Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

leading to history repeating itself. Moreover, Arafat was branded a liar by his security.

I told the Council that tomorrow, we will celebrate Purim and that the slogan, “and the opposite happened,” applies to today as well: whoever plans to destroy us will themselves be destroyed! I quoted from the Megillah, or Book of Esther, and emphasized that if the hostages return home and Hamas is destroyed, then we will have the privilege of saying, “The Jewish people had light and joy, gladness, happiness, and honor - for us and all humanity.”Watch the full speech in the link and retweet:


They're not protesters or human rights activists; they're terrorists, fanning followers by exploiting freedom to recruit for hate, racism, and anti-Semitism. Disguised as liberals, they employ liberty to promote radicalism and extremism, posing a threat to the USA and the West, not just #Israel and #Gaza.

Jordan, 1970:

PALESTINIANS attempt to overthrow the local Jordanian government, causing a massive military conflict within Jordan.
The Palestinians were then expelled.

Lebanon, 1975-1982:

The PALESTINIANS (those expelled from Jordan) created a mini-state within Lebanon, and were one of main contributors to Lebanon’s civil war.
The Palestinians were then expelled.

Kuwait, 1990:

The local PALESTINIANS supported the dictator Saddam Husain in its war against Kuwait, the country that hosted them.
The Palestinians were then expelled.

On a completely unrelated note, I wonder why no Arab country had offered to take in refugees from Gaza, and why Egypt built a HUGE wall at their border with Gaza.


10 questions for which I seek answers:

1- If Israel wanted to commit genocide, why does it send in soldiers on foot and risk their lives instead of just flattening Gaza from the air?

2- If Israel is an apartheid state, how are there anti Zionist Muslims in the Knesset, Israel’s parliament?

3- If Israel is ethnically cleansing the Palestinians for 75 years, how has the Palestinian population grown by millions since 1948?

4- If Israel occupied an Arab Palestinian state, when was this state established and what was its language and currency?

5- If Israel made up October 7th, who took the GoPro footage of the murders and rapes and why are Hamas boasting about it if it never happened?

6- If Israel is occupying Gaza; what was the Disengagement in 2005?

7- If what we are seeing today around the world is anti Zionism and not antisemitism, why are Jewish content creators online who have never stepped foot in Israel being harassed and verbally abused? Why are synagogues being attacked?

8- If Israel’s occupation is what caused Palestinian terror, why were Arabs massacring Jews before there was any occupation or even any state of Israel? See Hebron 1929.

9- If the Palestinians want a two state solution, why can’t you find a single leader of theirs who will say that Israel has a right to exist?

10- If Israel killed 30,000 innocent people in Gaza, if you believe those numbers, then how many terrorists has Israel killed?

Asking for a friend…

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