It Begins: Americans / 6 Planes Held Hostage, As Terrorists Refuse To Allow Planes To Take Off

State Department continues to declare it will find a way to bring Americans home, discusses giving Taliban 'financial aid'....

Be interesting to see how Biden caves in to them this time.
And now the hostage situation is starting....

The Taliban is preventing multiple flights from taking off from the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif, CBS News reports.

An NGO in Afghanistan said two planes have been ready to evacuate 600 to 1,200 people, including 19 American citizens and two permanent residents, for the past six days while the U.S. government and Taliban continue to talk.

The White House and State Department have maintained that they hold leverage over the Taliban which will ensure the group cooperates and continues to allow people to leave Afghanistan, but a senior congressional source told CBS News that the Taliban is basically holding the planes "hostage" so they can "get more out of Americans."
We need to see all of the conversations that Mr Biden had with President Ghani, especially in light of what Biden said that this overtaking of Afghanistan by the Taliban was completely unexpected. That completely contradicts this conversation that he had with President Ghani. I want to understand that. But, there’s so much more. It’s not just that conversation, but I want to understand other conversations. I want to understand why did we have no plan to get US citizens out or Afghans who helped us out? Why did we leave behind $83 billion worth of equipment? I want to understand exactly the type of equipment that’s there. Much of that equipment, I believe, is advanced equipment, equipment that will fall into the hands of, not only the Taliban, but others and will be used against the United States. There’s a whole litany of questions that need to be answered
The current administration boasted that they had made a deal with the Taliban for the safe passage of Americans out. What they stupidly neglected to understand is that the "Taliban" is not made up of one singular organization with a structured governmental body, but rather a group of tribes, each at odds with one another and have no problem trying to kill each others supporters. Expecting these various Taliban tribes to be on the same page with one another when it comes to combating "infidels" and those that support them, is absurd.
We need to see all of the conversations that Mr Biden had with President Ghani, especially in light of what Biden said that this overtaking of Afghanistan by the Taliban was completely unexpected. That completely contradicts this conversation that he had with President Ghani. I want to understand that. But, there’s so much more. It’s not just that conversation, but I want to understand other conversations. I want to understand why did we have no plan to get US citizens out or Afghans who helped us out? Why did we leave behind $83 billion worth of equipment? I want to understand exactly the type of equipment that’s there. Much of that equipment, I believe, is advanced equipment, equipment that will fall into the hands of, not only the Taliban, but others and will be used against the United States. There’s a whole litany of questions that need to be answered
Fuck You!!!

Biden got US out of the worthless life & money sucking Afghanistan hell-hole.

Bush knew who, what, where, when, why & how we would be attacked on 9/11 & he left town to let it happen. Then had our own military anthrax sent to those who opposed his Iraq war. But you want answers from Biden?
And now the hostage situation is starting....

The Taliban is preventing multiple flights from taking off from the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif, CBS News reports.

An NGO in Afghanistan said two planes have been ready to evacuate 600 to 1,200 people, including 19 American citizens and two permanent residents, for the past six days while the U.S. government and Taliban continue to talk.

The White House and State Department have maintained that they hold leverage over the Taliban which will ensure the group cooperates and continues to allow people to leave Afghanistan, but a senior congressional source told CBS News that the Taliban is basically holding the planes "hostage" so they can "get more out of Americans."
The senator seems to have all the 411 where is he getting it from?
Do they want the 12 billion in gold we hold that belongs to Afghanistan we plan on holding hostage to get stuff out of the Taliban?

What has gotten into you?

The lives of those Americans are worth more than any amount of gold we hold. The Taliban can go broke for all I care. "Afghanistan" shouldn't get the gold until a democratic government is installed anyway.
Biden can only repeat what he is told in reports from people in the field of operations, what makes you think the president is out collecting intelligence to write a report to himself?
He knew it was going bad. Hence the phone call wanting the Afghanistan leader to lie.
Fuck You!!!

Biden got US out of the worthless life & money sucking Afghanistan hell-hole.

Bush knew who, what, where, when, why & how we would be attacked on 9/11 & he left town to let it happen. Then had our own military anthrax sent to those who opposed his Iraq war. But you want answers from Biden?
Maybe Biden can have another of his flashes of brilliance, and trade the "smartest guy he knows" for the hostages...

That should help the Talliwhackers out!!!
Fuck You!!!

Biden got US out of the worthless life & money sucking Afghanistan hell-hole.

While completely abandoning all moral choices for the politically expedient ones, that on top of abandoning Americans in hostile territory and now allowing for them to be taken hostage by the Taliban.

Yeah, we got out, that's not the issue, how we got out is the issue. We armed our enemies, we left our own behind, we abandoned our allies in the region. We showed to them and the world we cannot be trusted anymore.

You really don't grasp the gravitas of this situation, do you?
What has gotten into you?

The lives of those Americans are worth more than any amount of gold we hold. The Taliban can go broke for all I care. "Afghanistan" shouldn't get the gold until a democratic government is installed anyway.
I had to chuckle when the United States kept insisting to the Palestinians that it was important that they hold Democratic elections and the Palestinians then did just that and voted for.......Hamas terrorists. LOL! As the old saying goes, "be careful what you wish for."
We should have gassed and burned these 15th century idiots while they were in their caves but that was not nice and not PC enough for Democrat cowards .
What has gotten into you?

The lives of those Americans are worth more than any amount of gold we hold. The Taliban can go broke for all I care. "Afghanistan" shouldn't get the gold until a democratic government is installed anyway.
Then call up the Taliban and ask them if they will take yer check.

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