Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

You still don't seem to understand the true meaning of the term "Gaslighting" which comes from a 1944 movie named "Gaslight".
Please either watch the movie to understand its meaning.
It is a form of primarily domestic abuse that is used to make someone else question their own sanity.

I am simply stating facts, quotes and asking questions that you either deny, distort, ignore or deliberately evade.

For example, I wrote that there are about 1.8 Billion Muslims in the world, not "1/8 Billion".

1.8 Billion is 1,800,000,000, not 1/8 of 1,000,000,000.

There are also about 15.7 Million Jews in the world.
That 1.8 Billion Muslims vastly outnumber the world's 15.7 Million Jews is a simple fact, not an opinion.

I am not saying that because Muslims vastly outnumber Jews that they deserve all of Palestine. I am simply stating that Israelis have a choice.

They can either return most of the illegal "Settlements" and negotiate in good faith for a just and durable peace.


They can allow the corrupt Netanyahu (1) to continue his illegal and provocative "Greater Israel" expansionism and incur even greater resistance and constant attacks.

In other words, you can have either illegal "Settlements" and criminal expansionism or a more peaceful existence but not both.

Do you really think that because your mythology / religion claims that you are the "Chosen People" that you are entitled to other people's land?

Finally, I can't find a single person who supports Netanyahu's genocidal agenda that can articulate Netanyahu's End Game or any final objective other than just killing as many Palestinians as the world will tolerate.

Do you really think that you will be any more secure in 4 - 6 months after Netanyahu kills another 30,000+ Palestinians?


(1). "Netanyahu corruption trial resumes, as war rages on"

EXCERPT "Netanyahu’s corruption trial first began in January 2020, making him the first sitting Israeli prime minister to appear in court as a defendant, on trial for charges of fraud, breach of trust and bribery. He denies any wrongdoing." CONTINUED

What a weasel.

More of the same gaslighting, because you cannot address the actual opinions and motives of the real people involved in the conflict - for you both Israelis and Gazans are only an
ideological construct, deplorable in the game of Arab imperialism.

Who pretends to care, while treating Gazans as commodity?

As you admit, it's intended abuse,
which has nothing to do with land or justice,
because there's nothing to it but greed for power.

The "mistake" of downplaying Muslim numbers, on which you've wasted an entire paragraph - was exactly to demonstrate that bottom line, once all the gaslighting and virtue signaling fail,
there's nothing to it, but an argument from a position of power, or simply put, racket.
In fact, the only common denominator in all Middle East wars - Arab imperialism.

Indeed, Jews know they have a choice, that's fundamental to Israel's success.
Arabs simply assume no agency, entitled to mass degeneracy,
and Jihad against the infidel over several continents.

That degeneracy was there long before any "settlements",
and long before any Zionist ever shot a single bullet.
in fact those settlements were built in response
to Arab violence, the proof is in the pudding.

Now, reminding the world, that it takes only a handful of Jews
to stand up to the threat of 1/8 billion Muslims is supposed to intimidate?

Or you think those 1/8 billion Muslims are mindless clones,
without the ability to think, and so easily manipulated to
blow themselves up for an A-Jazeera item? Grow up.

The MENA region has many national minorities, aspiring to Israel as an example.
At some point, every war against Israel, further signals weakness to the infidels.

Entitlement of this land to a specific nation, is fundamental fact of Eastern and Western civilizations, and more broadly the norm of human society. It's usually the people who
can't even pronounce "P - alestine" without learning a foreign language, that deny it,
only to lecture about the entitlement to exclusive Arab domination over MENA.

Do you think the Arab-Muslim "world" can progress anywhere enslaving minorities,
without a humiliating backlash, or that it's immune to the same mistakes that
failed the Ottoman empire?

This may take you some years to realize,
but then don't complain seeing how 7th Oct.
resulted in another fundamental reform of Islam.

So if you still have to ask about "the day after", it's due to self-delusion,
as the attempt to overthrow PM Netanyahu, for a more predictable adversary.

Tell you what Grau, when you do get to learn about the Muslim extremism and taking over other people's lands, like the one in the post above, you may come over and ask questions about a war Israel did not ask for and one which Israel is going to finish it the way any Democracy which is forced into a war would.

There are no illegal settlements in Area C, per the Oslo Accords, and you may believe any and all lies the Arabs tell you because you are good at believing them.

