Issa pulls Race Card - makes false claims Cummings was labeling him racist

And the problem is there are many on the partisan right, such as Issa, attempting to contrive a controversy with the lie that the Obama Administration authorized the scrutiny of TPM applicants, and is now involved in a ‘conspiracy’ to ‘cover up’ that authorization.

These hearings are a fiasco because they’re nothing more than a partisan witch hunt, having nothing to do with ‘finding the truth,’ and everything with ‘getting rid of Obama.’

Naturally, that's why people have resigned over it and Lois Lerner refuses to testify, risking contempt of Congress.

Really, Clayton, when you accuse others of rabid partisanship my sides almost split from laughing so hard. There are few people on this forum more ignorantly partisan than you.
And Issa is still a dirtbag for pulling the race card -- accusing Cummings of calling him a racist re: "silencing the minority voice" -- when Cummings never did any such thing.


Well, if it's good enough for the Democrats why isn't it good enough for the Republicans? To hear a Democrat complain about the race card being used is even more entertaining than C_Clayton_Jones pretending he's objective.
No, Democrats didn't label Issa racist after Cummings tantrum as one lying thread title here reads.

The irrelevant Jessie Jackson tweeted a dumbass tweet. He was dead wrong, and beyond a random idiot here or there, no one is calling Issa a racist for that Cummings incident, and certainly Cummings isn't calling him that.

However, ISSA is claiming Cummings was leveling a charge of racism when Cummings said Issa was "shutting down the minority voice."

Check it out, Issa's excuso-rama with Megyn Kelly where he twisted Cummings comment about "shutting down the minority voice" into Cummings accusing Issa of racism --

"KELLY: So now even some Republicans are mad at you because they feel that you've distracted from what is a legitimate issue, and it's now become about, oh, does Darrell Issa want to shut down debate? As Elijah Cummings put it, does he want to shut out the minority voice? Is that what Republicans stand for? Shutting down -- not minority African- American, minority in the House -- the Democrats' voice?

ISSA: Well, actually, the accusation was that I was somehow anti-African-American. That kind of accusation I think is beneath response."
Issa: 'I broke no rules' adjourning IRS hearing | Interviews | Fox News

She even tried to give him an out, by clarifying it for him,

and on he went ---> right for the racecard.

Pretty dirtball low of Issa.


Representative Camp in his release right after the hearing said that 83% of the groups were conservative. The actual documents they acquired from the IRS proved it. It doesn't matter that only 17% of these groups were liberal. Conservative groups were being singled out at a far greater clip. Meaning they were the main source of the scrutiny. PPV, please, stop being dishonest.
Representative Camp in his release right after the hearing said that 83% of the groups were conservative. The actual documents they acquired from the IRS proved it. It doesn't matter that only 17% of these groups were liberal. Conservative groups were being singled out at a far greater clip. Meaning they were the main source of the scrutiny. PPV, please, stop being dishonest.

She can't. Democrats can no more stop being dishonest than they can sprout wings. It's what defines them.
Yes they did apologize...

Because they used questionable sorting tactics.

That's the problem. You guys can't seem to accept it wasn't all about the Tea Party.

But there is never an end to the conservative victimhood, so ride that pony all the way into the sunset, and Daryl, Daryl and his other brother Daryl fall flat on their face with another phony scandal.

"Late yesterday, Acting IRS Commissioner Danny Werful released a report that seemed to indicate that the “Be On The Lookout” lists utilized by IRS employees in charge of examining 501(c)(4) applications included not only words that tended to ensnare conservative organizations, but also those that would likely ensnare liberal/”progressive” organizations:

WASHINGTON — The instructions that Internal Revenue Service officials used to look for applicants seeking tax-exempt status with “Tea Party” and “Patriots” in their titles also included groups whose names included the words “Progressive” and “Occupy,” according to I.R.S. documents released Monday.

The documents appeared to back up contentions by I.R.S. officials and some Democrats that the agency did not intend to single out conservative groups for special scrutiny. Instead, the documents say, officials were trying to use “key word” shortcuts to find overtly political organizations — both liberal and conservative — that were after tax favors by saying they were social welfare organizations.

