It Begins: Americans / 6 Planes Held Hostage, As Terrorists Refuse To Allow Planes To Take Off

Sources other than faux are unable to confirm this, and when pressed Mcaul is unable to give any details or even a list of demands made by the Taliban.

Sounds like bullshit to me.
You are assuming there are demands.
State Department continues to declare it will find a way to bring Americans home, discusses giving Taliban 'financial aid'....

We need regime change in the USA
Do they want the 12 billion in gold we hold that belongs to Afghanistan we plan on holding hostage to get stuff out of the Taliban?
where’s this gold at? how did we get it from the Taliban? how did they even get it considering they’ve been in caves for twenty years?
I just wondering why that guy on Fox is bitching about Interpeters not getting to US when it was the Trump Admin that stopped them for years...
Fuck You!!!

Biden got US out of the worthless life & money sucking Afghanistan hell-hole.

Bush knew who, what, where, when, why & how we would be attacked on 9/11 & he left town to let it happen. Then had our own military anthrax sent to those who opposed his Iraq war. But you want answers from Biden?
hahaha wow first apparently we aren’t out of afghan…we are being held hostage

hahaa bush sent anthrax…that’s just funny
We could have wiped these cave hiders out but the method was not sanitary enough for liberal America haters.
I just wondering why that guy on Fox is bitching about Interpeters not getting to US when it was the Trump Admin that stopped them for years...
because they weren’t refugees fleeing terrorist. Trumps policy stopped them from coming, bessie they were happy living at home. What’s to complain about then? Xiden’s made them refugees…how you don’t see the difference is scary
hahaha wow first apparently we aren’t out of afghan…we are being held hostage

hahaa bush sent anthrax…that’s just funny
Not only was US Army Anthrax used to attack & kill US citizens, Bush grounded all aircraft in the USA except those used to fly Bin-Laden family around or back to Saudi Arabia. Then Bush allowed Bin-Laden to escape Tora Bora & refused to capture him for almost 8 years.
And now the hostage situation is starting....

The Taliban is preventing multiple flights from taking off from the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif, CBS News reports.

An NGO in Afghanistan said two planes have been ready to evacuate 600 to 1,200 people, including 19 American citizens and two permanent residents, for the past six days while the U.S. government and Taliban continue to talk.

The White House and State Department have maintained that they hold leverage over the Taliban which will ensure the group cooperates and continues to allow people to leave Afghanistan, but a senior congressional source told CBS News that the Taliban is basically holding the planes "hostage" so they can "get more out of Americans."
I bet you there are at least 1000 of our citizens there...................Libturd response: Vaya con dios my daarrrlin
Not only was US Army Anthrax used to attack & kill US citizens, Bush grounded all aircraft in the USA except those used to fly Bin-Laden family around or back to Saudi Arabia.
We used Smallpox planted in blankets to kill 1000s of Injuns too in the 1700s. You happy about that?
Not only was US Army Anthrax used to attack & kill US citizens, Bush grounded all aircraft in the USA except those used to fly Bin-Laden family around or back to Saudi Arabia.
haha yeah he sent poison to senators! haha

yea of course flight was grounded…

and yes of course our Govt moved to protect the innocent members of Bin Ladens family.
haha yeah he sent poison to senators! haha

yea of course flight was grounded…

and yes of course our Govt moved to protect the innocent members of Bin Ladens family.
Yes - US Army Anthrax only sent the Senators & Media who opposed the War!

Bush's high school friend Tommy Franks repeatedly commanded US forces to "Stand Down" to allowed Bin-Laden to escape Tora Bora & refused to capture him for almost 8 years.

Then Obama got Bin-Laden quick!
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State Department continues to declare it will find a way to bring Americans home, discusses giving Taliban 'financial aid'....

A Republican Congress Critter slams President Biden on FOX News. I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you to see Republicans lying on FOX News. How is such a thing possible??????

Can you get any stupider or punier?

Says the guy who calls himself "Meathead". Yes his intellect could be a LOT lower. He could be as stupid as you are, but he's not even close to that range. He not only didn't vote for Trump, he doesn't believe the election was stolen, or that Trump was a good President.
That family knew the deal and still went there, too bad. I am sure something will be done so you can maybe be happy someday for a place you care not for and people whom you are using as a prop to show yer fake outrage over.
In good conscience, how in the world can you continue to defend the horrendous faux pas known as the Joe Biden surrender. Has Joe Biden made a good foreign policy decision in the past forty years?

What is this nightmarish exit doing to our reputation among our allies?


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