You will find plenty of Muslims and Christians and Druze and Bedouin IN Israel and around the world who do support Israel's right to defend itself and destroy Hamas in Gaza.

Hamas had been warned too many times and chose to do what it did on 10/7. Actions have consequences and this is the consequence of not going on with their lives after Israel left in 2005 and choosing to continue this Muslim obsession and disgusting view of Jews, where Jews have no rights. Much less the right to their own Nation because a few extremist Muslims and Christians say so.

When the war is over and Hamas is taken over, then.....we shall see what is going to happen.

YOU do not decide who the citizens of Israel vote for. Muslims, Jews, Christians, Druze and Bedouins will vote for whoever they wish to vote for. If it turns out to be Netanyahu, it is none of your business. If it is not....STILL none of your business.

Well, Sixties Fan, when you have lived among the Muslims of the region for 10 - 11 months, sleeping in parks, around mosques, archeological ruins, and in the homes / tents of people whose generosity and hospitality exceeded that of any part of the world I have seen, then you can lecture others knowledgeably about how Muslims feel about extremism and taking over other people's lands.

When you have spent thousands of hours in village squares and town parks listening to what everyday Muslims think about Jews, terrorism, Americans and ruling the world etc, then you can talk with some credibility about what those "Evil Muslims" think and want.

The differences between Muslim extremism and expansionism and Zionist extremism and expansionism is that Americans fund both blood and with $ Trillions for Zionist extremism and expansionism while Muslim extremists are sanctioned by the US Government.

In all of your comments, you ignore the proverbial elephant in the room.

That "elephant" is the indisputable fact that Palestine's long pre existing Muslim population was displaced primarily by foreign Jews and the first and most accurate 1922 British Mandatory Palestine Census and Survey shows that Jews comprised only 12% of the population of Palestine.

No matter how many entirely unrelated ancient Hebrew warriors you want to trot out, the Old Testament is not a "Bill of Sale".

In other words, neither today's modern day Israelis nor the earlier Nazi trained and armed Zionist terrorist gangs who destroyed 500 Palestinian villages and butchered their residents are any more related to the ancient Hebrew warriors than they are to the Eskimos.

The first Israelis of 1948 asked for perpetual war the day they declared themselves masters over Palestine's native residents and owners of their land.

There are no illegal settlements in Area C, per the Oslo Accords, and you may believe any and all lies the Arabs tell you because you are good at believing them.
It's not just the Arabs but every government in the world, except Israel, that considers the "Settlements" to be illegal. (1)

Once again, there's not a thing that you have asserted that I have not been able to easily debunk.

Next, it is only Israel's army of paid, trained and scripted Hasbara trolls and the professionally deceived who need to call Netanyahu's genocidal foray a "war" and and regard the deliberate starvation of Gaza's homeless refugees as "Israel defending itself".

If this is a "war", where is the Hamas Air Force?
Where is Hamas' Navy?
Where are Hamas' tanks, helicopter gunships, jet fighters and bombers?

If Israel is "defending itself", what is IDF doing "mowing the lawn" in Gaza recklessly killing half naked hostages waving white flags, machine gunning homeless, sick and hungry unarmed civilians in a line for food?

How is Israel "defending itself by inflicting another Holodomor on Gaza's civilians? (2)

When the war is over and Hamas is taken over, then.....we shall see what is going to happen.

Once again, you are simply showing how little you know about Levantine realities as Israel's ruling right wing will never stop its systematic extermination of Palestine's native residents and theft of their land.

You don't have to wait and see "... what is going to happen." because I can tell you.

The Netanyahu regime will continue to kill and expel Palestine's native residents until either the region goes up in flames, rational Israelis depose Netanyahu and his genocidal henchmen or loyal Americans drag their politicians out of AIPAC's pocket and make them pull the plug on 80 years of Zionist genocide.

Please look at the map I've provided until you can see that the systematic extermination and theft of Arab land is no more acceptable than the same treatment of Europe's Jews long ago.

Enjoy your weekend,

(1) "International law and Israeli settlements"​

EXCERPTS "At present, based on the result of numerous UN resolutions that cite Article 49 of the Geneva Convention, the consensus view of the international community is that Israeli settlements are illegal and constitute a violation of international law.[1][2][3][l][m] According to Tim Franks from the BBC, as of 2008 every government in the world, except Israel, considered the settlements to be illegal.

