Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

And to your dumb question in your signature, why is Israel leveling building?

Because Hamas fires rockets from all of those civilian buildings turning them into legal targets in a war PER International War law.

I will be only too happy to answer any more of your dumb questions.
Everything you know is wrong or you’re merely an unwitting dupe of the establishment.
Everything you know is wrong or you’re merely an unwitting dupe of the establishment.
Says the stooge who has a signature saying they do not know why Israel is bombing buildings where Hamas was hiding, firing rockets from or holding hostages, including forcing Gaza people to be quiet.
[ And they hide and hide. Hezbollah, under Iran's support, started it, they can stop it ]

[ No "organizations" at all to "organize" the distribution]

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You would have to prove that Israel has committed ANY crimes to begin with.

But none of you can, because Israel has not committed any crimes defending its territory, sovereignty and population. ALL off its population which Hamas did not distinguish from. Jews, Muslims, Druze, Bedouins, Christians, they have all been murdered and kidnapped by Hamas.

Hamas is a barbaric terrorist organization which has no scrupulous to hide behind children, women and men and to see THEM die along with them.

There is no assumption at about Hamas or the PA. They want the destruction of Israel, since 1920 and especially since 1948 and that is all they can think about and do all of their lives.

You do not want to acknowledge it, not one of you, fine. Israel does not need anyone's permission to defend itself and put an end to the most horrific terrorists who dared to invade Israel and butchered 1200 Jews and non Jews and cheer about it.

You are pro Hamas, think like Hamas, that is on you.

You are simply confirming what I just wrote.

Western MSM has such an egregious biased that it has duped poorly informed individuals who have never been near a Palestinian refugee camp that "Israel is just defending itself."

If Israel was just "defending itself" it would be doing so from behind legally defined borders as outlined in UN Resolutions # 242, & # 338.

The illegal "Settler" expansionism supported by the Israeli government is only one of countless Zionist crimes committed by ruling right wingers.

Israel's ruling right wing Zionist extremists have never wanted a just and durable peace,(1) they want all of Palestine's native residents dead or criminally expelled.

The proof is IDF's complicity in the "Settler" mass murder of West Bank Palestinians who had nothing to do with 7 October 2023. (2)

Demonizing Hamas and accusing opponents of genocide of supporting Hamas has become a popular Hasbara smokescreen to evade the fact that Israel helped create Hamas to destroy the PLO (3)

Something that is lost in all the hysterical propaganda about headless babies is the fact that Hamas is a symptom of the oldest and most brutal foreign funded occupation in history, not the cause of Levantine carnage.

The final proof that Netanyahu's murderous foray into Gaza is a long planned criminal genocide is the absence of an End Game or Exit Strategy.
Israel's government funded "Settlers" are already dividing up Gaza.

Finally, I don't support Hamas nor do I support the murderous cowards killing primarily women, children and hostages.

I am not anti Israel and don't want Israel's people to live in fear but Netanyahu etc are only making Israelis less safe by trying to kill his way to security when there are about 2.7 Billion Muslims in the world against about 17 million Jews.

In the very unlikely event that Hamas is eliminated, don't you realize that its replacement will be an inexhaustible supply of possibly more violent Muslims throughout the Middle East eager to avenge the internally condemned Gaza genocide? (4)

You're not supporting Israel by supporting open ended killing of homeless and hungry Muslim women and children in front of an increasingly angry Islamic world.

(1). “Israel Does Not Want Peace”

EXCERPT “Israel does not want peace. There is nothing I have ever written that I would be happier to be proved wrong about. But the evidence is piling up. In fact, it can be said that Israel has never wanted peace – a just peace, that is, one based on a just compromise for both sides.

In recent years, Israel has moved away from even the aspiration to make peace. It has despaired utterly of it. Peace has disappeared from the Israeli agenda, “ CONTINUED

(2). "Israel Must Loudly Arrest the Murderous West Bank Settlers"

EXCERPT "Since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, settlers there have killed more than 120 Palestinians and injured at least 2,000. They have forcibly expelled more than 800 Palestinians from their homes, blown up their generators and solar panels, and burned down tents of Bedouin herders.
Again: This has been going on not in Gaza but in the West Bank—which is governed by the Palestinian Authority, not by Hamas." CONTINUED

(3). "Israel Created Two of Its Own Worst Enemies—Hamas and Hezbollah"

(4). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED
You are simply confirming what I just wrote.

Western MSM has such an egregious biased that it has duped poorly informed individuals who have never been near a Palestinian refugee camp that "Israel is just defending itself."

If Israel was just "defending itself" it would be doing so from behind legally defined borders as outlined in UN Resolutions # 242, & # 338.

