It ain't politicss, kids.

So much that they freeze and produce nothing. Ever see what a windmill does to a bald eagle. So much for protecting wildlife.

The energy firm acknowledged that at least 150 bald and golden eagles had been killed at 40 of its wind-energy facilities. A statement from the United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of California said 136 of these deaths were "affirmatively determined to be attributable to the eagle being struck by a wind turbine blade."

How bald eagles could become key in political battle over wind turbines…

Silly ass, vehicles are the leading cause of human caused bald eagle deaths in the US. Next is the ingestion of lead from bullets and sinkers;

"Researchers with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in conjunction with Michigan State University, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and others, reviewed a huge trove of bald eagle mortality data collected from DNR necropsies — surgical examinations of eagle carcasses to determine causes of death — from 1986 to 2017. Almost 1,500 eagles’ causes of death were reviewed, according to the Detroit Free Press.

The results: The leading killer of bald eagles was vehicular trauma — being hit by cars. Second on the list was lead poisoning, related to eagles ingesting lead ammunition fragments from hunter-shot animals, or lead sinkers from fishermen."

You know that thing in the front of your 92 F350, it's called a B A T T E R Y

The potential for solar and wind far exceed usage even on the highest "temperature days" (look it up)
The excess can be stored
You do know that when it's dark here it's daylight elsewhere
Ever hear the term "GRID?" Yeah, those things let us move electricity from a place with lots of power to a place with little or no power.
Hell, eventually your brand new EV will be pulling power directly from the renewable grid.

You know that thing in the front of your 92 F350, it's called a B A T T E R Y

A reliable, gasoline powered battery.

The potential for solar and wind far exceed usage even on the highest "temperature days" (look it up)

So what?

The excess can be stored


How much storage is needed to power Chicago for a dark, cold, snowy week in January?

Ever hear the term "GRID?" Yeah, those things let us move electricity from a place with lots of power to a place with little or no power.

How big is the grid needed to shift solar power to Chicago at midnight?

Hell, eventually your brand new EV will be pulling power directly from the renewable grid.

That would make an EV even less useful.
One tiny project? Does the power reach to Chicago?
Hardly a tiny project, as it will provide power to as much as 500,000 homes for up to 12 hours. There is much terrain like that being used at Goldendale along the Columbia. So there could be many more such projects as this. And then you have the Snake River in Hells Canyon that could store huge amounts of energy in the same manner. And if there were a peak on the grid in Chicago and the West Coast at the same time, our being able to take care of our peak usage locally would be beneficial to you in that you would be able to pull from the grid without competing for the power with the Northwest.
They need to connect to the grid? Is that because solar doesn't supply reliable, 24/7 power? DURR
Dumb-de-dumb dumb.
You know that thing in the front of your 92 F350, it's called a B A T T E R Y

A reliable, gasoline powered battery.

The potential for solar and wind far exceed usage even on the highest "temperature days" (look it up)

So what?

The excess can be stored


How much storage is needed to power Chicago for a dark, cold, snowy week in January?

Ever hear the term "GRID?" Yeah, those things let us move electricity from a place with lots of power to a place with little or no power.

How big is the grid needed to shift solar power to Chicago at midnight?

Hell, eventually your brand new EV will be pulling power directly from the renewable grid.

That would make an EV even less useful.
LOL As big as the present grid that does the job. And the wind doesn't stop at midnight, nor does hydropower. Gotta love how you "Conservatives" are so hung up on "No we can't". If you assholes had been in power when Japan attacked us at Pearl Harbor, you would just have surrendered.
And the Marxists took over the government and spent sooo much money that it costs way more to live today then it did back then.
No, it does not. If you want to live as they did back then, you can live very cheaply. You will have to work your ass off, but it won't cost you much, and you will have plenty of time with no internet, cell phones, TV, and only one vehicle. Not to mention chopping wood and using and outhouse. Ever use one at -20? I have, no fun. I really find the whining of people like you to be so humorous. I can easily assume you have never lived as they did prior to WW2. Now I have earned enough to live a good life for nearly 80 years now, and if you are not earning a good living now in the present labor shortage, I can only assume you are either stupid or lazy.
Hardly a tiny project, as it will provide power to as much as 500,000 homes for up to 12 hours. There is much terrain like that being used at Goldendale along the Columbia. So there could be many more such projects as this. And then you have the Snake River in Hells Canyon that could store huge amounts of energy in the same manner. And if there were a peak on the grid in Chicago and the West Coast at the same time, our being able to take care of our peak usage locally would be beneficial to you in that you would be able to pull from the grid without competing for the power with the Northwest.

Hardly a tiny project, as it will provide power to as much as 500,000 homes for up to 12 hours

Show your math.
The reason for the switch to renewables is not politics. The four states producing the most electricity from wind and solar are Texas, Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Like Murdoch said, it is not red or blue, it is green. Solar and wind are the least costly from of generation to install and maintain. And in Texas, solar and wind are continuing to gain as a percentage of total generation as the fossil fuels decline.

It ain't common sense, I'll tell you that.
Dumb-de-dumb dumb.

LOL As big as the present grid that does the job. And the wind doesn't stop at midnight, nor does hydropower. Gotta love how you "Conservatives" are so hung up on "No we can't". If you assholes had been in power when Japan attacked us at Pearl Harbor, you would just have surrendered.