The establishment of settlements has been described by some legal experts as a war crime according to the Rome Statute (to which Israel is not a party), and is currently under investigation as part of the International Criminal Court investigation in Palestine." CONTINUED

(2). "Israel is deliberately starving Palestinians, UN rights expert says"

EXCERPT "Israel is intentionally starving Palestinians and should be held accountable for war crimes – and genocide, according to the UN’s leading expert on the right to food.

Hunger and severe malnutrition are widespread in the Gaza Strip, where about 2.2 million Palestinians are facing severe shortages resulting from Israel destroying food supplies and severely restricting the flow of food, medicines and other humanitarian supplies. Aid trucks and Palestinians waiting for humanitarian relief have come under Israeli fire.

“There is no reason to intentionally block the passage of humanitarian aid or intentionally obliterate small-scale fishing vessels, greenhouses and orchards in Gaza – other than to deny people access to food,” Michael Fakhri, the UN special rapporteur on the right to food, told the Guardian." CONTINUED
Well, Sixties Fan, when you have lived among the Muslims of the region for 10 - 11 months, sleeping in parks, around mosques, archeological ruins, and in the homes / tents of people whose generosity and hospitality exceeded that of any part of the world I have seen, then you can lecture others knowledgeably about how Muslims feel about extremism and taking over other people's lands.

When you have spent thousands of hours in village squares and town parks listening to what everyday Muslims think about Jews, terrorism, Americans and ruling the world etc, then you can talk with some credibility about what those "Evil Muslims" think and want.

The differences between Muslim extremism and expansionism and Zionist extremism and expansionism is that Americans fund both blood and with $ Trillions for Zionist extremism and expansionism while Muslim extremists are sanctioned by the US Government.

In all of your comments, you ignore the proverbial elephant in the room.

That "elephant" is the indisputable fact that Palestine's long pre existing Muslim population was displaced primarily by foreign Jews and the first and most accurate 1922 British Mandatory Palestine Census and Survey shows that Jews comprised only 12% of the population of Palestine.

No matter how many entirely unrelated ancient Hebrew warriors you want to trot out, the Old Testament is not a "Bill of Sale".

In other words, neither today's modern day Israelis nor the earlier Nazi trained and armed Zionist terrorist gangs who destroyed 500 Palestinian villages and butchered their residents are any more related to the ancient Hebrew warriors than they are to the Eskimos.

The first Israelis of 1948 asked for perpetual war the day they declared themselves masters over Palestine's native residents and owners of their land.

It's not just the Arabs but every government in the world, except Israel, that considers the "Settlements" to be illegal. (1)

Once again, there's not a thing that you have asserted that I have not been able to easily debunk.

Next, it is only Israel's army of paid, trained and scripted Hasbara trolls and the professionally deceived who need to call Netanyahu's genocidal foray a "war" and and regard the deliberate starvation of Gaza's homeless refugees as "Israel defending itself".

If this is a "war", where is the Hamas Air Force?
Where is Hamas' Navy?
Where are Hamas' tanks, helicopter gunships, jet fighters and bombers?

If Israel is "defending itself", what is IDF doing "mowing the lawn" in Gaza recklessly killing half naked hostages waving white flags, machine gunning homeless, sick and hungry unarmed civilians in a line for food?

How is Israel "defending itself by inflicting another Holodomor on Gaza's civilians? (2)

Once again, you are simply showing how little you know about Levantine realities as Israel's ruling right wing will never stop its systematic extermination of Palestine's native residents and theft of their land.

You don't have to wait and see "... what is going to happen." because I can tell you.

The Netanyahu regime will continue to kill and expel Palestine's native residents until either the region goes up in flames, rational Israelis depose Netanyahu and his genocidal henchmen or loyal Americans drag their politicians out of AIPAC's pocket and make them pull the plug on 80 years of Zionist genocide.

Please look at the map I've provided until you can see that the systematic extermination and theft of Arab land is no more acceptable than the same treatment of Europe's Jews long ago.

