose Hamas, please consider where else your hard-earned money could be more effectively applied.
The amount of weaponry and ordnance seized from Hamas operatives since the start of the Swords of Iron War nine days ago is, to be blunt, “unimaginable.” The amount of foreign currency that was discovered was also a surprise.

Various bombs, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), anti-aircraft rockets, mines, rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and launchers, and mortar shells were just the tip of the iceberg, the IDF said Sunday evening as officials displayed the collection for reporters. Anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs), fence-cutting explosives, grenades, mines, electric explosives, and timers were also found.

There were also many walkie-talkies, smart phones and tablets.

“We found TC-6 mines that were converted to charges and some RPG launchers produced by North Korea,” Major G. told Channel N12.

Some of the charges that were found that could be attached to a vehicle. “Activate the charge and within seven seconds there is an explosion that seriously damages the vehicle and wounds the occupants,” he said.

Even agricultural irrigation equipment that was imported into Gaza was transformed into weaponry. “You put an explosive into the irrigation pipe and then it’s ready to go,” Major G. noted. “It can be thrown over fences and basically designed for any required use.”

“All of these were used last Saturday against innocent civilians,” said the commander of the Munitions Research Institute. “Since then, Yahalom unit forces and other fighters have been working to confiscate them.”

All the explosives were taken to the Munitions Dismantling Institute in Jerusalem, where they are being neutralized.

The IDF said its forces discovered that the towns attacked by Hamas had been “saturated” with such explosives. Some were also found on the bodies of the neutralized and captured terrorists as well as in Hamas tunnels.
“All of these were used last Saturday against innocent civilians,” explained Major G, commander of the IDF’s Armaments Research Institute. “Since then, the unit’s forces and other fighters have been working to confiscate them.”

In addition, Israeli forces found hundreds of documents, files, certificates, and communications devices, as well as cameras used by the terrorist organization.

Among the documents found were detailed attack orders on the kibbutzim and moshavim surrounding Gaza, underscoring the Hamas plans for the terrorist attack and atrocities against civilians and soldiers alike.
“We were surprised by the quantity,” Major G. said. “This indicates that the terrorists were prepared for a long stay and expected to entrench themselves in the communities.”

It’s precisely what the Hamas leadership has been pledging to do since the terrorist group’s inception: invade and conquer Israeli territory.

The Wexner Foundation has severed its ties with Harvard University in response to the school’s unwillingness to protect its Jewish students and denounce the barbaric murders of Israeli families by Hamas terrorists one week ago.

The letter notifying the university of its decision was signed by Wexner Foundation President Rabbi B. Elka Abrahamson, Chairpersons Abigail and Leslie Wexner, and Israel Director-General Ra’anan Avital.

“We are stunned and sickened at the dismal failure of Harvard’s leadership to take a clear and unequivocal stand against the barbaric murders of innocent Israeli civilians by terrorists last Saturday, the Sabbath and a festival day,” the letter read.

“Since then, many of our Israel Fellows no longer feel marginalized at HKS. They feel abandoned. That feeling is shared by our HKS Israeli Alumni, Foundation staff, and our chairmen.

“Other university presidents have said precisely what we should have heard immediately from President Gay: “What Hamas did is evil and there is no defense for terrorism. This shouldn’t be hard.”

The Foundation went on to cite the “administration’s failure to disassociate the university and condemn the statement swiftly issued by 34 student groups holding Israel entirely responsible for the violent terror attack on its own citizens. That should not have been hard.

“In the absence of this clear moral stand, we have determined that the Harvard Kennedy School and The Wexner Foundation are no longer compatible partners. Our core values and those of Harvard no longer align. HKS is no longer a place where Israeli leaders can go to develop the necessary skills to address the very real political and societal challenges they face,” the Foundation wrote.

“The current class of Wexner Israel Fellows, Class 34, will be the last to complete the MPA Program and we will no longer send Wexner Senior Leaders for the Executive Program. We make this decision with an unwavering commitment to our Israel Alumni, to Israel’s civil service and to the State of Israel,” the Foundation added.

Israel’s United Nations Ambassador Gilad Erdan commended the Wexner Foundation for its decision.

“The leadership of Harvard have proven they have lost their moral compass,” Erdan wrote in a lengthy tweet on X.

“Not only do they allow Jew-hatred and pro-terror rhetoric to permeate their campus, but they cannot bring themselves to immediately condemn terrorism.

“I call on every North American Jew and supporter of Israel to send this message to every university that behaves similarly.

“If your child’s university thinks twice before condemning the murder of innocents or allows a culture of hate to grow on campuses unhindered, then it cannot receive one more cent from any of you,” Erdan urged Jewish parents.

“Whoever stays silent after the massacre of children does not hold the moral credibility to educate our children.”

Numerous Azerbaijanis left flowers and teddy bears outside the gates of the Israeli Embassy in Baku following the Hamas atrocities against Israeli civilians on October 7.

Even though Azerbaijan is majority Shia Muslim and its neighbor is Iran, it sympathizes with the Jewish state. As Azerbaijani MP Rasim Musabeyli told the Voice of America: “We strongly condemn the attacks that have resulted in the deaths and injuries of a large number of civilians. In these difficult times, we stand with Israel.”

