Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Except for a few Palestinians who wouldn't fill a room (and half of them I'm friends with), the sweeping majority of Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and especially in North America have been cheering for every walking and talking dictator on the face of the planet over the past century. Their most "enlightened" Edward Said defended Saddam, not in 2003 when the war to topple him was controversial, but in 1991, when every person on the planet (including Bernie Sanders) voted for ejecting Saddam from Kuwait.

When Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1990, Palestinians called Kuwaitis the "Jews of the Gulf" and cheered for Saddam, until today.

When Iraqis were desperate to see brutal Saddam gone, Palestinians called Iraqis seeking freedom collaborators and agents of America and Israel. The first thing Iraqis did after Saddam's downfall in 2003 was to hurls rocks and kick 5,000 Palestinians out of Iraq. Ask any Iraqi today about Palestinians under Saddam. They'd tell you that Palestinians worked as Saddam's mokhabarat against Iraqis.

When Syrians revolted against Assad, Mahmud Abbas sent Assad dozens of congratulatory notes for his "re-election." Hamas first supported anti-Assad Islamists, then changed course and visited Assad and praised him. Even Ahed Al-Tamimi, the blond "lioness" from Nabi Saleh (in Area C of West Bank) praised Assad and Nasrallah repeatedly after she was released from prison.

When the Lebanese revolted against Assad and Hezbollah killing of Hariri, Palestinians took the side of Nasrallah and Assad, called the Lebanese Israeli stooges and Christian Right and called Hariri a Saudi agent. (Footnote: There is no country that the majority of Palestinians hates more than Saudi Arabia)

I supported the revolution against Assad since the Spring of Damascus in 2005, and everyday since 2011. I supported toppling of Saddam and every Arab revolution. I support Liberty, Freedom, Democracy and Peace with Israel. For doing so, the majority of Palestinians have hated me everyday, over the past 20 years.

Palestine is part of the problem, not the solution. The problem is within, not from outside (Israel or America or imperialism). Syrians unsuccessfully revolted against their demons (Assad) and were hit by other demons (Islamists). Iraqis have revolted several times since Iran takeover and so have the Lebanese.

Please don't try to carve a Palestinian exception and give them excuses. Palestinians are like all of us, Arabs. They have to look inward and get rid of their own demons. Only then, the'll be liberated. Land and sovereignty are details, and often tools of deflection away from the real internal problem.

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