Enjoy your weekend,

(1) "International law and Israeli settlements"​

EXCERPTS "At present, based on the result of numerous UN resolutions that cite Article 49 of the Geneva Convention, the consensus view of the international community is that Israeli settlements are illegal and constitute a violation of international law.[1][2][3][l][m] According to Tim Franks from the BBC, as of 2008 every government in the world, except Israel, considered the settlements to be illegal.

The establishment of settlements has been described by some legal experts as a war crime according to the Rome Statute (to which Israel is not a party), and is currently under investigation as part of the International Criminal Court investigation in Palestine." CONTINUED

(2). "Israel is deliberately starving Palestinians, UN rights expert says"

EXCERPT "Israel is intentionally starving Palestinians and should be held accountable for war crimes – and genocide, according to the UN’s leading expert on the right to food.

Hunger and severe malnutrition are widespread in the Gaza Strip, where about 2.2 million Palestinians are facing severe shortages resulting from Israel destroying food supplies and severely restricting the flow of food, medicines and other humanitarian supplies. Aid trucks and Palestinians waiting for humanitarian relief have come under Israeli fire.

“There is no reason to intentionally block the passage of humanitarian aid or intentionally obliterate small-scale fishing vessels, greenhouses and orchards in Gaza – other than to deny people access to food,” Michael Fakhri, the UN special rapporteur on the right to food, told the Guardian." CONTINUED

Same UN "experts" who gave Iran the arms proliferation committee,

or the UNRWA employees feeding Gaza cats with meat?

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(available through Amazon)
The UN and others are accusing Israel of "using starvation as a weapon of war."

It is ridiculous. Israel has an entire section of the IDF. COGAT, dedicated to providing food and aid to Palestinians. Saying that Israel is deliberately trying to starve Gazans - which serves no military purpose, and in fact is counterproductive - is simply another blood libel.

The real problem is the world tying Israel's hands behind its back to destroy Hamas.

According to international law, a siege - a full blockade of all food that might reach Hamas - would be a legal form of warfare. Since Hamas steals the food, that would unfortunately mean stopping all food until Hamas surrenders.

As the US Law of War manual says:

Allowing passage of these items [food, medicine] is not required by the party controlling the area unless that party is satisfied that there are no serious reasons for fearing that:
• the consignments may be diverted from their destination;
• the control may not be effective; or
• a definite advantage may accrue to the military efforts or economy of the enemy.

But what about innocent Gazans? It might be legal to starve those who are near Hamas, but is it moral?

There was (and still is) a solution. They should have gone to Egypt or Jordan - with guarantees that they would return to Gaza when Hamas is gone. The international community would have happily funded camps and food in Egypt, with no war getting in the way to take care of the Gazans.

Egypt and Jordan didn't want them? So pressure them. Their economies depend on world support, and they could have made out quite well with billions coming in. Aren't human lives more important than two countries that have accepted millions of refugees from everywhere else changing their rules for Palestinians only?

Apparently not, when deaths can be blamed on Israel.

And that's the issue. If the world cared about Palestinians, the war could have been over by now, and the rebuilding could have started, as long as there are security guarantees for Israel. Is that so unreasonable?

But the world cares more about putting Israel into impossible positions and then blaming Israel when it cannot do everything perfectly with demands that no other nation at war ever had to follow.

Israel doesn't want to a single innocent person to die. The international community could have done things to save hundreds or thousands of lives, but they prefer virtue signaling and antisemitism.

Watching the war with any amount of objectivity and seeing how people are interpreting it is like being Alice in Wonderland. It is not human rights to allow Hamas to survive, yet the world is signaling clearly that this is the outcome they want.

The BBC Director-General, Tim Davie, appears to be well satisfied with the broadcasting organisation he runs. He told the Commons culture, media and sport committee this week that the BBC’s news coverage of the war in Gaza was “balanced and fair”.

This is what might be called a state of terminal pathological denial.

Far from being balanced and fair, the BBC’s coverage of the war in Gaza constitutes an institutional emergency. This national and international broadcasting icon, bound by its Charter obligations to uphold the highest standards of balance and objectivity, has behaved as the broadcasting arm of Hamas.

Day after day, its news coverage and analysis of the war in Gaza has been characterised by an eye-watering degree of selective reporting, distortion and malice. It has uncritically parroted demonstrably nonsensical Hamas claims, such as “30,000+ Palestinian civilians killed” of whom “70 per cent are women and children” — with not one of those killed, apparently, being a Hamas combatant despite Israel’s estimate that it has killed 13,000 Hamas combatants so far.

