It ain't politicss, kids.

God, but I like to puncture lying dumb fucks. It was coal, gas, and nuclear that caused the 2021 blackout. Yes, a lot of wind did go down. But that was because Texas did not winterize their wind turbines, because while those turbines were down, there were turbines happily spinning and generating electricity in Montana and the Dakotas at much colder temperatures. Here is the real information from a source in Texas;

So if the whole country is wind and turbines and the polar votex hits at night, how much energy will be produced again?
The steel mill that I worked at for 20 years before retiring, rolled steel for the Vestas mills When we had a melt, we never used any coal, made all our steel from scrap, and melted it using electricity. The Colorado mill does the same, and gets most of their electricity from a solar farm.

Most of the steel making companies in the world are working to find a way that emits very little carbon dioxide in steel manufacture. I am sure that eventually they will find a way and that will be another industry that aid in the decarbonization of our necessary industries.
If there is a dust storm that covers the solar panels, how much enegy will that farm produce? In Californication i saw a solar far, with 3 inches of dust on it. I asked how often do the panels get cleaned? The answer when it rains. I asked how often does it rain. In February. So for 1 month the panels are cleaned, then 1 month energy is produced but when that 3 inches of dust gets back on, very little energy. And when it is the shortest day of winter, even less energy is produced.
But you have never heard of various energy storage methods, right? Or maybe you just have to parrot the "Conservative" view, no matter how erroneous you know it is.

If you want to spend trillions to store a few hours of power and still claim "green" is cheaper, go for it. I'll still mock your idiocy.
You cannot lie and then blame the person that does not accept the lie for not believing your lies. Fox News is now finding that out. And admitting under oath that they lied. Yes, the oil and coal companies have been given vast subsidies. But when you remove the subsidies and look at the real costs, as the Lazard graph shows, solar and wind are the least costly form of electrical generation.

Love the way you 'Conservatives' constantly hit the eyesore button, as if you never saw how the present coal mining methods leave the landscape. Or what the land looks like in the oil sands areas of Canada. You fellows represent hypocrisy at it's finest.

solar and wind are the least costly form of electrical generation.

Super cheap. Unless you need reliable power. Or 24/7 power.
So if the whole country is wind and turbines and the polar votex hits at night, how much energy will be produced again?
So the polar vortex hits at night. That is one big storm, lots of wind. Maybe so much some turbines have to be idled. LOL
Tax writedowns for things like capital equipment, like every other business gets, aren't in-kind cash subsidies.

The only way those money-suckiong blights on the landscape ever get built, is through zillions in taxpayer corporate welfare cash handouts.

This shit gets 'splained to you watermelons every time, yet you keep pretending like nobody ever told you.
You know
the railroads exist because of land grants from the government
the interstate hwy system was built with federal monies
the Hoover dam and TVA are federal government projects...

These types of investments bring in far more than they cost and and move society forward.
The steel mill that I worked at for 20 years before retiring, rolled steel for the Vestas mills When we had a melt, we never used any coal, made all our steel from scrap, and melted it using electricity. The Colorado mill does the same, and gets most of their electricity from a solar farm.

Most of the steel making companies in the world are working to find a way that emits very little carbon dioxide in steel manufacture. I am sure that eventually they will find a way and that will be another industry that aid in the decarbonization of our necessary industries.

The Colorado mill does the same, and gets most of their electricity from a solar farm.

That's awesome!!! Will they shut down production on overcast days?
You know
the railroads exist because of land grants from the government
the interstate hwy system was built with federal monies
the Hoover dam and TVA are federal government projects...

These types of investments bring in far more than they cost and and move society forward.
And the Marxists took over the government and spent sooo much money that it costs way more to live today then it did back then.
The Colorado mill does the same, and gets most of their electricity from a solar farm.

That's awesome!!! Will they shut down production on overcast days?
Dumb-de-dumb dumb. No, they still maintain the connection to the grid, and when the mill down for holidays or maintenance, they feed their power to the grid. So they have a trading arrangement with other power companies on the grid.
So the polar vortex hits at night. That is one big storm, lots of wind. Maybe so much some turbines have to be idled. LOL
So much that they freeze and produce nothing. Ever see what a windmill does to a bald eagle. So much for protecting wildlife.

The energy firm acknowledged that at least 150 bald and golden eagles had been killed at 40 of its wind-energy facilities. A statement from the United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of California said 136 of these deaths were "affirmatively determined to be attributable to the eagle being struck by a wind turbine blade."

How bald eagles could become key in political battle over wind turbines…

Cheap as in black kids in Africa are being used to mine the minerals needed for those green ideas. There are the Democrats, being slave owners of black kids again.

Hey dumb fuck, ever heard of LFP batteries? Sodium sulfur batteries? Cobalt is the only mineral that is being mined using child labor, and that was the case long before EV's, but you hypocrites never said a word then.
solar and wind are the least costly form of electrical generation.

Super cheap. Unless you need reliable power. Or 24/7 power.
You know that thing in the front of your 92 F350, it's called a B A T T E R Y

The potential for solar and wind far exceed usage even on the highest "temperature days" (look it up)
The excess can be stored
You do know that when it's dark here it's daylight elsewhere
Ever hear the term "GRID?" Yeah, those things let us move electricity from a place with lots of power to a place with little or no power.
Hell, eventually your brand new EV will be pulling power directly from the renewable grid.
Cheap as in black kids in Africa are being used to mine the minerals needed for those green ideas. There are the Democrats, being slave owners of black kids again.

Old rocks gave me a thumbs down, because i guess she is okay with black children being used as slaves for mining battery minerals dirt cheap. I wonder what it would cost if those minerals were mined over here, and at union wages? So much for cheap energy. Always on the backs of black children. You are such a racist bitch, Old....
You know that thing in the front of your 92 F350, it's called a B A T T E R Y

The potential for solar and wind far exceed usage even on the highest "temperature days" (look it up)
The excess can be stored
You do know that when it's dark here it's daylight elsewhere
Ever hear the term "GRID?" Yeah, those things let us move electricity from a place with lots of power to a place with little or no power.
Hell, eventually your brand new EV will be pulling power directly from the renewable grid.

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