It Begins: Americans / 6 Planes Held Hostage, As Terrorists Refuse To Allow Planes To Take Off

no shit.gif
State Department continues to declare it will find a way to bring Americans home, discusses giving Taliban 'financial aid'....

And now the hostage situation is starting....

The Taliban is preventing multiple flights from taking off from the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif, CBS News reports.

An NGO in Afghanistan said two planes have been ready to evacuate 600 to 1,200 people, including 19 American citizens and two permanent residents, for the past six days while the U.S. government and Taliban continue to talk.

The White House and State Department have maintained that they hold leverage over the Taliban which will ensure the group cooperates and continues to allow people to leave Afghanistan, but a senior congressional source told CBS News that the Taliban is basically holding the planes "hostage" so they can "get more out of Americans."
Here is what I don't get....

Why do people believe we are governed by other people more intelligent than average? It seems to me that for the most part, the dumbest fucks of all fucks are running the
government. Those of average intellect or more seem to be trying to hide in the chaos of a massive shit show, collect as much of a paycheck as they can and escape before they're prosecuted.

State Department continues to declare it will find a way to bring Americans home, discusses giving Taliban 'financial aid'....

Biden Admin is likely to pay a secret ransom, pallets of cash delivered in the dark of night, and we won't hear about it for years due to security classification.
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It should have never been allowed to become a situation in which the world's only superpower is obeying the whims of terrorists. The whole reason this disaster unfolded as it did, was Biden and pals wanted good optics. They wanted this to be a quiet little withdrawal and a good photo op of how great Biden is. We all know how that turned out. American citizens were abandoned because Biden was too weak to bring them home.
I'm sure you or Trump would have done much better. Of course you'd have to get all the Americans out of the entire country with 2,500 troops facing off against 100,000 Taliban.

The US citizens knew that the US would exit Afghanistan in May of 2021 yet they were still there even after Biden delayed the exit until August. How many of these US citizens actually wanted to leave? I'd guess those at NGOs might choose to stay behind.
if Democrats fight wars like they cheat in elections, we would have won in Afghanistan in 1 day!
Instead, they leave our citizens there at the Taliban's mercy, and hand billions of dollars worth of high-tech equipment over to the Taliban (Al Qaeda's allies)....

Hell, Biden even left our Al Qaeda and ISIS prisoners at Bagram, where the Taliban could release them and share the bounty with them !!!

No wonder Bin Laden actually wanted Biden to be President!!!!

Who was in charge to decide that the Taliban determine which people
could enter the airport during the evacuations? That decision alone is total evidence of a complete impending disaster. Had US troops been stationed outside and inside those airport gates, things would’ve gone 200% better with less risk of anti-US militant Islamists getting through who might have paid off Taliban guards.

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