Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Israel’s “Humanitarian” Expulsion

The Israeli right is capitalizing on the aftermath of October 7th to build support for a permanent transfer of Palestinians out of Gaza.

Per a leaked document, a strategy that appears to be a reality flies in the face of claims to minimize civilian casualties. IMO…the only “minimizing” is occurring under pressure from Allie’s.

Israel’s “Humanitarian” Expulsion

The Israeli right is capitalizing on the aftermath of October 7th to build support for a permanent transfer of Palestinians out of Gaza.

Per a leaked document, a strategy that appears to be a reality flies in the face of claims to minimize civilian casualties. IMO…the only “minimizing” is occurring under pressure from Allie’s.
You seem to go a lot by allegations. The war won't be over for at least another two months. Let us THEN see what is going to happen.

No, there will not be a transfer of Palestinians, All of them, out of Gaza.

But all the terrorists like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and others will not have a place in Gaza. They will be either dead or in prison.

None of the Muslim countries want the Palestinians. They made the Palestinians who they are and are now abandoning them.

Patience, grasshopper, patience.
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[ Muslims love to compare themselves to the indigenous Nations of the Americas. But wait, the Muslims have about 50 plus lands they conquered and are still sovereign over. So, they are kidding only those who do not know history, or care about Jews. 50 years of teaching BDS and Apartheid and being violent only against Jews on campuses. And the Jews are the problem. How many countries are Jewish? Where is the Jewish conquest of the world, or any part of it? Only in the mind of Jew haters who must destroy the only Jewish homeland ON its own ancestral Jewish land, or what is left of the 100% Mandate for Palestine which ended up mostly in the hands of the newly arrived Hashemites, who then went into war for more, and then in 1973 for more. Israel and Jews are the problem ]


Over 2/3 of Palestinians want to see a return to terror attacks against Jews. AP doesn't report that part of the survey.

I reported on a new PCPSR survey yesterday showing that Hamas' popularity has surged since October 7.

While I report on these polls often, major news media almost always ignore them. This time, though, AP highlighted the part about how Hamas is now far more popular than Fatah, especially on the West Bank, and how Palestinians do not want Abbas as their leader.

That is indeed an important story. But AP continues to ignore one critical question that is in every poll, that is even more important.

69% of the respondents say they support "a return to confrontations and armed intifada."

By a greater than 2-1 ratio, Palestinians want to go back to the days of suicide bombings and blowing up buses filled with Jews.

Media and politicians love to talk a lot about ceasefires, and the importance of peace, and the desirability of a two-state solution. But this single fact means that none of that matters.

More than half of Palestinians have been supporting a return to terrorism for a while now. Hamas' pogrom increased that desire by 11 percentage points.

Palestinian support for terror isn't a side issue. It is the issue.

Palestinian antisemitism isn't something to be minimized. It is prevalent and it is a major factor behind every Palestinian political decision.

The media and politicians actively choose to ignore what Palestinians happily tell pollsters, and instead choose to pressure Israel to keep making concessions to these people that want so see Israel destroyed and Jews living, at best, as second-class citizens. It isn't exactly a conspiracy, but it is an active choice made by the most influential people in the Western world to ignore reality and try to impose their own wishful thinking instead. But the end result is not the peace they desire, but more war.

It is way past time to remove the blinders to the real obstacles to peace in the region.

CNN does it again, using a sensational headline that is undercut by information buried far later in the article.

The article is a classic example of how journalists can craft a story that is technically accurate and thoroughly - and intentionally - misleading.

The headline:

Exclusive: Nearly half of the Israeli munitions dropped on Gaza are imprecise ‘dumb bombs,’ US intelligence assessment finds
It starts off with information we can assume is factual:
Nearly half of the air-to-ground munitions that Israel has used in Gaza in its war with Hamas since October 7 have been unguided, otherwise known as “dumb bombs,” according to a new US intelligence assessment.

The assessment, compiled by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and described to CNN by three sources who have seen it, says that about 40-45% of the 29,000 air-to-ground munitions Israel has used have been unguided. The rest have been precision-guided munitions, the assessment says.

Then it slides into speculation:

Unguided munitions are typically less precise and can pose a greater threat to civilians, especially in such a densely populated area like Gaza. The rate at which Israel is using the dumb bombs may be contributing to the soaring civilian death toll.
It then brings in fake evidence based on what is probably a presidential gaffe:
On Tuesday, President Joe Biden said Israel has been engaged in “indiscriminate bombing” in Gaza.
CNN doesn't mention that White House officials have been walking back that statement all day yesterday.

Then it trots out the "experts:"

But experts told CNN that if Israel is using unguided munitions at the rate the US believes they are, that undercuts the Israeli claim that they are trying to minimize civilian casualties.

“I’m extremely surprised and concerned,” said Brian Castner, a former Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) officer who now serves as Amnesty International’s senior crisis adviser on arms and military operations.

“It’s bad enough to be using the weapons when they are precisely hitting their targets. It is a massive civilian harm problem if they do not have that accuracy, and if you can’t even give a benefit of the doubt that that the weapon is actually landing where the Israeli forces intended to,” Castner added.