The illegal "Settler" expansionism supported by the Israeli government is only one of countless Zionist crimes committed by ruling right wingers.

Israel's ruling right wing Zionist extremists have never wanted a just and durable peace,(1) they want all of Palestine's native residents dead or criminally expelled.

The proof is IDF's complicity in the "Settler" mass murder of West Bank Palestinians who had nothing to do with 7 October 2023. (2)

Demonizing Hamas and accusing opponents of genocide of supporting Hamas has become a popular Hasbara smokescreen to evade the fact that Israel helped create Hamas to destroy the PLO (3)

Something that is lost in all the hysterical propaganda about headless babies is the fact that Hamas is a symptom of the oldest and most brutal foreign funded occupation in history, not the cause of Levantine carnage.

The final proof that Netanyahu's murderous foray into Gaza is a long planned criminal genocide is the absence of an End Game or Exit Strategy.
Israel's government funded "Settlers" are already dividing up Gaza.

Finally, I don't support Hamas nor do I support the murderous cowards killing primarily women, children and hostages.

I am not anti Israel and don't want Israel's people to live in fear but Netanyahu etc are only making Israelis less safe by trying to kill his way to security when there are about 2.7 Billion Muslims in the world against about 17 million Jews.

In the very unlikely event that Hamas is eliminated, don't you realize that its replacement will be an inexhaustible supply of possibly more violent Muslims throughout the Middle East eager to avenge the internally condemned Gaza genocide? (4)

You're not supporting Israel by supporting open ended killing of homeless and hungry Muslim women and children in front of an increasingly angry Islamic world.

(1). “Israel Does Not Want Peace”

EXCERPT “Israel does not want peace. There is nothing I have ever written that I would be happier to be proved wrong about. But the evidence is piling up. In fact, it can be said that Israel has never wanted peace – a just peace, that is, one based on a just compromise for both sides.

In recent years, Israel has moved away from even the aspiration to make peace. It has despaired utterly of it. Peace has disappeared from the Israeli agenda, “ CONTINUED

(2). "Israel Must Loudly Arrest the Murderous West Bank Settlers"

EXCERPT "Since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, settlers there have killed more than 120 Palestinians and injured at least 2,000. They have forcibly expelled more than 800 Palestinians from their homes, blown up their generators and solar panels, and burned down tents of Bedouin herders.
Again: This has been going on not in Gaza but in the West Bank—which is governed by the Palestinian Authority, not by Hamas." CONTINUED

(3). "Israel Created Two of Its Own Worst Enemies—Hamas and Hezbollah"

(4). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED
Bravo !!!! Bravo !!!! Bravo !!!!

Pure Russian, Arab, Iranian, etc propaganda.

You deserve a raise. Ask for one and I will second it.

Am Israel Chai !!
Bravo !!!! Bravo !!!! Bravo !!!!

Pure Russian, Arab, Iranian, etc propaganda.

You deserve a raise. Ask for one and I will second it.

Am Israel Chai !!

The only things you've communicated is that you're entirely incapable of refuting a single fact I've both written and supported and that you've got endless amounts of time to spam the board with reams of transparent Hasbara drivel.

First of all, I am a loyal American combat Veteran who has walked and hitch-hiked throughout the Middle East, the Levant and other parts of the word.

Secondly, there was no "expiration date" mentioned when I took an oath to defend the US against its enemies; "foreign and domestic" and America's infestation of traitorous, right wing Hasbara shills and "Israel Firsters" are America's most insidious and parasitic enemy today.

Their goal, of course, has always been to get other Americans to die killing Muslims for their "Greater Israel" while they comfortably regurgitate Hasbara scripts for pay. (1)

As I. write this, America is slowly but certainly being manipulated into sacrificing even more young American G.I.s for Israel's war on the Islamic world by aiding and abetting Netanyahu's Gaza genocide.

Among the facts and questions from my previous Post you evaded were:

1. "In the very unlikely event that Hamas is eliminated, don't you realize that its replacement will be an inexhaustible supply of possibly more violent Muslims throughout the Middle East eager to avenge the internally condemned Gaza genocide?"

2. Finally, if Netanyahu's agenda isn't the genocide of Palestine's native residents, why does he have no End Game except the systematic extermination of of the same people?

Please spare us the relentless Hasbara spam and try to answer the two questions I've asked.


(1). "How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet"

EXCERPT "As it turns out, Israel and Israeli institutions employ armies of Internet warriors—from Israeli soldiers to students—to spread propaganda online and try to get content banned that Israel doesn’t want seen.

Israel and partisans of Israel have long had a significant presence on the Internet, working to promote the Israel narrative and block facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby, and other subject matter they wish covered up.

