It ain't politicss, kids.

The reason for the switch to renewables is not politics. The four states producing the most electricity from wind and solar are Texas, Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Like Murdoch said, it is not red or blue, it is green. Solar and wind are the least costly from of generation to install and maintain. And in Texas, solar and wind are continuing to gain as a percentage of total generation as the fossil fuels decline.


What you do is you tell them how great oil is, while all the time installing green energy, they'll still be happy because they don't know
You know that thing in the front of your 92 F350, it's called a B A T T E R Y

A reliable, gasoline powered battery.

The potential for solar and wind far exceed usage even on the highest "temperature days" (look it up)

So what?

The excess can be stored


How much storage is needed to power Chicago for a dark, cold, snowy week in January?

Ever hear the term "GRID?" Yeah, those things let us move electricity from a place with lots of power to a place with little or no power.

How big is the grid needed to shift solar power to Chicago at midnight?

Hell, eventually your brand new EV will be pulling power directly from the renewable grid.

That would make an EV even less useful.
Your responses are nonsensical
Silly ass, vehicles are the leading cause of human caused bald eagle deaths in the US. Next is the ingestion of lead from bullets and sinkers;

"Researchers with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in conjunction with Michigan State University, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and others, reviewed a huge trove of bald eagle mortality data collected from DNR necropsies — surgical examinations of eagle carcasses to determine causes of death — from 1986 to 2017. Almost 1,500 eagles’ causes of death were reviewed, according to the Detroit Free Press.

The results: The leading killer of bald eagles was vehicular trauma — being hit by cars. Second on the list was lead poisoning, related to eagles ingesting lead ammunition fragments from hunter-shot animals, or lead sinkers from fishermen."

See how the bitch is marginalizing the murder of protected species? As long as it is for the Marxists who talk about the environment, then they dont give a shit, but if some hunter was out there shooting a bald eagle, then all hell would be brought on that hunter.
As I am such a genius I know more than all the scientists in the world. LOL Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. About 1980, Enron told some of it's scientists to study what would happen if we kept adding GHGs at the rate we were adding at the time. They reported that the results would be catastrophic.. Enron killed the report and then funded liars like you.

You should spend more time studying the empirical climate data. It doesn't lie.

If you believe natural climate variation is the reason the previous interglacial period was 2C warmer than today with 120 ppm less atmospheric CO2 than today than you have to prove natural climate variation isn't a cause for the recent warming trend.

Englander 420kyr CO2-T-SL rev.jpg

If you believe natural climate variation is the reason for the planet cooling for millions of years with atmospheric CO2 greater than 600 ppm then you have to believe that natural climate variation can cool the planet today with 420 ppm of CO2.

Given that there is only a small amount of power used at night, there would be plenty of power available from hydro and wind. Add storage, and I see no problem.

Plenty of hydro and wind on a cloudy, rainy day? How much storage again? LOL!
Given that there is only a small amount of power used at night, there would be plenty of power available from hydro and wind. Add storage, and I see no problem.
First of all when do you think people will be charging all those EV's that will replace ICE vehicles?

Secondly, it's not just a matter of adding storage, they have to install at least twice the capacity to supply electricity when the wind is blowing and/or the sun is shining so that they can charge the storage to be used when the wind isn't blowing or the sun isn't shining. It's just math.
First of all when do you think people will be charging all those EV's that will replace ICE vehicles?

Secondly, it's not just a matter of adding storage, they have to install at least twice the capacity to supply electricity when the wind is blowing and/or the sun is shining so that they can charge the storage to be used when the wind isn't blowing or the sun isn't shining. It's just math.

Old Rocks doesn't do math. is nothing BUT politics.

And btw........fake chart on Page 1. Wind/Solar combined only provide 7% of US electricity Whooooops. Dont take my word for it.....check :cul2:

Crick and Old Rocks are rubes.......always have been.........always will be.
Oh and btw......most posters in this thread will be long in their box before renewables even come close to replacing fossil fuels.:hello77:

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