It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

Corrupting the morals of a minor used to be universally considered to be a very serious crime. Now, it's a plank in the Democratic Party's platform, and the legislated policy of the State of California.
. In the Bible it speaks on the teaching of the children to sin, and how it would be best for a person to place a talent around their neck, and to sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean than to teach a child to sin.

Not a talent. A millstone. A talent was, I believe, a coin. A millstone is a big, heavy, round piece of rock with a hole in it, that, if it were put around someone's neck, would guarantee that that person would drown if tossed into the sea.

Matthew 18:6: But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Certainly an apropos treatment of anyone who would willingly take part in, defend, or advocate the teaching of homosexual/transgender filth to chidlren.
. Yep your right.. A millstone.. Not sure where I got talent from.. Hmm, was the two stones that had the commandments on them called talent's ?
Corrupting the morals of a minor used to be universally considered to be a very serious crime. Now, it's a plank in the Democratic Party's platform, and the legislated policy of the State of California.
. In the Bible it speaks on the teaching of the children to sin, and how it would be best for a person to place a talent around their neck, and to sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean than to teach a child to sin.

Not a talent. A millstone. A talent was, I believe, a coin. A millstone is a big, heavy, round piece of rock with a hole in it, that, if it were put around someone's neck, would guarantee that that person would drown if tossed into the sea.

Matthew 18:6: But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Certainly an apropos treatment of anyone who would willingly take part in, defend, or advocate the teaching of homosexual/transgender filth to chidlren.
. Yep your right.. A millstone.. Not sure where I got talent from.. Hmm, was the two stones that had the commandments on them called talent's ?
If there is an actual gay person in history that accomplished something great (and I don't mean rumors about the person possibly being a gay person, but an ACTUAL gay person who admitted to such), then I wouldn't have a problem with them teaching us about that person. HOWEVER, when we talk about historical figures, we don't refer to them as heterosexual or homosexual because THAT is not the goddamn point!

It is a relevant point when you try to show that gays are not outcasts in our society and that they do contribute....helps erase the hate
Minority rule is never a good path. Ask Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and South Africa.

Republicans rule this country from a minority
. You've been watching to much of a specific MSM for whom has pumped up the idea that the conservatives are in the minority. Try changing the channel sometimes.

Trump received fewer votes than his opponent
In the House of Representatives, Republican members have received fewer total votes than Democrats, in the Senate, Democratic states have more population than Republican states

Republicans rule from a minority. They do not have the peoples support

Private school time

Interesting point. Giving your response, one could argue this law effects the poor more than the wealthy. How will that sit with the left in California?
It sets fine with this lefty because it is not a negative effect that we are talking about. Of course no one would know that from the hysteria based on misinformation and outright lies on the part of the bigots, and, yes the morons.

The law is intended to instill in children, the fact that every group makes valuable contributions to society and that they should be shown respect and recognition. Any one who doesn't get that is an flaming idiot and those of you who pretend not to get it are liars, bigots and fear mongers.

Bad combo you got there, angry and touchy.
So you think that teaching children about inventors, artists , politicians, and writers , with a passing mention of their being gay is teaching perversion?? Are you fucking serious???!!:finger3::finger3::finger3:

What is the reason for teaching this in the first place moron? One's sexual fetish is not relevant to one's contribution in invention, art, politics and writing unless their works really are perverted in which case, their works should be banned from public elementary schools.

The reason for teaching that there are different types of people is so nutters won't bully people who are gay and so that maybe some bigotry and ignorance is averted.
Private school time

Interesting point. Giving your response, one could argue this law effects the poor more than the wealthy. How will that sit with the left in California?
It sets fine with this lefty because it is not a negative effect that we are talking about. Of course no one would know that from the hysteria based on misinformation and outright lies on the part of the bigots, and, yes the morons.

The law is intended to instill in children, the fact that every group makes valuable contributions to society and that they should be shown respect and recognition. Any one who doesn't get that is an flaming idiot and those of you who pretend not to get it are liars, bigots and fear mongers.
Dude. You have no credibility. You call anyone who doesn't agree with you a bigot.

It’s not just him. It’s all of those like him who realize they have nothing left but name calling and labeling.