In addition to these, however, a number of orchestrated, often well-funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and others have come to light. These projects work to place pro-Israel content throughout the Internet, and to remove information Israel doesn’t wish people to know.

Under this program, Israeli students are paid $2,000 to work five hours per week to “lead the battle against hostile websites.” CONTINUED
Another template to evade the absurd bs of your previous post.
Doesn't seem you can even string an original sentence...

How is Al-Jazeera controlled by Israel?

If anything I've both written and supported is "absurd bs", you would have been able to refute it.

First of all, al Jazeera is so heavily repressed by America's pro Israel MSM, Israeli lobbies and Zionist media moguls that most Americans never see or hear anything from al Jazeera.

I've already answered your question:
How is Al-Jazeera controlled by Israel?

By deliberately murdering al Jazeera's journalists, (1), censoring them, harassing them and taking them hostage. (i.e. arresting them) .

Jewish writer and musician is not afraid to admit that Western MSM has an egregious MSM bias:

"Jews DO control the media,"

EXCERPT "Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?"

(1). "An Al Jazeera journalist is the fifth member of his family killed by Israeli strikes on Gaza"​

EXCERPT "An apparent Israeli airstrike killed two Palestinian journalists in southern Gaza on Sunday, including an Al Jazeera journalist who lost four close relatives earlier in the war.

Hamza Dahdouh is the son of veteran Al Jazeera correspondent Wael Dahdouh, whose wife, two other children and a grandson were killed by a previous Israeli strike.

Dahdouh has continued to report on the fighting between Israel and Hamas even as it has taken a devastating toll on his own family, becoming a symbol for many of the perils faced by Palestinian journalists, dozens of whom have been killed while covering the conflict." CONTINUED


EXCERPT "A new forensic analysis proves that an Israeli sniper could see that Shireen Abu Akleh was a journalist before firing the bullet that killed her." CONTINUED
The Washington Postreports that "Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian U.N. ambassador, was moved to tearsFeb. 19 during the International Court of Justice hearing on Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory."

I watched his performance on a large screen and cannot see a single tear, nor does he wipe his eyes.

This is not the first time Mansour has done this stunt.

In 2011, YNet reported:
A routine Security Council debate on the Middle East and Palestine became Israel's and the Palestinian Authority's dress rehearsal for September's General Assembly conference where the Palestinians will seek UN recognition.

Palestinian observer Riyad Mansour called on the UN to recognize a Palestinian state. It's time to end the occupation, he said before bursting into tears.
It wasn't quite as spontaneous as the news media made it appear.

The point at which he started his acting performance is notable. His pretend crying began when he said, "The state of Palestine appeals to this court to guide the International Community in upholding international law ending in justice and achieving a just and lasting peace, to guide us towards a future in which Palestinian children are treated as children, not as demographic threat."

You know who regarded Palestinian children as nothing more than a demographic threat? Yasir Arafat, who said on many occasions a variant of “The womb of the Arab woman is my strongest weapon.”

The Palestinian Authority does not treat its children as children. Their textbooks are filled with appeals for children to become martyrs while killing Jews.

It is the height of hypocrisy to see Mansour fake-tearfully pretending to care about Palestinian children when the best thing for them - peace - has been flatly rejected by Palestinian and Arab leaders for over 85 years.

The only things you've communicated is that you're entirely incapable of refuting a single fact I've both written and supported and that you've got endless amounts of time to spam the board with reams of transparent Hasbara drivel.

First of all, I am a loyal American combat Veteran who has walked and hitch-hiked throughout the Middle East, the Levant and other parts of the word.

Secondly, there was no "expiration date" mentioned when I took an oath to defend the US against its enemies; "foreign and domestic" and America's infestation of traitorous, right wing Hasbara shills and "Israel Firsters" are America's most insidious and parasitic enemy today.

Their goal, of course, has always been to get other Americans to die killing Muslims for their "Greater Israel" while they comfortably regurgitate Hasbara scripts for pay. (1)

As I. write this, America is slowly but certainly being manipulated into sacrificing even more young American G.I.s for Israel's war on the Islamic world by aiding and abetting Netanyahu's Gaza genocide.

Among the facts and questions from my previous Post you evaded were:

1. "In the very unlikely event that Hamas is eliminated, don't you realize that its replacement will be an inexhaustible supply of possibly more violent Muslims throughout the Middle East eager to avenge the internally condemned Gaza genocide?"

2. Finally, if Netanyahu's agenda isn't the genocide of Palestine's native residents, why does he have no End Game except the systematic extermination of of the same people?

Please spare us the relentless Hasbara spam and try to answer the two questions I've asked.


