Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

HamISIS killers are carrying children and using them as literal human shields

Gazan 1 "I killed 10 Jews"
Gazan 2 "I killed 20 Jews"
G1 "Yeah but I raped mine"
G2 "I killed mine with my bare hands"

BBC Journo spots them. "you both look hungry"

Gazans: "we're starving, and we want a ceasefire"

Breaking BBC News 'Starving Palestinians in Gaza want peace'

This week alone:

· 70+ Hamas members have surrendered.· Countless Gazan civilians have called Hamas out for not handing out aid.·

Switzerland have pulled their funds from UNRWA.

· Hamas launched hundreds of rockets on Israeli cities including Jerusalem.·

The 135 hostages still remain captive.· The UN Security Council failed to condemn Hamas' brutality and countless violations of International Law.·

The International Red Cross did NOTHING to promote visits of the hostages or provide them medical supplies.

But no protests against Hamas in any major city in the West. Why?

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