But you can show those kids a few pink dildos in first grade, and tell them how to glue on a penis how to use it etc....
So what. People in history are people in history. Gay. Straight. Whatever. I would have to think that LGBT people participated in making history. I would not think that the inclusion of anyone's sexual orientation in a discussion of historical figures would be important, except for the ongoing tendency to present all people as heterosexual, which serves to marginalize people who are not. Telling children that not everybody is heterosexual is not "indoctrination." It's just teaching them about the real world. I am a heterosexual, not because of some political posturing, but simply because I have always been attracted to males and have not been attracted to females. Life is life, people. Sheesh.
You’re missing the point, why not make such a class an opt in? you know voluntary. Why force parents to put their kids through a bunch of shit they want nothing to do with.
Fuck the collective
So you think that teaching children about inventors, artists , politicians, and writers , with a passing mention of their being gay is teaching perversion?? Are you fucking serious???!!:finger3::finger3::finger3:

What is the reason for teaching this in the first place moron? One's sexual fetish is not relevant to one's contribution in invention, art, politics and writing unless their works really are perverted in which case, their works should be banned from public elementary schools.

The reason for teaching that there are different types of people is so nutters won't bully people who are gay and so that maybe some bigotry and ignorance is averted.
Bullys bully anyone. Stop being a victim.
And you're going to indoctrinate children into believing in a god that ordered the murder of all first born babies, the murder of entire tribes, and the murder of most of humanity with the great flood.

Where exactly does LBGT even start to measure up to the evil of your religion mindwars?

Oh'yesss, you're doing this shit because you want to KILL LGBT people as you're a fucking monster.
Private school time

Interesting point. Giving your response, one could argue this law effects the poor more than the wealthy. How will that sit with the left in California?
It sets fine with this lefty because it is not a negative effect that we are talking about. Of course no one would know that from the hysteria based on misinformation and outright lies on the part of the bigots, and, yes the morons.

The law is intended to instill in children, the fact that every group makes valuable contributions to society and that they should be shown respect and recognition. Any one who doesn't get that is an flaming idiot and those of you who pretend not to get it are liars, bigots and fear mongers.
Dude. You have no credibility. You call anyone who doesn't agree with you a bigot.

It’s not just him. It’s all of those like him who realize they have nothing left but name calling and labeling.
It's not quite that simple. But I respect the sentiment.
So what. People in history are people in history. Gay. Straight. Whatever. I would have to think that LGBT people participated in making history. I would not think that the inclusion of anyone's sexual orientation in a discussion of historical figures would be important, except for the ongoing tendency to present all people as heterosexual, which serves to marginalize people who are not. Telling children that not everybody is heterosexual is not "indoctrination." It's just teaching them about the real world. I am a heterosexual, not because of some political posturing, but simply because I have always been attracted to males and have not been attracted to females. Life is life, people. Sheesh.
Heteros participated in history in much greater numbers. Teach the children to love heteros instead.

Why "instead"? Why have anything against LGBTs? The world contains LGBTs as well as heterosexuals.
So you think that teaching children about inventors, artists , politicians, and writers , with a passing mention of their being gay is teaching perversion?? Are you fucking serious???!!:finger3::finger3::finger3:

What is the reason for teaching this in the first place moron? One's sexual fetish is not relevant to one's contribution in invention, art, politics and writing unless their works really are perverted in which case, their works should be banned from public elementary schools.

The reason for teaching that there are different types of people is so nutters won't bully people who are gay and so that maybe some bigotry and ignorance is averted.
Bullys bully anyone. Stop being a victim.
And you're going to indoctrinate children into believing in a god that ordered the murder of all first born babies, the murder of entire tribes, and the murder of most of humanity with the great flood.

Where exactly does LBGT even start to measure up to the evil of your religion mindwars?

Oh'yesss, you're doing this shit because you want to KILL LGBT people as you're a fucking monster.
tenor (3).gif
So what. People in history are people in history. Gay. Straight. Whatever. I would have to think that LGBT people participated in making history. I would not think that the inclusion of anyone's sexual orientation in a discussion of historical figures would be important, except for the ongoing tendency to present all people as heterosexual, which serves to marginalize people who are not. Telling children that not everybody is heterosexual is not "indoctrination." It's just teaching them about the real world. I am a heterosexual, not because of some political posturing, but simply because I have always been attracted to males and have not been attracted to females. Life is life, people. Sheesh.
. Not the governments job nor should it be to teach anything of the sort. Y'all Yap about rights and such, but give parents none eh ?? How parents would give up the right to their children is flat outright amazing really.

Teaching that people exist? It's up to the parents to teach their kids about whatever people the parents don't like for whatever reason.

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