(1). "How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet"

EXCERPT "As it turns out, Israel and Israeli institutions employ armies of Internet warriors—from Israeli soldiers to students—to spread propaganda online and try to get content banned that Israel doesn’t want seen.

Israel and partisans of Israel have long had a significant presence on the Internet, working to promote the Israel narrative and block facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby, and other subject matter they wish covered up.

In addition to these, however, a number of orchestrated, often well-funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and others have come to light. These projects work to place pro-Israel content throughout the Internet, and to remove information Israel doesn’t wish people to know.

Under this program, Israeli students are paid $2,000 to work five hours per week to “lead the battle against hostile websites.” CONTINUED
Non of what you say is provable. So, you say whatever you like to say wishing that idiots will believe you.

The facts on the ground are the facts on the ground.

Hamas invaded Israel, butchered 1200 Jews and non Jews and kidnapped hundreds more of Jews and non Jews.

Right now, it refuses to release the 134 Hostages and continues to fire rockets into Israel and rockets which fall short into Gaza killing civilians in Gaza.

You cannot deal with those facts, do not waste your fingertips.
If anything I've both written and supported is "absurd bs", you would have been able to refute it.

First of all, al Jazeera is so heavily repressed by America's pro Israel MSM, Israeli lobbies and Zionist media moguls that most Americans never see or hear anything from al Jazeera.

I've already answered your question:

By deliberately murdering al Jazeera's journalists, (1), censoring them, harassing them and taking them hostage. (i.e. arresting them) .

Jewish writer and musician is not afraid to admit that Western MSM has an egregious MSM bias:

"Jews DO control the media,"

EXCERPT "Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?"

(1). "An Al Jazeera journalist is the fifth member of his family killed by Israeli strikes on Gaza"​

EXCERPT "An apparent Israeli airstrike killed two Palestinian journalists in southern Gaza on Sunday, including an Al Jazeera journalist who lost four close relatives earlier in the war.

Hamza Dahdouh is the son of veteran Al Jazeera correspondent Wael Dahdouh, whose wife, two other children and a grandson were killed by a previous Israeli strike.

Dahdouh has continued to report on the fighting between Israel and Hamas even as it has taken a devastating toll on his own family, becoming a symbol for many of the perils faced by Palestinian journalists, dozens of whom have been killed while covering the conflict." CONTINUED


EXCERPT "A new forensic analysis proves that an Israeli sniper could see that Shireen Abu Akleh was a journalist before firing the bullet that killed her." CONTINUED
Apparently you have missed, or not cared, for the post which showed that some Al Jazeerah "journalists" were actually Hamas fighters, shooting at IDF. They shot at IDF, they lost.

That is how life goes.

Be a member of Hamas, journalists, doctors, teachers, etc , be a Hamas fighter with a weapon, aim or shoot at IDF, prepare to die.
If anything I've both written and supported is "absurd bs", you would have been able to refute it.

First of all, al Jazeera is so heavily repressed by America's pro Israel MSM, Israeli lobbies and Zionist media moguls that most Americans never see or hear anything from al Jazeera.

I've already answered your question:

By deliberately murdering al Jazeera's journalists, (1), censoring them, harassing them and taking them hostage. (i.e. arresting them) .

Jewish writer and musician is not afraid to admit that Western MSM has an egregious MSM bias:

"Jews DO control the media,"

EXCERPT "Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?"

(1). "An Al Jazeera journalist is the fifth member of his family killed by Israeli strikes on Gaza"​

EXCERPT "An apparent Israeli airstrike killed two Palestinian journalists in southern Gaza on Sunday, including an Al Jazeera journalist who lost four close relatives earlier in the war.

Hamza Dahdouh is the son of veteran Al Jazeera correspondent Wael Dahdouh, whose wife, two other children and a grandson were killed by a previous Israeli strike.

Dahdouh has continued to report on the fighting between Israel and Hamas even as it has taken a devastating toll on his own family, becoming a symbol for many of the perils faced by Palestinian journalists, dozens of whom have been killed while covering the conflict." CONTINUED


EXCERPT "A new forensic analysis proves that an Israeli sniper could see that Shireen Abu Akleh was a journalist before firing the bullet that killed her." CONTINUED
Why in the world do you bring up Abu Akleh's story into this war? There is no proof that it was on purpose by the IDF or anyone else. It was an accident. Believe what you like.

Deal with this war which Hamas started, as they have started all the other wars and how many PRESS in Gaza are actually Hamas fighters. Do not mix her into what has been happening and documented. Hamas fights with civilian clothes and count themselves as civilian deaths.

You are one of the worst "experts" on these forums.

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