It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

How amazingly stupid of you. Yet you worship the orange whore and laud his attempts to destroy our country. This whole thing is an outright lie on every issue.
Shut up, whore. No one cares what you think.
How amazingly stupid of you. Yet you worship the orange whore and laud his attempts to destroy our country. This whole thing is an outright lie on every issue.
Shut up, whore. No one cares what you think.
And does anyone care about what you think, bigot? No. I'm not shutting up. I don't sell it. Apparently you do. What's with the quasi-military avatar? Are you that desperate to look like a fool?
"Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama" is definitely NOT considered by "all Historians" to be "the must corrupt, and the worst, president in all of American History." This kind of tripe doesn't belong on the internet or anywhere else. President Obama was taught by Laurence Tribe, one of the U.S.'s foremost Constitutional scholars. What is the orange whore's educational background? Remember that he is the one who bragged that he managed not to get an STD stateside when his peers where ducking bullets in Vietnam. He basically admitted out of his own mouth that he was both a whore and a draft-dodger.
Communism, in the end, is about a war against people of faith. Specifically Christianity.

Trust that most appealing aspect of communism or a marxist revolution to everyone on the left is the eradication of Christianity.

In China their marxist revolution that resulted in the eradication of the FOUR OLDS, they accomplished it by seducing the young people. The young people would wear red scarfs showing what side they were on and they would turn in their parents or grandparents. Most of those parents where Christians or people of faith.

This is what we are seeing happening here. Slowly but surely. We are allowing it too.



This is what every Marxist revolution consists of. The seducing of the young, tranforming the culture, doing away with the old ways, and eventually the eradication of Christianity.

Those who dont learn from history.......

Yada yada yada.

Everyones faith has been tested throughout the centuries. What, did we think we would get off scott free from the test?

The hysteria displayed about this issue is easily explained.

Children raised to believe that the world is solely heterosexual will be exposed to the fact that it isnt.

Obviously their bigoted parents will be exposed for the hate filled loons that they are.

Its a shame that the state needs to compensate for the shortcomings of bad parents.

I dont think that they are evil. Just stupid and scared.

The good news is that they are a shrinking minority .

We are more tolerant than our parents and our children are more tolerant than we are.

The world gets better every day.
How else will children learn to be gay if they don’t learn it in school?
Communism, in the end, is about a war against people of faith. Specifically Christianity.

Trust that most appealing aspect of communism or a marxist revolution to everyone on the left is the eradication of Christianity.

In China their marxist revolution that resulted in the eradication of the FOUR OLDS, they accomplished it by seducing the young people. The young people would wear red scarfs showing what side they were on and they would turn in their parents or grandparents. Most of those parents where Christians or people of faith.

This is what we are seeing happening here. Slowly but surely. We are allowing it too.



This is what every Marxist revolution consists of. The seducing of the young, tranforming the culture, doing away with the old ways, and eventually the eradication of Christianity.

Those who dont learn from history.......

Yada yada yada.

Everyones faith has been tested throughout the centuries. What, did we think we would get off scott free from the test?

What are you talking about. I was raised Christian in a predominantly Christian society and I have never heard the likes of the sniveling and complaining coming from people calling themselves Christian as I have heard in the last few years. This reads like the drivel the right-wing evangelicals put out, and they specialize in being drama queens.
Stop the Presses

Children are going to be told their are gay people and families out there and that it is not the end of the world

Parents outraged that their teachings of hate are being contradicted
. Children are going to be TOLD that there is something wrong with them by who "The School" ???

They need a public school to tell them that there is something wrong with them because they didn't know it until they went to the public school ??

So the parents nurture their children's biological male and female make up when raising them, but next it is then interpreted by school officials that the parents were teaching hate to their kids upon their arrival at public school, so the school has to then fix that ??

So if a parent teaches their child not to smoke cigarettes just because someone else does or that they don't have to be a goth person just because someone else is, and that they don't have to be a hippie just because someone else is or that they don't have to be a nerd/brainiac just because someone else is or they don't have to be a political figure just because someone else is, then the parents have done wrong by the child according to a public school board, official or officials ??

Uh freedom of choice should be allowed to flourish on any campus as long as one isn't committing a crime or abusing others. The school should only regulate and/or enforce laws against bullying or criminal activity found in students actions outside the classroom or inside a classroom on campus.

Inside the classroom the government should only be allowed to teach the children the skills needed to land a job in the workforce. Anything outside of such basic skill training should be considered electives in which a student of age is allowed to freely choose an elective, and not be forced to attend if doesn't want to. Anyone under the age of 18 should not be allowed to choose an elective without written parental consent.

