It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

Why does that unholy shit have to be taught in schools fer chrissakes? Parents are supposed to teach their kids about sex, not sick perversion. By the time kids are 12 years old they learn that crap from one another. I sure as hell don't want my kids to learn about the birds and the bees from some flaming faggot.
Kids are taught about all sorts of stuff in schools. For example - nazis,slavery,evolution.
Should these be taken out of the curriculum because some parents are uncomfortable with the subject matter ?
Lifestyle choices should be 100 percent voluntary by the parents. Forcing your sick shit on them makes no sense.
A Libertarian! That explains a lot. Maybe the parents should just determine the entire curriculum and do away with the school boards? Oh, and what about the rights of parents who do want their kids to learn about LGBT history??The problem with that though is that you will have any many different ideas as to what should be taught as there are parents. Maybe we van have one child per class. Do you see the folly you positionI'm waiting or just one person to provide an honest and rational answer to the question of what harm is done by this being taught.

I see no folly in my position. It's just that your opinion differs from mine. You have no ethical or moral high ground to judge from, nor do I. I'm simply stating I will not allow the state to usurp parental rights.You disagree. So be it.
Again, what about the rights of the parents who want LGBT history taught. ? You can't have an opt out unless you have two versions of the same text book. You want to usurp the rights of others.
“LGBT history” should be an absolute opt in, Parents and their kids that want nothing to do with it should have absolutely no exposure to the suck shit.
What is wrong with that?
Unless your a control freak...
Anyone interested in "LGBT history" is already mentally handicapped. Put 'em in special ed.
The tide of history is with those progressives who want an educated and enlightened world.

We are winning everywhere.

Those of you screaming at the moon are in a minority that shrinks every year.

In your family you will have gay men and women.

Why not step away from your prehistoric bullshit and show them some respect ?

Is mutual respect too much for you ?
lifestyle is a choice, Keep your sick shit to yourselves, no reason to force it on other people
A Libertarian! That explains a lot. Maybe the parents should just determine the entire curriculum and do away with the school boards? Oh, and what about the rights of parents who do want their kids to learn about LGBT history??The problem with that though is that you will have any many different ideas as to what should be taught as there are parents. Maybe we van have one child per class. Do you see the folly you positionI'm waiting or just one person to provide an honest and rational answer to the question of what harm is done by this being taught.

I see no folly in my position. It's just that your opinion differs from mine. You have no ethical or moral high ground to judge from, nor do I. I'm simply stating I will not allow the state to usurp parental rights.You disagree. So be it.
Again, what about the rights of the parents who want LGBT history taught. ? You can't have an opt out unless you have two versions of the same text book. You want to usurp the rights of others.
“LGBT history” should be an absolute opt in, Parents and their kids that want nothing to do with it should have absolutely no exposure to the suck shit.
What is wrong with that?
Unless your a control freak...
Anyone interested in "LGBT history" is already mentally handicapped. Put 'em in special ed.
They can molest the water heads.
“LGBT history” should be an absolute opt in, Parents and their kids that want nothing to do with it should have absolutely no exposure to the suck shit.
What is wrong with that?
Unless your a control freak...

LGBT history should be taught in a separate special ed classroom away from the normal children. It's really not about control but rather about not making aberrant behavior seem normal.
So what. People in history are people in history. Gay. Straight. Whatever. I would have to think that LGBT people participated in making history. I would not think that the inclusion of anyone's sexual orientation in a discussion of historical figures would be important, except for the ongoing tendency to present all people as heterosexual, which serves to marginalize people who are not. Telling children that not everybody is heterosexual is not "indoctrination." It's just teaching them about the real world. I am a heterosexual, not because of some political posturing, but simply because I have always been attracted to males and have not been attracted to females. Life is life, people. Sheesh.
So what. People in history are people in history. Gay. Straight. Whatever. I would have to think that LGBT people participated in making history. I would not think that the inclusion of anyone's sexual orientation in a discussion of historical figures would be important, except for the ongoing tendency to present all people as heterosexual, which serves to marginalize people who are not. Telling children that not everybody is heterosexual is not "indoctrination." It's just teaching them about the real world. I am a heterosexual, not because of some political posturing, but simply because I have always been attracted to males and have not been attracted to females. Life is life, people. Sheesh.
Heteros participated in history in much greater numbers. Teach the children to love heteros instead.
The parents that want this crap taught to their kids should be able to opt in, But the parents that don’t want anything to do with this crap should not have their kids exposed to it.

Yeah, maybe the schools can set up a 'speical ed' class for those sexually handicapped kids whose parents haven't told them what sex they really are.
. Sad, sad situation...
A Libertarian! That explains a lot. Maybe the parents should just determine the entire curriculum and do away with the school boards? Oh, and what about the rights of parents who do want their kids to learn about LGBT history??The problem with that though is that you will have any many different ideas as to what should be taught as there are parents. Maybe we van have one child per class. Do you see the folly you positionI'm waiting or just one person to provide an honest and rational answer to the question of what harm is done by this being taught.