Note that Castner is not at all an expert on targeting. He's (presumably) an expert on disposing mines and unexploded bombs. Which means he is not an expert at all.

(full article online)

[ Saying no to terrorists ]

In a recent development, the Egyptian air forces successfully intercepted and shot down a drone in the Sinai region bordering Israel, near the city of Dahab, according to reports from Egyptian media with close ties to intelligence, including Al-Qahera News.

The unidentified flying object was detected by the Egyptian Air Force, which promptly engaged and brought it down before it could breach Egyptian airspace.

The incident occurred in Egyptian territorial waters off the city of Dahab, with the drone ultimately crashing into the sea. Security forces are reportedly present at the site to investigate the incident.

Witnesses on the ground reported another flying object crashing into the mountains that separate the towns of Dahab and Nuweiba. The exact nature and origin of this second flying object remain unclear.

The military spokesperson for the Houthi rebels, communicating through the platform X (formerly Twitter), claimed responsibility for the incident, stating that they had “carried out a military operation against targets” in the south of Israel using drones. The Houthi move was described as a response to “the oppression of the Palestinian people.”

The Sinai Peninsula, which shares its northwest tip with the Gaza Strip and borders Israel to the east, has become a focal point amid the recent escalation of tensions between Israel and Hamas.

Egypt, historically playing a mediating role between Israelis and Palestinians, has found itself at the forefront of the conflict following the violent Hamas attack on October 7 and subsequent Israeli responses.

The Red Sea and surrounding areas have witnessed increased activity, with Yemeni rebels, supported by Iran, issuing warnings of targeting ships sailing in the Red Sea with connections to Israel.

MSC Mediterranean shipping Co., one of the largest container shipper companies, says will no longer use Suez Canal after one of its ships attacked by the Houthis.

Israeli judoka and Olympic medalist Sagi Muki is urging the public to “speak out” against Hamas and not be afraid to condemn the Palestinian terror group’s deadly rampage in Israel on Oct. 7, even while others glorify the massacre of Israeli civilians.

Muki shared a message with the world in a video released on Thursday in collaboration with StandWithUs, a nonprofit that supports Israel and fights antisemitism.

In the clip, Muki began by talking about his friendship with Iranian judoka Saeid Mollaei, who was ordered by Iranian officials to forfeit a match at the 2019 World Judo Championships in Tokyo to avoid competing against Muki simply because he was Israeli.

Iran, which backs the Hamas terrorist organization, has a longstanding policy of banning its athletes from going head-to-head against competitors from the Jewish state.

Ignoring orders to drop out of the match against Muki, Mollaei reached the semi-final in Tokyo. He subsequently fled Iran and gained refugee status in Germany before becoming a citizen of Mongolia, for which he now competes.

“The bright side of the story is that we became friends and have been close ever since,” Muki said in the video. “Saeid and I are proof that the Iranian people and the Israeli people are not enemies, despite the Iranian regime pushing that destruction narrative.”

The Israeli athlete added that following the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks, “I believe that the friendship story between myself and Saeid is all the more important to tell, especially as I see students and protesters around the world spewing hatred against Israel while ignoring, or sometimes even celebrating, Hamas atrocities.”

“When you refuse to speak out against Hamas, you are actually speaking against peace,” Muki noted. “If we do not recognize evil for what it is, we are throwing away any hope for good. For my sake, for Saeid’s sake, and for the sake of everyone, everywhere, who wants good to thrive in the face of evil, speak out. Be brave like Saeid. There is always hope for a peaceful future.”


Inbar Haiman, a 27-year-old Israeli art student from Haifa, was kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists on October 7 from the Supernova Music Festival.

Today it has been announced that her dead body was discovered in Gaza— she was murdered in captivity.“She's so full of love and understanding. She has patience for everyone, embraces and loves people,” her friends have said about her as they anxiously awaited her return together with the other hostages.

In 2018-2019, Palestinians in Gaza staged mini-invasions on the Israeli borders, tearing down the border fence in many places and crossing the border. IDF treated these invaders with kid gloves. We now know what we should have known then - that they were testing IDF.

Had they tried this on the other border, the border with Egypt, they would have been cut down by the Egyptian army. Not one would have returned to Gaza alive.

But Israel did little to prevent this violence, letting them "blow off steam". What was Hamas to learn, but that Israel was weak? The time was ripe to start planning a big invasion, in which it would slaughter, rape, maim, burn alive and kidnap thousands of Israelis.

I remember watching this unfold at the time in horror and disbelief, while our media downplayed it, IDF reacted feebly, and the Israeli supreme court actively prevented taking more severe steps to prevent it.

There is no such thing as a “humanitarian” ceasefire.
What it should really be called is a “Hamas-saving” ceasefire.

We aren’t stupid. Stop hiding behind your suits and diplomatic wording. You don’t give a damn about Israel and her future. Nor do you care about the hostages.

This is what I emphasized to the UN: this distorted resolution has one goal - to secure Hamas’ continued rule in Gaza! We will not let this happen.

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