Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

  • When Hamas decided to drag the entire population of the Gaza Strip into another war with Israel on October 7, it did not care what would happen to Palestinian civilians.
  • If the hostages were indeed held in an apartment of a Palestinian family, this shows that Hamas has no problem placing Palestinian civilians in harm's way.
  • Consequently, Hamas has no right to complain about the death of civilians in the war it initiated against Israel while it uses its own people to hold innocent kidnapped Israelis.
  • Hamas leaders leading lavish lives in Qatar and Lebanon do not care about the two million Palestinians of the Gaza Strip, nor do the leaders of the terrorist organization who are hiding in the vast network of sophisticated tunnels in the Gaza Strip. All they care about is their own survival
  • "The humanitarian aid is being stolen by those who call themselves resistance fighters. They claim they are defending us, but they are stealing all the aid coming into the Gaza Strip and then they sell it to the people for a very high price." — Palestinian man in Gaza, X (, February 16, 2024.
  • On February 15, sources in the Gaza Strip reported that Hamas terrorists killed Ahmed Abu al-Arja, a Palestinian boy, while he was trying to get food for his family.
  • [T]he participation of some Palestinian civilians in the October 7 massacre and the kidnapping of Israelis is extremely worrying: it illustrates that a large number of people in the Gaza Strip actually do support Hamas and its terrorism against Israel.

(full article online)

Non of what you say is provable. So, you say whatever you like to say wishing that idiots will believe you.

The facts on the ground are the facts on the ground.

Hamas invaded Israel, butchered 1200 Jews and non Jews and kidnapped hundreds more of Jews and non Jews.

Right now, it refuses to release the 134 Hostages and continues to fire rockets into Israel and rockets which fall short into Gaza killing civilians in Gaza.

You cannot deal with those facts, do not waste your fingertips.

Why do you continue to evade the two simple questions I asked?

They were:

1. "In the very unlikely event that Hamas is eliminated, don't you realize that its replacement will be an inexhaustible supply of possibly more violent Muslims throughout the Middle East eager to avenge the internally condemned Gaza genocide?"

2. Finally, if Netanyahu's agenda isn't the genocide of Palestine's native residents, why does he have no End Game except the systematic extermination of of the same people?

Re: Non of what you say is provable. So, you say whatever you like to say wishing that idiots will believe you.

Don't you know that people who have spent time in the Levant and studied it for 60 years can honestly say the same thing about what you write?

Finally, spamming Middle East related threads with other peoples' redundant IDF / Hasbara propaganda only underscores your inability to defend the indefensible in your own words.

If other readers want to know what's on "X", they know where to find it.
Why do you continue to evade the two simple questions I asked?

They were:

1. "In the very unlikely event that Hamas is eliminated, don't you realize that its replacement will be an inexhaustible supply of possibly more violent Muslims throughout the Middle East eager to avenge the internally condemned Gaza genocide?"

2. Finally, if Netanyahu's agenda isn't the genocide of Palestine's native residents, why does he have no End Game except the systematic extermination of of the same people?

Don't you know that people who have spent time in the Levant and studied it for 60 years can honestly say the same thing about what you write?

Finally, spamming Middle East related threads with other peoples' redundant IDF / Hasbara propaganda only underscores your inability to defend the indefensible in your own words.

If other readers want to know what's on "X", they know where to find it.
Am Israel Chai !

The People of Israel Live !
Why in the world do you bring up Abu Akleh's story into this war? There is no proof that it was on purpose by the IDF or anyone else. It was an accident. Believe what you like.

Deal with this war which Hamas started, as they have started all the other wars and how many PRESS in Gaza are actually Hamas fighters. Do not mix her into what has been happening and documented. Hamas fights with civilian clothes and count themselves as civilian deaths.

You are one of the worst "experts" on these forums.

Firstly, anyone who is even remotely familiar with war regards Netanyahu's genocidal foray into Gaza a "war".
Where is Hamas' Air Force and Navy?
Where are Hamas' tanks, fighter jets, bombers, helicopter gunships etc.

What ethical Jews (1) and non Jews around the world call the Gaza Genocide is more like murderously repressing a ghetto uprising than a war.

Why in the world do you bring up Abu Akleh's story into this war?

I was responding to a question from another individual but you conveniently omitted the source I cited about IDF targeting al Jazeera's journalists more recently.(2)

Of course every journalist, doctor, relief worker and school girl is really a "Hamas fighter" in disguise in the eyes of cowardly IDF child killers and their complicit Hasbara shills because all of Palestine's native residents are "guilty" of living on land coveted by foreign Jewish terrorist gangs.

Even the three half naked hostages waving white flags that IDFers gunned "looked like Hamas" to trigger happy IDFers.

