Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

But its the same sh#t . His legacy lives on.

Anyone who knows anything about Middle Eastern realities knows about the West's egregious pro Israel bias that has effective duped the lazy and gullible into swallowing Hasbara propaganda hook, line and sinker.

Those who blindly support any and every Israeli crime and atrocity with a full stomach from the comfort of a dry and warm home are clueless as to the misery their favorite Zionist henchmen inflict far far away.

Even the Japanese who are far removed from the conflict have noticed that the pro Israel bias is so egregious in US MSM that it looks like "...a Netanyahu ad/"

- ā€œU.S. media coverage reveals a pro-Israel biasā€

EXCERPT ā€œWhy does TV news look like a Netanyahu ad?ā€ asked Chris McGreal of The Guardian on July 31, in his article on the ā€œnotoriously pro-Israel mainstream media in the U.S.ā€ CONTINUED

- ā€œStudies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western mediaā€

EXCERPT ā€œMainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.

Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ā€˜usā€™. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with," CONTINUED
Sure, here is the article:

In late January, I left my home in Virginia, where I work as a plastic and reconstructive surgeon and joined a group of physicians and nurses traveling to Egypt with the humanitarian aid group MedGlobal to volunteer in Gaza.

I have worked in other war zones. But what I witnessed during the next 10 days in Gaza was not war ā€” it was annihilation. At least 28,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israelā€™s bombardment of Gaza. From Cairo, Egyptā€™s capital, we drove 12 hours east to the Rafah border. We passed miles of parked humanitarian aid trucks because they werenā€™t allowed into Gaza. Aside from my team and other envoy members from the United Nations and World Health Organization, there were very few others there.

Entering southern Gaza on Jan. 29, where many have fled from the north, felt like the first pages of a dystopian novel. Our ears were numb with the constant humming of what I was told were the surveillance drones that circled constantly. Our noses were consumed with the stench of 1 million displaced humans living in close proximity without adequate sanitation. Our eyes got lost in the sea of tents. We stayed at a guest house in Rafah. Our first night was cold, and many of us couldnā€™t sleep. We stood on the balcony listening to the bombs, and seeing the smoke rise from Khan Yunis.

As we approached the European Gaza Hospital the next day, there were rows of tents that lined and blocked the streets. Many Palestinians gravitated toward this and other hospitals hoping it would represent a sanctuary from the violence ā€” they were wrong.

People also spilled into the hospital: living in hallways, stairwell corridors and even storage closets. The once-wide walkways designed by the European Union to accommodate the busy traffic of medical staff, stretchers and equipment were now reduced to a single-file passageway. On either side, blankets hung from the ceiling to cordon off small areas for entire families, offering a sliver of privacy. A hospital designed to accommodate about 300 patients was now struggling to care for more than 1,000 patients and hundreds more seeking refuge.

There were a limited number of local surgeons available. We were told that many had been killed or arrested, their whereabouts or even their existence unknown. Others were trapped in occupied areas in the north or nearby places where it was too risky to travel to the hospital. There was only one local plastic surgeon left and he covered the hospital 24/7. His home had been destroyed, so he lived in the hospital, and was able to stuff all of his personal possessions into two small hand bags. This narrative became all too common among the remaining staff at the hospital. This surgeon was lucky, because his wife and daughter were still alive, although almost everyone else working in the hospital was mourning the loss of their loved ones.

I began work immediately, performing 10 to 12 surgeries a day, working 14 to 16 hours at a time. The operating room would often shake from the incessant bombings, sometimes as frequent as every 30 seconds. We operated in unsterile settings that wouldā€™ve been unthinkable in the United States. We had limited access to critical medical equipment: We performed amputations of arms and legs daily, using a Gigli saw, a Civil War-era tool, essentially a segment of barbed wire. Many amputations couldā€™ve been avoided if weā€™d had access to standard medical equipment. It was a struggle trying to care for all the injured within the constructs of a healthcare system that has utterly collapsed.

I listened to my patients as they whispered their stories to me, as I wheeled them into the operating room for surgery. The majority had been sleeping in their homes, when they were bombed. I couldnā€™t help thinking that the lucky ones died instantaneously, either by the force of the explosion or being buried in the rubble. The survivors faced hours of surgery and multiple trips to the operating room, all while mourning the loss of their children and spouses. Their bodies were filled with shrapnel that had to be surgically pulled out of their flesh, one piece at a time.

