It appears that our FBI is a criminal enterprise

More than half of the so called conspirators were assets of the FBI.
The second in command of this conspiracy was an asset of the FBI.

It is CRYSTAL CLEAR to me that the plot to kidnap the governor was total bullshit.

I agree and if we investigate the so called "1/6 Insurrection" we'll find the FBI's conspiratorial fingerprints all over it too.
The FBI is a criminal enterprise?????????????:omg: I'm shocked I tell you! Terribly shocked.....:laugh: LOL

Not so shocked really. Not shocked at all.

assets of the FBI.
People who may have been in contact with the FBI, or under investigation by the FBI — or the FBI may have been in contact with them and gleaned useful information from them in some cases — doesn't necessarily mean they are on the right side of the law or that FBI agents themselves are involved or complicit in the crimes.
People who may have been in contact with the FBI, or under investigation by the FBI — or the FBI may have been in contact with them and gleaned useful information from them in some cases — doesn't necessarily mean they are on the right side of the law or that FBI agents themselves are involved or complicit in the crimes.
This was clearly a set up. FBI preying on some inbred yokel. Makes for great headlines and career promotions.

What a fucking disgrace
This was clearly a set up. FBI preying on some inbred yokel.
Some of those agents are nothing but gun grabbing city slickers with a universal vaccination agenda.
Makes for great headlines and career promotions.

What a fucking disgrace
There's an FBI AGENTS ASSOCIATION in solidarity with all the other police unions and police chiefs associations in America. That's where they advance their careers and put in for promotions at work on the job in the industry punching in the time clock with a fingerprint reader.

All agents? I'm not so sure. Some of them might have their own opinions, but mostly its a federal gun grab by labor-union and movie-industy-affiliated agents.
As long as the FBI is held sacred by the media during a democrat administration there will never be any outrage no matter how the FBI trashes the Constitution. That's how the system works so get used to it.
"It appears that our FBI is a criminal enterprise"

It appears the poster who posted the above may in fact be a "Russian” mole.
Granpa, my bet is the FBI now has you on their watch list.

As long as the FBI is held sacred by the media during a democrat administration there will never be any outrage no matter how the FBI trashes the Constitution. That's how the system works so get used to it.
Black Widow, the movie, and the FBI G-men just tip their hats for the ladies.
If only they could stop thousands of Dems from committing violence. How many did Dems kill in Chicago last weekend?

Probably very few. Unless you're taking the position that gang bangers and other thugs are polticially active. You're not THAT stupid are you? Of course you are.
If only they could stop thousands of Dems from committing violence. How many did Dems kill in Chicago last weekend?
And Dem cops on a labor union police budget with wages and benefits, pension plan and collective bargaining retroactive pay raises are going to stop that?
Who is doing the recruiting and hiring at the FBI?

The Left American Bolsheviks? Barack Ovomit? Who?
People who may have been in contact with the FBI, or under investigation by the FBI — or the FBI may have been in contact with them and gleaned useful information from them in some cases — doesn't necessarily mean they are on the right side of the law or that FBI agents themselves are involved or complicit in the crimes.

Really, I called the FBI yesterday to report attempted wire fraud, they wouldn't even take the damn info and referred me to some web site. I told them to forget it, I wasn't going to jump through their hoops. The fuckers are worthless.

Really, I called the FBI yesterday to report attempted wire fraud, they wouldn't even take the damn info and referred me to some web site. I told them to forget it, I wasn't going to jump through their hoops. The fuckers are worthless.
The phones are under surveillance by organized crime networks and the internet is hacked.

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