Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

- “Ceasefire now”: “Let Hamas stay in power and threaten Israelis and Jews worldwide.”

- “From the river to the sea”: “Israel needs to be wiped off the planet and all its citizens forcefully removed (or killed).”

- “Israel has killed x civilians/kids”: “I am taking Hamas’ word on the numbers even though, according to their numbers, the number of Hamas terrorists eliminated by Israel? Zero.”

- “Israel is committing genocide”.: “I am intellectually and morally bankrupt and have done zero research on the Middle East but I think I’m qualified to have an opinion based on nothing.”

- “Israel is an apartheid state.”: “Either I have no idea what the word apartheid means or I am intentionally lying about Israel, where people of all religions have total freedom of rights.”

- : “I support Hamas.”

- “The IDF is losing”. “I am an antisemite who is ashamed that my Hamas boys are losing hold of Gaza so I’d rather make up lies than face reality.”

- “Hamas is not a terrorist organization and October 7th was justified resistance.”: “I hate Jews and want them dead.”

- “October 7th didn’t happen.”: “No matter what facts I am presented with, I don’t care about facts and just like I think the holocaust didn’t happen despite actual survivors walking around, I don’t believe October 7th happened despite the overwhelming amount of hard evidence.”

- “Israel is committing war crimes.”: “My moral compass is completely broken and to me, good is bad and bad is good. I am morally bankrupt and I am therefore siding with actual terrorists.”

What did I miss? Here are some inconvenient facts for those of you out there who are actually willing to learn something and reconsider your opinion. To the rest of you who hate Israel blindly, well, I am so sorry for you.

Seek help.

A few basic facts.

1. Hebron is one of the Judaism's holiest cities.
2. Jews have lived in Hebron since forever.
3. In 1929 the Jewish community was massacred.
4. In the 1930s the remaining community was expelled
5. From 1948 Arab forces destroyed Jewish sites6. Between 1949 and 1967 the city was closed to Jews and they could not even pray there.
6. In 1967 with Israel's victory in the war Jews began to return to live in the city.

Today: Jews living in Hebron are presented as invaders & foreigners. Jews living there are potrayed as the troublemakers - and international media will almost always suggest that Jews live their illegally.

Why not just reward those that massacred and ethnically cleansed the Jews by completely ignoring the crimes of the Arabs and also whitewashing Jews out of Hebron's history?

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