It appears that our FBI is a criminal enterprise

McCain was not a loser. Trump is the loser who was too chicken to serve.
He certainly wasn't a loser but he became entrenched in the DC elite club which turned him into a douche.
Glad he's no longer in the Senate. Only wish a few others would get the fuck out now. We need term limits BADLY
I took the warranty deed to my house, social security card, original birth certificate and the official renewal notice they sent me along with my old DL. Still not enough to prove who I am. Yet these fools want to let anyone vote id or not....unreal
How the fuck is practically providing the deed to my house not good enough to prove residency???



Are basically war zones now but the people on this board still whine about January 6th. Amazing. The stupidity of my fellow Americans is mind boggling.

On Jan 6, the capitol was invaded by fascist thigs seeking to overturn a election. The capitol has not been invaded since the British did it in the war of 1812. Yes it is a big deal.
He certainly wasn't a loser but he became entrenched in the DC elite club which turned him into a douche.
Glad he's no longer in the Senate. Only wish a few others would get the fuck out now. We need term limits BADLY

John McCain went along with nearly everything Trump wanted.
Nearly only counts is horseshoes, hand grenades and atom bombs.


This isn't horseshoes, hand grenades or atom bombs. You fascists demand 100% purity. No one is allowed to disagree with Trump on anything. That is a cult.
This isn't horseshoes, hand grenades or atom bombs. You fascists demand 100% purity. No one is allowed to disagree with Trump on anything. That is a cult.

So I guess your woke, cancel culture is a cult as well. Anyone who strays from your extreme orthodoxly must be destroyed. RIGHT?


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