It Begins: Americans / 6 Planes Held Hostage, As Terrorists Refuse To Allow Planes To Take Off

So. . . let me see if I have this correct.

The Taliban won't let folks use their airport b/c the US and the international government won't recognize their government? The same international government that has impounded and confounded their ability to do business in the international community? And this propaganda wants to make them out as the only problem in the relationship?

Oh boy, big surprise.

Look at how the establishment treats our own folks and our own independent media it doesn't deem. . ."legitimate."


Look how the entire establishment treated Trump, hell, nearly half this nation doesn't even believe our own election was legit. . . And now folks in this thread are gobbling up this war propaganda that has links to the MIC?

Either bow to the paradigm of the NWO folks, and their drive to a centralized global government. . . or you shall be enslaved and killed. . . something like that?

Now, of course, I do not hold any of the same values as any of the folks in Afghanistan, but it is their nation, and their culture, so it is their right to do with their state whatever they see fit. Treat them as equals, and am I sure they would cooperate.

With all the dope they sell to 'Progressives', they should be flush with cash already, same as the cartels in Mexico, another favorite group of people Democrats love to finance.
Yeah, the videos of Americans in hiding in Afghanistan, telling how terrorists are hunting for them door to door, are from Americans known to be in Afghanistsn but, reportedly by Psaki, it has not confirmed yet that they truly want to leave...
Where are you seeing these?
Soldiers died in Afghanistan when Trump was president so it is the same thing, just because you can't admit that every president had blood on their hands you will never show people you fully understand what the job of president is all about.
wrong Trump didn’t surrender and leave people behind

he actually saved lives by working out a peace deal, no US service men died in the last year of his term
Xiden undid all that great work…now we have hostages, the deadliest day in a decade…
Now the 'rescued' vermin are sniveling about the food at Ft. Bliss, and hacking old ladies to death in Germany for gardening. Just leave these scum and quit bringing them here; we already have hood rats and wetbacks committing mayhem here, don't need any more homocidal criminal vermin and George Floyd fans.
wrong Trump didn’t surrender and leave people behind

he actually saved lives by working out a peace deal, no US service men died in the last year of his term
Xiden undid all that great work…now we have hostages, the deadliest day in a decade…

He wouldn't have been stupid enough to pull the military out first and close Bagram before they were all out, either. Biden and Democrats really just don't give a shit, is all; they aren't incompetent, they're just scum.
We will have to send troops back into Afghanistan sooner or later. Biden's decision to pull out of Afghanistan will be remembered as his worst.
We will have to send troops back into Afghanistan sooner or later. Biden's decision to pull out of Afghanistan will be remembered as his worst.
all he did was give the terrorist a win, and better position to conjure more acts of terror
The Shah was not given asylum he was allowed to get medical care.

The shah traveled to several countries before entering the United States in October 1979 for medical treatment of his cancer. In Tehran, Islamic militants responded on November 4 by storming the U.S. embassy and taking the staff hostage. With the approval of Khomeini, the militants demanded the return of the shah to Iran to stand trial for his crimes. The United States refused to negotiate, and 52 American hostages were held for 444 days. Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi died in Egypt in July 1980.
nitpicker!!!!!!!!!! ---same outcome-asylum/allowed him in the US
Yes but he didn't abandon anyone

And I feel sorry for the bunny rabbit attack on the fishing lake
Carter abandoned the 52 hostages kidnapped by Iran

Carter abandoned our Ambassador to Afghanistan, who thus got murdered while Carter was president.
I am sure you will rush to the rescue, nah, for you it will be set at a table and type yer perfect existence onto a message board while doing absolutely nothing...You have no intention of ever making anyone but a democrat responsible for the actions of every human on the planet.
Typical liberal, you expect everyone else to fix the problem your fuck up president caused. You relieve Biden of responsibility and place on others. I never imagined you could actually be any more pathetic. Probably the only time in your life you've ever overachieved. Bravo!
The only one waiting for permission was Biden.
He did only what the terrorists allowed him to.

You don't ASK terrorists for permission to get all of your people out...
You can debate if he should have gotten them all out before the Taliban took over but now they control the airport so any flights into or out of the country are under their authority. To fly into a foreign airport without permission is practically an act of war and very dangerous.
You can debate if he should have gotten them all out before the Taliban took over but now they control the airport so any flights into or out of the country are under their authority. To fly into a foreign airport without permission is practically an act of war and very dangerous.
It should have never been allowed to become a situation in which the world's only superpower is obeying the whims of terrorists. The whole reason this disaster unfolded as it did, was Biden and pals wanted good optics. They wanted this to be a quiet little withdrawal and a good photo op of how great Biden is. We all know how that turned out. American citizens were abandoned because Biden was too weak to bring them home.
It should have never been allowed to become a situation in which the world's only superpower is obeying the whims of terrorists. The whole reason this disaster unfolded as it did, was Biden and pals wanted good optics. They wanted this to be a quiet little withdrawal and a good photo op of how great Biden is. We all know how that turned out. American citizens were abandoned because Biden was too weak to bring them home.
xiden lied people died

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