But the practice appeared to go much farther than that. One such “be on the lookout” list included medical marijuana groups, organizations that were promoting President Obama’s health care law, and applications that dealt “with disputed territories in the Middle East.”

Taken together, the documents seem to change the terms of a scandal that exploded over accusations that the I.R.S. had tried to stifle a nascent conservative political movement. Instead, the dispute now revolves around questionable sorting tactics used by I.R.S. application screeners.

The acting I.R.S. commissioner, Daniel I. Werfel, formally ordered an end to all such “lookout” lists on Monday when he issued an assessment of the controversy that has led to harsh criticism of the nation’s tax collector."

IRS ?Lookout Lists? Also Included Liberal Groups. So, Was It Bipartisan ?Targeting??

Never an end to conservative victimhood? Look at your fucking op & title ya moron.

Issa hurt the feelings of what looks l8ke a hyper partisan unintelligent IDIOT and I make a thread mocking the response from the left. Your reaction?

Create an IDENTICAL new thread where YOU can be the focal point. Such a douchebag and you don't even realize it.

Issa WAS CALLED A RACIST so fucking deal with it loser
No, Democrats didn't label Issa racist after Cummings tantrum as one lying thread title here reads.

The irrelevant Jessie Jackson tweeted a dumbass tweet. He was dead wrong, and beyond a random idiot here or there, no one is calling Issa a racist for that Cummings incident, and certainly Cummings isn't calling him that.

However, ISSA is claiming Cummings was leveling a charge of racism when Cummings said Issa was "shutting down the minority voice."

Check it out, Issa's excuso-rama with Megyn Kelly where he twisted Cummings comment about "shutting down the minority voice" into Cummings accusing Issa of racism --

"KELLY: So now even some Republicans are mad at you because they feel that you've distracted from what is a legitimate issue, and it's now become about, oh, does Darrell Issa want to shut down debate? As Elijah Cummings put it, does he want to shut out the minority voice? Is that what Republicans stand for? Shutting down -- not minority African- American, minority in the House -- the Democrats' voice?

ISSA: Well, actually, the accusation was that I was somehow anti-African-American. That kind of accusation I think is beneath response."
Issa: 'I broke no rules' adjourning IRS hearing | Interviews | Fox News

She even tried to give him an out, by clarifying it for him,

and on he went ---> right for the racecard.

Pretty dirtball low of Issa.

LOL please, "dirtball." The left plays the race card far too much and has stripped so much power from the word, its sad.

Kelly mentioned the racism and oppression accusations, not once but twice before she addressed Issa. read the entire interview.

Allegations of racism and oppression as Democrats demand the powerful Republican looking for answers in the IRS scandal lose his job. Welcome to "The Kelly File," everyone, I'm Megyn Kelly.


Today, the Reverend Jesse Jackson joined the argument, tweeting, "Congressman Darrell Issa's behavior was crude, wrong, racist and mean towards Congressman Elijah Cummings, do you agree?" He asked.

Also today, chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee Debbie Wasserman Schultz compared Chairman Issa's behavior to a dictator in Venezuela and to Russia and the Ukraine, oppressing the masses.

Just hours ago, Democrats pushed a former resolution to condemned Chairman Issa on the House floor. They wanted his leadership power stripped of him. That resolution died along party lines.

I think he was focused on that and not her question about the democratic voice. It has been a constant over the last many years, everyone is a racist according to the left. I believe the constant labeling has it so as soon as someone hears "minority" that is the first thing they think of.

As far as what he did, the dems, changed locks, turned off mics, lights and threatened to remove Issa with force for questioning. Maybe both parties need to learn how to act with more respect?
No, Democrats didn't label Issa racist after Cummings tantrum as one lying thread title here reads.

The irrelevant Jessie Jackson tweeted a dumbass tweet. He was dead wrong, and beyond a random idiot here or there, no one is calling Issa a racist for that Cummings incident, and certainly Cummings isn't calling him that.

However, ISSA is claiming Cummings was leveling a charge of racism when Cummings said Issa was "shutting down the minority voice."

