Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

The flag of the State of Israel leads the Maronite celebrants in Palm Sunday. Where is the occupation? Where is the persecution? As promised, we insisted on filming the scenes directly so that the world can see that the Christians of Israel are living more freely than all the Christians of the Near East. They are safer and have more rights. God bless Israel #MLG

If you’re gonna make up a story at least make it more realistic than “they unleashed their dogs on us to eat Palestinians” FFS. The projection of this mentally ill society of Gazans is truly worthy of psychiatric research.

On another note, I look forward to evaluating the additional documentation, testimony, and witness statements from the Palestinians on the accusations of “rape.” As we know the entire time Palestinians and their “media” have been documenting everything with the cell phones they allegedly dont have electricity to charge. Surely there will be supporting evidence for such a grandiose claim. If it’s anything like previous accusations however, it’s simply a cynical ploy to distract from the mass campaign of sexual assault and rape which Hamas committed and has since ADMITTED in recorded statements as well as interrogations. This was also supported by subsequent witness testimonies and forensic evidence of sexual mutilated and assault.

Saturday 23.3.24--#IDF forces operated tonight in the village of Deir Ibazieh in the area of the Ephraim Brigade to map the home of the #terrorist Mujahid Barkhat Mansour, who carried out the shooting attack yesterday near the Parsa intersection in the Ephraim Region.

During the night before, the #IDF, Shin Bet & MGB forces arrested two suspects in #Nablus city & a wanted man in Kfar A-Ram. In #Tulkarm city in the Menasha region, #terrorist funds were confiscated & in Kharbata village another wanted person was arrested, there were no casualties to IDF forces.

So far, since the #October7 war, 3,600 wanted persons have been arrested throughout Judea & Samaria Division & Bekaot & Valleys Division, 1,600 are associated with #Hamas.

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