It amazes me how so many of you support the Establishment

We are living on borrowed time, because we have borrowed too much money to pay back.

Embrace the suck
So you are implying the establishment does?
Good god man. Who do you think fucked this country up?
History shows movements for change are always counterrevolutions in the guise of betterment.
Somebody HAS to be the Establishment. Society just gets to pick which pricks get to sit at the table. Some pricks are better than others

The devil one knows is often better than the one unknown

The current pricks from both corrupt parties need to go. Going with the pricks you know is fine...till you find out they have been boinking your wife, stealing your food and sending your sons off to die to pad their pals pockets.
You people must have read the establishment for dummies book
How about throwing the bums out...all of them...repeatedly...until they not only get the hint, but until they start throwing out the unelected appointed/hired bums who run things no matter who is elected? But nooo...better to continue to do the same thing over and over again (electing the lesser of two evils that are anointed by all those unelected bums) and expecting a different result, right?

It's like most of you have Stockholm syndrome.

:lol: The Tea Party

they already tried THAT in some congressional districts as we have seen, the cure is often worse...much worse than the dis-ease

The Tea Party? :lol:

I thought you were smarter than your typical partisan political hack...apparently not.
They made it to where it is nearly impossible for someone with brains to be elected. They steal your money, they lie to you, they kill us, they kill other people and you people STILL support them.
They made it to where it is nearly impossible for someone with brains to be elected. They steal your money, they lie to you, they kill us, they kill other people and you people STILL support them.

Who are these people with "brains" that you would like to be elected?
The house will not burn.

It will crumble if the American people cannot act together.

It will crumble, period. When it crumbles to a certain point it will burn. History is your friend.
Yes, all civilizations and countries go through crises, if that is what you mean. Italy in various configurations has been around since 700 bce, China longer. The point is this: the USA is not going to tumble into the ground UNLESS there is an apocalyptic event that affects most of the world.

Your doom and gloom scenario is not likely any time soon.

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