LOL As big as the present grid that does the job.

The current grid has dispatchable power, something that solar power at midnight is not.

And the wind doesn't stop at midnight

How much wind do we need to install to have 100% of the power we need at night?
Double what we use? Triple? More?

Gotta love how you "Conservatives" are so hung up on "No we can't".

We could build plenty of reliable, emission-free nuclear....if you green twats weren't
more afraid of that than you are of CO2.

If you assholes had been in power when Japan attacked us at Pearl Harbor, you would just have surrendered.

Big talk from a Dem surrender monkey.
No, it does not. If you want to live as they did back then, you can live very cheaply. You will have to work your ass off, but it won't cost you much, and you will have plenty of time with no internet, cell phones, TV, and only one vehicle. Not to mention chopping wood and using and outhouse. Ever use one at -20? I have, no fun. I really find the whining of people like you to be so humorous. I can easily assume you have never lived as they did prior to WW2. Now I have earned enough to live a good life for nearly 80 years now, and if you are not earning a good living now in the present labor shortage, I can only assume you are either stupid or lazy.
Aw man, that's disappointing. They really do not have the same economic opportunities Americans had from the beginning up until around 2006 or so.

It costs more for housing, food, and bills these days. A greater percentage of anyone's income. And that's not right. :nono:

We need to fix that if we want future generations to be able to enjoy America like everyone before them did.

It's irresponsible as all get out not to.

MAGA is about that. As it stands right now, they're getting fucked. The government did it, but it can fixed. One thing at a time.

Don't go for everything at steps, doable things. Every day. It's everyone's duty as an American citizen.
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The reason for the switch to renewables is not politics. The four states producing the most electricity from wind and solar are Texas, Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Like Murdoch said, it is not red or blue, it is green. Solar and wind are the least costly from of generation to install and maintain. And in Texas, solar and wind are continuing to gain as a percentage of total generation as the fossil fuels decline.

Of course it was politics. Subsidies. Which of course was motivated by flawed climate models and threats of catastrophic global warming. The greatest hoax ever perpetrated in the history of mankind.
LOL As big as the present grid that does the job.

The current grid has dispatchable power, something that solar power at midnight is not.

And the wind doesn't stop at midnight

How much wind do we need to install to have 100% of the power we need at night?
Double what we use? Triple? More?

Gotta love how you "Conservatives" are so hung up on "No we can't".

We could build plenty of reliable, emission-free nuclear....if you green twats weren't
more afraid of that than you are of CO2.

If you assholes had been in power when Japan attacked us at Pearl Harbor, you would just have surrendered.

Big talk from a Dem surrender monkey.
Volunteered for the military during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Did you serve?
Nuclear is extremely expensive, and is a prime target for a terrorist operation. That is why no insurance company will insure against a nuclear accident.
Given that there is only a small amount of power used at night, there would be plenty of power available from hydro and wind. Add storage, and I see no problem.
You keep acting as if renewables are only solar. Wind, hydro, and geothermal all produce power, all of them at less cost and danger than nuclear.
Of course it was politics. Subsidies. Which of course was motivated by flawed climate models and threats of catastrophic global warming. The greatest hoax ever perpetrated in the history of mankind.
As I am such a genius I know more than all the scientists in the world. LOL Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. About 1980, Enron told some of it's scientists to study what would happen if we kept adding GHGs at the rate we were adding at the time. They reported that the results would be catastrophic.. Enron killed the report and then funded liars like you.

Volunteered for the military during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Did you serve?
Nuclear is extremely expensive, and is a prime target for a terrorist operation. That is why no insurance company will insure against a nuclear accident.
Given that there is only a small amount of power used at night, there would be plenty of power available from hydro and wind. Add storage, and I see no problem.
You keep acting as if renewables are only solar. Wind, hydro, and geothermal all produce power, all of them at less cost and danger than nuclear.

Nuclear is extremely expensive,

Reliable, large-scale, dispatchable, no emissions.
It would be a lot cheaper if we used a standard design and if green twats stopped suing.

Given that there is only a small amount of power used at night,

How much?

there would be plenty of power available from hydro and wind.

Show your evidence.

Add storage, and I see no problem.

As I am such a genius I know more than all the scientists in the world. LOL Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. About 1980, Enron told some of it's scientists to study what would happen if we kept adding GHGs at the rate we were adding at the time. They reported that the results would be catastrophic.. Enron killed the report and then funded liars like you.

About 1980, Enron told some of it's scientists to study what would happen if we kept adding GHGs at the rate we were adding at the time. They reported that the results would be catastrophic..

We've been adding at a higher rate. Where is the catastrophe?

Enron killed the report and then funded liars like you.

How did you get the secret report? Did you work for Goldman? Smersh? Spectre?

Wasn't Enron trying to trade CO2 derivatives?
Other derivatives that would benefit from climate hysteria? A climate exchange?
Why would they hide a hysterical report? More likely they'd hype it.

Maybe you're full of shit?
As I am such a genius I know more than all the scientists in the world. LOL Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. About 1980, Enron told some of it's scientists to study what would happen if we kept adding GHGs at the rate we were adding at the time. They reported that the results would be catastrophic.. Enron killed the report and then funded liars like you.

Exxon? LOL!
Were they the first to discover CO2 is a greenhouse gas?

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