Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Both Chana and her husband were shot by gunmen while they were evacuating the kibbutz after over 24 hours of hiding in their safe rooms. Her husband survived, while Chana was ultimately killed.

Chana was born in Warsaw, Poland, and came to Israel as a baby with her parents. She moved to Be’eri at 15, as part of a youth movement aimed at building up the fledgling kibbutz, where she met her husband.

The pair raised their four children in the kibbutz, Chana working for decades in education and best known for establishing the Be’eri library.

Chana is survived by her husband, Zvi “Tziki” Kritzman, their four children, Tzafrir, Zohar, Noga, and Ziv, as well as 12 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

While she fought for her life after October 7th, her great-grandson was born in the very same hospital, a few floors away, and his brit mila was held the day she died. He was named Or, meaning light.

May Chana’s light and memory forever be a blessing.

This is anecdotal. On Wednesday I was with a group of other journalists at an off the record briefing from an Israeli official on this subject. He told us that a UN advisor told him he witnessed one of these trucks being held up by Hamas and stealing an incredible 90 per cent of the aid. When he asked why the UN official didn’t speak publicly about this he was told: 1) they didn’t want Israel to stop sending in the aid and 2) if they attacked Hamas the UN workers inside Gaza would be killed by them.

Whether you like Israel or not, it’s the only country fighting this disease, & we got to stand up & thank her for her courage & sacrifice to protect the world.

Am yisrael hai.

Chag #Purim Sameach.
[All it takes is any accusation ]

A young Palestinian named Karim Jabarin was hunted down in a West Bank hospital and accused of collaborating with Israel.

A Palestinian mob that included his parents and twin brother, brought him out to the street, tortured him, and then beheaded him.

And that's why there is no peace movement among the Palestinians.
This, from your other posts:

If this is a "war", where is the Hamas Air Force?
Where is Hamas' Navy?
Where are Hamas' tanks, helicopter gunships, jet fighters and bombers?"

And all other allegations you have made in your responses to Rylah and me only show how detached from reality you are and are going to continue to be.

1) Firing rockets from ANY civilian area or anywhere else, into a sovereign country is a declaration of war towards that country.

2) Invading a sovereign country and systematically murdering, burning, raping, etc 1200 people and kidnapping over 200 more Jews AND non a declaration of war.

3) France's resistance during WWII did not need planes, ships or anything else to attack the Germans who had invaded their country and had taken over it. They fought with what they had. THEY were a resistance group.

Hamas has all the weapons Iran has been able to send to it. So does Hezbollah and the Houthis who are firing rockets towards Israel with the intent of killing as many civilians as they can.

Planes and ships and whatever else are NOT a requirement to call an invasion, with the intention of killing and taking over territory, a declaration of war.

IT IS a declaration of war. Which is why Hezbollah started firing their rockets into Israel the day after and the Houthis did the same some time later.

ALL THREE have declared war on Israel the same way as many Muslim/Arab countries had done in 1948, 1967 and 1973.

You are a very DISHONEST poster where you want to control the narrative instead of calling what is happening WHAT IS actually happening.

I understand your views and where they come from.

And I also understand that you are never going to recognize Israel's right to exist, to defend herself and exist.

That is YOUR problem, not ours.

That Jews are legally in their own ancient homeland, what is left of the whole Mandate for Palestine which should have been all theirs, with the whole non Jewish population continuing to live there, unharmed. but now under Jewish sovereignty.

The Al Hussaini clan made a choice. A bad choice. And Arab/Muslims leaders have been making bad choices ever since.

The extreme Christians and Muslims want to see all Jews dissappear.

It is NOT going to happen, now or ever.

Israel is NOT going to disappear either.

I really do not care what you think and how vile your thoughts about Israel and Jewish rights are on this planet.

You are doing nothing but following the Christian and Muslim teachings against Jews which have been going on for the past 2000 years.

You are the only one not aware of it.

You stay that way. Unaware.

Since I have a life outside of USMB, I do not have time to address all of your falsehoods, delusion and evasions that you parrot the same Hasbara script.

You failed to make any distinction Palestinian resistance and the French resistance of WW 2 since, as you said, they both "... fought with what they had."
They fought with what they had.

No matter how many weasel words you trot out, the Gaza genocide is not a war and you still can't articulate how this can be a "war" when only one side has an Air Force (control of the skies), a Navy (control of the sea and coast), an Army with tanks and similar heavy weaponry for control of the land.

Israel's paid, trained and scripted Hasbara trolls now pretend that the entire Israel - Palestine conflict began on 7 October 2023.
They conveniently omit Netanyahu's repeatedly "mowing the lawn" aka: massacring Gaza civilians to reduce their population, Operations "Cast Lead", "Pillar of Cloud", "Cutting Edge" etc in which at least 10 Palestinians were murdered for each Israeli.

Of course you remain mute when it comes to the true cause of today's carnage which is relentless Zionist expansionism toward a "Greater Israel"
Peace seeking Jews and non Jews around the world condemn Likud's illegal "Settlements" but Likud and other right wing elements want them because they negate the possibility of a just and durable peace.
This same right wing much prefers war over peace so they can continue to steal more land and systematically exterminate Palestine's native population.

Israel's right wing gets rewarded for its illegal and provocative "Greater Israel" / "Lebensraum" in the form of $ Trillions in US military ordinance and cash extorted by AIPAC and the other Israeli lobbies that control America' Middle East policy making.

The tragic yet suspicious events on 7 October 2023 were so warmly welcomed by Israel's genocidal right wing that there is even more reason to believe that some right wing Israelis not only wanted such an attack but were complicit since Israel knew of the attack a year in advance.

It wouldn't be the first time that Jews have been willing to sacrifice other Jews for their "Greater Israel" (Lebensraum):

“If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical reckoning of the people of Israel.”

Ben-Gurion (Quoted on pp 855-56 in Shabtai Teveth’s Ben-Gurion in a slightly different translation).

I understand your views and where they come from.

And I also understand that you are never going to recognize Israel's right to exist, to defend herself and exist.

Either you're being characteristically dishonest or you understand neither my views or nor the topic at hand.

I have repeatedly acknowledged that Israel has was much of a right to exist as any country just as I have repeatedly written that Israel's government has the right to self defense.

Therefore you are either lying or aren't capable of reading and retaining written material

The deliberate mass murder of about 40,000 homeless, sick and starving civilians over a period of 5+ months is not "self defense" any more than the execution of 30 WW 2 civilians for every single occupier killed by resistance forces.

I really do not care what you think and how vile your thoughts about Israel and Jewish rights are on this planet.

My only "vile thoughts about Israel and Jewish rights..." are simply that they obey international law, stop their genocidal expansionism and demonstrate that they have learned something from their crassly exploited Holocaust other than how to commit mass murder and dupe naive Americans into paying for it.

By all means, keep spamming the board with endless Hasbara Tweets since you lack with the experience or knowledge to compose an original thought outside of your Hasbara Handbook.

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