Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

[All it takes is any accusation ]

A young Palestinian named Karim Jabarin was hunted down in a West Bank hospital and accused of collaborating with Israel.

A Palestinian mob that included his parents and twin brother, brought him out to the street, tortured him, and then beheaded him.

Why would they try to prevent an eyewitness from testifying to the students?

Despite their desperate attempt, the event went as scheduled, and we had a full house of powerful young leaders.

We discussed the true nature of Hamas, and the false accusations of genocide, colonialism, and apartheid.

The crowd usually protests against establishments, systems, and governments. But to protest against an eyewitness is ridiculous.
What a weasel.

More of the same gaslighting, because you cannot address the actual opinions and motives of the real people involved in the conflict - for you both Israelis and Gazans are only an
ideological construct, deplorable in the game of Arab imperialism.

Who pretends to care, while treating Gazans as commodity?

As you admit, it's intended abuse,
which has nothing to do with land or justice,
because there's nothing to it but greed for power.

The "mistake" of downplaying Muslim numbers, on which you've wasted an entire paragraph - was exactly to demonstrate that bottom line, once all the gaslighting and virtue signaling fail,
there's nothing to it, but an argument from a position of power, or simply put, racket.
In fact, the only common denominator in all Middle East wars - Arab imperialism.

Indeed, Jews know they have a choice, that's fundamental to Israel's success.
Arabs simply assume no agency, entitled to mass degeneracy,
and Jihad against the infidel over several continents.

That degeneracy was there long before any "settlements",
and long before any Zionist ever shot a single bullet.
in fact those settlements were built in response
to Arab violence, the proof is in the pudding.

Now, reminding the world, that it takes only a handful of Jews
to stand up to the threat of 1/8 billion Muslims is supposed to intimidate?

Or you think those 1/8 billion Muslims are mindless clones,
without the ability to think, and so easily manipulated to
blow themselves up for an A-Jazeera item? Grow up.

The MENA region has many national minorities, aspiring to Israel as an example.
At some point, every war against Israel, further signals weakness to the infidels.

Entitlement of this land to a specific nation, is fundamental fact of Eastern and Western civilizations, and more broadly the norm of human society. It's usually the people who
can't even pronounce "P - alestine" without learning a foreign language, that deny it,
only to lecture about the entitlement to exclusive Arab domination over MENA.

Do you think the Arab-Muslim "world" can progress anywhere enslaving minorities,
without a humiliating backlash, or that it's immune to the same mistakes that
failed the Ottoman empire?

This may take you some years to realize,
but then don't complain seeing how 7th Oct.
resulted in another fundamental reform of Islam.

So if you still have to ask about "the day after", it's due to self-delusion,
as the attempt to overthrow PM Netanyahu, for a more predictable adversary.

Everything I've read about Israel's army of paid, trained and scripted Hasbara trolls warns that they resort to insults and slander when their Hasbara script doesn't work so I wasn't surprised to read the usual insults, distortions and delusions.

Why can't you answer any of the questions I asked with something other than the same old scripted Hasbara drivel and off topic evasions written by your fellow extremists?

Isn't it about time to wash your inflatable Netanyahu sex doll?

Everything I've read about Israel's army of paid, trained and scripted Hasbara trolls warns that they resort to insults and slander when their Hasbara script doesn't work so I wasn't surprised to read the usual insults, distortions and delusions.

Why can't you answer any of the questions I asked with something other than the same old scripted Hasbara drivel and off topic evasions written by your fellow extremists?

Isn't it about time to wash your inflatable Netanyahu sex doll?

This, from your other posts:

If this is a "war", where is the Hamas Air Force?
Where is Hamas' Navy?
Where are Hamas' tanks, helicopter gunships, jet fighters and bombers?"

And all other allegations you have made in your responses to Rylah and me only show how detached from reality you are and are going to continue to be.

1) Firing rockets from ANY civilian area or anywhere else, into a sovereign country is a declaration of war towards that country.

2) Invading a sovereign country and systematically murdering, burning, raping, etc 1200 people and kidnapping over 200 more Jews AND non a declaration of war.

3) France's resistance during WWII did not need planes, ships or anything else to attack the Germans who had invaded their country and had taken over it. They fought with what they had. THEY were a resistance group.

Hamas has all the weapons Iran has been able to send to it. So does Hezbollah and the Houthis who are firing rockets towards Israel with the intent of killing as many civilians as they can.

Planes and ships and whatever else are NOT a requirement to call an invasion, with the intention of killing and taking over territory, a declaration of war.

IT IS a declaration of war. Which is why Hezbollah started firing their rockets into Israel the day after and the Houthis did the same some time later.

ALL THREE have declared war on Israel the same way as many Muslim/Arab countries had done in 1948, 1967 and 1973.

You are a very DISHONEST poster where you want to control the narrative instead of calling what is happening WHAT IS actually happening.

I understand your views and where they come from.

And I also understand that you are never going to recognize Israel's right to exist, to defend herself and exist.

That is YOUR problem, not ours.

That Jews are legally in their own ancient homeland, what is left of the whole Mandate for Palestine which should have been all theirs, with the whole non Jewish population continuing to live there, unharmed. but now under Jewish sovereignty.

The Al Hussaini clan made a choice. A bad choice. And Arab/Muslims leaders have been making bad choices ever since.

The extreme Christians and Muslims want to see all Jews dissappear.

It is NOT going to happen, now or ever.

Israel is NOT going to disappear either.

I really do not care what you think and how vile your thoughts about Israel and Jewish rights are on this planet.

You are doing nothing but following the Christian and Muslim teachings against Jews which have been going on for the past 2000 years.

You are the only one not aware of it.

You stay that way. Unaware.
My covering of the attacks on Israel by Hamas on Saturday start on page 192 on this thread.

I have decided to keep all future updates and news on a separate thread starting with this video which encapsulates what Israel is, to all the people who live there:

Israel announces largest West Bank land seizure since 1993 during Blinken visit


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