It amazes me how so many of you support the Establishment

After EVERYTHING those fuckers have done to us, you STILL support their greed, lies and corruption.
And some of you are so fuckin smart.. Its sad..

What's the alternative? Go down in a blaze of glory like Waco or Ruby Ridge? You first. :)

How about throwing the bums out...all of them...repeatedly...until they not only get the hint, but until they start throwing out the unelected appointed/hired bums who run things no matter who is elected? But nooo...better to continue to do the same thing over and over again (electing the lesser of two evils that are anointed by all those unelected bums) and expecting a different result, right?

It's like most of you have Stockholm syndrome.

Changing out your blood doesn't help the patient defeat cancer.

If you say we can't change the system from within the system...and obviously think we can't forcefully change the system...then what is YOUR alternative then?

Leave. Once family isn't a factor there's nothing keeping me here. Plan on leaving for whatever not-fucked up country I can find with either a English-speaking pop or at least a fair number of them. :) Like Denmark but for the weather. Am a Californian born n raised. Australia's nice but might be too hot for me. :)

People who didn't leave Nazi Germany in the 20s regretted it. I actually study and learn from history though so not gonna repeat past mistakes.

I was born here, I gave my sweat and blood in public service, my forebears are buried here and my kids and grand kids still live here - I ain't running anywhere. If you thinking running is the answer, I think you are going to be running for a long time because the problems are not and will not be limited to this one.

Question: If all the "good Germans" would have left, who would have been there to rebuild once Hitler took his dirt nap? The people who ran off? How'd that work out in Iraq?

Somebody has to stay, survive, and help rebuild...and I will guarantee that those of us that do will not look too kindly on those of you who ran off coming back and trying to take over the rebuilding.
Anyone who was around during the 60's can remember a hundred anti government folk/rock songs some of which are still around today. The college students who encouraged the free exchange of ideas and opinions are now the professors who threaten to expel anyone who dares to say any one of a long list of forbidden words. Colleges have become Orwellian centers where students literally have to look over their shoulders to make sure big brother/government agents aren't listening to their conversation. Sex and drugs are now encouraged on campus but certain words and ideas are now forbidden. Thank you libs, we have come a long way.
Guys, the free world nations are progressive statist.

You do understand that, yes?
Guys, the free world nations are progressive statist.

You do understand that, yes?

And most of them are stuck in economic ruts, and have a stagnant aging population that can only be replaced with immigration.

And the immigrants don't have the same progressive views, but they are certainly statists.
After EVERYTHING those fuckers have done to us, you STILL support their greed, lies and corruption.
And some of you are so fuckin smart.. Its sad..
The Establishment is better than the alternative(s)

The problem is people like you offer no credible and palatable ideas as alternatives.
So you are implying the establishment does?
Good god man. Who do you think fucked this country up?
After EVERYTHING those fuckers have done to us, you STILL support their greed, lies and corruption.
And some of you are so fuckin smart.. Its sad..

Unlike the radical American Tea Party Taliban - sane people know that burning the house down isn't the solution.

The house will eventually burn itself down, leaving some people around to rebuild it.
After EVERYTHING those fuckers have done to us, you STILL support their greed, lies and corruption.
And some of you are so fuckin smart.. Its sad..
The Establishment is better than the alternative(s)

The problem is people like you offer no credible and palatable ideas as alternatives.
So you are implying the establishment does?
Good god man. Who do you think fucked this country up?

Where are your credible alternatives, then?
The house will not burn.

It will crumble if the American people cannot act together.
So you are implying the establishment does?
Good god man. Who do you think fucked this country up?
History shows movements for change are always counterrevolutions in the guise of betterment.
Somebody HAS to be the Establishment. Society just gets to pick which pricks get to sit at the table. Some pricks are better than others

The devil one knows is often better than the one unknown
After EVERYTHING those fuckers have done to us, you STILL support their greed, lies and corruption.
And some of you are so fuckin smart.. Its sad..

Unlike the radical American Tea Party Taliban - sane people know that burning the house down isn't the solution.

Then why do the rest of you Taliban keep attempting to burn it down with your unsustainable economic and social theories?
After EVERYTHING those fuckers have done to us, you STILL support their greed, lies and corruption.
And some of you are so fuckin smart.. Its sad..
The Establishment is better than the alternative(s)

The problem is people like you offer no credible and palatable ideas as alternatives.
So you are implying the establishment does?
Good god man. Who do you think fucked this country up?

Where are your credible alternatives, then?
Webb. A few other possibles, but idk about them yet so I wont mention them.
How about throwing the bums out...all of them...repeatedly...until they not only get the hint, but until they start throwing out the unelected appointed/hired bums who run things no matter who is elected? But nooo...better to continue to do the same thing over and over again (electing the lesser of two evils that are anointed by all those unelected bums) and expecting a different result, right?

It's like most of you have Stockholm syndrome.

:lol: The Tea Party

they already tried THAT in some congressional districts as we have seen, the cure is often worse...much worse than the dis-ease

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