Shouldn't sex Ed be an elective that has to come with parental consent ?? Shouldn't the parents be allowed to review the material and teaching/teacher credentials before consenting to their teenage children to be allowed to take the class ?

The schools are not teaching children to be gay
They are letting children know that there are some people in the country who are gay, that some marriages have partners of the same sex, that kids can be gay and that it is alright
They are teaching not to harass or bully someone who is homosexual

Parents are outraged because the hatred of gays they are teaching in the home are being contradicted
Not the governments role to teach the kids anything other than how to become educated enough to get a job period. How the government became a psychiatrist for the students is outright amazing, and how the parents allowed the government to take over the role of raising their children is even more amazing.
Education involves more than the three Rs

School should turn out good citizens. Good citizens do not hate fags
So what. People in history are people in history. Gay. Straight. Whatever. I would have to think that LGBT people participated in making history. I would not think that the inclusion of anyone's sexual orientation in a discussion of historical figures would be important, except for the ongoing tendency to present all people as heterosexual, which serves to marginalize people who are not. Telling children that not everybody is heterosexual is not "indoctrination." It's just teaching them about the real world. I am a heterosexual, not because of some political posturing, but simply because I have always been attracted to males and have not been attracted to females. Life is life, people. Sheesh.
Heteros participated in history in much greater numbers. Teach the children to love heteros instead.

Why "instead"? Why have anything against LGBTs? The world contains LGBTs as well as heterosexuals.
Then make the class about heteros rather than homos. If you can support homos, I can support heteros. Both are sexual preferences.
I support heterosexuals.
I support human beings and all life on earth and the earth itself. We are all Gods and Goddesses, with the exception of the bigots ofcourse
I support heterosexuals.
. I support marriage between a man and a woman. Guess I'm old fashioned now right ?? LOL.
So do I . I am a man married to a woman. But I also support the idea that all people should be able to marry the person who that are romantically and sexually attracted to regardless of the respective gender. To believe otherwise is narrow minded and selfish. Oh, and stupid.

How about cross-species marriage? Bulldogs? Robots? Favorite plant life?
<sob>. Same sex marriage will lead to bestialiy......Its the same thing
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
So you think that teaching children about inventors, artists , politicians, and writers , with a passing mention of their being gay is teaching perversion?? Are you fucking serious???!!:finger3::finger3::finger3:

What is the reason for teaching this in the first place moron? One's sexual fetish is not relevant to one's contribution in invention, art, politics and writing unless their works really are perverted in which case, their works should be banned from public elementary schools.

The reason for teaching that there are different types of people is so nutters won't bully people who are gay and so that maybe some bigotry and ignorance is averted.
. But do these things open up even bigger doorways, and if so then what comes through those doorways ?? The civil rights deal was all done in good faith, but some have taken advantage of the doorways created in order to get closer to their supposed enemy instead of making peace with that old enemy. The trojan horse effect must always be considered when attempting to bring large or smaller groups together if ends in a lop-sided way.
So what. People in history are people in history. Gay. Straight. Whatever. I would have to think that LGBT people participated in making history. I would not think that the inclusion of anyone's sexual orientation in a discussion of historical figures would be important, except for the ongoing tendency to present all people as heterosexual, which serves to marginalize people who are not. Telling children that not everybody is heterosexual is not "indoctrination." It's just teaching them about the real world. I am a heterosexual, not because of some political posturing, but simply because I have always been attracted to males and have not been attracted to females. Life is life, people. Sheesh.
Heteros participated in history in much greater numbers. Teach the children to love heteros instead.

Why "instead"? Why have anything against LGBTs? The world contains LGBTs as well as heterosexuals.
Then make the class about heteros rather than homos. If you can support homos, I can support heteros. Both are sexual preferences.

It's not a class "about" sexual orientation. It' a class "about" history. It's a class about people whose actions were sufficiently meritorious to warrant remembering. This is not an either-or-situation. I "support" people of all orientations. Your attempt to pretend that LGBT folks don't exist is odd. What are you people fishing for?
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
Sally Ride was married to fellow astronaut Steve Hawley. There is only one point to accusing the woman of being a lesbian so long after her death. She can't speak up for herself.
So what. People in history are people in history. Gay. Straight. Whatever. I would have to think that LGBT people participated in making history. I would not think that the inclusion of anyone's sexual orientation in a discussion of historical figures would be important, except for the ongoing tendency to present all people as heterosexual, which serves to marginalize people who are not. Telling children that not everybody is heterosexual is not "indoctrination." It's just teaching them about the real world. I am a heterosexual, not because of some political posturing, but simply because I have always been attracted to males and have not been attracted to females. Life is life, people. Sheesh.
Heteros participated in history in much greater numbers. Teach the children to love heteros instead.