(full article online)

In an interview with Mark Austin of Sky News, Dr. Bassem Naim, Director of Political and International Relations for Hamas, insisted today (Wednesday) that no Israeli civilians have been killed in this week’s attack on southern Israel, and claimed that world media had fallen prey to Israeli propaganda. When challenged by Austin, Naim clarified: “We have to redefine what ‘civilian’ means.” Every Jewish Israeli – even the infants that were butchered in their beds – is a combatant, a soldier, and a legitimate target. Every means of eliminating Jewish Israelis is legitimate (including beheading, burning, raping, mutilating) – because every man, woman and child among them is a “settler” (no matter where they live) who “set fire to the Arab village of Huwara,” “a cyber-spy, a soldier not wearing a uniform.”

The Hamas official went on to boast that all hostages would be treated humanely – more humanely than the Hamas terrorists languishing in Israeli prisons (where they enjoy Israeli medical care, conjugal visits, canteen rights and more, and where they complete university degrees during their incarceration!). Austin accepted this patently outrageous committment, and made no mention of the footage that has flooded social media of Israeli hostages dragged through the streets of Gaza, caged Jewish children paraded through the streets to be spat at, and countless photos of naked, bound Israeli captives lying in dank Hamas dungeons.

Anti-Israel (“pro-Palestinian”) media are being forced to work overtime to explain away these atrocities, to reframe, “contextualize” and quietly justify the pogrom – but Hamas isn’t making it easy for them.

There are questions that every journalist should be asking him- or herself, and media outlet should be forced to answer, in light of this and other outrageous media appearances by high-ranking Hamas officials in recent days (such as Husam Zumlot’s interview with Christiane Amanpour of CNN):

  • How and why do you continue to provide a platform for Hamas to spread evil and falsehood?
  • How can you continue to give credence to a single word they say?
  • If your entire understanding of the Arab-Israel conflict is based on sources such as these, isn’t it time to re-examine your basic assumptions and conclusions about this conflict?
  • Isn’t it time you admit that you have been used – badly – by a bloodthirsty gang that has been feeding you bald-faced lies for decades, and admit that you eagerly accepted these lies in order to join the anti-Israel condemnation chorus?

It is perverse to see so many toss around the word "genocide" for Israel's fight against Hamas.

The definition of genocide is quite clear: any of a set of acts (like killing) "committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group."

Israel has done more to preserve the lives of the civilians of its enemies that perhaps any nation in history. A genocidal entity wouldn't carefully choose munitions so as not to cause collateral damage. It wouldn't ensure a lower ratio of civilian to militant deaths that in any urban conflict in history.

But when it comes to Hamas, it isn't even a question.

The Hamas covenant - which was never replaced - says, "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it."

It incites hatred against Jews with lies: "When the Jews conquered the Holy City in 1967, they stood on the threshold of the Aqsa Mosque and proclaimed that 'Mohammed is dead, and his descendants are all women.'

It doesn't differentiate between Israel and Jews: "Israel, Judaism and Jews challenge Islam and the Moslem people."

And this: "In face of the Jews' usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised."

And more antisemitism meant to dehumanize Jews:

The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him. (Article 7)

The enemies have been scheming for a long time ... and have accumulated huge and influential material wealth. With their money, they took control of the world media... With their money they stirred revolutions in various parts of the globe... They stood behind the French Revolution, the Communist Revolution and most of the revolutions we hear about... With their money they formed secret organizations - such as the Freemasons, Rotary Clubs and the Lions - which are spreading around the world, in order to destroy societies and carry out Zionist interests... They stood behind World War I ... and formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the world. They were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains... There is no war going on anywhere without them having their finger in it. (Article 22)

Zionism scheming has no end, and after Palestine, they will covet expansion from the Nile to the Euphrates River. When they have finished digesting the area on which they have laid their hand, they will look forward to more expansion. Their scheme has been laid out in the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'. (Article 32)

The operative word in the definition of genocide in the Genocide Convention is "intent." Hamas has broadcast its clear intent to destroy Israel (as a national group) and Jews (as a religious group.) Therefore, every single terror attack since it was founded is an act of genocide by its definition.

All the more so the slaughter of October 7, where they made very clear from their tactics and actions, as well as evidence found afterwards, that the overarching goal was to kill as many Jews and Israelis as possible.

When Palestinians accuse Israel of "genocide," it is arguably one of many examples of their own psychological projection - ascribing to one's enemies your own mindset.

But when pundits, NGOs, and op-eds use the language against Israel it is something far more insidious. Projection is a reflection of how one views the world, but when people who don't think that way accuse Israel of genocide, especially after the worst attack on Jews since the paradigmatic genocide that spawned the term itself, it is not a psychological quirk. It is a deliberate attempt to excuse Hamas and attack Jews with the worst crime there is.

It is akin to comparing Israeli Jews to Nazis. It is pure antisemitism, pure hate, that is meant to incite others to hate Jews.

How can one tell that these people accusing Israel of genocide are dyed in the wool antisemites? Because they never use that word against Hamas, even after 10/7. Even though it is impossible to chart Hamas' actions against the Genocide Convention and not come to that conclusion.

They aren't soberly looking at Israeli actions and saying, "this fits." As with the false accusations of apartheid, they are shoehorning a very distorted view of Israel to fit some bizarre definition of the term and then using it as a means to incite against Jews.

This is part of a process to dehumanize Israel - subjecting it to standards no one else is judged by and demonizing the Jewish state when it doesn't reach these imaginary human rights levels.

And the same people who are accusing Israel of genocide are trying to lay the groundwork for another real genocide against Jews.


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