Day after day, it has broadcast harrowing pictures of Gazan civilian casualties without telling its audience that, even according to Hamas’s exaggerated figures, Israel’s ratio of under 1.5 civilians killed for every combatant is a vastly lower rate of civilian casualties in war than has ever been achieved by any other country’s armed forces, including Britain and America.

It has repeatedly reported alleged atrocities, inspiring public fury and outrage, only to find days later that these were false claims. On October 17, the BBC reported that an Israeli rocket hit al-Ahli hospital in Gaza, killing hundreds of Palestinian patients and staff. As Tom Gross has noted in Sapir journal:

A further BBC news report was headlined “Indescribable Scenes at Hospital.” Perhaps the scenes at the hospital were “indescribable” because the hospital hadn’t been hit at all. It was the hospital parking lot that had been hit, producing far fewer casualties. And it had not been hit by an Israeli bomb but by a misfired Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket, evidently fired from a nearby cemetery. Israel doesn’t bomb hospitals.
In November, the BBC reported that Israeli troops had targeted medical staff during a raid on the al Shifa medical complex in Gaza City. In fact, what the IDF spokesperson had said was:

Our medical teams and Arabic speakers are on the ground to ensure that these supplies reach those in need.
In December, the BBC accused Israeli troops of “carrying out summary executions in the Gaza Strip” of 137 Palestinian civilians and burying them in unmarked graves. Two weeks later, after pressure from Conservative MPs, it ran an apology for reporting this Hamas fabrication. But by the time it issued its grudging apologies for all these errors, the blood libels it had broadcast had incited further hatred of Israel in Britain and beyond.

The indefatigable researcher David Collier has painstakingly unearthed multiple examples of wholly compromised sources that the BBC uses for its pernicious coverage. Time after time, it relies on people who are Hamas supporters, terrorism sympathisers or Jew-haters. Collier has caught the BBC red-handed — and yet it still won’t acknowledge its gross and serial derelictions of duty.

Collier’s recent discoveries involved the BBC’s Orwellian “fact-checking” Verify team. On March 1, BBC Verify published a story about the 100-plus deaths that occurred during the chaos surrounding an aid convoy in Gaza. The story was built around the eyewitness testimony of a Palestinian journalist named Mahmoud Awadeyah, who claimed to the BBC that the Israelis had fired “purposefully” at the Gazan men approaching the aid trucks.

Collier discovered that this “journalist” worked for outlets connected to Hamas and the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard. Collier also found him celebrating deadly terrorist attacks, along with images of him dining with a leading Islamic Jihad terrorist. In response, the BBC merely doubled down and said:

The fact that someone has expressed an opinion on social media doesn’t automatically disqualify them from giving eye-witness testimony.
So to the BBC, celebrating terrorism is “expressing an opinion”.

(full article online)


[Many in Gaza got health care in Israel including the Hamas leaders who started the 10/7 war. There will be no more Gaza citizens allowed to work, or education or health care in Israel because the leaders chose to destroy Israel rather then have a strip which developed into a place for all Gazans to be proud of . These people went back to Gaza because they wanted to and their children were now ready and healthy for the trip back home]

Civilians were in Israel on October 7 as their children received life-saving surgery. They make plain they appreciate the care, even as some blame Israel for Gaza’s woes​

As Hamas terrorists were rampaging through Israeli communities on the morning of October 7, sick Gazan children were being treated in Israeli hospitals.

With a war now raging in Gaza, and the civilian Erez Crossing facility between Gaza and Israel destroyed during the Hamas onslaught, the kids and their families are unable to return home.

For now, and for the foreseeable future, they are stuck in the coastal city of Ashdod, living at Shevet Achim, an Israel-based Christian organization that brings children from neighboring countries into Israel for heart surgery.

In interviews, they express appreciation for the life-saving treatment their children are receiving from Israeli doctors, which is paid for by Israeli taxpayers, and for the medical staff they encounter in the hospitals.

Umm Yousef, who is in Israel for the first time with her 2-month-old nephew Hor, told The Times of Israel on Sunday that she did not hear anything positive about Israelis when she was growing up in Jabaliya.

“We were under occupation; what am I going to hear about them?” she asked.

(Full article online )


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