I stopped keeping track of how many new orphans I had operated on. After surgery they would be filed somewhere in the hospital, Iā€™m unsure of who will take care of them or how they will survive. On one occasion, a handful of children, all about ages 5 to 8, were carried to the emergency room by their parents. All had single sniper shots to the head. These families were returning to their homes in Khan Yunis, about 2.5 miles away from the hospital, after Israeli tanks had withdrawn. But the snipers apparently stayed behind. None of these children survived.

On my last day, as I returned to the guest house where locals knew foreigners were staying, a young boy ran up and handed me a small gift. It was a rock from the beach, with an Arabic inscription written with a marker: ā€œFrom Gaza, With Love, Despite the Pain.ā€ As I stood on the balcony looking out at Rafah for the last time, we could hear the drones, bombings and bursts of machine-gun fire, but something was different this time: The sounds were louder, the explosions were closer.

This week, Israeli forces raided another large hospital in Gaza, and theyā€™re planning a ground offensive in Rafah. I feel incredibly guilty that I was able to leave while millions are forced to endure the nightmare in Gaza. As an American, I think of our tax dollars paying for the weapons that likely injured my patients there. Already driven from their homes, these people have nowhere else to turn.

Irfan Galaria is a physician with a plastic and reconstructive surgery practice in Chantilly, Va.
ALL Hamas has ever had to do to stop the Israeli incursion is RETURN ALL of the hostages.

Hamas refuses to free all hostages, has murdered some whole hostages, and is the ONLY one responsible for the displaced of the GAZA population and any conditions they experience.

Experience which includes Hamas stealing as many AID trucks coming into Gaza and letting its population do with hardly anything, or what does get through.

Repeat after me:

Hamas....Return all the Hostages, alive and dead.

That is all it is going to take to end this war.
Anyone who knows anything about Middle Eastern realities knows about the West's egregious pro Israel bias that has effective duped the lazy and gullible into swallowing Hasbara propaganda hook, line and sinker.

Those who blindly support any and every Israeli crime and atrocity with a full stomach from the comfort of a dry and warm home are clueless as to the misery their favorite Zionist henchmen inflict far far away.

Even the Japanese who are far removed from the conflict have noticed that the pro Israel bias is so egregious in US MSM that it looks like "...a Netanyahu ad/"

- ā€œU.S. media coverage reveals a pro-Israel biasā€

EXCERPT ā€œWhy does TV news look like a Netanyahu ad?ā€ asked Chris McGreal of The Guardian on July 31, in his article on the ā€œnotoriously pro-Israel mainstream media in the U.S.ā€ CONTINUED

- ā€œStudies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western mediaā€

EXCERPT ā€œMainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.

Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ā€˜usā€™. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with," CONTINUED
You would have to prove that Israel has committed ANY crimes to begin with.

But none of you can, because Israel has not committed any crimes defending its territory, sovereignty and population. ALL off its population which Hamas did not distinguish from. Jews, Muslims, Druze, Bedouins, Christians, they have all been murdered and kidnapped by Hamas.

Hamas is a barbaric terrorist organization which has no scrupulous to hide behind children, women and men and to see THEM die along with them.

There is no assumption at about Hamas or the PA. They want the destruction of Israel, since 1920 and especially since 1948 and that is all they can think about and do all of their lives.

You do not want to acknowledge it, not one of you, fine. Israel does not need anyone's permission to defend itself and put an end to the most horrific terrorists who dared to invade Israel and butchered 1200 Jews and non Jews and cheer about it.

You are pro Hamas, think like Hamas, that is on you.
In what way is Al-Jazeera controlled by the Israeli govt?

Maybe you prefer Gaza covered only by the Qatari state channel...

The most effective way to silence truthful reporting is to simply kill, harass and censor those reporting what you don't want the world to know:

"Israelā€™s wartime assault on the free press"

EXCERPT "With dozens of reporters dead in Gaza and others harassed and censored inside Israel, experts are deeply concerned about press freedom in ā€œthe Middle Eastā€™s only democracy.ā€

The Gaza war has proved one of the deadliest conflicts for journalists in recent memory.