Long before Netanyahu's genocidal folly, IDF had been already been regarded as "The Israel Massacre Forces" (3) and condemned for targeting civilians (4) which dispels the myth about Hamas using "Human Shields".

What good is a "Human Shield" to murderous thugs who shoot children "for fun"(5)

So, I'm sure you'll understand when readers dismiss your Hasbara script attempting to portray resistance to the world's longest and most brutal foreign funded occupation as "terrorism".

Even Palestinians who attempt to farm their land and live in peace are systematically exterminated by delusional "Settlers" and complicit IDF thugs.

(1). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

(2). "An Al Jazeera journalist is the fifth member of his family killed by Israeli strikes on Gaza"

An Al Jazeera journalist is the fifth member of his family killed by Israeli strikes on Gaza

An apparent Israeli airstrike has killed two Palestinian journalists in southern Gaza. One was the son of Wael Dahdouh, who lost his wife, two other children and a grandson — and was nearly killed himself — earlier in the war.

EXCERPT "An apparent Israeli airstrike killed two Palestinian journalists in southern Gaza on Sunday, including an Al Jazeera journalist who lost four close relatives earlier in the war.

Hamza Dahdouh is the son of veteran Al Jazeera correspondent Wael Dahdouh, whose wife, two other children and a grandson were killed by a previous Israeli strike.

Dahdouh has continued to report on the fighting between Israel and Hamas even as it has taken a devastating toll on his own family, becoming a symbol for many of the perils faced by Palestinian journalists, dozens of whom have been killed while covering the conflict." CONTINUED

(3). "The Israel Massacre Forces"

EXCERPT "The shooting on the Gaza border shows once again that the killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes"CONTINUED

(4). "Independent investigation details Israel’s deliberate targeting of civilians in Gaza"
Independent investigation details Israel’s deliberate targeting of civilians in Gaza

EXCERPT "A new independent medical fact-finding mission in Gaza has detailed Israel’s deliberate killing of Palestinian civilians in its summer 2014 attack, codenamed Operation “Protective Edge.” Acts documented in the investigation include the use of human shields, close-range murder of civilians, targeting of medics, and more." CONTINUED

(5). “Video Shows IDF Snipers Shooting Palestinian Children For Fun, But Facebook Won’t Let You Share It”

EXCERPT “Footage released on YouTube clearly shows Israeli soldiers firing live rounds at Palestinian children playing on a roof in Al Khalil, an area of Hebron in Occupied Palestine. An important piece of evidence attesting to the brutality of Israeli occupation. Yet, Facebook users have reported that the social media platform is preventing them from sharing the video.” CONTINUED

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for existing.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for defending themselves.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for the optics of doing what’s right.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for coming back to their eternal homeland.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for fighting back and defeating a cruel terrorist organization.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for winning wars.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for the (tragic but inevitable) innocent people who die in a war that Israel didn’t start and didn’t want.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for speaking up against antisemitism.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for stating the hard, but sometimes unpopular fact that Israel is fighting a society that is deeply indoctrinated and rotten to the core.

I am so done apologizing.

I am NOT sorry for existing, for defending myself, for the optics of this war, for coming home to my homeland, for waging a war against a cruel terrorist organization, for winning wars, for the innocent people that Hamas is using as human shields in order to maximize civilian deaths (I am sad about it, I truly am, but every one of those people is on Hamas, not Israel.), for speaking up against antisemitism, and for unequivocally stating that Gaza and the general Palestinian society is deeply indoctrinated and rotten to the core (of course there are some innocent people but those innocent people are silent and therefore irrelevant. Besides, thousands of those so-called innocent people took part in October 7th, gave out candies to celebrate Jewish deaths, and/or voted for Hamas. That’s not what I call innocent.)

Israel, contrary to what you were told, has the most moral army in the world. The lengths that the IDF goes to in order to minimize civilian deaths in Gaza are unprecedented and unparalleled.

The ratio between terrorist and “innocent” Gazan killed by Israel is unprecedented and unparalleled.

Dropping pamphlets to let the enemy know where the IDF will attack and when is unprecedented and unparalleled.

Israel and the Jewish people have nothing to apologize for. The Jewish people have been nothing but a source of light in this world.

Between the Nobel prizes won by Jews, Israel’s position as a leading technology superpower (look down at whatever device you are reading this on, and chances are at least part of it was developed in Israel), breakthroughs in medicine, cutting edge cancer treatments and research, rescue efforts across the world, and countless other achievements, the Jewish people have always been a source of bright light.

Sometimes when a light is too bright, if not prepared, it can blind you.

The Jews are done apologizing for their light, and if you don’t like it, either get sunglasses or be prepared to be blinded.

Our light will never go out, no matter how much darkness our enemies bring.

The era of the apologetic Jew who is led to the gas chambers with shaking knees, are over.

Sorry, but we are no longer sorry!

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