Check it out, Issa's excuso-rama with Megyn Kelly where he twisted Cummings comment about "shutting down the minority voice" into Cummings accusing Issa of racism --

"KELLY: So now even some Republicans are mad at you because they feel that you've distracted from what is a legitimate issue, and it's now become about, oh, does Darrell Issa want to shut down debate? As Elijah Cummings put it, does he want to shut out the minority voice? Is that what Republicans stand for? Shutting down -- not minority African- American, minority in the House -- the Democrats' voice?

ISSA: Well, actually, the accusation was that I was somehow anti-African-American. That kind of accusation I think is beneath response."
Issa: 'I broke no rules' adjourning IRS hearing | Interviews | Fox News

She even tried to give him an out, by clarifying it for him,

and on he went ---> right for the racecard.

Pretty dirtball low of Issa.

Right, and Cummings was pretty low ball say ing he wanted to ask a question and then tried to make a statement, but I think you will overlook Cummings shortcomings, most partisan hacks will try to excuse it, what will you do?
No, Democrats didn't label Issa racist after Cummings tantrum as one lying thread title here reads.

The irrelevant Jessie Jackson tweeted a dumbass tweet. He was dead wrong, and beyond a random idiot here or there, no one is calling Issa a racist for that Cummings incident, and certainly Cummings isn't calling him that.

However, ISSA is claiming Cummings was leveling a charge of racism when Cummings said Issa was "shutting down the minority voice."

Check it out, Issa's excuso-rama with Megyn Kelly where he twisted Cummings comment about "shutting down the minority voice" into Cummings accusing Issa of racism --

"KELLY: So now even some Republicans are mad at you because they feel that you've distracted from what is a legitimate issue, and it's now become about, oh, does Darrell Issa want to shut down debate? As Elijah Cummings put it, does he want to shut out the minority voice? Is that what Republicans stand for? Shutting down -- not minority African- American, minority in the House -- the Democrats' voice?

ISSA: Well, actually, the accusation was that I was somehow anti-African-American. That kind of accusation I think is beneath response."
Issa: 'I broke no rules' adjourning IRS hearing | Interviews | Fox News

She even tried to give him an out, by clarifying it for him,

and on he went ---> right for the racecard.

Pretty dirtball low of Issa.

Right, and Cummings was pretty low ball say ing he wanted to ask a question and then tried to make a statement, but I think you will overlook Cummings shortcomings, most partisan hacks will try to excuse it, what will you do?
Yes, how dare! How dare! the ranking Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee should think he's entitled to talk.

How dare!
No, Democrats didn't label Issa racist after Cummings tantrum as one lying thread title here reads.

The irrelevant Jessie Jackson tweeted a dumbass tweet. He was dead wrong, and beyond a random idiot here or there, no one is calling Issa a racist for that Cummings incident, and certainly Cummings isn't calling him that.

However, ISSA is claiming Cummings was leveling a charge of racism when Cummings said Issa was "shutting down the minority voice."

Check it out, Issa's excuso-rama with Megyn Kelly where he twisted Cummings comment about "shutting down the minority voice" into Cummings accusing Issa of racism --

Issa: 'I broke no rules' adjourning IRS hearing | Interviews | Fox News

She even tried to give him an out, by clarifying it for him,

and on he went ---> right for the racecard.

Pretty dirtball low of Issa.

Right, and Cummings was pretty low ball say ing he wanted to ask a question and then tried to make a statement, but I think you will overlook Cummings shortcomings, most partisan hacks will try to excuse it, what will you do?
Yes, how dare! How dare! the ranking Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee should think he's entitled to talk.

How dare!

It is a Republican House.

Elections have consequences.

Some people might be wondering why I jumped on the race card so hard. It just so happened that I posted this only a few days earlier: ("The report" I refer to is Ryan's "War on Poverty" report which was release the day after the President's budget was release.)

The report opens with a little intro to the War on Poverty, a little overview, some background, and by the second page of text it gets right down to the causes of poverty. The first cause is, of course, family. And the first paragraph of that cause reads as such:

The Causes of Poverty
Perhaps the single most important determinant of poverty is family structure. It has been the subject of fierce academic debate since the Moynihan Report—named after its author, then-assistant secretary of labor Daniel Patrick Moynihan—was released in 1965. The Moynihan Report identified the Breakdown of the family as a key cause of poverty within the black community.8

(8) Daniel Moynihan, “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action.” U.S. Department of Labor, Mar. 1965.