At least 63 journalists and media workers have been killed over the course of the war as of December 8, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. Thatā€™s as many as were killed during the entire two-decade Vietnam War by some counts." CONTINUED
The most effective way to silence truthful reporting is to simply kill, harass and censor those reporting what you don't want the world to know:

"Israelā€™s wartime assault on the free press"

EXCERPT "With dozens of reporters dead in Gaza and others harassed and censored inside Israel, experts are deeply concerned about press freedom in ā€œthe Middle Eastā€™s only democracy.ā€

The Gaza war has proved one of the deadliest conflicts for journalists in recent memory.

At least 63 journalists and media workers have been killed over the course of the war as of December 8, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. Thatā€™s as many as were killed during the entire two-decade Vietnam War by some counts." CONTINUED

Another template to evade the absurd bs of your previous post.
Doesn't seem you can even string an original sentence...

How is Al-Jazeera controlled by Israel?
They openly admit being genocidal maniacs.
They openly admit that most over 5 have been indoctrinated in the "summer camps" to kill Jews.

Since you and others can only deny what has been for years exposed as an ONLY education towards hating Jews and Israel and killing as many Jews and destroying Israel, than OF COURSE all you are going to be repeating is how "horrible and barbaric" Israel is, so on and so forth.

There is no Apartheid in Israel. There is Apartheid in Gaza and the PA, in Jordan, in Saudi Arabia, etc.

There is freedom of religion in Israel. Not in those places. By all means continue to demonize Israel for being an open country for all and for protecting and defending ALL.

All Hamas has to do is release the hostages. DO YOU NOT agree?

What is Hamas waiting for?
Youā€™re uninformed. Stop consuming state controlled propaganda.
Videos taken by Hamas itself during the carnage of 10/7 are Israel state sponsored ? Amazing how you insist on doing the reversal role, just like Russia, Iran and all other authoritarian States.

You deny that Hamas forces people and children as human shields for fear of dying?

Yeah, like I am really supposed to believe that you do not know they actually do that.
The most effective way to silence truthful reporting is to simply kill, harass and censor those reporting what you don't want the world to know:

"Israelā€™s wartime assault on the free press"

EXCERPT "With dozens of reporters dead in Gaza and others harassed and censored inside Israel, experts are deeply concerned about press freedom in ā€œthe Middle Eastā€™s only democracy.ā€

The Gaza war has proved one of the deadliest conflicts for journalists in recent memory.

At least 63 journalists and media workers have been killed over the course of the war as of December 8, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. Thatā€™s as many as were killed during the entire two-decade Vietnam War by some counts." CONTINUED
Those "Free Press" were Hamas fighters shooting at IDF.

Try again.

By hurling false accusations and creating a fundamentally distorted reality, the Palestinian Authority is trying to turn a conflict that should be resolved through direct negotiations and without external impositions into a one-sided and improper legal process designed to adopt an extremist and distorted narrative according to which the Palestinians have no responsibilities and Israel has no rights, which has nothing to do with justice.

After the 7 October massacre, which shockingly was not mentioned at all by the Palestinians in their deliberations, during which Hamas terrorists slaughtered, executed, murdered and raped systematically and with premeditation over 1200 citizens of the State of Israel, those who call for a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from Judea and Samaria without conditions and without negotiations are in fact calling for another massacre of Israeli citizens.

The Palestinian leadership's attempt to transform the international system into a political tool to attack Israel harms both global trust in the international legal system and the chances of reaching a resolution of the conflict.

For years, the Palestinian leadership has rejected direct negotiations to resolve the conflict, while fostering incitement to terrorism, promoting antisemitism and providing financial incentives to terrorists who murder Jews. All of this was hidden from the Court in the distorted and one-sided questions posed to it by the General Assembly, which endeavor to predetermine the results of the proceedings without regard to the basic principles of international law and the legal framework that applies to the conflict.

The Court should refrain from participating in this media circus and determine that the Palestinians should return to the existing legal frameworks in order to resolve the conflict through direct negotiations between the parties.

