Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Here’s the question I’m left with, and hope I am wrong:Are the
failing to deliver the aid to the people of Gaza intentionally to increase international pressure and stop Israel from ridding us (all) of Hamas?

In the photo supplies awaiting inspection in Egypt. And also, @cogatonline
reported that this morning 142 trucks remain on the Gazan side of Kerem Shalom awaiting for the UN to deliver them to those in need.
[From the UNWRA educated Arabs who are taught that their land was stolen and to hate Jews. Nothing has changed since Mohammad ]


What if you could bottle the courage and resolve of the Israeli people since October 7th - with a Purim twist?

I present “Rachel’s Cookies.”

A delicious, refreshing Indian Pale Ale named after Israeli grandmother Rachel Edry from Ofakim.

Edry subdued five heavily armed Hamas terrorists that broke into her home on October 7th by feeding them home-baked delicacies and showing them some good old Israeli hospitality.

All while secretly communicating with an Israeli SWAT team that later stormed the house and took out the invaders. “Rachel from Ofakim” became a national hero, so much so that they've named a beer after her!

And the Purim twist?

Like Queen Esther, the ancient Heroine of Purim, Rachel Edry is also a Jew of Persian heritage.

Lchaim -to life

This is the fault of western liberal leaders who are putting public pressure on Israel about entering Rafah to get the hostages out. This includes the U.S. and France. Disgusting.

Western liberals would rather protect Palestinian civilians, who they view as innocent (even though every hostage that returns talks about being assaulted by Palestinian civilians and every October 7 survivor discusses Palestinian civilians as participants in the massacre), than to get their own county’s citizens back from captivity.

Liberalism is the direct enemy of the hostages.
You're a liar and frankly a Hamas useful idiot!!


"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser" Socrates

So, in addition being a coward who is careful to insult others from far away, you've only thing you've proven is that you can't refute anything that I've both written and supported.

Do you really think that anyone is in anyway influenced by craven and anonymous slander except for maybe your fellow angry and hate filled Hasbara shills.

You're angry because because the lies from your pathetic Hasbara script are laughably transparent.

You're full of hate for Palestine's native residents because you only know the bellicose demonization of Muslims that Hollywood and pro Israel MSM pours into your head (1).

If you'd ever been to the Middle East, you would know that all Muslims are not like the the "evil" TV Muslims that live in your head.

Finally, anytime you want to parrot one of your Hasbara scripts about how: "Israel is just defending itself." by deliberately starving about 2.2 million homeless, sick and long persecuted men, women and children,(1) feel free to give it a try.

Even the right wing residents of the country to which you are most loyal regard America's gaggle of traitorous "Israel Firsters" as suckers, or, "...inherently dupable people." (2)

In other words, you're shilling for a genocide of people you've been brainwashed to hate but have never met for a people who regard you as their ignorant sucker.

I'll leave it to rational readers to decide who is the real "useful idiot".

(1). "Israel is deliberately starving Palestinians, UN rights expert says"

EXCERPT "Israel is intentionally starving Palestinians and should be held accountable for war crimes – and genocide, according to the UN’s leading expert on the right to food.

Hunger and severe malnutrition are widespread in the Gaza Strip, where about 2.2 million Palestinians are facing severe shortages resulting from Israel destroying food supplies and severely restricting the flow of food, medicines and other humanitarian supplies. Aid trucks and Palestinians waiting for humanitarian relief have come under Israeli fire.

“There is no reason to intentionally block the passage of humanitarian aid or intentionally obliterate small-scale fishing vessels, greenhouses and orchards in Gaza – other than to deny people access to food,” Michael Fakhri, the UN special rapporteur on the right to food, told the Guardian." CONTINUED


What Do Israelis Think About Americans? Start With Disdain.

EXCERPT " Though Israel is a famously fractious society, Israelis tend to agree on one thing: Their strongest supporters are an inherently dupable people.

“Most Israelis think Americans are pro-Israel and we can sell them anything, especially mud from the Dead Sea,” said David Lifshitz, the lead writer for the Israeli comedy show “Eretz Nehederet,” or “Wonderful Land.”

“Or — just regular mud with a ‘Dead Sea’ sticker on it.”

But it’s not just American tourists whom many Israelis see as guileless. American foreign policy is held up to similar scrutiny here, even as Israel receives billions of dollars in foreign aid from the United States each year.

The naivete Israelis perceive in Americans is not just something they believe only Israel’s adversaries exploit; Israelis believe they can do so, too — and do. In a secretly recorded video of a 2001 discussion with a group of terror victims in the Ofra settlement in the Israeli occupied West Bank, now-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid out this widely held perception.

“I know what America is,” Netanyahu, told the settlers. “America is a thing that can be easily moved, moved in the right direction. CONTINUED

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