Why "instead"? Why have anything against LGBTs? The world contains LGBTs as well as heterosexuals.
Then make the class about heteros rather than homos. If you can support homos, I can support heteros. Both are sexual preferences.

It's not a class "about" sexual orientation. It' a class "about" history. It's a class about people whose actions were sufficiently meritorious to warrant remembering. This is not an either-or-situation. I "support" people of all orientations. Your attempt to pretend that LGBT folks don't exist is odd. What are you people fishing for?
The exact same thing you are fishing for. The same class except for heteros.

Why would you think homos are special and deserving over heteros? Do you also think blacks are special and deserving over whites? Women over men?
How amazingly stupid of you. Yet you worship the orange whore and laud his attempts to destroy our country. This whole thing is an outright lie on every issue.
Shut up, whore. No one cares what you think.
And does anyone care about what you think, bigot? No. I'm not shutting up. I don't sell it. Apparently you do. What's with the quasi-military avatar? Are you that desperate to look like a fool?
"Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama" is definitely NOT considered by "all Historians" to be "the must corrupt, and the worst, president in all of American History." This kind of tripe doesn't belong on the internet or anywhere else. President Obama was taught by Laurence Tribe, one of the U.S.'s foremost Constitutional scholars. What is the orange whore's educational background? Remember that he is the one who bragged that he managed not to get an STD stateside when his peers where ducking bullets in Vietnam. He basically admitted out of his own mouth that he was both a whore and a draft-dodger.
. Wonder if Lawrence Tribe new the reason Obama wanted to learn the Constitution ?? If he would have, then he might have opted out. Obama learned it in order to know how he could get around it.
I support human beings and all life on earth and the earth itself. We are all Gods and Goddesses, with the exception of the bigots ofcourse
I support heterosexuals.
. I support marriage between a man and a woman. Guess I'm old fashioned now right ?? LOL.
So do I . I am a man married to a woman. But I also support the idea that all people should be able to marry the person who that are romantically and sexually attracted to regardless of the respective gender. To believe otherwise is narrow minded and selfish. Oh, and stupid.

How about cross-species marriage? Bulldogs? Robots? Favorite plant life?
<sob>. Same sex marriage will lead to bestialiy......Its the same thing

Hey buddy, rights is rights, eh? Or so y'all say. :laugh:
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
The agenda is to show that gays are no longer lurking in the shadows unseen by society. Gays are productive members of society who actually accomplish great things
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
The agenda is to show that gays are no longer lurking in the shadows unseen by society. Gays are productive members of society who actually accomplish great things

It's being done in a very heavy-handed way, and it is being aimed at younger children. As such, it appears to be more about social engineering than anything else.

As per usual, here , there seems to be no middle ground between the radical right railing away about "perversion" and the radical left that has no problem with using schools as a vehicle for their political aims rather than for education.

Identity politics is what got Trump elected. You want another Trump, do you? Just keep on intensifying it and the back lash will be palpable.
How amazingly stupid of you. Yet you worship the orange whore and laud his attempts to destroy our country. This whole thing is an outright lie on every issue.
Shut up, whore. No one cares what you think.
And does anyone care about what you think, bigot? No. I'm not shutting up. I don't sell it. Apparently you do. What's with the quasi-military avatar? Are you that desperate to look like a fool?
"Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama" is definitely NOT considered by "all Historians" to be "the must corrupt, and the worst, president in all of American History." This kind of tripe doesn't belong on the internet or anywhere else. President Obama was taught by Laurence Tribe, one of the U.S.'s foremost Constitutional scholars. What is the orange whore's educational background? Remember that he is the one who bragged that he managed not to get an STD stateside when his peers where ducking bullets in Vietnam. He basically admitted out of his own mouth that he was both a whore and a draft-dodger.
. Wonder if Lawrence Tribe new the reason Obama wanted to learn the Constitution ?? If he would have, then he might have opted out. Obama learned it in order to know how he could get around it.

I don't think so, or Prof. Tribe would not have written the following:
LAURENCE TRIBE: The Steadiness And Grace Of President Obama

Moreover, President Obama never did anything to "get around" the Constitution.

BTW: love your avator. You horsey-set guys seem to be still lusting are John Wayne after all these years. It's a hoot.

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