By hurling false accusations and creating a fundamentally distorted reality, the Palestinian Authority is trying to turn a conflict that should be resolved through direct negotiations and without external impositions into a one-sided and improper legal process designed to adopt an extremist and distorted narrative according to which the Palestinians have no responsibilities and Israel has no rights, which has nothing to do with justice.

After the 7 October massacre, which shockingly was not mentioned at all by the Palestinians in their deliberations, during which Hamas terrorists slaughtered, executed, murdered and raped systematically and with premeditation over 1200 citizens of the State of Israel, those who call for a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from Judea and Samaria without conditions and without negotiations are in fact calling for another massacre of Israeli citizens.

The Palestinian leadership's attempt to transform the international system into a political tool to attack Israel harms both global trust in the international legal system and the chances of reaching a resolution of the conflict.

For years, the Palestinian leadership has rejected direct negotiations to resolve the conflict, while fostering incitement to terrorism, promoting antisemitism and providing financial incentives to terrorists who murder Jews. All of this was hidden from the Court in the distorted and one-sided questions posed to it by the General Assembly, which endeavor to predetermine the results of the proceedings without regard to the basic principles of international law and the legal framework that applies to the conflict.

The Court should refrain from participating in this media circus and determine that the Palestinians should return to the existing legal frameworks in order to resolve the conflict through direct negotiations between the parties.

All Americans are subject to a massive government media complex propaganda campaign. Some of us can overcome this effort and some like you canā€™t.

Get informed. Unless you really are Mossad. Then there is no hope.
All Americans are subject to a massive government media complex propaganda campaign. Some of us can overcome this effort and some like you canā€™t.

Get informed. Unless you really are Mossad. Then there is no hope.
Generalizing does not help.

It is a Russian, Chinese and Iranian effort to make Israel look like the guilty party.

Mossad, IDF, or anything does not matter.

Whether you a Russian, Iranian or Chinese agent also does not matter.

I am posting the facts as even the people of Gaza who are not supporters of Hamas know. The facts are coming from Hamas itself, and everything which continues to be found about their plans.

Your inversion attempts are extremely weak when confronted with facts.

Again, the war will be over once the hostages are released. Hamas refuses to release them.

So, are you for the release of the hostages and ending of the battles or not?
Sure, here is the article:

In late January, I left my home in Virginia, where I work as a plastic and reconstructive surgeon and joined a group of physicians and nurses traveling to Egypt with the humanitarian aid group MedGlobal to volunteer in Gaza.

I have worked in other war zones. But what I witnessed during the next 10 days in Gaza was not war ā€” it was annihilation. At least 28,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israelā€™s bombardment of Gaza. From Cairo, Egyptā€™s capital, we drove 12 hours east to the Rafah border. We passed miles of parked humanitarian aid trucks because they werenā€™t allowed into Gaza. Aside from my team and other envoy members from the United Nations and World Health Organization, there were very few others there.

Entering southern Gaza on Jan. 29, where many have fled from the north, felt like the first pages of a dystopian novel. Our ears were numb with the constant humming of what I was told were the surveillance drones that circled constantly. Our noses were consumed with the stench of 1 million displaced humans living in close proximity without adequate sanitation. Our eyes got lost in the sea of tents. We stayed at a guest house in Rafah. Our first night was cold, and many of us couldnā€™t sleep. We stood on the balcony listening to the bombs, and seeing the smoke rise from Khan Yunis.

As we approached the European Gaza Hospital the next day, there were rows of tents that lined and blocked the streets. Many Palestinians gravitated toward this and other hospitals hoping it would represent a sanctuary from the violence ā€” they were wrong.

People also spilled into the hospital: living in hallways, stairwell corridors and even storage closets. The once-wide walkways designed by the European Union to accommodate the busy traffic of medical staff, stretchers and equipment were now reduced to a single-file passageway. On either side, blankets hung from the ceiling to cordon off small areas for entire families, offering a sliver of privacy. A hospital designed to accommodate about 300 patients was now struggling to care for more than 1,000 patients and hundreds more seeking refuge.

There were a limited number of local surgeons available. We were told that many had been killed or arrested, their whereabouts or even their existence unknown. Others were trapped in occupied areas in the north or nearby places where it was too risky to travel to the hospital. There was only one local plastic surgeon left and he covered the hospital 24/7. His home had been destroyed, so he lived in the hospital, and was able to stuff all of his personal possessions into two small hand bags. This narrative became all too common among the remaining staff at the hospital. This surgeon was lucky, because his wife and daughter were still alive, although almost everyone else working in the hospital was mourning the loss of their loved ones.