This Moynihan Report must have really been something. It was not until this Moynihan Report was published that the debate on family structure began. Apparently the House Budget Committee has taken great reflection upon this ground breaking work while preparing their document. I just knew I had to get me some look at this document.
Exerpts from the first chapter of the report:

Chapter I. The Negro American Revolution
The Negro American revolution is rightly regarded as the most important domestic event of the postwar period in the United States.


(Such racist views have made progress within the Negro American community itself - which can hardly be expected to be immune to a virus that is endemic in the white community. The Black Muslim doctrines, based on total alienation from the white world, exert a powerful influence. On the far left, the attraction of Chinese Communism can no longer be ignored.)


The End of the Beginning
The major events of the onset of the Negro revolution are now behind us.

The political events were three: First, the Negroes themselves organized as a mass movement. ...


After an intensive study of the life of central Harlem, the board of directors of Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited, Inc. summed up their findings in one statement: "Massive deterioration of the fabric of society and its institutions..."6

It is the conclusion of this survey of the available national data, that what is true of central Harlem, can be said to be true of the Negro American world in general.

If this is so, it is the single most important social fact of the United States today.
[End of Chapter 1]

I do hope the Republicans are not assuming the Negro American vote.
Right, and Cummings was pretty low ball say ing he wanted to ask a question and then tried to make a statement, but I think you will overlook Cummings shortcomings, most partisan hacks will try to excuse it, what will you do?
Yes, how dare! How dare! the ranking Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee should think he's entitled to talk.

How dare!

It is a Republican House.

Elections have consequences.


Apparently elections only have consequences for Republicans. The left wing nuts have no clue.
Some people might be wondering why I jumped on the race card so hard. It just so happened that I posted this only a few days earlier: ("The report" I refer to is Ryan's "War on Poverty" report which was release the day after the President's budget was release.)

The report opens with a little intro to the War on Poverty, a little overview, some background, and by the second page of text it gets right down to the causes of poverty. The first cause is, of course, family. And the first paragraph of that cause reads as such:

The Causes of Poverty
Perhaps the single most important determinant of poverty is family structure. It has been the subject of fierce academic debate since the Moynihan Report—named after its author, then-assistant secretary of labor Daniel Patrick Moynihan—was released in 1965. The Moynihan Report identified the Breakdown of the family as a key cause of poverty within the black community.8

(8) Daniel Moynihan, “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action.” U.S. Department of Labor, Mar. 1965.

This Moynihan Report must have really been something. It was not until this Moynihan Report was published that the debate on family structure began. Apparently the House Budget Committee has taken great reflection upon this ground breaking work while preparing their document. I just knew I had to get me some look at this document.
Exerpts from the first chapter of the report:

Chapter I. The Negro American Revolution
The Negro American revolution is rightly regarded as the most important domestic event of the postwar period in the United States.


(Such racist views have made progress within the Negro American community itself - which can hardly be expected to be immune to a virus that is endemic in the white community. The Black Muslim doctrines, based on total alienation from the white world, exert a powerful influence. On the far left, the attraction of Chinese Communism can no longer be ignored.)


The End of the Beginning
The major events of the onset of the Negro revolution are now behind us.

The political events were three: First, the Negroes themselves organized as a mass movement. ...


After an intensive study of the life of central Harlem, the board of directors of Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited, Inc. summed up their findings in one statement: "Massive deterioration of the fabric of society and its institutions..."6

It is the conclusion of this survey of the available national data, that what is true of central Harlem, can be said to be true of the Negro American world in general.

If this is so, it is the single most important social fact of the United States today.
[End of Chapter 1]

I do hope the Republicans are not assuming the Negro American vote.

I never wonder why racists jump on the race card so fast.
Right, and Cummings was pretty low ball say ing he wanted to ask a question and then tried to make a statement, but I think you will overlook Cummings shortcomings, most partisan hacks will try to excuse it, what will you do?
Yes, how dare! How dare! the ranking Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee should think he's entitled to talk.

How dare!

It is a Republican House.

Elections have consequences.


Turns out Issa has become quite a consequence for the publcans.


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