I see no folly in my position. It's just that your opinion differs from mine. You have no ethical or moral high ground to judge from, nor do I. I'm simply stating I will not allow the state to usurp parental rights.You disagree. So be it.
Again, what about the rights of the parents who want LGBT history taught. ? You can't have an opt out unless you have two versions of the same text book. You want to usurp the rights of others.
“LGBT history” should be an absolute opt in, Parents and their kids that want nothing to do with it should have absolutely no exposure to the suck shit.
What is wrong with that?
Unless your a control freak...
Anyone interested in "LGBT history" is already mentally handicapped. Put 'em in special ed.
They can molest the water heads.
. Tragic..
So what. People in history are people in history. Gay. Straight. Whatever. I would have to think that LGBT people participated in making history. I would not think that the inclusion of anyone's sexual orientation in a discussion of historical figures would be important, except for the ongoing tendency to present all people as heterosexual, which serves to marginalize people who are not. Telling children that not everybody is heterosexual is not "indoctrination." It's just teaching them about the real world. I am a heterosexual, not because of some political posturing, but simply because I have always been attracted to males and have not been attracted to females. Life is life, people. Sheesh.
. Not the governments job nor should it be to teach anything of the sort. Y'all Yap about rights and such, but give parents none eh ?? How parents would give up the right to their children is flat outright amazing really.
Don't you get tired taking up space here by saying stupid, pointless shit that in no way contributes to the topic?
I support heterosexuals.
I support human beings and all life on earth and the earth itself. We are all Gods and Goddesses, with the exception of the bigots ofcourse
I support heterosexuals.
. I support marriage between a man and a woman. Guess I'm old fashioned now right ?? LOL.
So do I . I am a man married to a woman. But I also support the idea that all people should be able to marry the person who that are romantically and sexually attracted to regardless of the respective gender. To believe otherwise is narrow minded and selfish. Oh, and stupid.
You are dumb.
Corrupting the morals of a minor used to be universally considered to be a very serious crime. Now, it's a plank in the Democratic Party's platform, and the legislated policy of the State of California.
A Libertarian! That explains a lot. Maybe the parents should just determine the entire curriculum and do away with the school boards? Oh, and what about the rights of parents who do want their kids to learn about LGBT history??The problem with that though is that you will have any many different ideas as to what should be taught as there are parents. Maybe we van have one child per class. Do you see the folly you positionI'm waiting or just one person to provide an honest and rational answer to the question of what harm is done by this being taught.

I see no folly in my position. It's just that your opinion differs from mine. You have no ethical or moral high ground to judge from, nor do I. I'm simply stating I will not allow the state to usurp parental rights.You disagree. So be it.
Again, what about the rights of the parents who want LGBT history taught. ? You can't have an opt out unless you have two versions of the same text book. You want to usurp the rights of others.
“LGBT history” should be an absolute opt in, Parents and their kids that want nothing to do with it should have absolutely no exposure to the suck shit.
What is wrong with that?
Unless your a control freak...
Anyone interested in "LGBT history" is already mentally handicapped. Put 'em in special ed.

Well this is one thing we have to blame Reagan on..

If he didn't get rid of mental hospital's we wouldn't of had this problem all the parents of these werido's would of had a lobotomy preformed on their werid kids.. like papa Joe did with his daughter.
I support heterosexuals.
I support human beings and all life on earth and the earth itself. We are all Gods and Goddesses, with the exception of the bigots ofcourse
I support heterosexuals.
. I support marriage between a man and a woman. Guess I'm old fashioned now right ?? LOL.
So do I . I am a man married to a woman. But I also support the idea that all people should be able to marry the person who that are romantically and sexually attracted to regardless of the respective gender. To believe otherwise is narrow minded and selfish. Oh, and stupid.
You are dumb.

Yup he can't figure out why his 'wife' has an Adams apple ..
Corrupting the morals of a minor used to be universally considered to be a very serious crime. Now, it's a plank in the Democratic Party's platform, and the legislated policy of the State of California.
. In the Bible it speaks on the teaching of the children to sin, and how it would be best for a person to place a talent around their neck, and to sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean than to teach a child to sin.
There was a time where people didn't want their kids being "indoctrinated" by racial integration either.

Perhaps just maybe, schools are trying to make the future generation a bit more tolerant of others.

Comparing racial prejudice to faggotry is absolutely pathetic. You can't change the tint of your skin b ut no one needs to know if you prefer sex with someone of their own gender, moron.
Corrupting the morals of a minor used to be universally considered to be a very serious crime. Now, it's a plank in the Democratic Party's platform, and the legislated policy of the State of California.
. In the Bible it speaks on the teaching of the children to sin, and how it would be best for a person to place a talent around their neck, and to sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean than to teach a child to sin.

Not a talent. A millstone. A talent was, I believe, a coin. A millstone is a big, heavy, round piece of rock with a hole in it, that, if it were put around someone's neck, would guarantee that that person would drown if tossed into the sea.

Matthew 18:6: But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Certainly an apropos treatment of anyone who would willingly take part in, defend, or advocate the teaching of homosexual/transgender or other sexually-perverted filth to children.
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Comparing racial prejudice to faggotry is absolutely pathetic. You can't change the tint of your skin but no one needs to know if you prefer sex with someone of their own gender, moron.

And racist as well. The implication is that being of a certain race is comparable to being a degenerate, immoral sexual pervert.

Those on the left wrong are fond of falsely accusing those of us on the right of being racist, but they often enough demonstrate who the real racists are.
Corrupting the morals of a minor used to be universally considered to be a very serious crime. Now, it's a plank in the Democratic Party's platform, and the legislated policy of the State of California.
. In the Bible it speaks on the teaching of the children to sin, and how it would be best for a person to place a talent around their neck, and to sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean than to teach a child to sin.

Not a talent. A millstone. A talent was, I believe, a coin. A millstone is a big, heavy, round piece of rock with a hole in it, that, if it were put around someone's neck, would guarantee that that person would drown if tossed into the sea.

Matthew 18:6: But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Certainly an apropos treatment of anyone who would willingly take part in, defend, or advocate the teaching of homosexual/transgender filth to chidlren.
The bible says fags are reprobate. Fags are not the only reprobates, but they are the worst.
Comparing racial prejudice to faggotry is absolutely pathetic. You can't change the tint of your skin but no one needs to know if you prefer sex with someone of their own gender, moron.

And racist as well. The implication is that being of a certain race is comparable to being a degenerate, immoral sexual pervert.
White people need to be "racist" right now.

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