I began work immediately, performing 10 to 12 surgeries a day, working 14 to 16 hours at a time. The operating room would often shake from the incessant bombings, sometimes as frequent as every 30 seconds. We operated in unsterile settings that wouldā€™ve been unthinkable in the United States. We had limited access to critical medical equipment: We performed amputations of arms and legs daily, using a Gigli saw, a Civil War-era tool, essentially a segment of barbed wire. Many amputations couldā€™ve been avoided if weā€™d had access to standard medical equipment. It was a struggle trying to care for all the injured within the constructs of a healthcare system that has utterly collapsed.

I listened to my patients as they whispered their stories to me, as I wheeled them into the operating room for surgery. The majority had been sleeping in their homes, when they were bombed. I couldnā€™t help thinking that the lucky ones died instantaneously, either by the force of the explosion or being buried in the rubble. The survivors faced hours of surgery and multiple trips to the operating room, all while mourning the loss of their children and spouses. Their bodies were filled with shrapnel that had to be surgically pulled out of their flesh, one piece at a time.

I stopped keeping track of how many new orphans I had operated on. After surgery they would be filed somewhere in the hospital, Iā€™m unsure of who will take care of them or how they will survive. On one occasion, a handful of children, all about ages 5 to 8, were carried to the emergency room by their parents. All had single sniper shots to the head. These families were returning to their homes in Khan Yunis, about 2.5 miles away from the hospital, after Israeli tanks had withdrawn. But the snipers apparently stayed behind. None of these children survived.

On my last day, as I returned to the guest house where locals knew foreigners were staying, a young boy ran up and handed me a small gift. It was a rock from the beach, with an Arabic inscription written with a marker: ā€œFrom Gaza, With Love, Despite the Pain.ā€ As I stood on the balcony looking out at Rafah for the last time, we could hear the drones, bombings and bursts of machine-gun fire, but something was different this time: The sounds were louder, the explosions were closer.

This week, Israeli forces raided another large hospital in Gaza, and theyā€™re planning a ground offensive in Rafah. I feel incredibly guilty that I was able to leave while millions are forced to endure the nightmare in Gaza. As an American, I think of our tax dollars paying for the weapons that likely injured my patients there. Already driven from their homes, these people have nowhere else to turn.

Irfan Galaria is a physician with a plastic and reconstructive surgery practice in Chantilly, Va.
Itā€™s an unbelievable horror show, only itā€™s real. How can this be happening in 2024? I suppose thatā€™s a dumb question, because we as a species have learned nothing from history.

Iā€™m hopeful the government controlled media (of which the LA Times is a member) will finally expose the horrors Israel is committing.
Itā€™s an unbelievable horror show, only itā€™s real. How can this be happening in 2024? I suppose thatā€™s a dumb question, because we as a species have learned nothing from history.

Iā€™m hopeful the government controlled media (of which the LA Times is a member) will finally expose the horrors Israel is committing.
That was a dumb question because you are making believe that Russia's war on Ukraine does not exist, the assault on Sudan, Rwanda, Syria by its own government do not exist and have not killed more people than the war Hamas started.

Authoritarians have learned nothing from history, only that they want power and more power and more territory which is exactly what Hamas was about on 10/7.

Stop philosophizing your false philosophies and answer:

Should Hamas release all the hostages, alive and dead to end the war they started OR NOT ????
Itā€™s an unbelievable horror show, only itā€™s real. How can this be happening in 2024? I suppose thatā€™s a dumb question, because we as a species have learned nothing from history.

Iā€™m hopeful the government controlled media (of which the LA Times is a member) will finally expose the horrors Israel is committing.
And to your dumb question in your signature, why is Israel leveling building?

Because Hamas fires rockets from all of those civilian buildings turning them into legal targets in a war PER International War law.

I will be only too happy to answer any more of your dumb questions.
Any scheduled protest by the so called "pro-palestine" against Gaza leadership for using their hospitals towards...murdering?
They would get shot, as it has happened before, by Hamas and Islamic Jihad

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